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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2017 in all areas

  1. Ahh, the things you hear in the bar.
    4 points
  2. Also worth asking, is there any good reason for them being able to access EVA? Im not familiar with mechanics but if they need an EVA suit, they could have their own in the mechanic shop, like the paramedic or sec space pod pilot have.
    2 points
  3. Name: Kato Terrance Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Tajaran Blood Type:AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Security Head of Security Captain Biography: [Clearance Level: General] Is a oddly large and rather friendly Tajaran who takes up non of the normal traits or religious beliefs that a Tajaran normally takes with them for their life. If you ask him about his life he'll tell you he hasn't experienced it enough to give you any sort of stories [Clearance Level: Security] His records states he is genetically augmented to be rather large and dangerous making him the perfect rule for security jobs and higher ranking position when protection is concerned. [Clearance level: CentCom] He was made in a far off research station using a specific experimental method deemed as "The God Theory" The god theory takes odd organic matter and injects it into a computer where a bunch of algorithms randomizes everything from to create new DNA under certain parameters give to the computer. Subject is deemed perfect in a genetically sense and in a technical sense, His DNA has no flaws in it whatsoever his body is perfectly mirrored from the right to the left. Nothing is out of place, he has extensive augmentations which could easily be listed but would take a while to finish doing so. He is under going testing to gauge his abilities onboard the NSS Cyberiad. Qualifications: Robotics, Security, Basic Engineering, Basic Medical and Basic Surgery, Extensive energy based and Firearms training, Tactics, Warfare Employment Records: N/A Security Records: N/A Medical Records: N/A Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Stands at Seven foot and weighs in around 300 to 400 pounds of muscle and fluffy, his eyes are baby blue and stand out rather well. Though normally just looks like a normal Tajaran of a tiger variety. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: (To be tweaked and worked on)
    1 point
  4. That sounds like a fun event, especially this close to Halloween. Who doesn't love a good old fashioned zombie apocalypse?
    1 point
  5. So, I scrapped the old project, but, like a hydra, two more ideas popped up! Expect some pencil and paper sketches here soon!
    1 point
  6. Name: Katiki Age: 28 (biological) Gender: Male Race: Vox Blood Type: AB- General Occupational Role(s): Medical, Engineering, Science Qualifications: Medical: Master Engineering: Expert Science: Skilled Command: Skilled Employement Records: Katiki was presumably first born on the Arkship 'Sunheat Leviathan' and made to be a combination of Medical Doctor and Engineer which is usual for Vox Engineers with a specialization on Biotechnology. He was tasked with the challenge of maintaining the health of the Vox on the Arkship which underwent recent cybernetic augmentation. His quarters were reportedly cluttered with medical records of fellow Primalis and design blueprints for new cybernetics. He was unusually unenergetic for a young Vox, unlike his kin. Due to a shortage of skipjack crew in a recent generation on the Arkship he was put into use as skipjack Engineer, given the task to treat injuries and maintain the ship itself, he's been dubbed as "Healing-Claw" during his time on the crew simply for being a outstanding Doctor. Him and the crew were usuall seen around the Tau Ceti system, which was populated by traders and merchants. Most of his time on the skipjack were spent with devising plans on how to subtetly raid the next trader ship or more uncommonly a entire station. His career ended with a raid on a presumed civilian trade vessel which was a disguised NanoTrasen military vessel, the Vox raiders on board of the NanoTrasen vessel were immediately noticed and the skipjack subsequently boarded where Katiki has been captured. He's been forced to accept a contract to pay up for the damages he and his crew caused in the raids of NanoTrasen trader vessels, his former crew members were placed on other NanoTrasen stations to avoid conflict. Since then he's been working at NSS Cyberiad, he stil maintained his past knowledge of Medical and Engineering and is commonly seen as a Doctor, Engineer or Roboticist and sometimes even in Command positions. He's not all to happy about his situation of forced labour and is mostly seen as 'moody' by non-kin, yet has an overwhelming attachment to his other kin, especially to another crew member called 'Kakicharakiti'. Security Records: As almost all his kin, he's a frequent kleptomaniac, many things seem to disappear when he's around. He's been reported to simply pass through rooms, subsequently resulting in the entire room being cleared of all its equipment. As to how this happens is still a mystery. Medical Records: He has major issues with being transplanted foreign objects not of mechanical nature and would refuse to accept such transplantations even if so would leave him crippled as to maintain 'Voxxidity'. Otherwise he's as physically and mentally healthy as a Vox can get. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): He's standing at pretty much the average height for a vox, but a bit taller. His blue quills shine in the light, matching the coluor of his eyes His beak has a little jag in it but looks quite pristine. Only his claws have a few visible burn marks. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Skrek.
    1 point
  7. And thus, a successful Proposal!
    1 point
  8. I laughed here and then disregarded your suggestion.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Are we allowed to lynch mimes who speak using sign language? I even detest mimes who dare write things. May as well have not been a mime. I like to think that my role as a mime is not vital to the station so if I'm incapable of communicating something through mimery then I need to get better.
    1 point
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