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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2017 in all areas

  1. SO. I actually LIKE to play janitor. Be it borg or a non-borg one. I would like to suggest some improvements to make the station actually cleaner more often: Make certain items from vendors etc which are not able to be picked up / recycled able to be recycled Make it so that the trash bag can fit on the janibelt, even if it is filled. Increase standard trash bag capacity? Spawn a " Trash Cart" (green cart which can be found in gateway sometimes) in the janitorial closet. The janitor can go around with that, collecting trash other than cleaning blood, etc. Make a filthy station more hazardous for the crew. Infections with worse consequences, more breed of mice/lizards/etc. Other suggestions? Thoughts?
    3 points
  2. Only if you can do this
    2 points
  3. Quick n dirty beginning to a dark tale.
    2 points
  4. This is the British Strikeforce getting geared up by a spooky skeleton who would give us several choices to choose from. I was given a choice between a rocket launcher with 6 rockets or four X4's. Kitchi, who was miraculously also there got a choice between two ARs or two MGL-90's. Other choices included a tommy gun that shot .357 rounds or an LMG that shot shotgun shells, a combat borg or a medical borg, whether to take the ship or the pod, weather to notify the crew and get an extra guy, or go stealth, what type of suits to wear, whether to destroy telecomms or gravity, and a few others that I forgot. Lastly we got to choose our British sounding names. I was Reginald D. Poppycock. I think next time I would choose to go silent, because going loud gave them a lot of opportunity to get guns from cargo as well as Durands. The second picture is just a small portion of the carnage caused by the first and second wave of Brits, which I was also part of, and during which I fumbled my way through setting up a nuke for the first time. All in all, it was a blast. Thanks admins.
    2 points
  5. You know, playing as a mute character in the game got me thinking. Is it possible to implement sign language into the game? You know, like the same way you pick another language, but a new option? I think it'll be awesome~! For me at least
    1 point
  6. Do you want Space Ants? because that's how you get Space Ants.
    1 point
  7. Now, I've never worked with BYOND code before, but if we were using, say, the unity engine, you'd just have to define an area and assign it a variable, then designate certain objects as trash/vomit/blood/oil, then have THOSE be variables too, and have the area variable equal the total trash/vomit/blood/oil variables added together. Simpler than it sounds.
    1 point
  8. Quick revival here. The page on cultists is in need of a few minor updates, namely the cult runes. For example the rune of dimensional rending is now excluding other eldritch deities, it fails to include the rune for summoning the slaughter demons, some of the names are just outdated, the rune for conversion and the rune for talisman making are both called the rite of binding.
    1 point
  9. So, I scrapped the old project, but, like a hydra, two more ideas popped up! Expect some pencil and paper sketches here soon!
    1 point
  10. And thus, a successful Proposal!
    1 point
  11. Shout out to my fellow sec mains for puting up with this
    1 point
  12. Literally anyone who gets 45 kp but doesn't get vox:
    1 point
  13. 0 points
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