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    6 points
  2. I like sandwiches. Bacon and Cheese Sandwiches for breakfast. Those junk plates people leave behind when eating spaghetti are useful too. You can combine disparate parts into a legitimately delicious sounding and filling meal. For example, combining eggs, bacon and fries on a plate will make an eggs-bacon-space fries meal, which you can the rename to something more appealing with a pen.
    3 points
  3. What kind of a dipshit murderhobo would punch someone to near death in their workplace over anything.
    2 points
  4. What else should an opt out be added into next? First cloning, now mutadone? Next it'll be an opt out for all healing meds because "my character wouldn't go see a doctor." If you want to play a mute character the fine, but why do we need a snowflakey opt-out functionality that will be used by less players than I have fingers. You could just not use the chat?
    2 points
  5. Devil agents were recently tested and feedback was requested, so I have compiled a list of priority fixes and changes required to make the game mode more playable, and also to suggest some in-depth modifications, and to open a discussion and suggestion thread for others to contribute to. First let me explain and describe just what Devil Agents are for those who don't know: Several crew are secretly devil agents who have the power to offer infernal contracts to crew which grants them certain powers or abilities in exchange for their soul (not having a soul means you cannot be revived which is the only downside). The devil agents seek to acquire many souls in order to become more powerful (with objectives like outdoing fellow devil agents or to acquire certain minimum numbers of souls). Killing a Devil agent is made easy through IC knowledge of various RNG decided facts about each devil agent (such as their secret true name, a specific chemical or materiel weakness, or something they are obligated to always do) that require a lot of IC work to acquire. As devil agents get more souls, they change form and gain more abilities, eventually becoming an ascended shadowling-like god that murders everything while a 3 minute shuttle is called. The main thrust of the round centers around devils offering deals to crew via actual interesting role-play, which is why many of us would love to see the game mode enter the rotation. Here is a list of basic fixes: 1) Solve general ressurection bugs (especially involving IPCs). 2) Replace hellfire with something more useful (non inherently violent escape mechanic preferably). 3) Replace the fireball spell (given in the magic deal) for something less accident prone. 4) Port the "friendship" deal. 5) Alter final ascension from a 3 minute shuttle + murder boning to something non-round ending (make them the ruler of the station, for instance) 6) Modify self-ressurection to force the devil agent automatically into infernal jaunt mode (if they have it) so they may escape repeated killings in the chapel (also makes the RP-IC ways of stopping them more essential). 7) apply a 1-3 minute cooldown to the infernal contract spell to prevent devils spamming contracts to groups (especially where another devil could share in the deals) and to give time for more verbal interaction between devil and the would be contracted. 8) modify the "lust" sin-touch objective to be non-sexual (make it lust for power or something) ---------------------------------------------------------- The main problem with the devil agent round type as a whole is that it lacks formal structure from the perspective of security and those who have sold their soul; security won't need to valid the agents if they no longer ascend into murder-boners, but they still need a clear cut procedure for dealing with devil agents and those who have sold their soul. In general, the round devolves into chaos as people run around selling and re-selling their souls while a dumbstruck security is overwhelmed by confusion. In order to address this issue, I propose the following: 1) Heads of staff are the natural opposition to devil agents (in addition to the IAA and librarian). They should be able to somehow detect people who lacks a soul (if it's not obvious), not be able to sell their own soul (let's say that NT already extracted it for safe keeping!), and essentially have motivation (green-text maybe?) to prevent too many souls from being accumulated by devil agents. Because NT does own all the souls, the heads of staff should have the right to forcefully remind them where their immortal soul truly belongs (force their soul back into their body by hitting them with their employment contract). Not only does this create a core group of people interested in tracking and cataloguing devil agents, their weaknesses, and preventing ascension (which will enable significant interaction and organic RP), but it also makes clear whose job it is to take action against devil activity. Security should be able to sell their souls (save for the HoS), making them inherently neutral toward peaceful devil agents. 2) When being re-soul'd (being struck with your record of employment) you must wait 15 minutes before your soul will be actually pried away from the devil agent who bought it. During this time the devil agent will be notified of what is happening, and so may choose to try and kill you before they lose your soul. This creates a risk for those who choose to sell their soul and a bigger risk for those who want to try and exploit the devils by selling their soul multiple times. It also creates a delay timer for those who wish attempt so sell their soul multiple times, allows devils to retain individual souls longer (giving devils more of a shot to reach new forms), and slows crew power-gaming of the devil-deals overall. Because of this 15 minute delay, if the heads of staff and IAA/Librarian put effort into re-souling everyone they can find, then they can effectively prevent losing the round due to devil ascension by keeping the numbers low. When people do get hit with their RoE, and the devil decides to kill them to retain possession of it, it also provides a natural escalation for the round and legitimate reason for security to hunt and kill them if they become violent. ---------------------------------- Assuming the mass murderbone ending is altered, there's no legitimate reason to kill or incarcerate devil agents unless they are committing crimes or doing harm (same goes for those who have sold their soul, although NT reserves the right to cancel contracts). In the eyes of NT, devils, their magic, and their deals could be silly nonsense that the foolish crew is pretending at (again, assuming a non-violent ending), but if they do become violent may be declared EoC like anyone else. So to restate the above additional suggestions: 1) Give Heads of staff, IAA, Magistrate, the ability and right to force souls back into people and to tell whether or not someone has no soul. 2) have a 15 minute delay timer between being struck with your employment contract and actually regaining your soul (with a notification of what is happening) 3) provide a notification of re-souling to the devil agent who owns the soul, giving them 15 minutes to find and kill the contract breaker in order to retain the soul (should they choose to do so). 4) Give green-text status to heads of staff, IAA, and librarians who successfully prevent devil ascension by keeping soul numbers low enough ----------------- The first set of suggestions would make the round more or less playable but the chaos problem might persist. There is an alternative mode where a single devil exists alongside other antagonists, which is obviously easier to implement into the RNG rotation, but would still require the first set of suggested fixes to be workable. The second set of suggestions adds a new layer to the game mode which I think would make it more coherent, but I would love to hear any opinions and suggestions you might have on how to address that problem! Thoughts?
    1 point
  6. Murderdocks Murder Squad
    1 point
  7. An interesting thing I noted in the say code recently, was that it looks like it already checks if you have the vocal_cords organ before it will let you speak, which works separately to the Mute genetic trait. Mutadone wouldn't cure not having working vocal cords, though surgery could. Perhaps a solution would be to add the vocal_cords organ as an option you can set to be missing or replaced with a synthetic alternative at character setup,using the "Internal Organs" option that currently lets you set synthetic hearts and eyes. That way, the only code that needs to be added, is the option for character setup. Genetics/Mutadone works unchanged, and the already existing checks for vocal cords cover your disability.
    1 point
  8. The simpler solution here to me would be just not to use the say command. Adding a stack of code that will need to be considered every time there's a change to genetics or mutadone or the like just seems a waste of time or effort when the same could be achieved by simple not using say.
    1 point
  9. Where were you when I the chap, threw a party in the chapel?
    1 point
  10. The current things that are causing my blood pressure to rise, rant initiated: - The same people looting the gateway every round denying the rest of us the chance to have a go at learning it, looking at you cardboard boxing WW'ers. - The omnipresence of meme chars that dchat/ooc likes to fawn over, the players themselves aren't even that bad and are usually quite decent well thought out individuals but the cringey ego rubbing bothers me. - The people who play comdomand roles just to fool around with their not!metabuddies and don't do their damn jobs, looking at you RD's who fail to oversee their manchildren/CMOs and CEs who ignore their departments and fuck off to the bridge all round, NT reps/magistrates are especially bad for this somehow and they don't even have any real responsibilities. - The current prevalence of round start backup clone scanning by everyone, this would be understandable if it were say the captain doing it or perhaps someone who might expect to find themselves dead in the near future like say an engineering team setting up a SM engine or a miner who is a bit self doubting of their goliath kiting abilities. Not the botanist and his not!metabuddy the roboticist. Give the damn antags a chance you dishonoirbru bastards. - The nasty habit most QM/HoPs have of making you jump through every possible hoop to slow you down that they possibly can just because they can. Yes asking for a stamp/signature is reasonable if I want a transfer to somewhere "high risk" like virology/sec or want to order a crate of guns, but when it's for some joke position like cadet or intern or I'm after some janitorial supplies it's just redundant and all you are doing by making me get a stamp is wasting everyone's time. - The cunts who give the rest of us a bad name and play civilian just to grief and get away with borderline shit, even better when it's a veteran doing it who should know better, who've discovered the joys of the grey for the first time after months of being too scared to leave medbay, bonus points if they're a vox/slime/plasmaperson as they tend to go even further. - People who roll for clown/chef/unique role, get it, don't get antag and immediately cyro/kill themselves, at least make some shitty food/tell some bad jokes before spacing yourself damnit. - On a similar note, the people who immediately cyro when it's revealed to be a conversion antag round, the excuses in dchat are usually something along the lines of "well I hate this gamemode" when what I suspect they mean is "I don't wanna leave my aarpee hugbox and have to actually do antag shit", cowards. - The players who unironically have all antag roles set to no, always play sec, and honestly believe that people who roll for antag are bad people and must be punished. - Neon vulps and neon everything, in fact make that anything that sceams "i iz uniquee and iz superior" in general, specifically elitist IPCs who straight up refuse to interact with filthy meatbags despite working in medbay or the oh so "clever" fuckers who take some pop culture name and fuck about with the vowels to make it oriqunal, or the worst, the lazy ones who throw together some "cuteeee" N.O.T.A.N.A.C.T.U.A.L.A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. together and can't even be bothered to make up some meaning behind it and then expect to be taken seriously, whilst having robotic cat ears. - Slimes/plasmapeople with names like squelchy/memedrogen, you are not one of snow white's dwarves. - The "no, you are wrong" approach people have towards incompetence, the honest to god I have no idea what I'm doing kind of "bringing a fuel tank to a blob/tasing a xenomorph" incompetence, they will not learn if you do not teach them and calling them a fucking idiot and bullying them is not teaching. - Being arrested and not interrogated/talked to at all, I mean yeah I have an emag in my pocket and was half way through stabbing the HoP's face off when you caught me but come on at least grill me a little for info before dumping me in perma and forgetting I exist, meant to be an RP game right? Where's muh interaction? - The absolute zero tolerance by command towards gimmicks, I cannot count the number of times I have been straight up told to fuck off when I bring up things like creating a no additional access civilian militia to help sec fight shadowlings/try to setup a feudal hierarchy (more than once for that one)/run a maint mafia doing harmless mafia things, then people complain about rounds being boring. - Certain AI players who play to win and then some, you know the ones who always "LAHWS UPDAYTED" to let the crew know about that "do not state" chicken law you just gave it? How about the ones who use macros to check camera lists and immediately dispatch sec whenever one goes down? No fun allowed incarnate.
    1 point
  11. One round, as a Magistrate, security comes by and brings in a Vulpkanin (committed trespass or something like that). Being bored and making sure that the brigging process went smoothly, I went to go see the brigging, at that very moment, I see the prisoner is a gaudy, neon colored Vulpkanin (It was even mentioned that you could see them in the dark!) During their time in the cell, they were proving to be annoying. Times runs out and they are let out. Ten minutes later, they were brought in, again. They get brigged, and during that time, they decide to howl as much as possible. It was a cult round or a traitor one. Either way, I was mostly by myself in the brig (no warden, physician went to do something, HoS and Officers were patrolling/seeing to antag activity). By the time their timer was up, I was very irritated at this prisoner's stupidity and the endless howling (even told them to shut up multiple times). The moment their timer announces their time is up, they suddenly drop dead (coincidentally, the armory blew up that very moment, but I think that was unrelated). An examination showed high burn damage (along with a lack of the ability of being cloned). To this day, I am not sure if their death was admin related or something, but I cheered up when I saw them die randomly.
    1 point
  12. @ParemberKennard I find Warden to lead to some of the most interesting and rewarding shifts over any other role, including antag, as long as you can handle the BS. The reward is plentiful. Good stuff. And yea as @bryanayalalugo said, you were dealing with a SNPC. I remember the first time I dealt with one as warden I had NO CLUE they were not player controlled cuz I didn't know that much about the admins capabilities and didn't know it existed. Same story. Damned thing kept me busy for a good 30 min, it kept hacking it's cell door super fast despite me removing everything but it's jumpsuit. I was so confused. I kept trying different cells convinced the doors were broken or something. Damned thing hit SO hard too. At one point it ran into the firing range (this was before the brig redesign) and the thing hit me so hard I was fearing for my life so I said fuck it and lethaled it convincwd i waa gonna get in trouble but I was so desperate at that point. Immediately after it dies @Spacemanspark BWOINKs me saying "WHY'D YOU USE LETHALS ON AN UNARMED PRISONER?" and some sort of threat about being banned. I am flustered trying to explain what was happening and how I feared for my life and he's like "THAT'S NO EXCUSE!" citing how I'm a member of security and held to a higher standard than random greytide. I continue to plea and then he comes at me with "You've been pranked" and proceeds to explain to me what a SNPC. Good times. Speaking of, Spark, it's been a while since you got me that good. Challenge issued. Don't be gun shy, you know I won't make a big deal out of it if you take it too far. I enjoy my unique experiences lol
    1 point
  13. This one happened about 2-3 months ago but it's worthy of being told n I completely forgot to. I'll name this "Where's my office?" I spawn as Warden. No HOS. That's fine. Nothing unusual to start. Things are slow. About 15 min in a HOS shows up. His name is John Blennon -.- IC he says "Can I have a taser? Sry I didn't spawn with 1" Oh Lord I'm like "Why don't you take YOUR laser from your office?" Him "Where is my office?" Me (dead inside) "Let me show you..." I escort him to his office, he says "Thk u" I drag my feet back to my quarters. The captain is there. I salute "Greetings captain, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Captain "Hi...is my office around here?" IRL I'm like ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Me "Not here...let me show you..." I escort him to the bridge. Inform sec what just happened on sec comms n they are like "Ohhh shit...one of these shifts..." Blueshield greets us at the bridge. While the captain inspecting thier office with the fascination of a young child, I pull the Blueshield aside. Blueshield "You look mighty fine in that skirt and sandals" I whisper "Wanted to give you a heads up, this captain and HOS literally did not know where thier offices were. We've got our work cut out for us...PLEASE keep a close eye on the captain and show them what's what" Blueshield leans in "You. Me. Bar. 12:35." I'm like "I'm busy, tend to the captain!" and stomp back to the brig. I'm dazed. Maya Stewart is there as magistrate. I inform her of the situation. She is like "Oh lord...let me see what I can do" and walks off. I'm starving, go to the sec lobby to grab a cup of chicken soup from the vending and while I'm standing there a nukie walks by in the hallways towards the bridge. I inform sec on comms, open the armory, grab a shotgun, and run towards the bridge. The captain and Blueshield have no idea what happening. I give the captain the disk, the pinpointer to the Blueshield and I'm like "NUKIES!". Blueshield is in the middle of the bridge and is like "Hey there doll, take it easy. You reconsider that date?" immediately after saying that a nukie with dual esword comes up behind him and decaps him. Clueless. I fire off a few shots before my agony is finally ended by the sweet release of death. Don't really remember what happened after that aside from the nukies successfully blowing the station up. I was probably furious and salting in deadchat. Maybe that's why I forgot to post the story. I may have blocked it from my mind until now.
    1 point
  14. I suggest to change rules regarding violence. I think critting characters with a real reason as not-antag should be fine as long as it doesn't lead to death and following disabilty of player to continue playing his character. It happens that security can't or willingly don't take a shit on relations between it's crew (acting only as punishers which is a case of shitcurity). When that happens I can't agree with bans following lynching of characters that deserve that by all means (as long as that has a reason (which is based on actions of that character that are harmful personally to your character) and don't lead to death).
    0 points
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