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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2017 in all areas

  1. What kind of a dipshit murderhobo would punch someone to near death in their workplace over anything.
    2 points
  2. could you create an engine using just the detective slamming into an electrified grille over and over? Hmmmm.....
    2 points
  3. (I have read a lot of suggestion topics here and I was kind of discouraged by their received feedback to make this one, so please go easy on me.) Suggestion: Remove Weight Even from the available virus symptoms Reasons: I believe it renders the chef mostly (not entirely!) useless after the virus release As a consequence, it makes botany less enjoyable I played virologist quite a few times and I often had Weight Even among my symptoms. As the general "healing virus" is rather strong, there is no reason to not to take the pill - half, if not the majority of the crew (save for the IPCs) has the virus by 13:00 (depending on when the virus was completed). If all goes well, kitchen and botany gets upgraded by, let's say, 12:45 to 13:00. They can start growing bigger and more yielding plants, they (preferably) have self-sustaining trays by then, and these factors let them branch out and grow a wider variety of plants. It enables the chef, too, to make a more colorful menu, making their game more enjoyable. However, should Weight Even be among the symptoms of the "healing virus", the crew will have little to no reason to visit the kitchen anymore. Botany, sure, can work on weaponized plants or other projects like glowshrooms, bluespace plants, drugs, batteries, and whatnot, but the chef is inevitably rendered unnecessary, and new botanists might not be into DNA manipulating during their first shifts. Also, even the nutriment PLUS implant doesn't fill you to 100%, which requires the cooperation of Mining and Science (and Robotics/Medbay for implanting); even with this implant, if you want the speed buff, you have to visit the kitchen or use a vending machine from time to time. Weight Even simply keeps you full by one lucky RNG moment of a single person, and then taking a pill from Medbay. A type of speed buff is already available through the symptom Stimulant, too, though I am not sure if they are equal in numbers. It is currently up to the virologist if they decide to keep the symptom or not, and I decided to never keep it, because it saddens me to see chefs going SSD after a virus having Weight Even is released. I was on the receiving end as well, and it is truly pointless to come up with any kind of menu if everyone is running around with a full belly all the time. ... It is probably a way too small and not enough of a game-changing suggestion, but I would love to see the Service department stay more involved in the second half of the shift as well, not just until someone in Medbay gets lucky with their dropper. What are your thoughts on it? Thank you for reading it!
    1 point
  4. ] Edit: Adminbus by Purplegenie, Sprite by Travelling Merchant
    1 point
  5. Mag Gloves: For when you never want a hug to end.
    1 point
  6. here's an idea. Mag-gloves. Eh? Ehhhh? big clunky yellow and black gloves?!?!
    1 point
  7. I was foaming over to the other pod from the engi pod, the pods docked, leaving me in bluespace
    1 point
  8. Here are my thoughts: * Limit the amount of times a prestige contract can be given in a round. 5 + more random crew as "Captain" is a huge headache for Command and Security to deal with. For the AI law, I would say have the captain ion law be replaced with a new Captain ion law, so the AI doesn't have like 10 different Captain laws. * Limit the amount of times a crew member can return their soul to Nanotrasen. It's annoying and crappy when a crew member just go return their soul just to re-sell it for more power. Maybe make the limit be a random number between 1 to a higher random number. That way, there is a bigger risk on selling your soul. * Limit on who can use the Nanotrasen contracts. Crew members shouldn't just take their contract and use it whenever they sell their soul. I would say only the IAA, HoP, Magistrate and NT Rep. can use it. * Make it so the only way devils can fully die through their bane. As of the moment, you just have to kill a devil multiple times to render it fully dead, allowing to just simply ignore the librarian and their book research. It's also not good if a devil at round start, being a even more weaker round start antag than a vampire, can end up completely dead if they are deemed to much of a threat by Security/the crew or were unlucky. * Adjust Space Law to accommodate devils and those who sold their soul. As of the moment, there is no clear action to be done with devils (besides being assumed to be an EoC) or the people who sold their soul (especially if said people cannot be contained due to the door opener spell). * Add/change contracts to have more of a RP use. Almost half of the contracts, when given to the regular crew, feels to encourage greytide behavior (e.g. power, prestige, magic). * Have the contracts have a chance to have a dark/ironic twist. Besides potentially being arrested and losing all means of reviving when dying, there is nothing negative or a bad outcome after selling one soul (which one traditionally sees in fiction/myths that involves making a deal with a demon). Examples being: Wealth actually takes money from all station accounts/a important and vengeful corporation, knowledge giving you a even more dark/twisted version of the crew, prestige making you a assassination target of the Syndicate, etc. * Have the devil have more easier means to escape, especially at round start. Devils, while the can defend themselves, are rather discouraged from attacking/killing the crew, and has less means to knock out the crew to escape. The infernal jaunt itself also takes a while to work, and uses a cool down when you activate it, not after jaunting. * Disallow the devil themselves to take/touch a NT contract and the Gigax Codex. Both are rare, and if the devil hides it/disposes of it, there would not be any effective means to fight them.
    1 point
  9. One of the best clowns I ever saw was a Vox, gave people "Prank certificates" to sign after slipping them, clownstamped those and turned them in to the HoP. And cut that shit out immediately when Red was declared. However, Vox clowns are often pretty shit :v
    1 point
  10. The simpler solution here to me would be just not to use the say command. Adding a stack of code that will need to be considered every time there's a change to genetics or mutadone or the like just seems a waste of time or effort when the same could be achieved by simple not using say.
    1 point
  11. What else should an opt out be added into next? First cloning, now mutadone? Next it'll be an opt out for all healing meds because "my character wouldn't go see a doctor." If you want to play a mute character the fine, but why do we need a snowflakey opt-out functionality that will be used by less players than I have fingers. You could just not use the chat?
    1 point
  12. The server is LRP because the playerbase is LRP. As long as you aren't a dick and follow the rules, there is no actual requirement to RP much to play on Paradise, it's not enforced/encouraged by the admins nor the game mechanics. Just look at the rules, Rule 2 is the only rule that really covers Roleplaying, and could pretty much be summed up as "no metagaming, IC in OOC, or silly names" as it doesn't enforce anything beyond those basic low RP concepts, and specifically says it doesn't enforce higher RP stuff such as expected level of knowledge for your role, Clone memory disorder, etc. At the end of the day, the players that play on the server decide what kind of server it is, enforcing more RP mechanics through rules/admins/code would mean upsetting and potentially losing a lot of the current players. As much as I love RP, I don't see being a LRP server as a bad thing, it's obviously what the players want, what the staff are happy with, and provides a fun experience for the many people that play here already. I think Paradise should just embrace being LRP and just remove any references to MRP, because that's clearly inaccurate at this point.
    1 point
  13. The way I experienced it whenever I play engineering: Station Goals aren't really a 'burden' that ties up engineering, which would force them to abandon their duties/stretch them thin. Whenever I play engineering, it's either: -Rarely, half the station gets destroyed by plasma fires/bombs/etc and some of the engineers respond to fix things -Most of the time, the biggest issues are emagged doors, and a few broken windows; so I just make small little projects / pimping up things, leaving me plenty of time to make station goals, becase at least then I have a 'purpose'... though I never seen the whole engineering team work in unison; rather only a few join in for the project. The /problem/ is, that most of the time, after building for example, the BSA room, pimped it up and all, either cargo doesn't bother getting the parts, or in most cases, science doesn't do the R&D to finish it, which can be quite frustrating. Admittedly, the DNA vault feels like a chore, because building it is easy, but working with botany and xenobio for the DNA data is frustrating, since there is 0 cooperation most of the time. Station shield is a bit bland I guess, nothing too special; would be better if you'd have to do more than just to drop them in spess and push a button to activate. For station goals, I would suggest something more 'fun', like: refurbishing, or more like expanding the station, since there is the old bar, or airlocks that would lead to space; (also there is the derelict station, the russky station, the abandoned teleporter) it could be good if there would be a goal to make specific additions to the station, and then have the NT Rep inspect it and give a thumbs up if it is NT approved or not. At least that would give the NT rep role a bit more 'power' so to say, that they get to be the judge whether the station would meet the goals or not. Since it would be hard to implement it to make the game check if the station goals are met, it would be easier if the NT Rep would, for example, have a item like a remote, or an option in his console that unlocks after X time, where he verifies that the station goal is met, thus: greentext. And since the role is karmalocked, then there's less of a chance that it would be abused; plus so far I've seen, only those pick that role, who at least 'try' to properly RP. (Also, it would be a fun tator objective to sabotage the station goal) Examples: -NT wants to prepare to host the annual Ragecage event, so a stadium needs to be constructed, large enough to accept X amount of observers with a VIP booth, security checkpoint, a mini medical for the casaulties. -NT will be having VIPs, build a VIP quarters to accomodate them; with a mix of luxury and class, with extra security and safety. -NT wants to have a proper military garrison; it needs a proper barracks with mess hall, armory, officer's quarters, etcetc to accomodate an on-station ERT that would arrive in the future. -NT wants to have a large pasture/petting zoo, for totally recreational purposes and not for the secret future project of animal testing and weaponizing xenos; you have to make secure animal pens with a highly secure lab that would be able to contain xenos. (And if there are enough admins, and the additions are built; every now and again, if they feel like it, they could run an event. If there is a small chance of such a reward happening, it would encourage people to work together more, imho).
    1 point
  14. What if... your character loses their hat one or two tiles before they lose their foothold?
    1 point
  15. I think we all can agree the morale of this thread is to kill all clowns. Declare war on Clown Planet. Fuck the Honk Mother.
    1 point
  16. We don't have realistic atmos seeing as somehow gasses ignore the GIANT GRAVITY GENERATOR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STATION
    1 point
  17. Guess the mime wasn't insured with Geico.
    1 point
  18. Splaying your sweaty hands and trying to emulate a gecko as you watch the mime fly past you. That'l teach ya to wear white gloves :) @Spacemanspark
    1 point
  19. Make assistants/civilians valid.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Timelock civilian to 100h of gameplay in every department.
    1 point
  22. "Ohh your mute? why not take mutadone? It cures your genetic disease, guaranteed! It's almost a miracle!" This is more or less a personal suggestion. I don't think mutadone should be the cure all solution to someone's genetic problem. Space Kuru for example is incurable or being cluwned, etc. I had to write my IC's medical record to make a work around on why mutadone is bad for them. Other than that, i'm finding it very annoying that, that is the end all solution. Mutadone needs to have its limits. I'm proposing that an option is made in the Character Creation for those who wish to opt out having their diseased cured by mutadone. So if I myself decide to play my mute IC and someone feeds me mutadone, it won't work. In addition, It allows creatures like Vulpkanin to keep their color blind ability to see through the dark, etc. I think this would add a layer to RP, so someone like myself doesn't have to come up with an excuse on why my IC is mute.
    0 points
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