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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Mechanic should get a pair of special magboots and suit, which was planned I believe. on a side note, we should give the clown magboots that invert their movement controls, For Making them suffer Fun!
    3 points
  2. Three stages of Grief: Denial RAGE Acceptance
    2 points
  3. (I have read a lot of suggestion topics here and I was kind of discouraged by their received feedback to make this one, so please go easy on me.) Suggestion: Remove Weight Even from the available virus symptoms Reasons: I believe it renders the chef mostly (not entirely!) useless after the virus release As a consequence, it makes botany less enjoyable I played virologist quite a few times and I often had Weight Even among my symptoms. As the general "healing virus" is rather strong, there is no reason to not to take the pill - half, if not the majority of the crew (save for the IPCs) has the virus by 13:00 (depending on when the virus was completed). If all goes well, kitchen and botany gets upgraded by, let's say, 12:45 to 13:00. They can start growing bigger and more yielding plants, they (preferably) have self-sustaining trays by then, and these factors let them branch out and grow a wider variety of plants. It enables the chef, too, to make a more colorful menu, making their game more enjoyable. However, should Weight Even be among the symptoms of the "healing virus", the crew will have little to no reason to visit the kitchen anymore. Botany, sure, can work on weaponized plants or other projects like glowshrooms, bluespace plants, drugs, batteries, and whatnot, but the chef is inevitably rendered unnecessary, and new botanists might not be into DNA manipulating during their first shifts. Also, even the nutriment PLUS implant doesn't fill you to 100%, which requires the cooperation of Mining and Science (and Robotics/Medbay for implanting); even with this implant, if you want the speed buff, you have to visit the kitchen or use a vending machine from time to time. Weight Even simply keeps you full by one lucky RNG moment of a single person, and then taking a pill from Medbay. A type of speed buff is already available through the symptom Stimulant, too, though I am not sure if they are equal in numbers. It is currently up to the virologist if they decide to keep the symptom or not, and I decided to never keep it, because it saddens me to see chefs going SSD after a virus having Weight Even is released. I was on the receiving end as well, and it is truly pointless to come up with any kind of menu if everyone is running around with a full belly all the time. ... It is probably a way too small and not enough of a game-changing suggestion, but I would love to see the Service department stay more involved in the second half of the shift as well, not just until someone in Medbay gets lucky with their dropper. What are your thoughts on it? Thank you for reading it!
    1 point
  4. Hey guys! I'm Odieman and I started playing about a week ago. I really enjoy the game and most people have been quite helpful, especially the admins and mentors despite my constant nagging and silly questions. Since I'm new to the game completely I've managed to kill myself a few times and made more mistakes than I thought was initially possible. I've been completely lost on how to do certain tasks, such as how to drag a body on a stretcher (sorry mate you would have made it if I knew). Still curious on how the game works and all. I wish there was a mentor voice channel in the discord. I'd be able to ask how to open a door or how to eat a cheeseburger without having to mentorhelp every 30 seconds. Hoping that the entire forum is as friendly and accepting as most of the players and admin staff.
    1 point
  5. @Jovaniph They look a bit off on some of the possible uniforms, as they were mostly designed around the theme and color scheme of each of the hardsuits. Sci boots and rainbow of boots for @Streaky Haddock will be done when I get back home from school later today. Security Magboots: Medical Magboots: Paramedic's Magboots: Engineering Magboots: Advanced Magboots: Shaft Miner's Magboots:
    1 point
  6. Purple and black is kinda of abductory, I think purple and white is better
    1 point
  7. I like them, will there be a new sprite for the science made magboots?
    1 point
  8. While these are nice, I might argue that they're supposed to be ugly.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Make assistants/civilians valid.
    1 point
  11. Sooo...Remove maintenance access?
    1 point
  12. I strongly believe that assistants shouldn't be limited. Not everyone wants to play security officer, not everyone wants to play "X" job, but assistants generally give a base level experience to just kinda play and enjoy the game without taking up a job slot or having nay responsibilities. The alternative is worse; civlian slots are even more limited than they currently are, and as a result, we get more people who sign up for job X then don't perform than job because they don't really want to play as that job; they just want to kinda run around doing whatever. I know the argument is "well, then we can just job ban then". My reply to this is: you're quite literally forcing someone to play a job against their will or tell them "don't play on this server *at all*" under those conditions. Keep in mind, there's people who "main" assistant and enjoy it--not every single one is some greytiding "shitter" either; they just enjoy playing the game peripherally. If anything, I think assistant slots should be unlimited with officer slots scaling based on assistant population; that is to say, the max officers is X, but 1 more officer slot opens for every X civilians on station. You're not going to get people to magically enjoy a job if they're forced to play it, nor will it actually stop them from greytiding. The desire to have more people play security is a good one and is a noble goal, but this isn't the way to go about it, either.
    1 point
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