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  1. Right, I'll keep this short and simple. I play Kennard Rose, your local spessmen noir Detective. I've been enjoying this game for about nine to ten months and have only now thought about saying "Hello" here.
    2 points
  2. People seem to be complaining about the ugliness of magboots in recent threads, mostly complaints about them being bulky and obstructive. The only problem with these is that, with current hardsuit sprites, they won't be visible through the shoes on the suit sprite itself. For the purpose of aesthetics, somebody might want to lop the feet off the current suit sprites if anyone would like to add these in. DM over discord if you'd like the DMIs or want to put up a PR to get them in-game. I've made an engineering, advanced, medical, paramedic, and security boots sprite so-as to compliment each hardsuit's aesthetic. Engineering: Advanced: Medical: Paramedic: Security: Mining: (EDIT: Added Mining Boots)
    2 points
  3. Hello, and today I want to talk about a job I particularly like, but tends to disregarded due to the unavailability of the admins. What is the Nanotrasen Representative? As many of you are probably aware of, but bears repeating for those of us who are new here, the Nanotrasen Representative serves as an advisory role for the Command crew. As the wiki states, the Representative has no formal authority on the station itself, and should act as the eyes and ears for Nanotrasen's interests, such as inspecting for proper Standard Operating Procedure usage as well as ensuring that the station survives by advising the heads of staff. The Representative should also be informing Centcom (admins) via fax if there is any breach of the Standard Operating Procedure, or if there is a major threat to the station. A final note is that the Nanotrasen Representative costs 30 karma. What is the problem? The Nanotrasen Representative's job is circumstantial. In the rounds I have played as the Representative, I have noticed that most of my faxes go largely ignored. While it is understood that most faxes don't warrant a response due each specific fax's urgency, some of the faxes sent have been regarding a major station threat, such as an AI subversion, have been generally ignored. Even if the fax itself would be, "automatically filed away under the NSS Cyberaid's records," a basic response to a major threat should be a necessity due to the "major cost" of a station's destruction. Most of the time there may only be a few admins on at a time. Trial admins, from what I have heard, cannot respond to faxes. This leaves a heavier burden on the few working admins that may already be monitoring Ahelps, combat logs, and the round itself. Personally in my faxes, one of the last sentences asks if there is an officer on duty at Centcom that can oversee current NSS Cyberaid operations. This is a way for me to indirectly ask if there is an admin that will be looking over my faxes. I have only received two replies regarding an officer; One time an officer replied, stating he was on duty, while another said that there was no officers on duty at the moment. While the admins are busy, that leaves the Nanotrasen Representative with his/her advisory position, which I have enjoyed in the past, but have been ignored by the command staff occasionally. Nothing to rant on about with being ignored, but being ignored by both Command and Centcom leaves the Representative as a greytide with a command ID. The Representative has no authority aboard the station, unlike the Magistrate whom enjoys a stronger position on the station through their interpretation of Space Law. I mentioned that the Representative's job is circumstantial, and this could be argued for the Magistrate as well, but Security generally has at least one case per shift that involves the use of a Magistrate. A final note on the problem is that, if the Command crew has been failing hard enough to warrant a fax from the Representative to Centcom, an announcement from Centcom generally arrives before the Representative does anything. Fingers are pointing now at Command for doing a bad job, but now also at the Representative for not being able to reign in a Command crew that may not even listen to the Representative in the first place. All together, this forms the circumstantial redundancy of the Nanotrasen Representative. How do we fix it? The Representative sits in the role-play category, as most of the use the Representative can provide is through dialog. Reminding the Command crew to pay attention to the Representative is not productive. Admins generally have enough on their plates, and granting Trial Admins the ability to answer faxes may be a bit much as faxes potentially have round-changing effects. Allowing for a player to act as a games master who isn't an admin but can read and respond to faxes is unrealistic. So where does this leave us? The best recommendation I can personally give would be to either slash the karma cost, or don't make it a karma job at all. 30 karma is a bit much for a circumstantial job. All of the other karma jobs, excluding the Magistrate, do not require admin cooperation to function. Other than that, it's difficult to do anything else for the Nanotrasen Representative aside from trying to make jobs/objectives/go do this stuff around the station to make the job worth 30 karma. Discussion I'm going to strawman and say that someone will tell me to suck it up and play a real job, and to them I'll say to stop bullying me. In all seriousness, if you have anything to contribute, I would love to hear it. I will be making edits to this post if it becomes necessary. Example (11/7/17)
    2 points
  4. What if these were " Advanced " Magboots that (other than the captain? ) need to be researched? Make them expensive to build, high tech level. Extra points if they don't slow you down while enabled. ADVANCED >.<
    2 points
  5. In order to provide an example, I played a round not too long ago where my faxes were ignored. I sent a total of three faxes, which are included here arranged from left to right from first fax to last. I sent a prayer after my first fax, and it was responded to, so I believe there were admins on duty at the time. In my first fax, you'll notice that I asked if there was an officer on duty. As mentioned in my first post here, I typically do that in order to see if an admin was online. Although I never received a response, I sent the second fax as a result of an SoP violation. Please note that I didn't request any heavy action, such as demotion or death-squads, but rather a pay cut. The final fax regarded a set of blue "Top Secret" documents, which are antagonist items. I believe each of these three faxes were at least somewhat tangible compared to an un-formatted letter. The admins were online, as I originally received spaghetti after my first prayer. Again, this further proves the redundancy of the NT Rep. (Bonus Second Prayer)
    1 point
  6. The "sup" in your title is not capitalized. You never fail to disappoint me.
    1 point
  7. Hey Faustius, sorry about bashing your head in that one time with a crowbar.
    1 point
  8. The Shaft Miner magboots look so great I'd probably steal them instead of using the ones supplied to engineering. This is a great idea though. My biggest gripe with fastmos apart from killing you with flung objects even when you have magboots on is that magboots are butt ugly thigh high stompers that make you look like you beat obesity out of every part of your body except the ankles.
    1 point
  9. IPC’s don’t really have some of the “normal” antag events such as vampire, cult, changeling, and shadowling. Is it possible to maybe discuss some IPC specific round types?
    1 point
  10. Mechanic should get a pair of special magboots and suit, which was planned I believe. on a side note, we should give the clown magboots that invert their movement controls, For Making them suffer Fun!
    1 point
  11. They look too good, too stylish. Maybe use the old sprite and just change the colors?
    1 point
  12. My Foxy collection Time to add unhealthy claw game addiction to medical records
    1 point
  13. Wait, you mean you don't eat random food you find lying on the floor as well? And here I was thinking everyone did that.
    1 point
  14. Sorry but this crew record doesn't fit in with the high standards we hold for realism in space station 13. The realism aspects can be found in every corner of SS13, such as our advanced atmospherics system, in depth chemistry (featuring real life medicines including fartonium), bipedal lizards, and a megacorporation which hires both mentally challenged mutes who refuse to take mutadone and sit around at the bar all day, alongside security officers who are excellent in combat while also knowing advanced surgery methods. As others have made abundantly clear, the realism in your character record is definitely lacking, and doesn't fit with the current ss13 realism standards.
    1 point
  15. I strongly believe that assistants shouldn't be limited. Not everyone wants to play security officer, not everyone wants to play "X" job, but assistants generally give a base level experience to just kinda play and enjoy the game without taking up a job slot or having nay responsibilities. The alternative is worse; civlian slots are even more limited than they currently are, and as a result, we get more people who sign up for job X then don't perform than job because they don't really want to play as that job; they just want to kinda run around doing whatever. I know the argument is "well, then we can just job ban then". My reply to this is: you're quite literally forcing someone to play a job against their will or tell them "don't play on this server *at all*" under those conditions. Keep in mind, there's people who "main" assistant and enjoy it--not every single one is some greytiding "shitter" either; they just enjoy playing the game peripherally. If anything, I think assistant slots should be unlimited with officer slots scaling based on assistant population; that is to say, the max officers is X, but 1 more officer slot opens for every X civilians on station. You're not going to get people to magically enjoy a job if they're forced to play it, nor will it actually stop them from greytiding. The desire to have more people play security is a good one and is a noble goal, but this isn't the way to go about it, either.
    1 point
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