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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2017 in all areas

  1. My country is Texas. My country is the best country. Prove me wrong.
    1 point
  2. * Vox players acting like they have a license to just take everything off/from everyone they want, because shiny. * Vox players talking like normal humans. * Slimepeople borderline ERP'ing with *squish and emotes/stories to go with it. * HoP's refusing to do their paperwork properly if necessary in certain situations. * Roboticists refusing to borg people even if you're an IPC, or the HoP is dead / can't stamp it, etc. * HoP's who want the RD's signature/stamp on a cyborgification contract. * Cyborgification contract * Officers who don't even listen to you in processing * Warden not knowing their space law * AI's with a personality: You're an AI unit, you aren't a fucking poet, writer, rapper, thug or whatever. * Janitors who do not clean up clutter such as trash / glasses / backpacks / etc. * Officers using tazers on code green * Officers cuffing you when you try to come willingly * Science not upgrading botany or kitchen * Hydroponics ignoring the chef or being too moronic to understand / see the chef shouting at them for help / ingredients / plant bag * Validhunting chaplains And the worst of all... (regular) people GOING TO CRYO 2 MINUTES INTO THE SHIFT BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T GET ANTAG.
    1 point
  3. Old wizards were super boring. I'll echo streaky. Either they were ~FRIENDLY~ or they just did their objectives, teleported to an unreachable location and AFK'd in a locker until it was shuttle time, then made their way for a pod. It was boring and repetitive---and friendly wizards can burn in hell.
    1 point
  4. old wizard: gib the CE, take his boots, and either hide forever or play friendly wizard and the crew goes along with it because they know you've already done their objective and don't want to fighta wizard.
    1 point
  5. The admins have won (one) the battle, but not the war! We must ONE up them, and begin again. ONE day, we shall rule with glory and wONEdor and they will watch what we have dONE whilst weeping in defeat! BegONE, managerial overlords, for we rise up, and boy golly do we have a bONE to pick with you ahem I'm done
    1 point
  6. Canada - where we invented Hawaiian Pizza, Basketball, digital camo, and a bunch of other things
    1 point
  7. whoa there, keep politics out of general please
    0 points
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