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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2017 in all areas

  1. Cultists can appoint a leader. The Avatar of the Geometer, The Blade of the Reaper, the Enkindler of Pyr'kaeus. Being appointed leader gives you visibly fancy armour, makes you stand out in cult chat and... that's it. Multiple leaders can be appointed, they are not more powerful when it comes to rune shit, they can be deconverted just the same, it just gives the cultist either a figurehead or a group of 'we know what we're doing trust us' figures for the clueless cultists to rally around. Leaders are appointed by a vote, there can be multiple leaders, and they can easily be replaced if lost. Again, point here is less to buff the cultist directly and more to tackle the tremendous disorganisation inherent to it.
    4 points
  2. LAVALAND captive audience
    2 points
  3. Doctor Zombie What do I need? My heart won't beat; Still, I must feed
    2 points
  4. I see that the Contraband list is kind of broken.. So this are my suggestions. Greentexts: Suggestions Contraband Swaps 1.D20 Bomb D20 bomb is possible to be a huge max cap bomb, specially, even more than that, and its on E. Contraband section, a Syndicate Mini bomb is way TOO small and its level S contraband, D20 is way more deadly and hard to fix than a Syndi mini bomb which is so small. Suggestion: Swap D20 bomb to level S Contraband 2. Chameleon Sec huds These aren't really that worthy of agents, there is DNA scramblers or Chameleon jumpsuits like this, and if you steal a sechud from a officer its litterally the same, but you get charged for Theft, and with cham hud you get perma. People can just make sec huds or steal sed hudglasses, and they just put a helmet on, and get charged of Possesion of restricted items/Theft for it, so it seems pretty unfair you just get perma over a Sec hud that only camouflages as another eyewear. Suggestion: Swap Chameleon Huds to level C Contraband 3.Meat Cleaver A weapon that does about twenty five brute damage that does almost the same damage as a energy sword, and is more silent, that can also gib people to death and kill them permanently, i believe this should be level S. And it would be more worth of a esword if it was sharpened. Suggestion: Swap to level S contraband 4.Voodoo Doll This weapon isnt even that deadly, it just spies and annoys, and change people's temperature. Suggestion: Swap to level C. contraband 5.Dart Pistol You can get this in medical, and a better version, an RSG from RND which isnt even contraband. Suggestion: Swap to ''Not Contraband'' 6.Syndicate Pistol: A deadly gun that can take multiple tipes of ammo, AP, Fire tipped, and more, and it's also a ''Syndicate'' Pistol, its syndicate property. Suggestion:Swap to level S contraband 7.Riot Pistol A riot gun that you can get in cargo plenty of times, that isnt even a deadly weapon, anyone can grab a foam gun and put riot foam in. Suggestion: Swap it to level C contraband. 8.Chameleon Jumpsuit Some jumpsuits haves a little armor but let's be real, every jumpsuit is the same with a different design, a chameleon jumpsuit cant be bad at all and its used for fashion mostly. Suggestion: Swap Chameleon Jumpsuit to ''Not Contraband'' Missing items in Contraband List: Now for adding weapons that are missing -Energy Axe: Level S contraband -Syndicate Magboots: Level C contraband (To be fair i think this should be changed with Advanced Syndicate Magboots, there's no difference, just the sprite and its asking to be arrested) -Syndicate Bee Briefcase: Level S contraband And for my last suggestion It states that if a person haves two or more contraband of level C. contraband or others, he's considered an EOC, i believe this should be changed, and it should be atleast 4 or 3 items for level C. and for level W and E is 2 contraband items to make them an EOC. Suggestion: People can be considered an EOC for having atleast 4 or more items of level C contraband. People can be considered an EOC for atleast having 2 or more items of level W or E contraband. Example: It's like having a ammo mag and a chameleon rubber stamp and get permaed for it
    1 point
  5. ⌂ Home > Appeals and Complaints > Unban Requests > [Declined] Banned by cyberiad_OS: Ban Appeal for FluffyVulp_SE posted Saturday, 3:56 AM (edited) REASON FOR BAN: The connection has been closed. Reason: "Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. What the fuck." This is a permanent ban. YOUR APPEAL: Okay. So I understand that what I did may be considered excessive to some, but let me tell you that it was not my intention to cause as much damage as I did. Though I can understand why I'm banned, I really don't agree with any of it. For starters why wouldn't anyone check the hidden wall in the brig? Sure, stripping the HOS of all his gear, turning him into a monkey, and tying him up with the cuffs and gag might have been excessive but he could've yelled or something. No need to bring the admin's in for an IC issue. I did not "set the PA to 3 and release the tesla" all I did was attach a remote signaler to the particle accelerator and set it to the most common frequency and waited for someone to activate it. It was just a funny prank, I assure you, and I had every intention to fix it, but security had already taken my rightfully-received all-access ID and stripped my engineering access. So if you think about it, it's their fault for not letting me fix a problem that only I knew the solution to. Why aren't they permabanned? I just think the admins have it out for me, imo. I also did not ERP. I don't see anywhere in the rules that prohibits me from running around the halls using the *squish emote. Is it because I became an obese human instead of a sexy slimegirl? Talk about a double standard. Absolutely nothing erotic was happening except me *squishing around at the speed of sound. All in all I think this weird ban is without merit, and just a sign that the admins don't like me. I've already raised these grievances in general, admin complains, in the official discord server, the unofficial discord server, some other discord servers, and among a bunch of friends who were also permabanned. I was also talking on discord with another player during that round and they said that what I was doing was hilarious. So I think I should be let back onto the server because I like it here, and also because I spice things up. I promise not to tie the HOS up with fetish gear and leave him in a slowly depressurizing room again. :) edited Sunday at 8:25 AM by FluffyVulp_SE ------------------------------ Part time wage slave. Part time gamer. All-time cool guy. THE ENLIGHTENED GAMER COALITION NOTHING IS TRUE, EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED re: Banned by cyberiad_OS: Ban Appeal for FluffyVulp_SE posted Today, 3 minutes ago Holy fucking shit. Is this for real? Please tell me I'm not the only one reading this. When we say "appeal in your next life" we did NOT mean willingly transfer your brain into monkey. We meant it more like "Don't ever come back because holy shit, what the fuck." You've been banned like, 8 times, each one more spectacular than the last. Honestly, if we didn't permaban you now you might've escalated to breaking into our servers and smashing the hardware itself. APPEAL DECLINED this is a work of satirical fiction. all references to persons and unban requests, accepted or declined, are purely coincidence.
    1 point
  6. I was there for the explosion end of round, pretty rank.
    1 point
  7. i have no idea what im doing
    1 point
  8. Ah, let's love voxlings.
    1 point
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