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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2017 in all areas

  1. Hello. I have a strange interest in the Drask people. I think they are just.. Interesting I guess. I'll preface this with a bit of insight on their lore and how I think it's a bit conflicting from a biological aspect. One thing I noticed about their homeworld is that most Drask currently live in tunnels, which I assume this is reflected in game by their darksight of 5. But this doesn't make sense to me. If a Drask lived out in the snow and ice for any long stage of its evolution, they would develop some sense of immunity to the UV's from Raarumvaar (Raarumvaar is their version of a sun). How, you might be asking? Well snow reflects UV's quite well. In fact, if you live in a snowy area you can experience Photokeratitis if you aren't wearing protection. There are of course many "Cave Drasks" that seem to live underground and this I assume implies their ability to see in the dark. However, I think it's far more likely that their initial evolution would cause them to have a darksight of 1, and a resistance to flashes and possible immunity to welding tools. Similar to how humans are bipedal from (theoretically) evolving to see over high grass, Drask would be evolved to living on the surface, possibly for millions of years before they established underground colonies and tunnels through the ice. To get away from this evolutionary trait, it would take yet again millions of years in tunnels and such. And by that time there would be colonies and communities far more advanced than those implied in-game. If they were a tunnel based species, say, then they would have evolved to look much differently in my opinion. Possibly quadraped and looking like those things from Mass Effect. I think it's much more likely they discovered tunnels late into their evolutionary cycle, and they are much more likely to hang up lights everywhere as they are used to everything being quite bright in their ancient ancestral days. That all being said, I'll show my suggestions for what would fix them and why I think it's balanced and necessary. Change Drask Darksight to 1. This is a result of millions of years of living out in the snow as a Drask puppy, cat, mouse, whatever they were originally. (/obj/item/organ/internal/eyes/drask) Give them flash_protect = 1 or 2 (1 is resistant to flashes, 2 gives you immunity to welding tools), as millennia of snow and harmful UV's entering their eyes have caused them to be quite adept at absorbing extra light. *EDIT: Giving them weld_proof = 1 will make them still susceptible to flashing and they will still get a white light while welding but they will not be injured by it. This is what IPC's have. Give them a buff and have adjustable eyes. This is a bit of a long-shot but, say Drask have the ability to narrow their eyes on whim. This would give them Darksight 5 when they are open, and Darksight 1 as well as flash protect 1 (or 2) when narrowed. Preferably 2 as they could just wear sunglasses otherwise. *Note: #1 and #2 are to be added in conjunction. I believe this is balanced because: Drask generally don't have any special abilities that can be commonly used and they are a Karma unlock. They can drink more alcohol, eat soap, and survive in the space cold (They are not vacuum sealed, however, so they will still die in space.). Also, breathing super-cooled internals heals them. They generally do not get access to this however, unless Medical bay is feeling generous with their Cryogenic Oxygen Canisters, or they develop some sort of freezer room themselves (Thanks R&D). The odds of the station being super-cooled is almost 0, and when it is, it's always an easy fix as hardsuit engineers are resistant to it and can just go out and get to work quickly. Fire also hurts Drask a lot more than anyone else. Much more than Vulps and slightly more than Diona (Yes, people made of wood don't burn as bad as Drask). The odds of a station-wide fire, most likely plasma, are much more common in my experience, that being said, having the Drask have one specific cool ability, like slime-people's arm regeneration, or Vulp Claws, or a Diona's ability to enter space without an EVA suit would be great. I like the idea of playing a Drask but there is really no reason as they have greater heat damage than tree people and only have the redeeming quality of seeing a bit farther in the dark without being colorblind. I hope my suggestion is received well and I'm open for discussion on other things about the Drask that might be changeable.
    1 point
  2. IPC's can't be vampires because they're machines. Slime People can be vampires as well, unless this was merged out. On another note... * Plasmamen can't disguise themselves whatsoever. Not only are they scarce, but they are given a job-designated suit that they can't remove without dying - they are immediately identifiable in all of two seconds of looking at the manifest even if they're an "Unknown" by virtue of not wearing their ID. Stealth is a non-option for plasmamen traitors. * Plasmamen can't readily change equipment. They can never be immune to major catastrophe (tesla release). They can't steal security armour to get the benefits from it. They can't become immune to syringe guns in any capacity, ever. They can never be immune to heat damage, unless they manage to steal an atmos/CE suit (others have fire suits available) and even then, they're stuck being permanently on fire. Their suit will auto-extinguish them a few times, but this has finite charges and doesn't restore temperature. * Plasmamen, like Vox, are permanently missing a slot which others can make use of - for Vox this is a pocket or belt (A huge deal), and for Plasmamen it's an exosuit slot (which you can often stow spare weapons in). This is probably one of the biggest nerfs they have - I would dare anyone to try and play with a missing inventory slot. It is a serious, serious handicap that strips you of the ability to take that one extra thing that you really need (like a spare gun). When duffelbags were first introduced they had no slowdown - literally everyone on station had duffelbags because they recognized the massive advantages involved in having more inventory space. * Plasmamen can't be anesthetized with anesthetic tanks, which means breaking a bone as a traitor is even more dangerous. Your traitor buddy patching you up now has to also steal a very specific chemical from chemistry, or dose you with a debilitating amount of ether if they don't want to probably break *more* bones by trying ghetto surgery. * Plasmamen are complicated to clone, and in the minds of most players are regarded as "uncloneable" due to the process involved (which pretty much requires either two people and very precise timing, or clever ingenuity). * A plasmaman who loses their suit is permanently dead, whereas a Vox can simply replace their breathing mask if they lose their stuff. Plasmamen, for reference, are no more immune to space than someone wearing a basic EVA suit. They have absolutely no mechanical advantages outside of not having blood, and having their suit. They're not immune to chemicals either, as every chemical in the game functions similarly on them as they do in humans with the exception of Heparin (they have no blood to lose) and Plasma (which heals them). In the context of the round that drew forth this thread, there were ten security officers, two detectives, a HoS, and a warden that shift (the Captain/HoP increased the job slots). The issue with the particular plasmaman in that scenario (And I'm well aware of it, since I was the warden and was ardently tracking the suit sensors of every member of security) was not "plasmamen are unfair and unbalanced", it was a matter of "security repeatedly failed to respond to cries for help, refused to travel in pairs, and subsequently let themselves get picked off by an antagonist who specializes in hunting single targets". For instance, the HoS was captured and dying - there were six available members of security armed with lethals (four of ten were dead at this point), and there was no ongoing arrests whatsoever. Despite calling out their exact location, the location being repeatedly verified by Medical and myself, and exact coordinates via suit sensors being given, zero officers responded. To contextualize this further, at the end of the round the fourteen man security department only managed to arrest the HoP and a single vampire who willingly entered their custody. The plasmaman was not "op", security was just really, really bad.
    1 point
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