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  1. 1 point
  2. The Poland it beautifull county, the rivers are full of vodka, and potatoes are falling from trees. The cities are full of homeless people and TRUE SLAVS. The Empire of Slavs will rise, Glory to Vodka-land. But rly, I'm from poland too (y). From Poznań, what is near the german border. ((And yes, we make fun of eastern poland all the time)).
    1 point
  3. # community_meeting_SFW_text | Text channel for the Milton Station community meeting (NO NSFW, CHECK RULES BEFORE POSTING) CM_bot Hello and welcome to the community meeting channel, @FluffyVulp_SE! CM_bot Hello and welcome to the community meeting channel, @ac!Drain! ac!Drain! [FILE:hello.jpg] Who? Oh hell no. ➥!! ac!Drain has left the raid group. GG! Who? community meeting text server is now closed to newcomers. Next time, avoid posting links off-site so we don't get low effort trolls. I eat vulps like you for breakfast We are now commencing the 25th annual community meeting. First, I'd like to give a shoutout to our generous patrons. Thanks. Next on the agenda, the questions. Today we have our development team and maintainers on board: Who?, Badministrator, nice stuff for werewolves, FRAME_DATA.PLS, and myself. Joining us is the founder, DarkDeath EvilMan. CM_bot Question from: FluffyVulp_SE Hey, when can I get unbanned? I've made like, three different requests and all of them got denied. https://nanotrasen.se/forum/topic/12029-ntpscyberiadntforum70-declined/ Who? Next question. FRAME_DATA.PLS seconded CM_bot Question from: ElementZer0 Is it true that the server funding is being funneled into a massive bitcoin mining operation? Who? No, it's not true. Badministrator God, if it was, we'd all be rich. Next question. CM_bot Question from: Melty, Esoteric Anomalist Are we going to have any new species soon? I may sound biased because my previous species proposal was shot down, though even if we don't have new species added to the game we can at least get a rework to existing ones. Like my proposal to make it impossible for beast races to wear shoes, and let us set things like foot size, foot type (digitigrade or plantigrade), etc. Who? @Nice Stuff For Werewolves? Nice Stuff For Werewolves At the moment, we aren't accepting new proposals for species. While I'm glad that you put so much thought and programming into your multi-legged salamander android race, I'm afraid it doesn't really fit the tone we're trying to set for our server. Not to mention that the amount of focus you give on feet is... Kind of creepy. Badministrator You aren't kinkshaming, are you? Nice Stuff For Werewolves It's called being professional. CM_bot Question from: aceyMSAGP When are we going to relax the rules on restricting language? After all, they're just words, and words only have power if you give it power. Frankly it's ridiculous that we have to coddle the playerbase, especially since this server is already becoming such a hugbox. Why should I be in trouble for inadvertedly hurting someone else's feelings because of some word that could be misconstrued into a slur? Did you know that the word "bad" has roots in french for "transvestite", so you're all being hypocrites for making some words off limits when a word you use all the time actually means something bad I eat vulps like you for breakfast Someone upgrade that permaban to a double permaban. Who? No. I eat vulps like you for breakfast worth a shot. Anyway, congrats on discovering that words have meaning! Badministrator For posterity: user was permabanned for calling everyone variations of "faggot" and spamming the radio with WGW. FRAME_DATA.PLS concern troll detected, to the bin you gooo ➥!! message deleted by Who?. FRAME_DATA.PLS MY EYES I eat vulps like you for breakfast *scream Badministrator SPEAK OF THE FUCKING DEVIL Who? Abusing the community questions bot to post erotic content, ESPECIALLY WGW, will net you a permaban with no appeal. ➥!! message pinned by Who?. CM_bot Question from: Delicious! What are you going to do to address the concerns of disgruntled sn/SS13 users who don't play on milton or have been banned from milton who believe that the administration is run by metacliquing hacks who have no romantic partners? FRAME_DATA.PLS Frankly these claims are unsubstantiated. We have many romantic partners. between the entire adminship, we probably have more romantic partners than the average human has fingers. ➥!! message pinned by I eat vulps like you for breakfast. Nice Stuff For Werewolves That was a joke. If I see this taken out of context, I'm handing out bans. Who? That was another joke. we do not ban people for posting screencaps online. next. CM_bot Question from: LUDOMANCER I was recently killed. Can we please restart the round? for some reason voting to reset the round doesn't work on this server. I think it's a bug Badministrator nice. Nice Stuff For Werewolves ICK? IN MY OCK? I eat vulps like you for breakfast Who? No. CM_bot Question from: LUDOMANCER Is it possible to give my character pronouns outside of the male/female/neutral spectrum? I feel like we should be able to customize how the game refers to us Nice Stuff For Werewolves Unfortunately there are too many code dependencies tied to character gender to make this even remotely feasible. Badministrator nothing is stopping you from making it your flavor text though. just don't blame us if someone screencaps it and posts it on sn/SS13 Who? also: when we previously attempted this, someone managed to crash the server via a code injection through the pronoun menu, resulting in an hour of downtime. CM_bot Question from: REBEL ONE When are we going to import quantum tunneling macrocomputers into the miltoncode? GrandStation already added it in so I don't see how we can't have macrocomputers in too. Badministrator BOY I WONDER WHAT THE NEXT QUESTION IS I eat vulps like you for breakfast NEXT! CM_bot Question from: ONI'SOMA!! When are we going to have more original content? I feel like at this point miltoncode is a bungled, sewn-together mess made from bits and pieces of other servers Badministrator CAN WE GO FOR THREE Who? Please don't. I eat vulps like you for breakfast NEXT!!! CM_bot Question from: John_CarMacintosh Can we remove the Moon People race? I originally supported it, but now all the Moon People players I see are super snowflakey and hang out in cliques. it's getting annoying and frankly, cringey Badministrator Called it! I eat vulps like you for breakfast l m f a o Who? 1.) we have no plans of porting macrocomputers at this time; 2.) original content is in the works and is currently being tested; 3.) Moon People will not be removed. CM_bot Question from: Humanarian What's the admin consensus on racial cliques? Every time I play I see the same vulps, unathi, etc. hanging out together. It makes it harder to complete objectives or get any decent roleplay in, especially since all the human players I meet are pretty lackluster. The RP quality of the server has gone down, imo, and I'd really want to know how the administration is going to address this. Nice Stuff For Werewolves Right now we're doing our best to try to cull this behavior, but we can't really do anything without overstepping boundaries. As long as these cliques don't erupt into full-on race wars then we can't really do much about this except wag our fingers and say "bad!" FRAME_DATA.PLS it's a complicated topic and simply banning this behavior would do more harm than good. Ultimately we can't control what our players want to do. Have you tried being nice to people? That usually gets them to roleplay better. I eat vulps like you for breakfast yeah, this OOC ban for writing a MASSIVE essay about how beast races suck and can't roleplay is... impressive. Really. I didn't even know the parser could let this many characters into it. Who? Please avoid discussing active bans in the chat. CM_bot Question from: Human Harmer When are we going to allow ERP? Who? Please don't use this channel to shitpost. FRAME_DATA.PLS killjoy. Who? direct any NSFW questions to CM_bot_nsfw and the NSFW community meeting will take care of your questions. ➥!! message pinned by Who?. This post is a work of fiction. Any resemblances or references to people, community questions, or ban appeals is purely coincidental.
    1 point
  4. Right, I'll keep this short and simple. I play Kennard Rose, your local spessmen noir Detective. I've been enjoying this game for about nine to ten months and have only now thought about saying "Hello" here.
    1 point
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