A huge problem with drones, among many others, is how susceptible they are to antagonist sympathizing. Players observing the round can identify a traitor, join the round as a ghost drone, then intentionally allow themselves to be emagged. This behavior can be hard to identify without constant monitoring, and even then drones can easily feign innocence or claim they were just messing around with the crew. Drones are not permitted to interact with the crew by law, but drones are protected by a "cuteness factor". It's socially acceptable for a drone to beep and ping its way onto someone's head as a hat, then hang around the bar like a robotic cat.
Furthermore, drones have a huge incentive to get emagged. Emagged drones have a very wide variety of tools, and are capable of bringing the station to its knees from the amount of harass and direct damage they're capable of. Getting emagged as a drone is like being given the keys to the antagonist candy store. This is highly appealing to many players, for self evident reasons.
In order to combat antagonist sympathizing with drones, I suggest that emagging a drone should kick the player out of the drone shell, and replace it with an observer. Traitors still get their overpowered murder robot, but drones would avoid suspicious players in fear of getting emagged. We shouldn't reward drones that allow themselves to be emagged.