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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2017 in all areas

  1. So, I wanted to make myself ID for NSS Cyberiad Crew Records, and I had some free time, and thought "Why not make more and share it?". So I made a couple of ID sheets like this: I made empty IDs for every department, heads, ERT, CC, prisoner and some "Syndicate ID". If you for some reason would like to use it. I dunno, place it into your Record or whatever feel free to use it. Command: Captain: HoP: CE: CMO: HoS: RD: Department: Civilian: Cargo: Security: Medical: Engineering: Research: CentCom: NT rep: ERT Leader: ERT Security: ERT Medical: ERT Engineer: ERT Janitor: Syndicate: Syndicate Agent: Prisoner:
    1 point
  2. Have to say, realy like that synthetic limbs.
    1 point
  3. First Name: Steven Last Name: Stingray (Garland) Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Stingman - Virogod Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 27 Place Of Birth: Luna Species: Slime Blood Type: Water Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen, Luna Port Royale bandits Religious Beliefs: Tobacco Childhood: Worker/Bandit at port royale, adoptive father Adulthood: Virologist and Interior designer at Nanotrasen Detailed Information Character Voice: Junpei 0:31 Personality: He's a cunt, with a kind hearth Medical Record: Turned into a slime with a black slime experiment Character Biography Recording…. -Test test… good this is working. Interview requested by Matthew Crysten from Central Command, Detective Kennard Rose here, subject Steven Stingray with me and ready to begin. Did you really need to make all of this bla bla bla i’m so cool clique? -Yes. Well whatever, let’s start with this, and pass the the ashtray. -Alright, Steven, first I wanna thank you for coming here to my office off-station to get this interview done. You know this has been requested by Central Command after the information wipe they had due to a syndicate hacker playing with the database. I was also told that your human DNA backup was wiped in this attack, am I right? Well, it’s not like I can confirm that. It could be a lot of bullshit, but it’s not like it’s a big deal to me at this point. Let’s start from the beginning so I don’t get confused with the timeline thing. -Good idea. There were only able to save a little bit of information, so I know your parents’ real last name and the fact you were born on Luna. Can you tell me more? That’s correct, my “real” last name should be Garland and I was born on Luna 27 years ago. Both my parents were researchers who used to work for… actually, I don’t really know, I’m not even sure if that’s true. The thing is, when I was 1 year old, they left me with my grandma to do some research and work stuff. Sometimes I want to believe that story, but it’s hard, y’know… I feel like I was not wanted or they weren’t ready to take care of a child… Living with my grandma was nice; I have good memories from my time with her. She didn’t want me to go to school, so she taught me how to write and read at home, and some basic things like history, geography, and all that child crap. Sadly, she passed away when I was only 9 years old. -I’m sad to hear that. What did you do? You were only a child, did you have any other family members, your grandma’s friends, anything? Honestly no, or at least I was never told if I had more family around. After I found my grandma dead that morning, sitting on her couch, was open the door and run. I just… ran. -Sounds like you were really scared about being alone. I understand that. Where did you go? I can’t remember what I was feeling, all I know is that I ran, ran like there was no fucking tomorrow. I ended up at the Port Royale, I tried to blend in with the children of the guys who worked there. I got food and slept around the crates, until he finally found me. -He? Who are we talking about? You see, a lot of people who worked there were lowlifes, moving crates and shipping cargo, and commerce in the port was pretty much always the same. Luna always kept things in the hands of humans for some reason, almost no borgs were allowed to work there. Back to the topic, sorry if I sometimes go too far, but all this bullshit just kind of fucking pours into my head when I’m asked, and I’m talking too much once again. coughs Thing is, one morning I was there, sitting on the crates of a ship, looking nowhere, without any kind of shit hope to survive, then a bald guy with a – I must say – magnificent hobo beard comes towards me. I was really scared because mate, that guy was huge! He sat down next to me and asked what I was doing there; I explained my situation the best I could, and he said that he used to have a child, but his wife left with the kid, and that he saw in me something that reminded him of that feeling of… protecting or whatever. The thing is, he asked me to come with him to stop sleeping on the floor and well, I was hella desperate and the guy seemed nice, so I said yes. -This is how you got adopted right? Sounds like it happened really quickly. How was it? Really fucking good, actually. He told me his name was “Stingray;” I remember asking “what kind of name is that” because I found it funny. He said people in the port take wildlife names or surnames to make it easy to identify themselves. He was using that name for so long at that point, he almost forgot his real one, and you know, I don’t know is real name, but we never needed it. Life after that was really good, I remember working with him at the port – the long shifts of work and then coming back home to eat something warm, watch TV, and laugh about random shit. It was a really normal and poor life, since we didn’t had much money or a nice house, but I felt good that I finally had a father… When I turned 15 and was able to work at the port “legally,” I lied about my name and said it was “Steven Stingray”… I still remember my father crying after I said that. After that, life got a bit hard. Being a “real” worker there means that I had to learn how to speak Gutter, how to deal with Sol Gov people, the art of steal, and a lot of shit that was going around all the time behind the scenes of a sick opera. I learned there that my father was a big head among the thieves of the port – some kind of Luna mafia against Sol Gov for who the fuck knows why honestly, all I knew is that Sol people were “tradeband pricks” and I was told we had to steal from them. I started a life of hard work, street fights, and well, theft. Honestly, it wasn't so bad until well, I had a bit of an… accident in a fight. -Honestly, I’m kind of surprised you thought that was a good idea, but being raised by someone with a shifty morale compass makes it understandable. Hey, you’re talking about my father here, you cunt! -Alright, alright, calm down, I’m sorry. So what happened in that incident? Zippo lighter sounds Pause Yes, well, there was this weird guy. Me and a friend had been looking at him for some time. He was wearing a white lab coat and wouldn’t stop running around from one store to another like if he was looking for something. We noticed he was holding a really fat backpack – that usually meant drugs or money, and both things were a good target for a nice old fashion mugging. We managed to corner him in a dark alleyway, to get his backpack quick and run away, but it was the first time I ran into someone so crazy that he just… took out a gun and shot at us… I can still remember the sound of the bullets passing by me, looking at my friend falling to the ground, the feel of the metal getting lodged in my left arm and a rush of… I don’t know how to call it mate, but fuck, the asshole shot at us before we could even say or do anything. I was fast enough to take out a pocket knife and put it inside his throat… that was when I realized the scenario… Pause It was me, standing there, with 2 bullets in my left arm, a guy puking blood at my feet, my partner… dead and I just felt… panic. I took the backpack and ran to my place. My father let me in; he was mad and worried and a lot of things… all I remember is that I passed out after a few minutes. -I uh… That’s quite the situation… What happened next? I remember not wanting to leave my place, drinking myself to sleep, and a really bad depression was going around. My father had to work all day so I spent most of my days alone at home, drinking and smoking… all that crap was only for a fucking stupid book about some kind of secret project virus thing. A few months after I turned 20, my father came back home early, and told me he enlisted me in the NSV Luna station project. I was going to go live there, get a clean job, study, and start a new life. He felt guilty about how his way of life drove me to this and wanted a better future for me. I remember we hugged that day and I was crying like crazy. The next day, I got my backpack and went to the station – it was a really nice place. I was quickly accepted to work at the bar, and I enlisted to study biology and get basic self-defense training. I lived in the NSV Luna for 7 years. I ended up working in the medbay when I graduated. After studying that virology book I stole from that poor guy, and doing some good research, I was able to understand it and a sudden rush of guilt came to me to kick me in the nuts. It was a project about a super healing virus and I needed to make it real. -That is how you ended up working for Nanotrasen? And I can tell why I worked as a detective for them. I contacted them and was offered to work in a research facility. I accepted the… very weird contract and started working there since… February, I believe. -Good, good, I think this is almost all the information I was asked to get… Ah yes, one more thing. How exactly did you have your… transformation? Ah the Slime thing? Well, the Cyberiad is really fucked up, people there are like, mental and all that kind of shit. I remember having a friend there, called Steven Phillips, guy was a cunt but a nice one, he was the first Slime I met and we used to talk a lot. One day when he was at Xenobio, he called me over for some kind of black slime experiment that would turn me into a slime. The thing is, it was going to be a temporary thing, but “temporary” ended up being forever after my DNA data was wiped from the system from that hack shit. It was weird at first but... I got used to it, but I'm too damn different from the native slimes... they are fucking weird. -That is all Steven, I will print this transcript and send it to Central Command to keep a record. Thanks for your time and well, I’ll see you at the station. click Family: ???? Garland (Father) - Unknown Vanessa ???? (Mother) - Unknown Stingray (Adoptive Father) - Alive and proud Granda (What was his name?) - Deceased Personal Relationships Friends: Tithonus, Reyes, Gary Postman, Terry Watson, Stuart Artreides, Rossel Pog, Tetra Vega, B.E.E.R., Valthorne Harilber, Slith Skarr, Ide Taro, Kennard Rose, Zsi Romantically Involved: Keira Houser Faction Relations Nanotrasen - Dislike "Company can fuck off, i just care about working in what i love and hang around with my friends" The Syndicate - Dislike "Sometimes i need to clear some debts" Changeling Hivemind - Hate "Fuck that" Wizards Federation - Hate "Fuck this one too." Luna Port Royale - Allied "Home..."
    1 point
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