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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2017 in all areas

  1. That's another reason why even the most competent security team can get easily trashed by competent shadowlings. As you mentioned, shadowlings can get dozens of thralls in the first 20 mins if they're competent. By the time shadowlings have double digits, security should really just start doing buckshot deconversion, and hiding the bodies so the lings don't use their 60s cooldown revival on them. If it gets to a point where security channel goes completely dark, it'd be very safe to just field execute officers without mindshields. Wordlessly stunning and thrall checking people with masks should be more common once lings get a foothold. More field executions should take place when it's clear shadowlings are winning. You'd start seeing the rounds with competent shadlowings actually lose if such practices became standard. Mass conversions don't work well with the servers current hugbox atmosphere. Expecting security to deconvert everyone for the sake of a safe environment isn't very realistic, and will just result in the station getting steamrolled if the antags are competent.
    2 points
  2. Gamemode Name Biohazard Operations, Biohazard Ops, Bio Ops. Brief Description/Lore The Syndicate wants to destroy the NSS Cyberiad secretely, instead of Nuclear operatives a new unit of Biohazard Operatives are sent in to plant a Biohazard onto the station and ensure it infests the station enough to be uncontrollable, they must also prevent nuclear detonation to secure Plausible deniability that syndicate was not involved Description Biohazard Operations is a semi-reskin of the Nuclear Emergency gamemode (Or Commonly called Nuke Ops), Instead of a nuke the Antagonists must place a Biohazard container on the Cyberiad of any Biohazard dangerous enough to warrant Nuclear Destruction.. But the canister must be activated using a NAD as a security precaution (The syndicate wouldn't want a blob eating their lovely outposts) Once the canister has been armed and detonated, A Level 5 , 3 or 1 Biohazard antagonist will spawn at the location with the goals of their respected biohazard (ETC Blob must consume the station), this would mean the Biohazard Operatives themselves are fair game like the crew. The Biohazard Operatives however cannot kill the Biohazard despite it wanting to eat them or gauge their eyeballs out, their next objective is to protect the Biohazard/s until a certain point where the outbreak in uncontainable and proceed to Evacuate the Cyberiad, returning back to base after a successful mission. Biohazard Operations will have a different theme as the syndicate are trying to destroy the Cyberiad without giving evidence that they did so, to prevent Nanotrasen retaliating, this means Hardsuits will most likely be different with the theme of preventing Biohazardous substances infesting the operative but weapons and gear will remain the same. To keep lore and RP fun only command and higher are aware of Biohazard Operations official existence, like deathsquad. Objectives Biohazard Operatives 1. Secure The Nuclear Authentication Disk and Arm the Biohazard Disperser. 2. The Biohazard is now infesting the station, prevent the crew from destroying the Biohazard. 3. Biohazard is uncontainable, return to HQ for debrief. Win Conditions Station is destroyed and Biohazard Ops escape, Bio Ops wins. Station is destroyed but no surviving biohazard operatives No one wins (Except biohazard). Biohazard is destroyed but bio ops escaped minor crew victory. Biohazard ops fail to activate biohazard major crew victory. Crew escapes but Biohazard is active Bio Ops and crew victory (The Biohazard fails). Pro's - Introduces a new gamemode to the rotation. - interesting stage based dynamic. - new factor of fear (Basically seeing a dude in a biohazard hardsuit in those dark maintenance tunnels will scare the daylights out of anyone, right?) - Evolution of Paradise stations lore (the syndicate wouldn't just use nukes you know, must be expensive.) Cons - Coding, Spriting and mapping will be required ( I do not expect this to be implemented in a short period, simple idea's are a thing, a whole gamemode is another) - Based off the Nuclear Emergency gamemode, basically making this a semi-reskin. Testing Stage One: Community Response. Like anything, there is a beginning, that beginning of this idea will first be based off the communities response and critics to the concept of this gamemode, like it? Dislike it? give your opinion! Community Response level: (Being calculated via comments and Polls) Stage Two: Staff Response Although the community is strong, there are always those far superior and grander then us, which would be the staff team itself. their word is law and so their opnion is highly valued as well. they decide this suggestion makes it through the light of day. Stage Three: Development After the vote is cast into the fire, If the community and the staff are in favour of this suggestion this marks the real beginning, Development would begin with simple designs for items ETC Biohazard hardsuits as stated above, to be tested on a private server to avoid killing the server. Stage Four: Improvement and Refinement After initial development and testing, Improvements can be made to balance the gamemode and its respected items. Stage Five: Public Testing After bugfixing and rigorous testing on a private setting, the suggestion may go up onto the server itself to see how the community responds and how it plays with the rotation. Notes Please comment what you like and dislike about the suggestion, what can I do to improve it? Did I miss anything that would require changing? was my grammer and spelling so horrible even the devil himself would burn their eyes out apon looking? let us know!
    1 point
  3. "Tyler inn", where Tyler was perma'd for "exterminating" the clown, turned the permabrig into his very own hotel.
    1 point
  4. After a intense round of fighting nukies, this poor atmosian got stuck on the escape pod shuttle with me, The Brig Phys Slasher, I'm hacking an wacking an slashing! shabadadoop
    1 point
  5. The idea is cool for me. Would be nice if "Bio ops" get some nice unique weapons, like syrgine-gun filled with brainrot, or any other viruses ((maybe somethine that purges body out of current viruses and apply new one that is lethal)). Also often one blob is enough to consume whole station, so it would not be THAT much problem for ops after they release blob.
    1 point
  6. This is my biggest one yet and I've done it about five times... Repairing Skull Bone Gel Hands get dirty Switch to chest targeting to wash my hands (instead of my face) Grab bone setter SLAM on my patients chest because I forgot to switch back to head targeting. I really wish Bone Setters did 0 damage or at least just didn't smack people on help intent. It's one of those things you learn through a lot of mistakes and I'm sure my patient wakes up thinking I'm a shitty doctor or something even though I know at least know 4 surgeries by heart and know by memory what all medicine does now.
    1 point
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