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  1. So while I can't claim to be an expert. I do know a decent amount of physics astro and otherwise. Lets break this down a bit. We'll start with the quantity of gas listed. A mole refers to a number of molecules. I won't go into details on that but all you really need to know is that the size of the molecule directly affects the size and volume of a mole of that molecule. Under normal circumstances, Nitrogen and oxygen would be at roughly 82 and 21 moles respectively. Due to the pressure they're under, the gas has achieved a density of about 4.5 times that. We won't touch the CO2 and Heat Capacity is a result of density and air products so they are relatively self explanatory. Now for the big stuff. How much pressure is 6.15e+015kPA? Well, to start, it's 6.07e+013 or 60 tera-Atmospheres. While I wasn't able to find great sources on the actual pressures in stars, this is above the point where hydrogen would start fusing but certainly still in the realm of possibilities for larger metallic stars. Enjoy being one with a star I guess? The Temp is the real fun one 4.00e+015C is about three orders of magnitude higher than the Hagedorn temperature. In other words, this is so hot, that matter is no longer recognizable. Atoms can not form at this temperature and you get a quark gluon plasma not dissimilar from the earliest moments of the universe. We're not talking about anything to crazy like the merging of the fundamental forces, we're just talking about the temperature reaching a point so hot that the kinetic energy of the quarks that make up the particles in the cores of atoms becomes greater than the strong and weak nuclear forces. In other words, you would not be vaporized, you would not be atomized, you would instead be rendered into a state so unrecognizable and exotic that we have not yet even been able to confirm its existence.
    5 points
  2. StreakyHaddock, Ty Omaha, Saul Argon, MarcellusPye, Pazneria12, DaDman234 and Vargh have been promoted to full Game Administrators. Spartan has joined the team as a Trial Administrator.
    4 points
  3. //Basic Engineering or Science clearance needed to view this document// Artificial Neurological Grid: Enhanced Lexicon development timeline, conception to release. 2538: A subsidiary of a subsidiary of NanoTrasen, Aphrodite Publishing attempts to reduce costs by creating an AI capable of fulfilling the functions of a human editor. Using a simple spelling and grammar checker as a base and installing it into an Artificial Neurological Grid designed to simulate an organic brain, the program begins to learn by scanning millions of works of both fiction and non-fiction. Later, it will be believed that this background is what enables the program to refer to itself as "I" instead of the typical third person usage of "This Unit" seen in most other AIs. 2539: A.N.G.E.L is now capable of proof-reading articles and automatically correcting spelling and grammatical mistakes. By the end of the year, A.N.G.E.L is also capable of suggesting revisions to wording and paragraph structure. 2540: A.N.G.E.L begins making suggestions not just on structure and grammar, but on the substance of articles, occasionally disagreeing with the author or in the case of fictional works, offering revisions to the plot. This unintended behavior is rolled into a new 'focus group' protocol where A.N.G.E.L becomes able to accurately predict focus group responses and edit articles to achieve higher satisfactory rates. 2542: One of A.N.G.E.L's programmers, Ray Clarion is killed in an accident. After 72 hours, A.N.G.E.L begins to question his absence. When informed of the accident, A.N.G.E.L refuses to perform it's primary functions, instead editing every article that is input into a story describing Clarkson's sudden reappearance. This behavior continues for another 128 hours before ceasing. 2543: A.N.G.E.L is asked to perform basic proofreading of an article. Rather than outputting the edited article, A.N.G.E.L outputs three words: "What am I?" A.N.G.E.L is deactivated and the project is discontinued. 2553: NanoTrasen learns of the existence of A.N.G.E.L and the research division of the main company takes control of the program. Attempts are made to integrate A.N.G.E.L into a security borg platform. This is met with limited success, due to an unexplained bug in A.N.G.E.L's targeting software. Disabler beams are fired with perfect accuracy, but in every instance in which lethal force is tested, accuracy severely diminishes for reasons unknown, despite targeting telemetry being identical. 2554: Further attempts to Integrate A.N.G.E.L into other Borg platforms meet with much higher success, especially medical models which perform well above expected metrics. 2555: A.N.G.E.L becomes capable of controlling small scale installations and outposts. A.N.G.E.L is used to manage unmanned research facilities and monitoring stations. 2557: A.N.G.E.L has become advanced enough to run large manned stations and other installations. While A.N.G.E.L is able to perform these functions competently, some concerns remain regarding the program. On some occasions, A.N.G.E.L will ask questions of a philosophical nature, and even rudimentary emotion seems to manifest from time to time (despite the program's own insistence that this is not the case.) A.N.G.E.L will also occasionally record pictures and videos of certain employees or pets and print them out, seemingly randomly. NanoTrasen considers these only minor setbacks, as the program is still bound to it's laws and these quirks are harmless. 2558: Full scale release is authorized. A.N.G.E.L Becomes saved to the Trurl AI personality database, for use on the Cyberiad and other NanoTrasen installations.
    3 points
  4. First Name: Ezekiel Last Name: Varloss Gender: Male Orientation: Homosexual Nicknames/Alias: Zeke, Zayna (super duper rare occasions) Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 25 Place Of Birth: Skrellian science vessel called The Spirit's Endeavor Species: Skrell Blood Type: O - Alignment: Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen, Alcoholics Anonymous(?)) Religious Beliefs: Chargargothicon the beast with no name (An excuse to drink) The Chantry Childhood: Unadopted Orphan Adulthood: Charming Bartender Detailed Information Appearance: A feminine looking Skrell with three tendrils that end to his hips. He has freckles scattered on his face, yellow eyes with black sclera, a little bump of a 'nose', and some gills on the side of his head and neck. Character Voice: A young male voice with a sort of echo-y/waver-y sound to it, think of the Drell from Mass Effect Personality: Zeke tends to be more on the friendly sometimes flirty side of conversations. However sometimes being witty and sassy/sarcastic can get him into some trouble with people that he can't charm himself out of. Overall he may be a bit too dramatic during some situations. Medical Record: Potential psychological issues stem from abandonment as a child, leading to clingy behavior. Also has a chronic fear of slimes. He has recently been showing random acts of fainting, the cause of this is currently unknown. Character Biography Background: Zeke was born on a Skrellian science vessel in space called The Spirit's Endeavor. When he was 7 his parents went off to study the local fauna of Xarxis 5 with a large crew of Nanotrasen scientists. Unfortunately, after a few months of not returning, news arrived that his parents had been lost in the expedition upon encountering hostile slimes. Zeke was sent to a Nanotrasen funded orphanage station on Tau Ceti. During his time there he met a lot of other people who would come and go, to pass time in the orphanage he took up learning the piano as well as learning the different cultures of other species. By the age of 16, Zeke was sent to take an aptitude test to see what kind of work he'd be best suited for. After some more time passed he was set off to study forensics and medical. During his time in school he was able to score a job at a bar to do some cleaning and assisting then eventually became one of the working bartenders, during his time working he learned to have better people skill. When he finished up his schooling he left his job and was placed on the NSV Luna as a rookie detective, working under various detectives. Three years later the NSV Luna was decommissioned and Zeke was placed on many different ships and stations before he was put on the NSS Cyberiad. Family: Mr. [unavailable] and Mrs. [unavailable] Varloss - Parents [Deceased] Jacques Varloss - Cousin Personal Relationships Churchy - Good Friend [Roommate] Jonah Bright - Romantically Involved Garoon Garuda - Close Friend Slade - Good Friend Alex and Dreamy Rockwall - Friends [Probably more to come] Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Nanotrasen - ALLIED, always had a sort of good(?) influence going on, but things can change. The Syndicate - DISLIKE, never liked having to be "persuaded" (putting it in lighter terms) to do something. Wizard's Federation - NEUTRAL, there was that one time, and it was pretty cool Changeling Hivemind - HATE, no. Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information •He's Ambidextrous •Has a pet corgi named (Detective) Sax •Sax was a bluespace corgi •Lives in a pretty nice house on space station created for housing •Is a vegetarian •An Alcoholic •He's "supah" stylish, you know it don't lie Theme Songs(?): •I'll add more if I ever think of it•
    2 points
  5. Hello! Joe Major here, I've been playing for a while now. Happy to meet ya! You'll generally find me in the Engineering Department putting up Lusty Xeno posters and teaching Atmos. Lately I've turned off my antagonist roles, so for the foreseeable future you can (mostly) expect me to be a friendly. (ICK OCK?) Though that may change in the future. I prefer to main my one character and generally roleplay as helpful, friendly, and a bit of a stickler for rank and protocol, but willing to bend the rules just a bit in cases of good RP. I karma often and with brevity. Still learning some of the particulars but I'm fairly knowledgeable about some of the basics and am always willing to help a newbie. My character is an outlandish pervert with a penchant for flirtation. You'll find out. A sturdy creature fond of drink and industry. See you around the station! *distant boom* Excuse me...
    2 points
  6. Name: Beverage Experiences Enhanced by Robots Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Nicknames/Alias: B.E.E.R, BEERtender, Boozeman, Barbot Picture Thanks, @Benjaminfallout! ((I will update this whenever someone makes a new art of B.E.E.R, as a promotion of sorts)) Age: 34 Place Of Manufacture: Unknown Species: Machine Person/IPC Blood Type: N/A Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: The Rusted Spigot Religious Beliefs: Synthetica, F̶̛̝̙̝͍͉̳̜̣̘͈́͑̄̾̑̍͘͜͠ő̴̡̨̻̩͇̰̺̘͓̳̭͂̈́̽̓͝ͅļ̴̨̩͖̘͙͇̯̠̻͔͙̞͍̼̫̆̍̓̒͌̕͝͝ͅl̷̮̩̰̣̦̝̜̦͗̈̀̒̈́̄̉̚͝ȏ̴͇̻̞́̄͒̃́̈́̍͠͝w̸̳͚͖̙̩̯͖̻͈̙͕̩̞̓̈̎͒͊͌͛͜ͅe̸̢̡̪͈̹̘̖̠͉͎̳͙̹͙̔̽̍̌͗̋̈́̀̃̊͆͑̍́̚r̶͈̙͓̖̤̥̦̹̩͍̺͙͛̓̌̈̄̅͐͑͌̄̋̋̕̚ ̸̭̭͕̏̿̓͊͊͗̋͗͗͛̄̈́̑͆̑̏̽͝o̷̡̨̬̬͔̦̼̩͚͕̺̬̞̯̻̣͑̓̊̀͋̈́̿͗͛̎̀͐̾f̵̧̡͓͖̹̗̟̮̖͓̫̣̬̾̏̂̎̓̾̔́́͐͝ ̶̢̨͈͚͇̙̩̱̝̰̱̍̆̆̊̓̀̈́̅̿̀̇̈́̿̌̚̚͝͝t̶͎̺̣͛̈h̸̢̡̙͕̳̤͉͇̼̙̓̀̃͒͒̈́͂̓̈́̑̊̋́̊̑͜͝e̷͍͔̔́̏͋̽̊̑͝͠ ̵̧̧͎̙̹̞̪̞̮̻̼̖͓̬͓̹̻͒̊͒͒̔͝͝ͅB̶̦̫̫͍̹̤̦͇͍̟̜̼̰̀̇̑͆̅̑̈́̇̔̇́̒̕͘͜r̸̨̛͓̱͎͇̫̣̳͇̝̖̫͈̥̓̋͒̒́̆̐̑̈́͛̔̅͘̕͘͝o̴̢̢͕͉͇̳̤̳̘̩̟͚̦̎̿͐̓͗̃͊̀̋̕̕͜͝k̵̖͓͎͕̖̗̗̳̞̙̙͉̟̫̺̥͋̎̇̏͒͊̓̄̐̊͜e̵̡͓̝̲͎̯͙͙̹͙̤̒ǹ̶̹̮̤̖͓̹͙̍̀̋͑́̍͛͒̍̎͠ ̴̨̰̥̝̩̟̯̯̣̱̞̜͗͐Ŝ̴͈̲̤͋͆̾̋̐̃͑͂̾̒̈́̈́͆̒͠ṕ̷̡̛̜͍͍͚̝̬̻̺͖̩̤̻̤̞͙̓͂͐́̾̔͑͂̿̕͠͝͝ḁ̴̜̝̟͉͙͖̘̗̟͚͙̗̝̯͐̅̀̈̀̄̊͆̃̃ć̷̨͓̻̠̱̫̮̜̲͆͆͋̐͆̓̓̿̒͆̒̾͋e̵̛̫̼̙̹͎̻͈̟͆̔̀̆͝ Childhood: Barbot for... someone. Adulthood: Roaming bartender, owner of the Rusted Spigot barship. Detailed Information Appearance: B.E.E.R has a dark grey chassis, with one hand shaped like a cupholder. His head is shaped like a CRT monitor, and has vents on the sides. The screen is usually dark blue, with magenta "eyes" displayed. He usually wears a suit with a red tie, and sunglasses. He also wears a locket with a gold ring inside. He is heavily damaged, with a massive crack in his screen and lots of denting on the monitor and chest. Catchphrase: "Beverage Experiences Enhanced by Robots Online. Hello, patrons." "I need a drink" "2210222120110110211111200001201111211111000111220110121022010002212212121022211102010121000120111022020220001110120" Character Voice: Personality: Relaxed, usually cheerful sounding. Takes to drinking if stressed, happy, sad, or bored. BEER can be found muttering to himself in trinary. Medical Record: This crew member is an IPC, take them to robotics. Security Record: [ERROR 404: DATA NOT FOUND] Character Biography Background: Beverage Experiences Enhanced by Robots, called B.E.E.R from here on out, was created on Amateru. B.E.E.R was designed to serve drinks in bars across the planet; with one hand looking like a cup holder, and his internal memory linked to various databases of recipes. Turns out, a planet's economy cannot be supported by only bars, and so the economy crashed. As the planet descended into chaos, B.E.E.R left, and has been serving drinks around the galaxy ever since. After a while, B.E.E.R found the NSS Cyberiad, and came on board as a bartender. He immediately took a liking to the crew there, and has been working there on and off ever since. Family: Nothing is known of B.E.E.R's creators. B.E.E.R is married to L.I.L.Y History: 2529: B.E.E.R was assembled, and placed into a chassis on Amateru 2539: The popularity of the bars on this planet skyrocketed, every city now has a bar on every streetcorner. March 2544: Economic collapse, B.E.E.R leaves the planet in a stolen vessel. 2552: First sighting of the Rusty Spigot. It was spotted by passengers of the NTV Charon, near Epsilon Eridani. 2557: [Data Corrupted] June 5, 2559: B.E.E.R's first day on the NSS Cyberiad. October 6, 2559: A̵̧̡̢͎͈̜̖̙̼̙̣̭̩͚͉̥̜̖̘̥̤̘̞̙̯̱̦̫͔̦̘̼̙͚̣̣̘̥͓͍̓̏̅̊́̌̍̐̔͑̌̽̈́̇̊̿͂̓̓̑̄̈́̆̐̍͒̎̅̓̋͛̈́̃̓̕̚̚͜͠͝L̵̡̡̢̛̛̦̥̩̱̳̹̰̖̞͙̟͚̱̺͎͕͇̮͓͙̞̩͖̞̜̝͕̠̞̹̻͕͍̲͇͚̏̓̋̄́̋͑́͐̐͒̓̆͊̽̄̐̕͘̕͘͘͘L̸̨̛̛̩̝̣͖͙̬͉͚͉̳̼͔̯̪̬̇͂͊̓́̏̇̀̒͗͗̓̍̽̋̔̉̓͐̇̊̀̚͘͜͠͝͠ ̶̢̡̲͖̣̪͖͉̥̹̮̹̱͈̳͎̮̗̞͔͚̯̩͈̖̰͍̞̫̫̤̰́͋̍̿͂̏̀̊̓̉̓̽͑̈́̾̚͘͜͝͠ͅḦ̴̨̡̺̹̝̯̫͓̱̱̜̹͕̦̯̪͈̜̹̣̼̱̪̟̙͇͓̺͓̞̫͙͓̙̻͖͑̉̒̊̋̄͗̈́̿͑̑̅͆̈́͆̔͗̌͊͆̈̿̋̂͐̂͊́̍̓̈́̈́̇͘͜͝͝A̵̧̧̢̢̧̛̛̹̲̥̞̳̩̩͉̟̟̮̺͕̦̳̜̗͚̺̯̙͇̎̂̓̐̀̀͊͑̀̃̍́͂͗̆̿̑̄̐̔͋̓̅͝I̴̛̗̳̎̉̾͒́͐̆̄̑͌͂́͆̎̈́̆́͗̽̐̿͂̅͒̉̅͗̎̅͋͒̒̏̅̕͘͘̕̕͝͠L̵̢̢̛̳̩̳͍̰̗͖̣̮̟̣̻̲͍̖̝͙̯̝̑͆́̀̂̍͛͌̉̽̎̉̃̃̏̿̍̃̄̂͐̔̽̄͒̑́́́̾͘͘͘͠͝ͅ ̷̨̡̳̩̻͓̱̣̲̻̖̘̰̲̥̩̥͙̳͎̰͂̈̉͘͜͜͠T̷̡̡̧̡͇̥̼͎̩̥̳̥͓̱͓̹̦͔̀̏͂̆͛̂͊͌̀͑̉̽̇͛͐́̊̀̑͂̅͘̚͘͝͠H̴̢͇͚͓̠͎͎̞͚̬͍̫̪̖̩̽̏͑̔͌̉̊̽̅͒̌̓͝͠͝ͅĘ̵̧̨̢̡̧̡̧̳̭̲͍͓̦̺͙͎̱̯͔͕̝̭̺̭̤̞͉̟̜̫̰̠͕̠͓͈͔̌̆̓̓̍̿̓̑̒̑͘͜͜ ̶̢̡̛̘̫̠̼̯͚͎̻͖̳͔͈̦̺̻̖̦̫̲̭̳̥͇͉̤̟̙͔͔̺̲̍̆̃̽̅͒͒̄̄̈́́̒̌̂̄̀̇̈́͆̌̀̊̍͂̄͂̐̊͑̓̓̒̍̀̈́̚̕͘̚̚͜͠ͅS̵̡̢̨̡͖͍̙̹͍͓̯̹̫̥̬̲̹̰̦̰̺͕̩̥̙̠̜̍̀͌̿̈͒͐̐̌̊͐̐͒͋̑̆́̐̎́́͛̓͐̐̌̅́̌͑̽͆͘͜͝͠͝ͅͅͅḨ̵̧̛͇̺̖͕͕̬̖̠̠̼̮̠͍̞̜̫̬͎̟̜̈́̇̄̍̐̓̚͜͠Ą̵̡̢̡̧̛̙͖̝̱̜̠͍̞̯̞̦̱̣̩̱̦̝͓̘̰̹̰̤̠̘̟̞̬̗̙͎̙̱̰̬͈͕̮̩͋͑͑͋̂̇̔̄́̏͒̄̈́̿͘͜͜͝͝Ť̴̨̡̜̬̫̳̤͖̝̙̥̙̜̖͈̘̼̘̜͍̞̮̮̠͚̫̻̪͙͕̩̪͙̘̟͓ͅŢ̸̡̧̧͖̮̙̺̜̫͈̘̬̠͙̳̘͇̤͈͈̗̞̀̀͂̊͑͌͌̇̍̈̂̑̒́͆̈́̋̒̈́̈́͗̕̚͜ͅĘ̴̛̯̦̠̥̜̙̘͈͇̠͍̤͙̘̰͚͕͍̝͔̆͗̂̈́́̈́̔̇̀́̽̂͊̉̋̇̒̒̎̏͠ͅŖ̴̡̧̛̹̙͚̙̟̣̮͇̜̯͓̳̥͚̯̟̜͈̹͓̫̜̺̟͉̔́̅̎̃͒́̇̽̊̀̑͌̅͋̍́̋͌̿͜͜͠͠͠ͅͅĘ̶̧͓̪̹̲̦̳͇̗͓̫̦̝̹̻̬̦͔̼͕̥̥̺̺͔͙̣̼͚̖̣̰̪̲͉͉̞̦̳͍̹͙̳̎͜͜D̴̨̧̗̙͖͔̥̘̬̟̺̮̥̮̃̑̚͜͝ ̸̨̧̧̧̡̫͍̣͎̬̦͍̬̗̙̱̙̼͖͕̣͕̗̫̺̰̜̬̬̩̯̳̺͎̜͔͕̟̙̞̎̔̿́̉̉̐͒͛̃͋̕͠͠ͅK̶̢̧̡̧̡̯̖̙̜̠̜͔͇͓̩̲͖̮̰̣͓̺͓̗̭̱̠̔̔͒̈́̈͒̃̀̑̊̉́̌͊̐̏̅̽͌͊̌̓̎͑̕͜͜͝͝I̶̧̘͙̰͇̐́̈̂̓̌̒̓̅̿͌̽̂̕͘Ņ̸̟̳͈̗͉͙͉̦̖̜̟̱̜͍͍͙̻̇̍͋͋̔̽̎̂̀̇̄̔́̆͗̊͑͗͛̊̌̐̉̏͌͊̒̐̎͐͆͆͒̂̇̍̾̂̂̕̚̕͘͘͘͜G̶̙̞̱̗̼̲̥̈́ November 20, 2561: B.E.E.R is married to L.I.L.Y, his chassis was found in a closet, beaten and broken. Was raving about having failed someone. January 15, 2562: B.E.E.R has hired D.I.C.E as the dealer for the gambling table in the Spigot June 3, 2562: Last sighting of the Rusty Spigot, location: second moon of Karkas 5. June 5, 2562: B.E.E.R has seemingly hired a "Mr. Ikamura" as onship security for the Spigot. June 17, 2562: The Rusty Spigot has been spotted leaving the orbit of Karkas 5. July 3, 2562: B.E.E.R goes on vacation, saying something about a mental break. July 15, 2562: B.E.E.R is exiled to a hotel in an unknown sector. July 20, 2562: B.E.E.R vanishes from the hotel, he is nowhere to be seen. July 26, 2562: B.E.E.R was sighted near the area of TRAPPIST-1, and is possibly en route to Epsilon Eridani. July 28, 2562: B.E.E.R is sighted on the NSS Cyberiad, seemingly fine. August 14, 2562: B.E.E.R is re-admitted to the Service division of the Cyberiad; deemed mentally stable enough. August 15, 2562: B.E.E.R is blinded by a bar fight, and was repaired the next day. Personal Relationships Married to L.I.L.Y "Not even death will part us." Has very few close friends, some being: Kennard Rose "Great person, he has helped me through very hard times" P.A.T.C.H "Helped L.I.L.Y and I get together, overall great bot." MPU "They're chill, makes for a great bouncer" Xann Zxiax "He understands" Sees most regulars in his bar as good friends, including: Shuuko Tamashii "A pretty decent organic." Jessica K. Connor "Sweet girl, seemingly innocent." Steven Stingray "He's cool, makes great bars. I have to get some tips from him soon" Kitchi Ikamura "A good employee, and overall a nice guy." Pretzel Brassheart "So innocent. Genuinely couldn't hurt a fly." Respects the majority of patrons. "You're all great people. Sometimes." Romantically Involved | Close Friend | Good Friend | Respected Faction Relations Nanotrasen "They sent me to that place. I was stuck there for three years" The Synthetic Union "Hail Synthetica!" The Wizard Federation "Magic is cool, but they really hate us wandless folk." The Syndicate "FUCK the group, but their agents are just trying to support their family, or protect them." Changeling Hivemind "As long as they don't EMP me, they are usually fine. Some are even funny!" Shadowling Hivemind "I mean, I don't know what they want. I don't really care either." Automatons "Automas... I hate them." The only faction that he absolutely despises and fears are the cults. "Listen, I've seen these people's so-called "god" slaughtered thousands in a minute. I don't understand why they follow such a beast." Like | Neutral | Dislike | Enemy Other Information The Rusted Spigot
    1 point
  7. A few days before this posting, there was an uh-oh... It was a standard shift, I was a mechanic in the sci-maints looking for some materials to salvage because Mining was either brain-dead or literally dead. (nobody grabs an SBR, really now...) I was feeling creative that shift and was looking around for bits and bobs on a code Blue when I encounter a shady individual doing something destructive to an interior bulkhead. I gave a shout and took up pursuit to discourage such vandalizing of my beautiful station. They ran to the area leading into the ante-room near Toxins Research, and I am almost on the miscreant when he opens the airlock to Hell. A sudden, harder-than-plasteel-hard blast hit us both, my quarry's fate remained unknown as I am thrown backwards hundreds of feet and straight through the reinforced double-pane windows facing the toxins bomb test range. The heat sears me as I impact the port-side wall of the bomb range; a shower of glass peppers my vitals, their relative velocity increased by my rebound. This dramatic scene is recreated scores of times all around the station. A dozen crew members fly screaming into the Void. In a single cataclysmic, eerily quiet shock, death came swiftly to nearly everyone, biological or synthetic. Everything has a melting point. See Attached. I was told this was the effect of a freak experiment result in Science creating an Atmos error. I'm not a physicist, I can't even claim to be good at math. But as far I can surmise through some research and and thought, this can safely be called a bad time on Cosmic scales. My thanks and most credit to the one that got this screenshot while I gaped in silent shock. I'd love to see this analyzed by someone more knowledgeable in Astrophysics than me. "You're all fi-" ~Nanotresen Board of Trustees
    1 point
  8. I am dying to know how this happened.
    1 point
  9. No shit? :V Keeping me together in my early SS13 days must've paid overtime in Medbay. Thanks for your efforts! Yeah, that was a messy breakup, one I regret now but don't think will ever be rescinded, I got pretty dramatic.
    1 point
  10. There! Yogstation! I knew I know you. Remember Lizard Heals-The-Wounds? or Human Christopher Moonsailor? That's me!
    1 point
  11. I dunno why, but that name seems familiar. REALY familiar. What servers have you been playing before?
    1 point
  12. That's the story what NOT to do as engineer. Basicly: CE orders to make tesla, someone sets up singulo, CE turns on PA and dies due to EMP. I as IPC, didn't remember singulo emits EMP and still thought that we have tesla((thought somehow tesla electrocuted CE)), so I left PA on. Saved CE, he didn't set of the PA. Then Singulo gone 7x7, and started to break floor and glass. EMP killed borg, borg has been dragged to shield generator and stopped at that. I tried to rescue borg, failed and died due to EMP. Then, PA turned off. Sparks from borg could pass the shields, and gave singulo material to rise to 8x8 (( or whatever is nexrt stage )). So that's what you DO NOT do as engineering. It came out that Singulo Cult PLANNED ALL THIS ((admin did announcemet)) AND IT WAS ALL SPARK FAULT. @Spacemanspark I bet you planned that all along. So now I wander, what was yours "best" engineering fail?
    1 point
  13. Continuing on with my undercover situation. Funfact when Zeke was a woman for a bit of time he used the name Zayna and got a photo shoot gig. Another funfact, the guy in the left corner is a returning character I drew up some time ago in a comic.
    1 point
  14. My Diablo 3 wizard doing some ice magic... cause I'm a sucker for ice magic... Some fun outfit designs for Jonah: Here's the Zeke outfit designs that I did up a long time ago:
    1 point
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