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  1. If you don't tape you boots. THE FILTHY SYNDICATE CAN HEAR THEIR DOOM.
    1 point
  2. Reconnect barber shop, brig maint, and security escape pod to the electrical network by putting 2 wires in dorms. It's been some days that I noticed that every shift barber shop get power alarms, and it is always caused by the lack of wire under the blue laser tag locker in dorms. I started to think it was a map problem, downloaded the code and ran a private server and it is indeed a map problem. I see no reason for the engs having to rewire this every shift, so I assume it's just an mistake that came with some mapping changes. I assume it should be easy to fix, unfortunately I have zero experience with ss13 mapping.
    1 point
  3. It's always the damn soap. It's always the damn banana peels. It's always the who stuns who first. And it's always how much Byond loves you to not fuck over your connection and ping each days.
    1 point
  4. This sounds like the powergamers guide to security. Don't tape your boots, they sound way to cool to silence them. Patrol maint alone at times. Be reckless at times. Give the antags a chance instead of trying as hard as possible constantly. It frequently makes the round more interesting.
    1 point
  5. OMFG I love this so much. PATCH riding Cheeseburger, shotgun wielded, dragging Slith away from a shadowling while he points a freaking flashlight at it. It's. So. Perfect. This is just making me laugh and smile so much. It's excellent!
    1 point
  6. ⌂ Home > Appeals and Complaints > Unban Requests > [Declined] Banned by cyberiad_OS: Ban Appeal for FluffyVulp_SE posted Saturday, 3:56 AM (edited) REASON FOR BAN: The connection has been closed. Reason: "Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. What the fuck." This is a permanent ban. YOUR APPEAL: Okay. So I understand that what I did may be considered excessive to some, but let me tell you that it was not my intention to cause as much damage as I did. Though I can understand why I'm banned, I really don't agree with any of it. For starters why wouldn't anyone check the hidden wall in the brig? Sure, stripping the HOS of all his gear, turning him into a monkey, and tying him up with the cuffs and gag might have been excessive but he could've yelled or something. No need to bring the admin's in for an IC issue. I did not "set the PA to 3 and release the tesla" all I did was attach a remote signaler to the particle accelerator and set it to the most common frequency and waited for someone to activate it. It was just a funny prank, I assure you, and I had every intention to fix it, but security had already taken my rightfully-received all-access ID and stripped my engineering access. So if you think about it, it's their fault for not letting me fix a problem that only I knew the solution to. Why aren't they permabanned? I just think the admins have it out for me, imo. I also did not ERP. I don't see anywhere in the rules that prohibits me from running around the halls using the *squish emote. Is it because I became an obese human instead of a sexy slimegirl? Talk about a double standard. Absolutely nothing erotic was happening except me *squishing around at the speed of sound. All in all I think this weird ban is without merit, and just a sign that the admins don't like me. I've already raised these grievances in general, admin complains, in the official discord server, the unofficial discord server, some other discord servers, and among a bunch of friends who were also permabanned. I was also talking on discord with another player during that round and they said that what I was doing was hilarious. So I think I should be let back onto the server because I like it here, and also because I spice things up. I promise not to tie the HOS up with fetish gear and leave him in a slowly depressurizing room again. :) edited Sunday at 8:25 AM by FluffyVulp_SE ------------------------------ Part time wage slave. Part time gamer. All-time cool guy. THE ENLIGHTENED GAMER COALITION NOTHING IS TRUE, EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED re: Banned by cyberiad_OS: Ban Appeal for FluffyVulp_SE posted Today, 3 minutes ago Holy fucking shit. Is this for real? Please tell me I'm not the only one reading this. When we say "appeal in your next life" we did NOT mean willingly transfer your brain into monkey. We meant it more like "Don't ever come back because holy shit, what the fuck." You've been banned like, 8 times, each one more spectacular than the last. Honestly, if we didn't permaban you now you might've escalated to breaking into our servers and smashing the hardware itself. APPEAL DECLINED this is a work of satirical fiction. all references to persons and unban requests, accepted or declined, are purely coincidence.
    1 point
  7. Today I played as sec officer and happened to be an extended round. A crazy one, all started with a ghost clown cult... Never hear of it before. I thought "let's write a diary at the news feed". I was very lost on that round with the illegible telecoms script and all the stuff happening at the same time, but was funny! Well, here it is if you want to take a look. I will certainly do some day, would felt bad to just save it in my hdd:
    1 point
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