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  1. The return of the status eyes. And worse. This time I was a bit intoxicated... I swear to space jesus I never do this on purpose -.- PREVIOSULY ON STATUS EYES...
    5 points
  2. I was playing as a Tajaran female, Nia Kaytam, just like usual. I spawned as a bartender and by my usual behavior wore a maid costume. Fast forward about ten minutes, a shaft miner named Bert comes to the bar cathing me dancing on the bar counter off boredom. I greet him and he stays silent for a moment, then he talks, "M-My god... You are cute." I thank him and jump back behind the desk. He is just staring at me, probably hypnotized by my corgeus looks with a french maid outfit and walks out without saying anything. Fast forward 50 minutes, an IPC called M.A.N.T.I.S. walks in playing a synthesizer and orders synthignon. After drinking it, the robot takes a cigar. "Bad cosmetic habits?" I ask it, this lead to a very deep conversation about IPC culture. It gives me its synthesizer and leaves, I start playing Space Oddity with the synthesizer. Suddenly I hear the bar's back room's door doing the access denied sound. I open the door and see an unidentified person in a miner hardsuit. Before I notice he presses combat defibrillators against my chest and shocks me unconscious. Fast forward a few minutes, I regain my consioucness in the maintenance tunnels, tied on a metal chair. I look up and see a hardsuit person. "Hello", he says with a menacing tone that I recognise, Bert the miner who said I am cute. "Oh, it's you again." I say without having no clue what was going on. "Surprise!" he says mockingly. "We are going to have some fun.", he says and laughs madly. "Oh no..." I say because first I thought he was going ERP rape me and get us both banned. "What I said about you was a lie, you're not cute, you are a disgusting cat beast!" Bert says, "Left or right hand?" , hiding something behind his back. "left" I answer nervously. He takes out a stechkin pistol. Now I realize Bert is a syndicate agent and is going to torture me, a better thing gamewise, but a worse thing for my character. "Left or right?", he asks again. "Right". Bert then backs off and shoots at my right knee, I hold back my scream and instead swear quietly. "Chest or head?", his question is heard. "You sick bastard, I didn't choose what I am born as. Chest" I say, then a 10mm bullet penetrates my maid costume and thin body easily and I cry a bit. "I am going break your bones, would you like that?" I cough and whimper a bit as Bert takes a wrench out of his backpack. "Arms or legs?" Bert says and grins spookily, "Legs", I say after thinking about it for a while. He whacks my knees multiple times which makes me scream. The scream echoes through the maintenance tunnels, but nobody answers it."I HATE little wimps who scream!" he yells at my face and starts putting duct tape on my mouth. "No, please do- mmph mph." I beg for my life. "Left or right?" Bert asks once more. I point right with my tail and he shoots my right shoulder. The duct tape muffles my scream into uncomforting mmph-ing. He punches me a few more times, unbuckles me off the chair and puts his hands around my neck, he is going to choke me. He is easily strong enough to lift me to air. I start shaking uncontrollably, he then releases me and I helplessly slam on the floor because my everything is broken. "Don't worry that would be too early." My face is absolutely wet of my tears and I must have looked miserable. Bert lifts my head and asks me once more, "slow and painful death or quick and painless.". He rips the duct tape off my mouth alongside a lot of fur which makes me scream. "P-P-Pain-fu-full-y, I-I t-thi-ink I g-go-t inf-nfect-ted b-by you-r to-tor-rtur-re fe-e-tish." I stutter slowly. The amount of pain is starting to make me purr. Bert takes a lethal injection syringe and uses it on me. The last grip on my life is being stomped on with iron plated boots by the injection. "See you in hell." I say with my last breath. Bert then takes a jetpack and takes my corpse to a nearby asteroid with a hidden Syndicate base, the pressure change upon entering space quickly makes the last thing remaining of me in the mortal plane a bunch of broken bones and blood riddled maid dress. The rest of the round I spent talking with ghosts who saw the torture scene and I also gave Bert some karma for the perfect demake of Saw in ss13. The end. (This was the first time something like this had happened to me in ss13, it was magnificent)
    1 point
  3. People can spitball ideas of different "objectives" and as long as they are within the bounds of the rules you could do them any round without the game telling you to do it. Just make it happen. Be a drug dealer, or work with another player on some scenario where they owe you money, etc. If you are planning on doing something that possibly treads the line, let the admins know what you are up to so they don't get surprised by it. This is what make Spess great.
    1 point
  4. Hay that was me! Damn that had to be great scene. When I'm syndicate target I get EMPed in the first 10 minutes of the game and that's all. Sad.
    1 point
  5. StreakyHaddock, Ty Omaha, Saul Argon, MarcellusPye, Pazneria12, DaDman234 and Vargh have been promoted to full Game Administrators. Spartan has joined the team as a Trial Administrator.
    1 point
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