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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey! Online games may sometimes unleash the artistic bugs, and them somehow bite you - paradoxically, even the most "imageless" text-based RPG Due to the fact that my word is almost 99.999% based on digital art (only the 'pixeled' though. Every digital art is pixel-made, but... you've got it!) inspired (but not limited) by the artstyle from games from the awesome Zak McKracken to the curious Habbo, the physical paper and pen were a tad abandoned but they're always the best friends when it comes to digging ideas and gags, and it probably applies to some of you, too Hand-Drawn (mainly a red pen) A kind of "past meeting the future"-themed one, although some very imaginative people may claim they're actually exchanging kisses The dragon speaks and the human doesn't mind Right before turning seventeen - a rebirth in the emptiness of the space! Pixel Art The Quilly Synthesizer!! It's never played a real song though, besides its beep-beep-trrRRR sounds. That was a test program in order to... test some non-RPG commmands in a RPG Maker Angels making mischief around a plane Samples of Chibis/Alterations I've made for people over the months, half of them made under amazing bases. Since we're here, feel free to request one little you, if you're keen! Yes, it's been a crazy year. Thank you very much
    2 points
  2. This would be definitely something that should/could be reported on the git - it's supposed to be connected. Anyways: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/8513 Made a PR to fix this.
    2 points
  3. I was playing as a Tajaran female, Nia Kaytam, just like usual. I spawned as a bartender and by my usual behavior wore a maid costume. Fast forward about ten minutes, a shaft miner named Bert comes to the bar cathing me dancing on the bar counter off boredom. I greet him and he stays silent for a moment, then he talks, "M-My god... You are cute." I thank him and jump back behind the desk. He is just staring at me, probably hypnotized by my corgeus looks with a french maid outfit and walks out without saying anything. Fast forward 50 minutes, an IPC called M.A.N.T.I.S. walks in playing a synthesizer and orders synthignon. After drinking it, the robot takes a cigar. "Bad cosmetic habits?" I ask it, this lead to a very deep conversation about IPC culture. It gives me its synthesizer and leaves, I start playing Space Oddity with the synthesizer. Suddenly I hear the bar's back room's door doing the access denied sound. I open the door and see an unidentified person in a miner hardsuit. Before I notice he presses combat defibrillators against my chest and shocks me unconscious. Fast forward a few minutes, I regain my consioucness in the maintenance tunnels, tied on a metal chair. I look up and see a hardsuit person. "Hello", he says with a menacing tone that I recognise, Bert the miner who said I am cute. "Oh, it's you again." I say without having no clue what was going on. "Surprise!" he says mockingly. "We are going to have some fun.", he says and laughs madly. "Oh no..." I say because first I thought he was going ERP rape me and get us both banned. "What I said about you was a lie, you're not cute, you are a disgusting cat beast!" Bert says, "Left or right hand?" , hiding something behind his back. "left" I answer nervously. He takes out a stechkin pistol. Now I realize Bert is a syndicate agent and is going to torture me, a better thing gamewise, but a worse thing for my character. "Left or right?", he asks again. "Right". Bert then backs off and shoots at my right knee, I hold back my scream and instead swear quietly. "Chest or head?", his question is heard. "You sick bastard, I didn't choose what I am born as. Chest" I say, then a 10mm bullet penetrates my maid costume and thin body easily and I cry a bit. "I am going break your bones, would you like that?" I cough and whimper a bit as Bert takes a wrench out of his backpack. "Arms or legs?" Bert says and grins spookily, "Legs", I say after thinking about it for a while. He whacks my knees multiple times which makes me scream. The scream echoes through the maintenance tunnels, but nobody answers it."I HATE little wimps who scream!" he yells at my face and starts putting duct tape on my mouth. "No, please do- mmph mph." I beg for my life. "Left or right?" Bert asks once more. I point right with my tail and he shoots my right shoulder. The duct tape muffles my scream into uncomforting mmph-ing. He punches me a few more times, unbuckles me off the chair and puts his hands around my neck, he is going to choke me. He is easily strong enough to lift me to air. I start shaking uncontrollably, he then releases me and I helplessly slam on the floor because my everything is broken. "Don't worry that would be too early." My face is absolutely wet of my tears and I must have looked miserable. Bert lifts my head and asks me once more, "slow and painful death or quick and painless.". He rips the duct tape off my mouth alongside a lot of fur which makes me scream. "P-P-Pain-fu-full-y, I-I t-thi-ink I g-go-t inf-nfect-ted b-by you-r to-tor-rtur-re fe-e-tish." I stutter slowly. The amount of pain is starting to make me purr. Bert takes a lethal injection syringe and uses it on me. The last grip on my life is being stomped on with iron plated boots by the injection. "See you in hell." I say with my last breath. Bert then takes a jetpack and takes my corpse to a nearby asteroid with a hidden Syndicate base, the pressure change upon entering space quickly makes the last thing remaining of me in the mortal plane a bunch of broken bones and blood riddled maid dress. The rest of the round I spent talking with ghosts who saw the torture scene and I also gave Bert some karma for the perfect demake of Saw in ss13. The end. (This was the first time something like this had happened to me in ss13, it was magnificent)
    1 point
  4. (Still very much WIP, especially on the design front!) A newborn being of pure energy has come to the station, drawn both by curiosity and the enticing power flowing through its machinery. They desire only to feed, grow, and learn, but the crew may find this interfering with their work... and safety. As creatures of energy, Luminaries are not subject to many physical restrictions, enabling them to travel through the station's electrical fixtures such as lights, computers, and consoles (though only powered and unbroken ones). They are also immune to most forms of attack, and in fact absorb fire and energy projectiles; though disablers, ion rifles, and temperature guns on low settings are effective. Those wishing to stop a Luminary will likely have to use different tactics than a guns-blazing chase, however. On the other hand, Luminaries by default have no directly harmful abilities. Even their melee attack only does stamina damage. They may sometimes unlock deadlier powers as they progress, however... GAMEPLAY Luminary objectives include gathering a certain amount of power from the station's devices and learning more about the things on board the station (via interacting with certain things in certain ways). As it gains more power and knowledge, a Luminary will develop new skills/powers, likely based on what it has been studying/doing. Here are powers as designed so far: Transmission: The Luminary's most basic ability, incorporeal travel via electrical devices. Works similarly to bloodcrawl. Galvanization: Finding a dead creature, the Luminary probes its internal energy pathways and figures out a way to restore the flow, reanimating the body with a surge of energy. Corpses missing hearts or brains receive a couple... improvisations. Reanimating humanoids may count towards a learning objective. A corpse with no owner becomes eligible for ghosts, which creates a new mind with no memory of the body's original life. Such beings may or may not receive objectives (as some kind of reanimated minion, probably), needs discussion. Assimilation: The Luminary feeds itself into various machines and computers around the station, learning how to use/mess with them. For instance, entering an autolathe. Another probable research objective. Network Lance: One of the Luminary's few offensive abilities. Having studied the powernet, the Luminary directs it against a single (or not?) target, causing arcs to strike them from nearby machinery. More machines nearby, more arcs, more damage. Lightning: A non-damaging variant. The Luminary discharges chain lightning, stunning nearby humanoids. Translation: The Luminary gains the ability to pull an incapacitated (or willing?) target into the airwaves with it when it transmits.
    1 point
  5. You're my favourite HoS. I'm sad I don't see you more often.
    1 point
  6. I think being able to decapitate people with your bare hands does matter.
    1 point
  7. Amazing stuff; amazing style!
    1 point
  8. I'd like to point out the Unathi weakness to cold DOES affect gameplay more than people think. Breaches are extra dangerous to them because they take additional burn damage as the temperature drops and they start piling on damage sooner, so not only do they take more damage, they experience soft crit slow down sooner making a breach that a human could run through still in the yellow, an unathi might be lucky to get through before hitting crit and possibly collapse and go into hard crit, where a tajaran just might get knocked out of the green. Though as far as racial changes I'd like to see considered, I have few ideas that would certainly change how races approach problems. Diona: Water reliance. Inverse of Grey's, Diona should need water for their healing to take effect, whether it be making their hunger bar almost entirely reliant on water and fertilizers, to just a running requirement for them to need to regularly be splashed with water, sprayed, shower or drink a glass from time to time to prevent withering. This could also make reagents like drying powder be a soft counter to Diona as drying up their water reserves would be a way to negate their healing without necessarily killing them like atrazine. Taj/Vulp: Combustion risk. Taking burn damage from lasers or other high heat sources should have a chance to combust their fur, dealing extra damage and push these races into being a bit more cautious around anyone with a laser rifle or similar fire starting weapon that could do significant harm even on a stray shot. Unathi: Tail slap. Iguanas are known to use their tails as clubs when agitated, and Unathi would have the most solid/muscular tails of all races in the game currently. A tail slap attack every 15-30 seconds would be an interesting combat buff for the otherwise unexceptional race, either a tile targeted melee attack for bonus unarmed damage (perhaps even usable while cuffed but no buckled) or a tail sweep with a high trip/disarm chance against the three tiles directly adjacent to them in which ever direction they target the attack. (One or the other, not both abilities.)
    1 point
  9. Welcome to "The Toolbox" Cyberiad's first premier all-male strip club!
    1 point
  10. So i really like to build stuffs and that kind of things, i see people who enjoy my work a lot so i tough i should make a post with all of them.
    1 point
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