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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2018 in all areas

  1. I think the IAA 'shitter' problem is part of the overall problem with IAAs. It's not that IAAs want to be shits, but that they desperately want to something to do and to be relevant in some way. So that's why they enforce minor parts of SoP and generally be annoying. Because if they didn't, they'd very often have nothing to do at all. They'll pick at the crumbs only because they're starving. They wouldn't have to do that if they had other things to be doing.
    4 points
  2. First Name: Ruum-Ovv-Oumn Gender: Male Orientation: Doesn't matter Nicknames/Alias: Mr. Rumbly. Dread Captain Ruum Picture Age/D.O.B: 103 (83) 9/28/24(7)58 Place Of Birth: Hoorlm Species: Drask Blood Type: B+ Alignment: Neutral Evil Affiliation: Nanotrasen. Shellguard Munitions. Phobos Privateers Religious Beliefs: Animism Childhood: Student Adulthood: Overqualified Worker Detailed Information Appearance: Ruum stands at 6'5 with light Cyan skin, around the digits of each hand, as well as the end of his trunk, the skin has buffed out forming what look like calluses in small patches. He also has noticeably bad posture, always with his shoulders slouched and a slight lean either forward or backwards. His waistline is littered in odd looking scripture, and what seems to be numbering next to it. His eyes are a deep pink, with the left one looking a shade paler then the other two. The spikes that run along his arm are ping as well and end with a tip. Character Voice: Very deep, has a slight speech impediment not uncommon along Drask where he has trouble pronouncing O's and U's in common speak. Personality: Most of the time Ruum goes with the ebb and flow of the station, dealing with things as they come up and trying to react accordingly. But at times he can be the ebb and the flow. Medical Record: Drask Physiology. Especially sensitive to heat. Frequent treatment for Laser burns Character Biography Background: Ruum was born and raised in Hoorlm, a child of two caring parents he eventually ended leaving them, and pursuing his academic career. Ruum learned most of what he could from the elders and teachers of Hoorlm, and when their planet came in contact with the other species he saw it as an opportunity to learn even more, the universe was a crueler mistress then Ruum had first thought. After failing out of standard school, Ruum had little in ways of proper credentials as he journeyed through NT space, and through tough times Ruum became a bouncer for some seeder establishments then he wanted to talk about. With gusto and patience, Ruum landed a job maintaining robots on mining ship, thankfully the Miners had a miniature library at their disposal, and Ruum was more then happy to take full advantage of it. Ruum currently resides in a refitted cargo ship. The hold is split between a living space and a dock meant for any miniature pods that want to visit. Family: Saar-Oorm-Hoorm, teacher and moral figurehead. Mnoo-Ovv-Oumn, Estranged child Personal Relationships Heimdall (Acquaintance) He thinks that Heimdall may be one of both the nicest and strangest Greys he's met, and while he doesn't mind the quasi-nudity of the grey, his mental infiltration does bother him. Isthel Straub (Respected) Ruum respects Isthel for all of her worth and he's always grateful that she'll patch him up no matter the circumstances. Ipsum Bellus Crinitis (Friend) Ruum thinks that Ipsum is horribly under qualified for the kind of work he does, but expects his fighting spirit, but also tries to protect the young vulp anyway. Kennard Rose (Admire) Rose is the only one that he would consider adult-like on the station, his demeanor and attitude speak volumes to Ruum. Zsi (Friend) Ruum see's an equal part friendship, and rivalry in Zsi and it could either end in great fun or horrible times. Naar-Dromn-Viisk (Acquaintance) He enjoys seeing another one of the Drask on board the Cyberaid, but more so enjoys Naars spirit and personality. Eeehirawk (Acquaintance) While Ruum doesn't see the Vox that frequently he's rather protective of her, especially since her and his daughter are roughly around the same age. Kaiikah (Friend) Ruum can rely (most of the time) on him and he'll try to keep him out of his antics most of the time. Faction Relations Nanotrasen: Like Syndicate: Like Wizard Federation: Dislike Changling Hivemind: Neutral Shellguard Munitions: Like, previous employee Council of Vampires: Like Privateers: Captain of the Match for None Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Theme
    3 points
  3. Black and white illustration of SCUTTLES, for @CPTCoffee!
    3 points
  4. Oh I have plenty of this thread... When admins do Virology. When admins select the wrong character. When admins roll chaplain. When admins play with SDQL2. When admins accidentally mess up VV and turn any new spawning human subtype in the world into spiderpeople. When three admins decide to have a casual meeting in the library. When all online admins decide to join cargo. When admins feel like giving out some FREEDOM! When adm... BAWK! ' And a bonus ones, come up with your own caption for this if you want.
    2 points
  5. I didn't realise that the IAA Retool was a thing while the PR was open since i'm not a big checker of git. So I'm going to poke this dead horse now. I believe that the IAA Buff should have targeted their radio instead of their IDs. A Big issue with IA Agents is they have no ability to acquire hard evidence, and are forced to rely only on witness testimony. They also only get two sides of any given story: Security's, and the Defendant's. Not only that, but their job role is to lubricate the grinding gears of production on the station. It's their job to find out why mining's not getting any minerals for science, it's their job to find out why engineering hasn't come to the brig for the past six calls, it's their job to track down and tell the HoP where the Janitor's vanished to. Giving them increased access doesn't hurt, but it doesn't really help them in this regard, either. Instead, give them more radio access. That would actually help them and make them more effective. Yes, this would make them more mechanically similar to the NT Rep; but the NT Rep and the IA Agent have different concerns. Or, at least, they should do.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. It is 5:22 AM when I posted this and I finally did it. I decided to stop procrastinating and finished the art for @gangelwaefre. That might just be the sloppiest logos I have ever done. Anyway, woo!
    1 point
  8. Obrigado! And I'm afraid to tell you the pen fever was way deeper, like, 1-2 years ago?? As the main way of producing. Now, most of the time, is all about the pixels The most recent artworks are not here but, thanks to the blessed uploaders, here are some new stuff This is cat with a naughty, suspicious look. He's more likely postponing an appointment God save Sonic? User-requested graphics> A giddy gal jumping! An award! Chocolate Donald Trump, Little man touching fowl IRL, Chocolate Hillary Clinton! Run, Chibi, RUN!! Nutritive Slime Noisy Eggman
    1 point
  9. Some of you may, or may not have noticed my very first picture that I posted on this thread... that's like 92 pages away from here, how insane is that... It wasn't the first SS13 drawing I did because the first one I did was of HereticChurch's character Gloria Church that I believe was posted on the crew records about here. However, it was about the first round I had, and the first time I drew Zeke Varloss, and fun fact I planned on having him dressing up as a pirate all the time, hanging out in the bar getting drunk, and yes I knew at the time that Skrell were lightweights it was all part of plan that I had... And of course, unlike some of my other older art works that I posted on this thread, the link never broke! Which is great! Hopefully that wont jinx things. Anywho, why I mentioned all that is because I thought now would be an excellent time to redraw that image, so here we go. Don't remember the old one, and too lazy to look back, here it is:
    1 point
  10. The HOS can be a real asshole sometimes.
    1 point
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