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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2018 in all areas

  1. A commission for Norstead of their character in the Blueshield attire
    3 points
  2. love finds a way, too bad chaplain seemed to hate me and there was no reception
    2 points
  3. I just noticed that I haven't done any digitals of B.E.E.R. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight!
    1 point
  4. So I guess I will say hi here. My IPCs are Q.U.A.R.K. and M.A.N.T.I.S. ((I got some more saved in case I want anothere character)). As why I play IPC. Well I used to play as Unathi at FTL13/Yogstation, where my secondary "race" was Borg. When I moved to paradise I played as Heals the Wounds for some time, IPCs seems so cool to me, I decided to buy that race and give it a shot. And here we are.
    1 point
  5. Let's compare two cases. I notice a sec officer being bad. I make a complaint to the IAA. I notice a sec officer being bad. I tell the HoS. Which of these two is more likely to result in the issue being fixed? The HoS is supposedly the officer's boss. The IAA is not. The HoS has the actual, practical ability to fire said officer using the demotion console. The IAA does not. The HoS' main job is to manage their department. The IAA's is not. The HoS knows that if they don't take my complaint seriously, I may go to the Captain instead, which will reflect badly on them. The IAA doesn't care if I disagree with them, as they don't really report to the Captain, and won't care if I tell the Captain they failed to act. The Captain might actually laugh at me for saying that, as they wouldn't expect IAAs to do anything either. OK, looks like going to the head of staff is better on many counts. What about time requirement? HoS, I can reach over the radio, or PDA. IAA is going to want me to come to their office and spend several minutes filling out paperwork, taking a statement, etc. I have other things to be doing. Looks like talking with the HoS wins again. What about fallback? If the HoS doesn't listen to me, I can go straight to the Captain. If the IAA doesn't listen to me, I'll end up contacting the HoS anyway. Seems like I might as well just go straight to the HoS. Is there ANY scenario where going to the IAA is better? I can think of one: incompetent Captains. If the Captain is terrible, and Command isn't willing or able to impeach them, then getting a fax sent to CC is just about your only option for dealing with it. There are very few long-range fax machines. The IAA's is the most accessible. In this case, the IAA is useful. As useful as the NT Rep, in this capacity. Most of the time, though? You're better off contacting the head of that department, and everyone knows it. I tried to address the problem by giving them enough access that they could physically examine the station themselves, and detect/report on problems without having to rely on someone else informing them. Perhaps I should have given them radio access too. I don't know. I did know, however, that they needed more than they had.
    1 point
  6. Oh I have plenty of this thread... When admins do Virology. When admins select the wrong character. When admins roll chaplain. When admins play with SDQL2. When admins accidentally mess up VV and turn any new spawning human subtype in the world into spiderpeople. When three admins decide to have a casual meeting in the library. When all online admins decide to join cargo. When admins feel like giving out some FREEDOM! When adm... BAWK! ' And a bonus ones, come up with your own caption for this if you want.
    1 point
  7. (Still very much WIP, especially on the design front!) A newborn being of pure energy has come to the station, drawn both by curiosity and the enticing power flowing through its machinery. They desire only to feed, grow, and learn, but the crew may find this interfering with their work... and safety. As creatures of energy, Luminaries are not subject to many physical restrictions, enabling them to travel through the station's electrical fixtures such as lights, computers, and consoles (though only powered and unbroken ones). They are also immune to most forms of attack, and in fact absorb fire and energy projectiles; though disablers, ion rifles, and temperature guns on low settings are effective. Those wishing to stop a Luminary will likely have to use different tactics than a guns-blazing chase, however. On the other hand, Luminaries by default have no directly harmful abilities. Even their melee attack only does stamina damage. They may sometimes unlock deadlier powers as they progress, however... GAMEPLAY Luminary objectives include gathering a certain amount of power from the station's devices and learning more about the things on board the station (via interacting with certain things in certain ways). As it gains more power and knowledge, a Luminary will develop new skills/powers, likely based on what it has been studying/doing. Here are powers as designed so far: Transmission: The Luminary's most basic ability, incorporeal travel via electrical devices. Works similarly to bloodcrawl. Galvanization: Finding a dead creature, the Luminary probes its internal energy pathways and figures out a way to restore the flow, reanimating the body with a surge of energy. Corpses missing hearts or brains receive a couple... improvisations. Reanimating humanoids may count towards a learning objective. A corpse with no owner becomes eligible for ghosts, which creates a new mind with no memory of the body's original life. Such beings may or may not receive objectives (as some kind of reanimated minion, probably), needs discussion. Assimilation: The Luminary feeds itself into various machines and computers around the station, learning how to use/mess with them. For instance, entering an autolathe. Another probable research objective. Network Lance: One of the Luminary's few offensive abilities. Having studied the powernet, the Luminary directs it against a single (or not?) target, causing arcs to strike them from nearby machinery. More machines nearby, more arcs, more damage. Lightning: A non-damaging variant. The Luminary discharges chain lightning, stunning nearby humanoids. Translation: The Luminary gains the ability to pull an incapacitated (or willing?) target into the airwaves with it when it transmits.
    1 point
  8. Look at those youngsters gettin' into trouble. WHO WILL WIN, Kei'Shen vs. Spark 5.5
    1 point
  9. nobody climbs on my food
    1 point
  10. Where the hell did you go, I haven't seen you in months
    1 point
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