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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2018 in all areas

  1. I drew my character. He's an Australian paramedic named Dana Kennedy And I also drew Blue shield Natalya because babe city
    4 points
  2. Decided to post some Tetris Vegan pics (of course) and a little Olivia thingy I just did.
    2 points
  3. Completely appropriate response. It's actually the NT Rep you'd PDA about it :P
    2 points
  4. In most cases, typing to the other AI to ask them to do something takes more time than just doing it yourself. They can do everything you can do and vice versa. Not once has this happened in a situation where I was overwhelmed at AI. In most cases there wasn't even an emergency at the time.
    2 points
  5. Speaking as someone who made a second AI 2 or 3 times as a simple grey tiding assistant, there was nothing stopping me from making an AI other then a few walls and unhelpful robotists. This was prior to the IAA change though, so at the time there was nothing that an almost always SSD IAA could have done to stop me. The last time I did it though, a chrono soldier did show up, I took that as a sign to stop doing it
    1 point
  6. These look very nice! And Natalya looks fierce... I think that's the word I'm looking for. Can't wait to see more!
    1 point
  7. Sorry to say but you've gotta just deal with it on this issue. Your preferences do not dictate what other people can and can't do. I deal with other people who do stuff I hate all the time, things that make the round obnoxious on me, I fuckin' loathe vomit grenades or blood grenades, especially as a janitor. You know how often people make that stuff? How often I've been working a job to have someone else suddenly show up cuz they went to the HoP? If that's what the round is, then that's just what it is. Someone else wanted to play AI, they found someone willing to make them an AI, found the RD willing to approve it and a Captain willing to sign off on it. It's ICly all legit. If it isn't legit then you have methods to handle that in-game. They went through about 4-5 other people to do the thing they wanted to do, you can too. Your fun does not take precedence over theirs, not when you have viable IC means of handling it all. I understand WHY it throws you off and am sorry to hear that you feel it ruined your round, but that's just not a reason to enforce it with a rule. You are playing an AI. A machine. You don't get a say in it and are not asked about it because you are a trillion dollar laptop to the crew. You do not have rights as an AI, you have laws that you follow. That's the curse of playing a synthetic, you basically don't get a say in anything. You can suggest and handle things after the fact. You gotta take the good with the bad, especially with something as uncommon as multiple AI. I can go months at a time without seeing a round with more then 1 AI functioning at the same time.
    1 point
  8. Okay, since this is beside the point I'll just move on. Let's just say I go to the IA and the person who made the second AI gets demoted. That's punishment. I don't really care about that. I care about prevention. I'm not going to spend half a round fighting with command and security and the IA to demote someone for making a second AI. As soon as I start doing that my round is now ruined. It isn't fun to be doing that, it isn't fun to spend your round yelling at command and security and trying to chase down IA to do something. That isn't fun. And even when successful getting the person who made the second AI demoted doesn't get rid of the second AI. It doesn't give me back the time I've lost dealing with it. It doesn't fix my problem or make the round fun again.
    1 point
  9. It's division of labor, not deciding "Well I guess it's not my problem anymore" One AI focuses on one half of tasks, the other and the remaining half. That doesn't mean they ignore things they see just cuz "That's not my job anymore" It means you would probably tell the other AI about in binary so they can handle it. Like, you can have multiple of something and still have teamwork while seperating tasks. A team of medical doctors don't or shouldn;t scramble over a single patient, it's inefficient. You each handle something/someone else, but just because you do that doesn't mean you go "Well Scrub McBob's patient is in crit and gasping on the floor and he has no idea. Damn, sucks to be him, that's not my patient can't do anything." People make multiple AI cuz Paradise station gets *insane* on busy shifts, usually more then a single AI can adequately handle at times. To some AI players, it's a welcome helping hand. Some people still prefer to just go it solo, and I can respect that it would be annoying to them to suddenly have a partner but... that just is what it is. If the construction of a second AI went through all the legal channels, then... Yeah, it was all done legit. You may not like it, I totally get why, but your preferences do not dictate what people can and cannot do in the game. If it wasn't done legit, mention that. If it wasn't done legit and the captain refuses to give a shit, then PDA the IAA about it.
    1 point
  10. a few doodles i thought i'd drop here since i haven't posted anything lately the top left is Epic_Charger's Jay Jay (doodled from memory with no reference, mind you) top right is a random voxxy bottom two are both S.A.M. (poor bot can't keep his hands on :3c)
    1 point
  11. A commission for Norstead of their character in the Blueshield attire
    1 point
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