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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2018 in all areas

  1. Dr. Voxxy with some medical tips!
    2 points
  2. I figured since i did share it before i might aswell put it here aswell. If i do have more i'll probably add to this.
    1 point
  3. I just noticed that I haven't done any digitals of B.E.E.R. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight!
    1 point
  4. I'm not really sure what the right forum for this is. I don't have a complaint about a specific player, so I guess it's a suggesting regarding the rules and enforcement. And just to preface I'm specifically talking about situations where the original AI is fully intact, responsive, and not malfunctioning. I just want to have a conversation about this, because I've just wiped my core as A.N.G.E.L ending my round early after it happened. This isn't the first time either, both when I'm the AI and when I'm not. Creating additional AIs has become something on a regular occurrence. Having multiple AIs is always a mess. We don't have multiple captains or multiple heads of security. Multiple AIs are even worse than that. And imagine if it was possible for ANYONE, even a non-antag to arrange for a second, third, or fifth captain to arrive using easily acquired materials. Why is this allowed? The HoP isn't allowed to create a bunch of clown slots to create chaos when they aren't an Antag. Shouldn't the same type of sanity checks be in place regarding the AI? Sure, I could have stayed in the round. I could have pointed out creation of the second AI when the first is fully functional and not subverted is illegal. I could demand the person who did it be arrested. That's pointless. Rarely will security care. When the second AI came online I was trying to get security to give a vox their mask and tank back, the idea that I could get them to do anything about the construction of a second AI is just laughable. It's less fun for me to remain in the round than it is for me to just wipe my core and leave feeling like shit. And even if security or command care and the person is arrested and charged, what about the second AI? You either destroy it, removing that player from the round, card it, basically removing that player from the round, or leave it be. There's no way to turn an AI back into a borg, so no matter what someone's round is getting messed up. It's an action that is, by it's nature, irreversible. It can't ever really be fixed. Roboticist rarely know how to control which AI Borgs are synced to, so all new borgs will go to the new AI. No one ever addresses one AI or another specifically, so you never know who someone is talking to or which AI is doing what. The borgs are completely confused on who to follow, you have 2 AIs announcing the same things, or even different things. They might have different lawsets or simply different interpretations of the same lawset. Now again, I don't mind that a second AI can happen. I'm not saying it should never happen. I don't mind if it happens because the admins want to do something special, or even if it's something like a traitor RD. There was a 5 AI round the admins did last week and I had on problem with it, I actually enjoyed it. But when literally anyone, including non-antags can do it without asking the original AI if they're okay with it and just ruin their round, I think it's something that should be addressed. I really like playing A.N.G.E.L and really like playing AI but when this happens I just get so upset about it that I can no longer enjoy the round. I guess what I'm really asking here is if it should be legit for non-traitors to simply construct a second AI at whim without consulting the original AI. I'm just feeling really upset and frustrated about this issue. It's just such an incredibly insulting and discourteous thing to do to someone that I just have to walk away when it happens, even if I just see it happening to another AI, let alone when my own round is ruined by it. If the answer is "Tough shit, it happens." I'll accept that and have to decide if I'm going to keep playing AI, but I again, I just sort of want to have the conversation and see what others think about it.
    1 point
  5. Carpo Nommed the Nukie, who had a heart attack due to omnizine overdose
    1 point
  6. Quick checklist: Did you start the fight? If not, claim self defense. If a witness backs you up that you were merely defending yourself, all charges should be dropped. Did you disarm them a bunch of times? If not, space Law says 1-3 disarms is NOT enough for a battery charge. Make sure the officer processing you knows this. Are you being arrested anyway? Be co-operative. At the very least, it will prevent them adding the resisting arrest modifier. At best, they'll believe you and let you go with no charges. Are you being sentenced? Ask for the exact reasoning for your sentence. If you get 20 minutes, ask how they got to 20. If there is no way the charges in your case add up to 20, request to see an IAA.
    1 point
  7. Decided to post some Tetris Vegan pics (of course) and a little Olivia thingy I just did.
    1 point
  8. Wow, two done in less than 24 hours?! Guess that gap of nothing is done! Anyway, have a cool skrell! @SpaceJohn
    1 point
  9. Welcome to "The Toolbox" Cyberiad's first premier all-male strip club!
    1 point
  10. Another traumatic event for B.E.E.R! s THE VEIL IS TORN! Nar'Sie has RISEN!
    1 point
  11. The shirt part is right, but that's Wolf's 'hawk :P Shirt is mostly because I wasn't feeling like making the drawing lewd Or maybe it's because I didn't want my school notebook filled with shirtless male anthropomorphic dogs
    1 point
  12. In an old city bar where it's never too far From the places that gather the dreams that have been... @Trubus@Vargh@Malphystoh@Mitchs98@Spacemanspark
    1 point
  13. Why the fuck is the punishment for crimes so fucking long? Literally nobody likes spending 15 minutes in the brig for pushing over somebody. Insanely long timers like these do nothing but bring boredom into two hour, action-sparse rounds. I suggest shortening them in half.
    0 points
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