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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2018 in all areas

  1. Commission for Spartan! Sadly the poor Voxxies are hurt. 1
    3 points
  2. Made a cute Dragongirl, because dragons are cool, however I'm not good at drawing dragons. Here's Dreamy Rockwall in her nurse outfit, look at how cute she is. I drew a funny comic because I'm a funny man
    2 points
  3. Two of my more recent drawings, both of Sue. Wanted to see if Haru's outfit could fit on Sue. Discounting the extended arm and hands, i think it fits decently well.
    2 points
  4. Wow, two done in less than 24 hours?! Guess that gap of nothing is done! Anyway, have a cool skrell! @SpaceJohn
    2 points
  5. Yes, but she is always cute though.... also that squishy hair looks great.
    1 point
  6. @ZN23X I took inspiration from Pretty Pretty Prisoner from One Punch Man
    1 point
  7. Zeff is committing insurance fraud
    1 point
  8. Because all I do is draw all the time. I like to draw dramatic scenes... maybe too much. I drew a furry anthro bunny. Her name is Ginger Puff On the road of non SS13 drawings. Here's some old OCs of mine, they're sky pirates in a Steampunk kind of setting. So we have Daisy, Captain Eldon Fairwind, and First-mate Petunia Here's an old drawing of them just for a fun comparison.
    1 point
  9. Some of you may, or may not have noticed my very first picture that I posted on this thread... that's like 92 pages away from here, how insane is that... It wasn't the first SS13 drawing I did because the first one I did was of HereticChurch's character Gloria Church that I believe was posted on the crew records about here. However, it was about the first round I had, and the first time I drew Zeke Varloss, and fun fact I planned on having him dressing up as a pirate all the time, hanging out in the bar getting drunk, and yes I knew at the time that Skrell were lightweights it was all part of plan that I had... And of course, unlike some of my other older art works that I posted on this thread, the link never broke! Which is great! Hopefully that wont jinx things. Anywho, why I mentioned all that is because I thought now would be an excellent time to redraw that image, so here we go. Don't remember the old one, and too lazy to look back, here it is:
    1 point
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