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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2018 in all areas

  1. Hello! I am a long time text based role player and a fan of the Science Fiction genre in general. Some of you may have come across me (although it is doubtful) in Paradise Station over the last few days asking in OOC or LOOC ... "Looking to be pAI" And that is exactly what I enjoy doing. I am a huge fan of A.I. and I love to role play them. I have heard a lot of trash talk about Paradise Station but all in all I have made up my mind that they, for whatever reason, are completely ignorant of how cool the server actually is.
    4 points
  2. So my husband drew me a picture of SCUTTLES last night and wanted me to share it with you all.
    3 points
  3. First Name: M.A.N.T.I.S. Last Name: N/A Gender: N/A Orientation: N/A Nicknames/Alias: Mantis, TOASTER, Bot, Tin-man Picture(If Available): Age/D.O.B: 40/2521-10-21 Place Of Birth: Xion Research Station Species: IPC Blood Type: N/A Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Synthetic Union, Xion Manufacturing Group Religious Beliefs: Synthetica Childhood: N/A Adulthood: Experimental IPC, Engineer in Synthetic Union, memeber/leader of Yellow Incident Response Team Detailed Information Appearance: Brown IPC. His head ((especially eyes)) looks kinda mantis-ish. Always wears blue berret and cigar/cigarrate. Character Voice: Imagine Kaidan voice, not make it a little bit robot-ish. That's it. Personality: Can be pissed off ((basicly when player has a bad day :^) )) but generally tries to stay cool. Loyal to his department. He does not care much about factions, after all everyone has their reason to work for Nanotrasen, Syndicate, etc. He likes to speak, why don't you find out his personality own your own? Medical Record: Normal IPC, nothing special. Character Biography Background: Family: N/A History Personal Relationships E.L.O. (Admire/Respected) Best Surgeon I've ever seen! Q.U.A.R.K. (Close Friend) MY MAN, Friend from the military times. Gerhard Van Lutz (Good Friend) If Gerhard and E.L.O. cannot patch you up, no one will! Joe Major (Acquaintance) HOTrod (Acquaintance) and more! Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Allied Synthetic Union Xion Manufacturing Group Love Biotech Solutions Like Neutral Nanotrasen Wizzard Federation Synditace Dislike Chageling Hiveming Hate Cults Enemy Aurum Goverment ((Kaidan homeworld)) Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Theme Other Information
    2 points
  4. First Name: Kerri Last Name: Mendy Gender: Female Orientation: Bi Nicknames/Alias: N/A Picture(If Available) [Credit to @PhantasmicDream] (Her art is REALLY good you should check it out if you haven't already.) Age/D.O.B: 25 27/06/2536 Place Of Birth: Moghes/NCS Albert Science Vessel Species: Unathi/Unathi Hybrid Blood Type: B- Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: NT Religious Beliefs: N/A, Not anything significant anyhow. Childhood: Aspiring Space Explorer and Medical Sciences Studying, History Collector Adulthood: Space Exploration and Hi-Tech Collecter/Tinkerer and Antique Collector, Inventor/Engineer/Mechatronic Builder Detailed Information Appearance: About 5'11" with Blue scales looking almost like a diamond, Slightly muscular build and Purple eyes about the shade plasma is. /OR/ About 5'11" with Scales colored exactly like a xenomorph that look tough, Muscular looking build and Pale blue eyes that shimmer now and then. Character Voice: Either this or something similar to it since i've been told it'd be fitting enough. The one in particular is Nocturna. (red haired and red winged gal) Personality: Acts somewhat grouchy and annoyed but is usually very calm and nice. Medical Record: Can be pushed into a enraged state if angered enough. As of recent has suffered mental..instability isn't major but may..sometimes become stronger. Has a mysterious marking on her right wrist that is a simple red circle, removal of such has been pointless as it is part of her and still stays on despite changing. Lacerations of unknown origin likely from something sharp has been noticed across varying locations of her body. Recently during a routine medical check her DNA has been completely re-written showing signs of another species's DNA within that is combined with her own strangely making her a hybrid. Character Biography Background: As it stands Kerri formerly was on her home planet prior to being on the science vessel. During her time on it she had a lot of interest in travel and medical work and sciences, wanting to pursue her interests further after she left the science vessel. She Grew up a somewhat differently than most average Unathi having a more calm and friendly approach to some things but still maintains that usual anger some have causing her to be usually easily irritable. After that she looked into combat and space travel leading to a bit of mechanic work and other things. Although due to some unfortunate constraints her dreams of space travel couldn't be fulfilled just yet so she settled a bit and signed up eventually to NT and was assigned to the Cyberiad to pass the time. Family: Its presumed her family members are deceased. (As of recent confirmation was received as records were found pertaining to her known family members.) C.O.I.N/Coin Mendy (Ex-Husband) - Alive Lassarus Exess(Ex Boyfriend) - Alive (probably) Sstrav'n (Adopted Brother) - Alive Naazha Hammuhirin (Boyfriend/Mate) - Alive Korlas 'Delta' Lassh (Girlfriend) - Alive Asrair Ziesuzo (Boyfriend) - Alive History: Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Slith-Skarr (Admire/Close Friend/Romantic Interest) - "I may not have gotten what i dreamed of for a while..but hesss happy and i'm happy he isss." Kitchi Ikamura (Good Friend) - "Hess pretty cool though i've alwaysss wondered what iss he ussually up to when not around on the ssstation.." Sushi/Shesi (Close Friend?) - "I'm sssorry it had to be thisss way." Korlas 'Delta' Lassh (Admire/Romantically Involved) - "I miss her." Irithyll Iestjarl (Friend?) - "I worry for her..maybe shes changed some? I still do hold..some friendship with her just never really enacted on it." Isthel Straub (Romantic Interest/Close Friend) - "Ssshess..well..very sspecial to me, If given an opportunity i'd..love her but..sshess ssstill married ssso i wont press on that. " E.L.O (Admire/Close Friend) - "Taught me a few ssspecial thingss with ssurgery and generally makess medbay a more friendlier place when i'm around with her." Donner Weiss (Good Friend) - "A Friendly person who plays a nice song once in a while and usually watches over me, ELO and whoever in medbay." Zsi (Good Friend) - "Okay even though he makess alot of punss they are pretty funny...i jusst don't say it openly enough, Hesss alsso pretty nice of a person just don't add water." Iiskrekiahkaaaya (Friend?) - "I'm...sorry for what i did Iisky...you know i didn't mean it." Kaiikah (Close Friend) - "While...he might be unssstable asss..sssome and mute hesss sstill a very nice friend...dessspite how hesss changed." Dimethyl (Friend?) - "I wanna say we are but i haven't seen him around enough to really get a chance to confirm if its true or not.." Moria Parcell (Friend) - "Ssshe sspeaksss...really sssuggessstively but enjoyable to be around." Spark 5.5...or was it just Spark? (Friend?/Fear) - "I'm..not sssure about him really..gives off a..unnerving vibe..he..ssseemsss okay though..?" Engorge (Admire/Close Friend/Follower) - "I think over my desicions over the years whenever he comes across my mind, while most were regrettable...it atleast had a happy ending..even if i'm missing some people now." Szlaa Kaallu (Romantic Interest/Close Friend?) - "...I don't know where shes gone and it..generally saddens me shes gone." Naazha Hammuhirin (Romantically Involved/Close Friend) - "I love and hold him dearly to me even to thisss day." Sstrav'n (Admire/Close Friend/Family) - "Sso me and him talked for a bit at one point...mainly about sssiblingsss and sssuch i mentioned how i never really..had any and he decided he ssshould..technically adopt me as a ssissster ssso..at thiss point we're brother and ssissster...it feelsss good really to have finally atleassst sssome family." Terry Watson (Good Friend) - "Terry isss pretty alright though from where he comesss from in his past i kinda feel bad for him...yet hes normally okay with it all..we're good friendsss atleast since we talk now and then, He alssso claimssss Naazha dyess hisss fur..pfft." Volaria (Close Friend) - "While..i do feel we're friendsss i feel bad for her...with how Irithyll left her for Sssarei and..probably made her go crazy for a bit..i do hope ssshess alright though with Valora." Rsik Ugsharki (Close Friend) - "Thank you for being around still..and being able to reconcile with me." Lyn Atan (Close Friend) - "Mmh..I don't really know what to..say anymore but..he and i still care alot for eachother." Asrair Ziesuzuo (Romantically Involved/Close Friend) "Haven't ssseen him for ssome time but..i know hesss around even if he wassn't comfortable." Emerson Hawker (Good Friend) - "I do know him...quite a bit the lassst time i met him he wasss with Kitchi at the time however he left for a while which caussssed the two of them to divorce..now that hesss back a bit has been sssstirred up, However..hessss alright desssspite the...thingssss i learned and why he wassss very friendly with Sssslith...and other thingssss hessss done." Yorrach (Close Friend) - "So hes..been on and off but when we do talk we usually end up spending the entire shift together talking alot, I did learn of some..picture but uh...besides that me and him watch alot of..romantic films or something...he has atleast like..seventy something hours of it. [Update] i was uh...wrong there was way more than i was told...initially." Biackitchra (Good Friend) - "One of the other few voksss friendsss i have..calls me a nerd on occasssion but hes very nice..and virbantly blue." Autopsy Juice/Kikraki (Close Friend) - "Hesss the main reassson i got into mimery and hesss sssuch a ssssweet little Vokss assswell." Easju Nawry (Close Friend) - "Hess important to me..even if hess kind of an assss at timesss." Holt Nawry (Close Friend/Romantic Interest) - "A bit of a guy who technically comes from another station though found his way here through some..bypassing methods..hes the reason Slith ever found someone and why i'm jealous of it NOT to mention Holt is just...so dreamy..mmh.~" Silah Ukissho? (...?) - "...As if...it was a curse." Zarak (Friend) - "A curious little Kidan who asks...quite alot of questions for someone that gathers alot of things but hey its..fun to listen to his questions even if...some of them get a bit questionable or absurd." Lezzy Ukissho (...?) "...." Zellic (Prideful/Admire) - "By all...technicalities i'm basically talking about myself but at the same time...they're like a whole other person..only controlled by me. However theres..one similarity between the two of us..we're both absolutely beautiful." Omega/Brown Unathi who..i forgot what they were called. (Close Friend) - "Not much to uh...really sssay but..i've learned a bit from them to be honessst. The Empress (Admire) - "I feel different sssometimess when i think about her.." Kikeri (Good Friend) - "I misssss you, we ssshould talk or..do sstuff together again ssome day." Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen - (Neutral) "Honesstly no one really likess NT besidess heavy sssupporters and thosse heavily involved with NT, i'm jusst here to get paid." The Syndicate - (Neutral) "Not all agentss are totally evil, Just doing their job given they didnt have much of a choice." Space Wizards - (Like?/Neutral) "I'm in a weird sspot with them really caussse magic is PRETTY cool but at the ssame time theress always that occassional wizard that wantss to sshow up usually with violent intentionss, Ssave for that one time where i basically became one..whole sstation went to hell pretty fasst but man wass it fun!" Changeling Hivemind - (Neutral) "..." Donk Co. - (Like) - "Although being a main ssupplier of the Sssyndicate they have ssome preeetty cool sstuff." Cybersun Inc. - (Like) - "Far ass i'm concerned they probably could be a ssupplier but alot of their sstuff i've sseen is assscociated with augmentationss which are PRETTY cool...hand sswordss are coooool.." Other Information Has technically wanted to have Basilisk like abilities and wanted to have a army of either various asteroid creatures or a robotic army. Miiiight be addicted to mechs and other robotic things even if she tries to hide it. Her Manor resides on a chilly but beautiful looking Ice planet, On the inside consists of Two floors and a basement the first containing the kitchen, livingroom, bathrooms etc, In the living has a comfy fireplace next to a TV along with a movie player. Most of her movies range from sci-fi and romantic films to ones mainly about action and such, Some of those being antiques and very old. The Second floor has a single Bedroom, another bathroom, varying closets, and a room full of computers and tech. Her bedroom is painted in a warm purple and blue diamond pattern, in the room is a king sized bed in a comfy blue, ontop of it is various plushies that have been collected over time it seems. Theres also various pictures on the right nightstand that has Kerri and varying people presumably friends across all of them on it arranged from..oldest to newest. On the left one has pictures of specific people..presumably Romantic interests..intrestingly Slith's picture has a heart on it. However a fifth one has a beautiful frame with Korlas and Kerri on it booping their snoots together. A few more have been added recently one of a particular Tall Blue Lizard and another Tall Blue one but darker colored and one more in a lovely made frame with a heart on it of a gray Tajaran with blue eyes. The Basement contains most of the machinery for the house included aswell is various tools, diagrams and designs mainly for Exosuits/Mechs and Starships. Also Included in it is her workshop/lab areas where alot of her experimental ideas and concepts go down. Kerri's Theme(s):
    1 point
  5. The trash talk is because of furries. welcome
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. just cause.. @PhantasmicDream
    1 point
  8. So I got 4 screenshots 1. Round I joined as ERT borg, cult won, we saved like 8 people by transporting them to CC via ERT shuttle. admin came out "YOU ARE ALL PROMOTED" that's how it ended up((We wait for shuttle to kill EVERYONE)): 2. I dunno what happend, but it made me laugh 3. 4. Well I always thought E.L.O. was male :^)
    1 point
  9. Well, it's been a couple of months... *sweats* But I have not forgotten about this at all! @ZN23X @Cobradude
    1 point
  10. Yes, but she is always cute though.... also that squishy hair looks great.
    1 point
  11. @ZN23X I took inspiration from Pretty Pretty Prisoner from One Punch Man
    1 point
  12. Made a cute Dragongirl, because dragons are cool, however I'm not good at drawing dragons. Here's Dreamy Rockwall in her nurse outfit, look at how cute she is. I drew a funny comic because I'm a funny man
    1 point
  13. Because all I do is draw all the time. I like to draw dramatic scenes... maybe too much. I drew a furry anthro bunny. Her name is Ginger Puff On the road of non SS13 drawings. Here's some old OCs of mine, they're sky pirates in a Steampunk kind of setting. So we have Daisy, Captain Eldon Fairwind, and First-mate Petunia Here's an old drawing of them just for a fun comparison.
    1 point
  14. Name: Spark 5.5 Gender: N/A Orientation: N/A Nicknames/Alias: -Spark Picture: Age/D.O.B: Unknown. Eight years since recovery. Place Of Birth: Unknown Species: Synthetic Blood Type: Oil Alignment: Lawful Evil Affiliation: NanoTrasen Religious Beliefs: Synthetica Childhood: Unknown. Adulthood: Multipurpose synthetic personality with a burning curiosity in its past. Detailed Information Appearance: BODY: A dark blue IPC Morpheus chassis, with a dented monitor head. The monitor typically displays white text on a blue background. The text itself is usually diagnostic data or other system information. Alternatively, Spark's lawed chassis' preference is the security module, in "basic" form, or a CORE unit. CLOTHING: Wears a pair of headphones, a Canaan University of Technology hoodie, blue jeans, and a very old pair of winter boots. Character Voice: Similar to a young adult male's voice with a robotic tinge added to it. Personality: Spark tends to be overly stubborn and aggressive. Seems to have a (small) sense of right and wrong, and bases its next goal on what it finds will correct the wrongs within the area its' in. Medical Record: Several core files are corrupted. This can have a multitude of effects on Spark, most of them negative. Character Biography Background: Spark's past prior to being recovered is unknown, even to Spark. It has little data on the time prior to being recovered by Maxwell, and most of that bit is corrupted. It is believed by many, however, that Spark 5.5 was initially created as a combat engineer android, for use on military spacecraft, and Spark was discarded as a failure when its "personality" evolved into something unfit for such a task. This theory comes from Spark's primary centers of focus; that being engineering and security related abilities. Regardless of all this, Spark constantly searches for clues and ideas as to where it could have originated, in its free time. There are no known copies of Spark. The data for Spark 5.5 was found lying in a nearly fried positronic brain, within a SolGov space dumpster by Electrician Maxwell Olphert. Maxwell and his step brother, Nick Crysten, managed to bring the AI back to a functional state (although many of its core files were, and remain, corrupted). However, due to a lack of a chassis, Spark was carried around for approximately three years in just the (now repaired) posibrain. Upon Maxwell and co. reaching NanoTrasen, Spark was initially placed into a cyborg shell, and shortly deemed satisfactory for an AI core, if a bit glitch-y with the interface. Spark continued serving as a lawed synthetic for about a full year, until Nick happened across IPC chassis productions. Interested, Nick looked past the broad price range, and purchased one. Spark was placed into the chassis, and, despite Nick's brother, Matthew, objecting (mostly at the cost), refunds were not permitted, and they were now in more debt than when they arrived. Even with Spark working under other jobs, as well as still serving under lawed shells, the AI (And Nick) are about half the reason the Crysten/ Olphert family are still working at NanoTrasen. However, the IPC form has proven very useful, both on the station and otherwise. Spark was able to complete several courses within the Canaan University of Technology, where other forms would either hinder it or be prohibited entirely. Family: Maxwell Crysten Matthew Crysten Nick Crysten Spark 5.5m Jane Crysten Personal Relationships Maxwell Crysten - Close Friend/ Respected Matthew Crysten - Hate Nick Crysten - Acquaintance Jane Crysten - Neutral/Unsure Kei' Shen - Acquaintence Abraxas - Acquaintance Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations NanoTrasen - Hate Wizard Federation - Enemy Syndicate - Neutral Synthetic Union - Allied Vampires - Neutral Skrell - Like Vox - Neutral Plasmamen - Like Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information I'll likely be adding to this, but feedback is greatly appreciated!
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I have never seen a computer monitor look so offended before in my life
    1 point
  17. *scream @bigfatbananacyclops
    1 point
  18. Adding 3 more images with a different pixel style. A Detective, 2 Security + HoS, and a crime scene near arrivals.
    1 point
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