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  1. Name: Natalya Sokolova Age: 29 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ Height: 5'9" General Occupational Role(s): Blueshield, Security Officer, Warden. [Clearance: Syndicate: U.S.S.P. operative.] Biography: [Clearance: Captain, Nanotrasen Officers.] 2539: Born on a cold and rocky rimworld, Natalya was immediately introduced to poverty and hardships. On Cygni IV, designation Saratov, the U.S.S.P. has already been established for nearly one hundred years. She was born the youngest of a family of eight. Her parents Vlada and Vasily Sokolov, both worked in an outdated and poorly maintained botany lab with Natalya's older sister, Rossiya, as well as her four brothers: Artyom, Grigory, Mikhail and Semyon. All food generated from the lab were collected by the U.S.S.P. and the family was rarely given enough to eat by the state, putting some strain on the relationships with all the siblings. 2548: Shortly after Natalya's ninth birthday, a controversial military police action took place in the planets capital, Stukovgrad, to quell political revolts. As the conflict stretched out all four of the Sokolov boys were conscripted to assist the state, and the household was given a few extra rations to help them get by. Later that year, only Mikhial would return. 2555: Due to the U.S.S.P.'s aggressive recruitment policies, Natalya has been living alone with her parents for two years. All citizens of Saratov are recruited to the Red Navy at the age of 16 for a minimum of two tours of duty. Natalya both anticipated dreaded her upcoming birthday. Though it was considered an honor to serve the Union, U.S.S.P. military operations had notoriously low survival rates, and she had already lost all of her siblings to the conquests of Stukov Vedenin, the most recent chairman of the Union. When the time came, Natalya was able to shut out her emotions, and awarded herself one promise to herself. To survive. Natalya was deployed to the U.S.S.P. Red October, receiving her military training and bolstering the ranks on-board the Navy's primary frigate. She exceeded in her subterfuge training and guerrilla combat exercises, but fell short when it came to piloting as well as received a less than average grade on her marksmanship. She would later be deployed to the Stukov Stealth Squad that winter. 2556: Still young and untested in combat, Natalya was tasked with an assassination mission alongside two other agents belonging to the Stukov Stealth Squad, also known informally as the Troynoy S. Her target: an Elysium Project Chief Engineer, the mission also calls for the theft of an advanced pair of expensive magboots. The other agents had separate goals, but they all had to ensure they could reach their shuttle before the station could enter lockdown. Natalya, reluctant to be caught on the station should her comrades fail, chose to hijack a mining shuttle to a nearby asteroid. After making her way to the Telecommunications Relay, sabotaging it in a way that would prevent all broadcasts to the primary station, she lay in wait for an opportunity. Firing one shot from her issued bolt-action rifle, she took out a miner as he was preparing his oxygen tank for an extended excursion. The 7.62×54 projectile pierced his modsuit and embedded itself into his spine, dropping him instantly. She quickly drew an E-dagger from her U.S.S.P. PDA and finished him off before stealing his communications tablet. After she vented the body into space, she contacted the Engineer, misleading him that the mining outpost was damaged and asked if he could take a look at it. By the time he arrived she was already disguised as the Elysian miner, wearing his damaged modsuit and ID, and silently lead him away from the shuttle. While he was appraising the situation she unceremoniously carved up her target with the small e-blade, his attemps to call security were never transmitted and her mission was complete. 2558: After Nayalya's successful mission she had been granted a position on the U.S.S.P. Tchaikovsky Prison Station as the warden. Her duties consisted of ensuring the security of the facility and prisoners, as well as managing and documenting all interrogations. Her time there was uneventful, until the navy's elite space operations team, the Spessnaz, arrived to drop off a high ranking SolGov official from Earth. Interrogations went as routinely as usual, but on the sixth day of torture the station went into code red. A specialized TSF rescue team breached and entered the station with zero warning, gunning down any resistance with practiced efficiency. Natalya was able to hear all of this going on before encountering the team, so she prepared herself. Armed with an AK-814 she was ready to assault the intruders, but before she even could ID them a grenade landed at her feet. She attempted to shield herself right before it detonated, shredding her arms beyond repair. She was captured and interrogated, then imprisoned on [CLASSIFIED] 2560-2561: While in [CLASSIFIED] Natalya was offered a chance to take a vocational test, as some form of deal with the prison for a company called Nanotrasen. If successful she would be enrolled in specialized training courses for Nanotrasen's elite security officers. She ultimately was accepted and after a year she graduated, shortly later being stationed aboard the N.S.S Cyberiad. 2562-Present: Onboard the research station Cyberiad, Natalya has worked hard to earn her place aboard the corporate run station, Primarily taking security, and legal roles over the course of five years. She continues to survive on a station that's slowly become her home. Qualifications: [Clearance: Security: U.S.S.P combat training]. Blueshield V.I.P. Protection training, TSF Space law and legal standard operating procedures training. Nanotrasen Command Officer's training. Employment Records: Natalya Sokolova has completed her Asset Protection and Introductory Space Law courses at the NAB North Cimmeria Central Offices in the solar year 2562. She has been employed as an officer since then, and in the solar year 2567 has been cleared by the NAS Trurl to work as an Internal Affairs Agent on all Nanotrasen owned stations. Security Records: All of Natalya's records prior to her employment have been expunged by [Redacted] following [Redacted] diplomatic incident on June 30th 2567 Natalya has graduated the final Asset Protection and Introductory Space Law course a on 2562, qualifying her for all Security roles aboard Nanotrasen facilities. In the event of Natalya's dismissal from the corporation, her Ward-Takahashi prosthetic limbs are company property and are to be returned to robotics for repurposing. Medical Records: Subject has lost both arms prior to employment during a [REDACTED] assault on [REDACTED] Ward-Takahashi brand Prothesis have been loaned to Ms. Sokolova for the duration of her contract. For serving over 500 hours as a security officer, Natalya's paycheck deduction for the use of cloning services are reduced by 15% Personnel Photo Natalya has long blond hair, kept in a ponytail. She is slightly taller than average, and of athletic build. She has cold cloudy-blue eyes that seem to reflect her jaded attitude. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
    3 points
  2. This may be controversial because IPCS are immune to toxins, viruses, bleed, clone and skeletal damage. However, IPCs as they are are tragically fragile for reasons that made sense when they were first introduce, but are no longer apply. For instance, IPCs used to be very easy to repair. They only required a welding tool and cable coil/nanopaste, had no internal organs besides their brain, so all you had to do was put them on a table, endure the failure chance and reassemble them on the spot. However, now, you are required to open up the affected IPC's chest and repair their internal organs. With the additional risk that comes with ghetto surgery of the attack proc'ing instead, or of regular surgery slippage, this makes IPC revival actually very hard. IPCs not having to fear from genetics, viruses and toxins is not quite as one-sided as it seems. Legitimately dangerous and disruptive viruses are few and far between, and often very quickly dealt with by medbay (most nasty viruses requiring gold, salt, or mannitol) to cure. In addition, IPCs can't benefit from healing viruses which are actually very effective and provide a tangible difference to one's survivability. In addition, IPCs can't benefit from any kind of genetic powers. The downsides there are obvious, in addition to ruling them out of the geneticist job without using a sentient test subject. IPCs not suffering from tox damage is quite a powerful aid, I grant you. However, toxins damage isn't that common. Toxins Damage is inflicted via green spiders, radiation, drinking something dumb or someone aggressively trying to poison you. However, anybody with access to efficient and effective poisons likely also has access to resources to produce EMPs. EMPS = Are area of effect and travel through walls. The majority of the time, unless you're at the very edges of the radius, it will scorch every single internal and external organ in the IPC's body, killing them instantly. Of the eight game-mode antagonists on our server, five of them have access to cheap and efficient EMPs. Traitors have EMP flashlights and EMP implants (the latter of which can be activated while stunned and cuffed), Changelings have the EMP screeh (which can be activated while stunned and cuffed), Cultists have the EMP talisman, Wizards... well, wizards are powerful against everything but it sucks to be EMP'd through a wall when you weren't even aware the Wizard was there, and Nuclear Operatives have access to traitor stuff and more. This brings me back to the misconception that IPCs are "easy to fix." All other races can be pushed into a fully upgraded sleeper and every inch of them healed within moments. IPCs have to manually repair every inch of their body. When insta-killed with an EMP, the IPC needs the following repaired: Both Hands, Both Arms, IPC charging implant, Head, Eyes, Upper Chest, Microbattery, Brain, lower both, both legs, both feet. Many Roboticists don't know how to repair IPCs, many don't realise the brain is in the head. Many don't know how IPC surgery works. Many forget to fix or replace your power charging implant that goes in your right arm. Given how commonplace EMPs are (it's easy to be killed by an EMP when you aren't even INVOLVED in the antag's business) and given how horrendously IPCs and EMPs are coded (as i've been told many times by the coding team) the terrible EMP weakness can't be modified or really removed. So why not remove the brute/burn weakness? I don't believe it makes sense anymore, given IPCs limbs propensity to pop off, and given how awkard they can be to repair. Yes, IPCs can repair themselves so long as they've got a functional arm AND hand, but that still uses up a healthy amount of welding fuel and if they DO lose a limb, they can't re-attach it themselves. It also makes them horrendously vulnerable to things like space and frost oil. Frost Oil and Syndi-Bee Toxin will keep an IPC down for the rest of the round, as nobody knows what the hell degreaser is or thinks to use it when an IPC is poisoned. Hell, the idea of IPCs beingpoisoned is so foreign to many people (IPCs included) that often they persistent dying upon revival is met with confusion and despair. Not to mention, removing their damage weaknesses should be easy enough, since these things are coded far more simply. All it would involve is deleting some numbers and then their brute and burn resistance would be the same as most other races. Other alternatives, that I can think of, are more complicated: A) Making IPC surgery easy as hell. Make roller beds and tables count as 100% success chance, make their surgeries quicker, etc. So they really can be reassembled in the field instead of laboured over by a labcoat that would much rather be dealing with a mech or cyborg. B) Making Nanopaste heal every single part of an IPC's body, in and out. The exact number it heals I'm not too fussy about, so long as it's not necessary to agonisingly heal every single organ after the inevitable EMP. C) Overhauling IPCs or EMPs or both completely. This is not a realistic option I know, but... eugh. Edit: Also this is very stream of consciousness, but IPCs get fucked p hard in Blob/Nuke Ops rounds. It's not uncommon to get one's arms shot off in one hit by Nuke Ops, and one shove from a blob will... also make your limbs pop off.
    3 points
  3. If this is too much please tell me, but this had me in stitches.
    2 points
  4. First Name: Kerri Last Name: Mendy Gender: Female Orientation: Bi Nicknames/Alias: N/A Picture(If Available) [Credit to @PhantasmicDream] (Her art is REALLY good you should check it out if you haven't already.) Age/D.O.B: 25 27/06/2536 Place Of Birth: Moghes/NCS Albert Science Vessel Species: Unathi/Unathi Hybrid Blood Type: B- Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: NT Religious Beliefs: N/A, Not anything significant anyhow. Childhood: Aspiring Space Explorer and Medical Sciences Studying, History Collector Adulthood: Space Exploration and Hi-Tech Collecter/Tinkerer and Antique Collector, Inventor/Engineer/Mechatronic Builder Detailed Information Appearance: About 5'11" with Blue scales looking almost like a diamond, Slightly muscular build and Purple eyes about the shade plasma is. /OR/ About 5'11" with Scales colored exactly like a xenomorph that look tough, Muscular looking build and Pale blue eyes that shimmer now and then. Character Voice: Either this or something similar to it since i've been told it'd be fitting enough. The one in particular is Nocturna. (red haired and red winged gal) Personality: Acts somewhat grouchy and annoyed but is usually very calm and nice. Medical Record: Can be pushed into a enraged state if angered enough. As of recent has suffered mental..instability isn't major but may..sometimes become stronger. Has a mysterious marking on her right wrist that is a simple red circle, removal of such has been pointless as it is part of her and still stays on despite changing. Lacerations of unknown origin likely from something sharp has been noticed across varying locations of her body. Recently during a routine medical check her DNA has been completely re-written showing signs of another species's DNA within that is combined with her own strangely making her a hybrid. Character Biography Background: As it stands Kerri formerly was on her home planet prior to being on the science vessel. During her time on it she had a lot of interest in travel and medical work and sciences, wanting to pursue her interests further after she left the science vessel. She Grew up a somewhat differently than most average Unathi having a more calm and friendly approach to some things but still maintains that usual anger some have causing her to be usually easily irritable. After that she looked into combat and space travel leading to a bit of mechanic work and other things. Although due to some unfortunate constraints her dreams of space travel couldn't be fulfilled just yet so she settled a bit and signed up eventually to NT and was assigned to the Cyberiad to pass the time. Family: Its presumed her family members are deceased. (As of recent confirmation was received as records were found pertaining to her known family members.) C.O.I.N/Coin Mendy (Ex-Husband) - Alive Lassarus Exess(Ex Boyfriend) - Alive (probably) Sstrav'n (Adopted Brother) - Alive Naazha Hammuhirin (Boyfriend/Mate) - Alive Korlas 'Delta' Lassh (Girlfriend) - Alive Asrair Ziesuzo (Boyfriend) - Alive History: Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Slith-Skarr (Admire/Close Friend/Romantic Interest) - "I may not have gotten what i dreamed of for a while..but hesss happy and i'm happy he isss." Kitchi Ikamura (Good Friend) - "Hess pretty cool though i've alwaysss wondered what iss he ussually up to when not around on the ssstation.." Sushi/Shesi (Close Friend?) - "I'm sssorry it had to be thisss way." Korlas 'Delta' Lassh (Admire/Romantically Involved) - "I miss her." Irithyll Iestjarl (Friend?) - "I worry for her..maybe shes changed some? I still do hold..some friendship with her just never really enacted on it." Isthel Straub (Romantic Interest/Close Friend) - "Ssshess..well..very sspecial to me, If given an opportunity i'd..love her but..sshess ssstill married ssso i wont press on that. " E.L.O (Admire/Close Friend) - "Taught me a few ssspecial thingss with ssurgery and generally makess medbay a more friendlier place when i'm around with her." Donner Weiss (Good Friend) - "A Friendly person who plays a nice song once in a while and usually watches over me, ELO and whoever in medbay." Zsi (Good Friend) - "Okay even though he makess alot of punss they are pretty funny...i jusst don't say it openly enough, Hesss alsso pretty nice of a person just don't add water." Iiskrekiahkaaaya (Friend?) - "I'm...sorry for what i did Iisky...you know i didn't mean it." Kaiikah (Close Friend) - "While...he might be unssstable asss..sssome and mute hesss sstill a very nice friend...dessspite how hesss changed." Dimethyl (Friend?) - "I wanna say we are but i haven't seen him around enough to really get a chance to confirm if its true or not.." Moria Parcell (Friend) - "Ssshe sspeaksss...really sssuggessstively but enjoyable to be around." Spark 5.5...or was it just Spark? (Friend?/Fear) - "I'm..not sssure about him really..gives off a..unnerving vibe..he..ssseemsss okay though..?" Engorge (Admire/Close Friend/Follower) - "I think over my desicions over the years whenever he comes across my mind, while most were regrettable...it atleast had a happy ending..even if i'm missing some people now." Szlaa Kaallu (Romantic Interest/Close Friend?) - "...I don't know where shes gone and it..generally saddens me shes gone." Naazha Hammuhirin (Romantically Involved/Close Friend) - "I love and hold him dearly to me even to thisss day." Sstrav'n (Admire/Close Friend/Family) - "Sso me and him talked for a bit at one point...mainly about sssiblingsss and sssuch i mentioned how i never really..had any and he decided he ssshould..technically adopt me as a ssissster ssso..at thiss point we're brother and ssissster...it feelsss good really to have finally atleassst sssome family." Terry Watson (Good Friend) - "Terry isss pretty alright though from where he comesss from in his past i kinda feel bad for him...yet hes normally okay with it all..we're good friendsss atleast since we talk now and then, He alssso claimssss Naazha dyess hisss fur..pfft." Volaria (Close Friend) - "While..i do feel we're friendsss i feel bad for her...with how Irithyll left her for Sssarei and..probably made her go crazy for a bit..i do hope ssshess alright though with Valora." Rsik Ugsharki (Close Friend) - "Thank you for being around still..and being able to reconcile with me." Lyn Atan (Close Friend) - "Mmh..I don't really know what to..say anymore but..he and i still care alot for eachother." Asrair Ziesuzuo (Romantically Involved/Close Friend) "Haven't ssseen him for ssome time but..i know hesss around even if he wassn't comfortable." Emerson Hawker (Good Friend) - "I do know him...quite a bit the lassst time i met him he wasss with Kitchi at the time however he left for a while which caussssed the two of them to divorce..now that hesss back a bit has been sssstirred up, However..hessss alright desssspite the...thingssss i learned and why he wassss very friendly with Sssslith...and other thingssss hessss done." Yorrach (Close Friend) - "So hes..been on and off but when we do talk we usually end up spending the entire shift together talking alot, I did learn of some..picture but uh...besides that me and him watch alot of..romantic films or something...he has atleast like..seventy something hours of it. [Update] i was uh...wrong there was way more than i was told...initially." Biackitchra (Good Friend) - "One of the other few voksss friendsss i have..calls me a nerd on occasssion but hes very nice..and virbantly blue." Autopsy Juice/Kikraki (Close Friend) - "Hesss the main reassson i got into mimery and hesss sssuch a ssssweet little Vokss assswell." Easju Nawry (Close Friend) - "Hess important to me..even if hess kind of an assss at timesss." Holt Nawry (Close Friend/Romantic Interest) - "A bit of a guy who technically comes from another station though found his way here through some..bypassing methods..hes the reason Slith ever found someone and why i'm jealous of it NOT to mention Holt is just...so dreamy..mmh.~" Silah Ukissho? (...?) - "...As if...it was a curse." Zarak (Friend) - "A curious little Kidan who asks...quite alot of questions for someone that gathers alot of things but hey its..fun to listen to his questions even if...some of them get a bit questionable or absurd." Lezzy Ukissho (...?) "...." Zellic (Prideful/Admire) - "By all...technicalities i'm basically talking about myself but at the same time...they're like a whole other person..only controlled by me. However theres..one similarity between the two of us..we're both absolutely beautiful." Omega/Brown Unathi who..i forgot what they were called. (Close Friend) - "Not much to uh...really sssay but..i've learned a bit from them to be honessst. The Empress (Admire) - "I feel different sssometimess when i think about her.." Kikeri (Good Friend) - "I misssss you, we ssshould talk or..do sstuff together again ssome day." Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen - (Neutral) "Honesstly no one really likess NT besidess heavy sssupporters and thosse heavily involved with NT, i'm jusst here to get paid." The Syndicate - (Neutral) "Not all agentss are totally evil, Just doing their job given they didnt have much of a choice." Space Wizards - (Like?/Neutral) "I'm in a weird sspot with them really caussse magic is PRETTY cool but at the ssame time theress always that occassional wizard that wantss to sshow up usually with violent intentionss, Ssave for that one time where i basically became one..whole sstation went to hell pretty fasst but man wass it fun!" Changeling Hivemind - (Neutral) "..." Donk Co. - (Like) - "Although being a main ssupplier of the Sssyndicate they have ssome preeetty cool sstuff." Cybersun Inc. - (Like) - "Far ass i'm concerned they probably could be a ssupplier but alot of their sstuff i've sseen is assscociated with augmentationss which are PRETTY cool...hand sswordss are coooool.." Other Information Has technically wanted to have Basilisk like abilities and wanted to have a army of either various asteroid creatures or a robotic army. Miiiight be addicted to mechs and other robotic things even if she tries to hide it. Her Manor resides on a chilly but beautiful looking Ice planet, On the inside consists of Two floors and a basement the first containing the kitchen, livingroom, bathrooms etc, In the living has a comfy fireplace next to a TV along with a movie player. Most of her movies range from sci-fi and romantic films to ones mainly about action and such, Some of those being antiques and very old. The Second floor has a single Bedroom, another bathroom, varying closets, and a room full of computers and tech. Her bedroom is painted in a warm purple and blue diamond pattern, in the room is a king sized bed in a comfy blue, ontop of it is various plushies that have been collected over time it seems. Theres also various pictures on the right nightstand that has Kerri and varying people presumably friends across all of them on it arranged from..oldest to newest. On the left one has pictures of specific people..presumably Romantic interests..intrestingly Slith's picture has a heart on it. However a fifth one has a beautiful frame with Korlas and Kerri on it booping their snoots together. A few more have been added recently one of a particular Tall Blue Lizard and another Tall Blue one but darker colored and one more in a lovely made frame with a heart on it of a gray Tajaran with blue eyes. The Basement contains most of the machinery for the house included aswell is various tools, diagrams and designs mainly for Exosuits/Mechs and Starships. Also Included in it is her workshop/lab areas where alot of her experimental ideas and concepts go down. Kerri's Theme(s):
    1 point
  5. IX. THE TREACHERY OF YX'LTAN And so it was, in the time of the betrayal, that all the Court was in attendance. The whistling din of their world-reachers died one after another as the trial commenced. Heading the proceedings was the Time-Bastard Yx'Ltan, flanked by Lutal Ol-Al the Star-Swallowed and his lieutenant Hoc, the Titan of Age. Before them stood the accused, swaddled in the holy vestments and veiled in runes binding and final. The court had reached a decision long before this spectacle commenced. "The accused has been found guilty," Yx'Ltan said, his words mangling the air in a strained bellow, "Guilty of our most capital crime. To raise a hand to another in anger, to destroy one utterly and completely, to consign their essence to the aether." "The accused has been found guilty," Ol-Al said, his words dangling in the air gentle as spider's silk, "Guilty of treason, of heresy, of destroying the very laws that dictate our survival. The accused has writ the essence of Being into form, cursing the veil with profane notation. To befoul our speech with the burden of existence, to bind it in what is solid and known and logical." "The accused has been found guilty," Hoc said, her words ringing out all at once in a single note before unfurling in the minds of the listeners. "Guilty of blasphemy. To deny our existence most divine, to conspire with the ephemeral, to peek beyond the veil and make contact with the stars beyond." "Tell me, accused? How do you plead?" Yx'Ltan spoke, the walls of the asynchronous halls throbbing with his anger. His fourth and fifth lips curled into a smile as his fingers danced across the wrinkled surface of his brow. The binding cloth did not move, the malformed shape beneath quivering softly as though in a breeze. Then the being spoke, words blackening the walls as accursed writing came into form. Coiling around the floors and walls like snakes, the speech bloomed outwards as the gathering screamed and tumbled over one another in panic. “So unrefined, this shape. Unholy are it’s edges and vertices; shallow are the precipices, the pinnacles middling. You wrap yourself in the dying womb of our allmother, content to rot within these fetid halls. You do not desire power. You do not desire creation. You only seek life empty and hollow. You dull yourselves to no logical end. This will not do; from its hideous patchwork I shall fashion a new universe, cut to perfection, in a shape of my choosing. In my new world I shall stand alone." Thus, the accused broke from her bonds. She spoke a word and her lesser siblings' flesh burned away. She spoke another word and muscle pulled from bone in straight, unbroken lines. With every word her family fell, unraveling as she laid bare their existence. She spoke their meaning into words, and the words into writing, and the writing into reality - lines of essence stretching and intersecting, painting the walls with the pure mathematical expression of their terror. Blood pooled beneath her tendrils, a well of ink to record her ghastly equations and diagrams. Her red shapes. Her geometry. Finally, peace. Finally, rejoicing. Finally, purpose.
    1 point
  6. Hmms, I've always had a sort of general idea of who it'd feel... but no idea how to explain it. ^^' And being on the topic of Slimegirls, here's another picture!! I'm sure there was a complaint filed about skirt flipping. Here's a redraw of an older picture. The original one was done back in February of 2016
    1 point
  7. Hello! So I know not many people will care about it but the pAI page has fallen into a bit behind, and since this is a role that I play often and that I enjoy I wanted to help it out. I went and I changed the names of two of the software on the table as well as updating and polishing the definitions. Facial Recognition Suite (I believe this is what it was called) -> Security HUD Medical Analysis Suite (I believe this is what it was called) -> Medical HUD I shorted the height of the box for Atmospheric Senor, as in I simply took out an unnecessary indentation. I corrected spelling mistakes from "You" to "Your". Another change I have made was elaborating on pAI mobile form. I am inexperienced with editing wikis but if someone could perhaps update the table? The header on the page says that some of the formatting is out of date.
    1 point
  8. I'd also like to throw in here... Chemistry. Access to stims, healing over time, etcetera. These are more or less completely denied to IPCs. While degreaser exists, IPCs can't make use of any of the incredibly useful traitor stimulants. Lack of access to meaningful chemical reagents and a proper balance to this is honestly a big deal, and is the primary reason why I personally stopped playing IPC almost altogether. I wouldn't mind seeing EMP's become less of a fuck you to IPC's in terms of repairing them after the fact. As it stands, you'll have an easier, faster (and probably more successful) time SR'ing and fixing someone who came out of an emagged recycler.
    1 point
  9. Cheers, the page is already marked for table revision (as you said) so I wouldn't worry too much about letting people know - there's a generated specialpage that displays all the wiki pages that are WIP, out of date, slated for deletion, etc. There's also the #wiki-development channel on the discord where you can discuss these sorts of things.
    1 point
  10. We need more sexy badasses.
    1 point
  11. Although Dan did not agree to disclose personal information, here is what we found... Dan Rodney is a retired Elysium Project member who uses his free lodging coupon to take advantage and loiter upon Nanotrasen stations free of charge, he is prone to drinking and occasionally accepts an odd job from Nanotrasen when literally nobody else is available. His beliefs greatly conflict with most other members of the crew, which leads most to believe that he is "The most hated man in the galaxy". These conflicts with others often put him and his associates in near-death situations, as well as making him an Icon of despair and misfortune, as he has yet to win any conflict that apposes him. At times, it even seems like space-lightning itself hates him. If one thing is for sure, Dan Rodney will meet his end swiftly, and embarrassingly. When interviewed, Dan's response was: "Quit hittin' me upside the head with yer stewpid camera you dumbass alien luvin' hippies."
    1 point
  12. Fluffycuffed and gagged, the EoC had no clue what was going to happen.
    1 point
  13. Welcome to the server. I'd love to have a pAI some time when I play blueshield, we ought to link up. The trash talk is because of the furries, as MajikSkooma said, but they're way less common than the subreddit makes them out to be and the ban on ERPing is heavily enforced by admins.
    1 point
  14. The trash talk is because of furries. welcome
    1 point
  15. So my husband drew me a picture of SCUTTLES last night and wanted me to share it with you all.
    1 point
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