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  1. Don't break the law? Battery is 5 minutes. Battery, plus resisting, plus being uncooperative should be 12.5 minutes but some people will round up or down to the nearest 5. Judging by the tone in your original post I imagine you aren't being cooperative and calm while being brigged. They can even add more time if you try to push them over or punch them after they take the cuffs off in the cell. Plenty of people play on the station all day every day n enjoy themselves without being brigged. Maybe find a form of entertainment that doesn't break laws. If you are only entertained by doing things that breaks laws (which tend to be things that are disruptive to other players) then accept the consequences when you are punished for it. Also, if you are cooperative and not screaming your head off like an angry child being punished by thier parents, some security crews will give you reduced sentences or even just let you off with a warning. If you make security miserable, they will return the favor. In space law, at the discretion of the warden or HOS, a warning may be issued for minor and medium offenses. I'll frequently let people off with a warning if they aren't being a peice of shit. And after all that if you really truly cannot be entertained without breaking laws, and you cannot bring yourself to being calm n cooperative, and dont want to be brigged, maybe go find a LRP server that is looser about such behavior.
    3 points
  2. Probably one of the most fun and 'intense' shifts I took a part in. Apparently Krichahka was going to be a humble QM on that round, making cargonia great again. But what the crew didn't know is that the vox who they thought to be a meek follower of the inviolate, was brainwashed into following a death cult, whose objective was to spread blood over the station. Before I could even get to work, the crew did the job for us and by being their usual self, the station was flooded with blood and other bodily fluids that the dustlungs keep spreading around the halls. Well, onto phase two then: bring the slaughter to the crew, by summoning slaughter demons. But first, we need to build up our numbers: luckily the other cultists were a cargo tech and a shaft miner: Cargonia will be great again indeed... While trying to juggle the cargo orders and take little visits to the mining station, I managed to switch off communications there, to start growing our numbers there, untill all the miners were working for us (unfortunately nobody else really knew what to do, and due to the limited time I could just point to out the guidelines and the wiki). I decided that this will be our base of operations, the northern separated section of the mining asteroid, which can be accessed via a chute. Little did I know how handy this would become later. Now, only one person was in cargo, who was still blind to the ultimate truth. One busy little bee, toiling in cargonia, performing his duties diligently. A nosy little dustlung, who called over comms to me, that he found a paper with strange red writing, which might be in 'voxxian'. Chad Wolf. I rushed back to the station, trying to play it cool, and I was afraid that someone must have dropped a talisman, and Chad found it. I half expected security to be there, but the only thing that greeted me, was Chad's goofy grin... which was wiped off his face with a stun talisman, and a ride to the mining station. Now, cargonia was unified, and thus the converting could truly begin. A roboticist here, a civilian there, they were dragged off one by one, and enlightened. Meanwhile Chad was doing his part as well, and the mini-base we made in mining was growing, and producing talismans and gear. Suddenly, a nosy security pod pilot appeared outside and was entering through the airlock... but the Gods were favoring me, and space wind knocked him down, making him easy pickings. But then, a borg and the HoS appeared, to the rescue. Dragging off the pod pilot, I ran, screeching as disabler shots found their mark, but I managed to reach a rune to teleport along with the captured pilot. They almost got me, but not quite. We were not really ready to fight security, and the others didn't seem too willing to enter the fray, so I did what I had to do for the Reaper: the pod pilot, Rynnt Oenthe was butchered and given a new form: a wraith, to pummel his former comrades. Taken the chute back to the main mining station hub, with sword in hand and a powerful construct by my side, we tore into sec trying to stop us. One officer was pummeled to death, the other had his head chopped off, and Krichahka was then finally tazered. But then (former) Rynnt stood over my body to protect me from the blows, giving me enough time to get back into the fight before being caught again and cuffed... Only for me to dash into the chute again, to be transported into the northern hab, to our base. The HoS gave chase, and I got separated from Rynnt (probably died, never seen him again) and after jumping back into the disposals a few times, while the HoS followed suit, I managed to uncuff myself. When he fell face-first out of the chute, I greeted him with a baton to the face, and a cuff. Alex. Skrekking. Rockwall. He was mine. And he would be my next wraith bodyguard. Sec was mostly out of commission, and although ERT was called, now was the time for me to return to the station. Chad was not idle meanwhile, along with the rest of the cult, and by the time I arrived, there were enough followers to bring the slaughter forth. Unfortunately I got separated by an armed scientist, and was dragged off, but some quick talking, and the help of the former HoS I was free again, to be greeted by my fellow followers to summon the slaughter demons. The crew and a few borgs arrived, but just as soon as they could disperse the crowd, the summoning was complete. And the crew knew the name of our Lord. Command didn't see any other choice but to bring an end to the cult, along with the station by nuclear detonation.... little did they know they played right into our hands with it, granting the Reaper the ultimate sacrifice. Once a peaceful and friendly vox, but now a harbinger of death, who played part in sacrificing all those lives. Skrek.
    2 points
  3. TL;DR Space law timers are high as they are to discourage players from breaking the law in the first place. It's always going to be easier to to smash a window and steal what you need rather than actually filling out paperwork, waiting for departments to man their areas and actually asking for it. It's up to you the player to gauge the situation and figure out what security and the crew will tolerate and what you'll have to do the long way to get what you want. Few people want to spend time in the brig, fewer still if those few cathartic moments of smashing the clown's face in wind them up sitting in a 2x3 cell for 15-30 minutes. In some cases, it might totally be worth the time out to get done what you need done, in other cases you just have to make sure nobody else is looking or have a favor up your sleeve that can get the officers to fudge the records and let you walk. (I've managed to trade X-ray and anti-drop implants to security officers in the past for having them look the other way and set me to parolled for intentionally doing a crime.) The other half of this is some security players, be they rookies or veterans, will slap the highest level crimes on people they can because it feels like their job, or they believe that if the crew realizes penalties will be harsher less bad shit will happen. This rarely works, and you can't do much to work with these officers. Finding a sympathetic ear in Security can save you a bunch of a trouble, if the HoS slammed you in for 15 minutes for breaking up a bar fight, then just maybe the Warden or one of the Officers might spare a moment to hear your side of the story and adjust your timer to something more reasonable (or in some cases cancel it all together and call the HoS a shithead.) Ultimately, as long as you are cooperative, calm and not resisting or complicating the arrest and processing stages, you can generally expect shorter brig times. If you evade arrest, fight back, resist and try to uncuff yourself at every turn and then do your utmost to break out of your cell while screaming rape and shitcurity over the radio the entire time, don't be shocked when your brig sentence keeps going up every couple minutes before you wind up in perma or isolation. And don't suicide/ghost in security, it violates Rule 2 and is incredibly dickish behavior.
    2 points
  4. If i'm not mistaken you can automate it using an atmos automation computer conected to the pumps and to a sensor (or any number of sensor), but i don't think you can do it through the air alarm. A fire supression system in toxins is a pretty nice idea, and a good project to take your time as an Atmos, I'll try it sometime.
    1 point
  5. It's a significant hoop because it relies on RnD doing its job effectively every round just to bring you up to the same level as everyone else. It relies on Robotics printing the implants out and them or Medbay putting the implants in you, which not every player is knowledgeable in doing. To get the same benefits as anyone wearing HUDglasses, you need both the welding shield and the SecHUD implants, and you still lack actual eye protection afterwards. To mine--something which kida are known for in their lore despite being incapable of it in gameplay, ironically--you need the X-ray implant, which is costly and unlikely to be given to anyone except Security. By the point most of these implants are unlocked, the round will probably be half over at best. So being able to receive implants doesn't solve anything. All it does it bring you back up to semi-normal, for a fraction of any round, even in a best-case scenario, which every round definitely is not. 20% brute resistance is not worth that amount of inconvenience every single round played.
    1 point
  6. And this is why I hate fastmos. The end.
    1 point
  7. This is what can happen when you combine fastmos with a crazy bomb on the shuttle once it docks. I got so many messages of people being hit so quickly that I wasn't even able to see round end results because it scrolled out of existence.
    1 point
  8. ((didn't know where else to put it so its going here, not based on the cyberiad for the most part)) “So Since you are new to the station this is probably going to be your most efficient route without getting lost.” The human hand held the purple tinged PDA with a map on its screen, the map itself had a flashing route line on it. “Don’t worry about rushing things, there is another Janitor on shift she will handle some of the major stuff while you get use to things. Just remember, put down signs. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, put down signs when you mop.” The PDA was passed to the waiting red furred paw of a Tajaran wearing a typical station Janitorial uniform. “IF they do slip with a sign down you have my blessing to point at the sign and keep mopping.” The human Head of Personnel laughed and slapped the feline on the shoulder, half startling her as he went toward the door to the Janitorial closet. “Don’t worry Sefra’neem! Your first job will be fine! PDA me if any one yells at you!” “R-right..She will do her best!” the door closed behind the human leaving Sefra to take a deep breath and gather her supplies and pull her cart out the closet. It was just cleaning, what could go wrong? “Besides the clown…” She arrived at her first stop on her route setting up her signs, “...or an angry slipped assistant..” Next her mop went in the bucket then to the floor, starting to clean the area of the hall. “Or..” THUD! Sefra turned around mop in hand, leading to a stare down between her an scientist on the floor, apparently quickly moving across wet ground. The stares lasted a long while before the Taj timidly pointed to the sign she set up causing a grunt from the scientist before he stood up and shuffled away, slowly. The shift was going uneventful as she made her way along with her cleaning, checking her PDA every so often to ensure she was on the right track, however as she passed one of the Aux storage doors she stopped, Sefras ears perking up. She listened before speaking into her headset, “She hears beeping.”, her earpiece was barraged with a chorus of voices screaming ‘where’, before Sefra could respond she was blasted into the opposite wall by twisted metal and part of the airlock door she was near. It must have been shock keeping Sefra’neem awake at that point. Her eyes were blurred and her hearing was muffled, and everything on one side felt SHARP and almost like it was burning off. When she was able to focus her eyes the area was bathed in red..not just from the alarm lights, there was blood..ALOT of blood. TOO MUCH BLOOD! Someone had to have been next to that explosion other than her but when her eyes went to try to examine herself there was too much blood there...and bits of fur...and..and was that a foot? It was then Sefra felt her grip on consciousness slipping off, she was also felt herself being dragged and muffled squeaking noises..she tried to focus, Was that the clown? What was left of her vision went black to the sound of clown shoes. A sharp gasp and Sefras eyes snapped open, she couldn’t help but test the fingers on her robotic hand. It was a bad dream of a memory but she was home on mars, in bed next to her mate. She couldn’t help but wrap herself around Jay whot let out a grunt, it was going to be one of those mornings he needed the crowbar to remove the clinging Sefra.
    1 point
  9. This is a topic that I've been known to go on about for longer than I should, given how strongly that I feel about it. As such I will legitimately try to keep what I've got to say brief as to avoid a giant wall of text the last time I went on about this sort of thing. Being a long time player of both IPCs and more recently humans, there are very drastic difference between the two (as there should be). Though I've found that in that time, I actually prefer to play my human more than my IPC, despite the vast amounts of immunity and quality of life that IPCs tend to have. The first reason for this being that I found out that the strengths that IPCs have in comparison to other races is not as special as they're made out to really be. A lot of things that organics have to worry about I've found can be avoided - or in the least - alleviated with proper planning or attention. The second reason was because I didn't die instantly to an EMP when they happened, though I'm not going to really talk much on EMPs here at all. And the third reason, while less important to this discussion but equally as influential to me, was the ability to roll for more antags than what my IPC could (yea I like to be the bad guy a lot, sue me). Also some reason about "cyka blyat". EMPs, as awful as they can be sometimes, do make sense as a weakness, and shouldn't be removed any time soon. EMPs could certainly use a tweak, though until we can find a clean way to do that, are fine as they are for the time being (as much as they make me a grumpy man). IPCs severe weakness to brute and burn, however, is something that doesn't quite make much sense to me, and seems like the easiest issue to fix with IPCs. Now, a weakness to burn damage (the high temperature type, not freezing, though I think both still apply as it is currently), does make sense to me on an IPC, as computer bits don't do well with super high temperatures (it's why most computers come equipped with fans); but a high brute weakness (in the way that it is implemented at the moment) makes little sense to me, especially given the fact that a porous-boned space bird is more resilient than a man made of literal metal, yaya. If IPCs had a higher resistance to brute, but a stronger weakness to burn, I feel like that'd be a better version of their current damage modifiers. To touch on what Streaky mentioned in the beginning of his first post, and what others have also said... • [Immunity to Viruses]: Bad viruses that actually cause any sort of actual issue and aren't just cured away with one of the known wonder cures are few and far between. • [Immunity to Toxins]: A nice quality of life, though not something you'll get unless you get into a fight with a spider, someone is actively trying to poison you, or you drink something dumb. • [Immunity to Bleeding]: Actually really nice ever since the blood refactor. Though most stuff that causes bleeding just outright murks you because of your high brute weakness as an IPC. • [Immunity to Clone Damage]: IPCs can't get cloned (or prescanned for that matter), and the only enemies I know of that can inflict this are slimes and abductors with their gun. • [Immunity to Skeletal Damage]: I suppose this means "you don't have bones", though what do broken bones really do, anyway? They make you drop things in the case of your hands and arms, move slower if in the legs, and cause organ damage in the head and chest. IPCs escape the head and chest bits cos they have no bones to shift around there, but their legs and arms still operate in the same way as organics, though it only needs to be high brute/burn damage to cause the slowness or dropping of things. • [Immunity to Radiation]: Not a common thing that you encounter, though I've heard some people mentioning that IPCs should be susceptible to it, which I could agree with if they traded out rad immunity for being space proof (though we know that'll never happen given how space immunity is a huge balance issue all its own). The last things I'll say that bother me with IPCs is how easy their brains are to pop out by antags, that their brains come out with their speaker defaulted to off, and that every other race can recover from body destruction whether with prescanning or insertion into a surrogate body with the brain. That last one you can technically get around with some janky cheese mechanics, though I don't really count that, as I know it's hardly intended in the code. All in all, IPCs could use a balance adjustment of some kind.
    1 point
  10. In truth, they congealed into a dark matter blob. The AI was ultimately punished for not killing the unmentionable abominations when it had the chance.
    1 point
  11. Fluffycuffed and gagged, the EoC had no clue what was going to happen.
    1 point
  12. Why the fuck is the punishment for crimes so fucking long? Literally nobody likes spending 15 minutes in the brig for pushing over somebody. Insanely long timers like these do nothing but bring boredom into two hour, action-sparse rounds. I suggest shortening them in half.
    0 points
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