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  1. This is what happens when you have 3 cloning pods, 1 cloning computer, and auto processing on. Triplets Tetras! Had to make sure we were all dressed properly. Polly helped me cart them,me,which is it? us around. Complained to the captain that I needed a raise cuz smoking for 3 is expensive. As @DarkPyrolord stated. The ERT! Emergency Response Tetras! Even though all three both of them were braindead and a mess, I still loved them.
    6 points
  2. Self care is loving all your braindead clones.
    3 points
  3. Heh, thanks @BottomQuark but we'll see about that. Won't be long till I apply for CMO though so wish me luck.
    2 points
  4. Hi, the other day I ran onto an issue and although it didn't bother me too much, people encouraged me to post in here, so here goes: It was a thunderdome round. One team with green e-swords, and the other with red ones. I get the Luke vs Vader reference, and while normally the game is well defined enough that colorblindness doesn't play a big factor in my experience (Or so I think), in this round it was really difficult for me to distinguish good and bad guys. Now, there are a few types of colorblindness, but the predominant is the green-red one. Maybe you could change the colors of the swords to red and blue, since in the spectrum, blue light is further away from red than green (And we all know that 'The Empire strikes back' is the superior movie). Alternatively, you could just give people visibly different uniforms... There are a few options that could work. I know it's a very minor thing, and even then, it probably affects a minimal portion of the population, but it can affect other special events, and I feel it's a small quality of life thing that should be easy to implement.
    2 points
  5. And let us continue on our slow journey.
    2 points
  6. First Name: Thamuel Last Name: Thamthonite Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Samuel, Tham Age/D.O.B: 13/09/2541 Place Of Birth: Luna, Stratton Species: Human Blood Type: B- Alignment: True Neutral Affiliation: NanoTrasen Religious Beliefs: Pretends to be atheist (actually neo-pagan) Childhood: Student and some part-time work Adulthood: University student and an engineer Detailed Information: Appearance: 5’11” with short blonde hair and red eyes. Quite thin with a homely face and sullen expression. Character Voice: Similar to Macbeth from the Michael Fassbender version of Macbeth but with a lisp Personality: Reclusive - Prefers not to interact with people because of his fear that they might betray him. Cynical - Believes that everyone is fuelled by self-interest because of the people he was around when younger Pessimistic - Always looks on the bad side due to him watching the news to much and deep understanding of the world when younger Paranoid - Always fearful because of recent events in his life Industrious - Somewhat hard-working because it fulfils him Medical Record: has an increasingly worsening smoking habit. Shows signs of starting mental problems due to emotional trauma. Character Biography: Background: He was born in Stratton City on Luna to a lower-middle class family. He’s father was a chief engineer for Port Royale inc. and his mother was unemployed because of her illiteracy and ruthless job competition. Once he was born, because his mother could not fill out a forum, she had to say what she wanted her child to be named, but because she had a lisp, she mispronounced Samuel as Thamuel. His father made enough money to allow him to have a primary education where he learned to be literate. During school, it was noted that he did not have many friends and usually kept to himself, especially in the school’s garden and among nature. After he finished his primary education, with very average marks, his family moved to mars in search of a better life and to live closer to family, namely his uncle. He enrolled into a secondary school where he started to take an interest in socialist political views and engineering. He also was interested in his uncle’s job as a doctor and usually listened to him talk about what he did at work. His mother also started a small business in which he worked part-time. The business did well and was brought out by NanoTrasen. After he finished secondary school, he quickly enrolled into a university majoring in engineering and minoring in medicine. During his time at university he becomes more cynical as he starts noticing the corruption of the university but he does not speak about it and he graduates university, getting a bachelor’s and master’s degree in engineering. Out of university, he joins NanoTrasen as an engineer Family: Robert Thamthonite - Father - Deceased Julie Thamthonite - Mother - Missing - Presumably Deceased Richard Thamthonite - Uncle - Missing History: 2541 - Born on Luna 2546 - enrolled into primary school 2547 - Becomes obsessed with nature 2552 - finishes school, father gets fired soon after, moves to mars and goes into secondary 2553 - mother starts her business, Thamuel works for her part-time as a clerk 2557 - Finishes secondary school with good results and a more pessimistic outlook, enrols into university 2561 - Graduates, becomes part of NanoTrasen 29/1/2562 - Moves to a housing station in the Delta Eridani sector as to live closer to work. Finds a large stash of money under the floorboards and uses it to buy a miniature garden 31/1/2562 - Begins to study atmospherics and robotics out of personal interest 2/2/2562 - Attempts to get into authoring books but is not pleased with the result of his first book 6/2/2562 - Has a series of dreams containing people he knows, especially his father and uncle, both in difficult and distressing situations and attempts to write a book on these dreams but yet again, is unhappy with the results 7/2/2562 - Witnesses the sudden murder of his father by his uncle who used a silver gun which Thamuel saw in his recent dreams. His mother is reported missing the same day after Richard’s arrest 8/2/2562 - [DATA CORRUPTED] 9/2/2562 - All trace of his uncle suddenly disappears. Because of what happened the HAppened the previous day, Thamuel loses any remaining sentiment towards [DATA CORRUPTED] 10/2/2562 - Comes back home from work and discovers that his apartment has been trashed. Especially the floor tiles which are all taked of the floor 12/2/2562 - Recieves a “Sorry for your loss” in the post from an anonymous sender. The card refers to both his parents 13/2/2562 - Finds a strange scanning device in his ceiling. Stops having the predictive dreams the following night 14/2/2562 - Dreams come back more in a more violent and nightmarish form 17/2/2562 - Begins efforts in researching [DATA CORRUPTED] and [DATA REMOVED] believing they are the root cause of everything that has happened recently 21/2/2562 - Suddenly falls unconscious after leaving apartment [DATA R|uMO/||''';UPv'ED] 27/2/2562 - Wakes up at home (more to come) Personal Relationships Richard Thamthonite - Fear - “Why-yy, what happened to make him do thith?” Robert Thamthonite - Respected - “A hard-working man and a good father. He died too young, and I will never forget him” Julie Thamthonite - Respected - “thhe hath done very well for herthelf dethpite her illiteracy and really annoying lithp. Im extremely confuthed ath to where thhe is gone...” Joe Major - Acquaintance - “A cool guy to talk to and he even taught me about atmothphericth” Arthur Alton - Acquaintance - “A good thurgeon, thatth for thure. He’th interethting to talk to athwell” Chad Wolf - Acquaintance - “good to thee when he’th a colleague of mine in the engineering department.” Vuvukan Chakling & Tom Swal - Friends - “fun people to drink with” Average People - Fear/Unsure - “It theemth there aren’t that many people that can be trusted anymore in our galaxy. Anybody can betray you at any moment. Ethpecially if you allow yourthelf to trust them.” (PM me if you think you should be added because I got rubbish memory) Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations: Nanotrasen - Dislike - “corrupt and overly conthumerithtic” USSP - Like - “interethting idealth” Syndicate - Dislike - “I can thee why they do what they do, but they are definitely way too violent” Port Royale - Hate - “fired my father, a perfectly good employee” Sol Gov - Neutral - “united well, but they thhould have more policieth thupporting welfare” Elysium Project - Enemy - “inthane, racitht, violent. There’th literally nothing good about them” Wizard Federation - Dislike - “they think they’re thoooo cool. Well they’re not” Spider Clan - Hate - “thcrew them. I uthually like thpiderh. But thethe oneth are pure evil” Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information: Still seems to have a connection to nature. Catchphrase: “many thankth” Residence: He lives in a small run-down apartment aboard a housing station. The apartment is very small, barley having enough space to fit in his bed and mini-fridge. The walls are painted in a grey tone and floor is made up of standard NanoTrasen floor tiles. To the side of the main room, there is a small bathroom which is similar architecturally to the maintenance corridors on board The Cyberiad. Theme:
    1 point
  7. Well then I guess it is my turn to introduce myself here. Hello everyone, I worked on the Cyberiad for a cople of months now and must say that I never had a better employer than the CC of our station, therefore I am planing to keep the job for a long time and am looking forward to work with all of you. Now RP aside I am playing "Gerhard Van Lutz" so if you ever got your hard broken by a goliath, had the plesure of fastmos or got into a barfight, chanses are high you met him at least once, since I was playing a lot of medbay (especially surgeon) lately. Hmm what is there else to say....I enjoy RPing a lot and because of that Gerhard developes over time and that also means that you will see me in the crew records topic in the future. I'm also currently aiming to learn every job in medbay, so I can be a decent CMO and we won't have the plesure with "Malpracticebay" when I am around (I got half of the jobs by now). So yeah thanks for having me here and I'll see you all in spess.
    1 point
  8. Welcome to that shithole we call Cyberaid. the greatest station. Noice to see Gerhardon forums! I belive you already would be better CMO than most of 'em *laughs".
    1 point
  9. This is a topic that I've been known to go on about for longer than I should, given how strongly that I feel about it. As such I will legitimately try to keep what I've got to say brief as to avoid a giant wall of text the last time I went on about this sort of thing. Being a long time player of both IPCs and more recently humans, there are very drastic difference between the two (as there should be). Though I've found that in that time, I actually prefer to play my human more than my IPC, despite the vast amounts of immunity and quality of life that IPCs tend to have. The first reason for this being that I found out that the strengths that IPCs have in comparison to other races is not as special as they're made out to really be. A lot of things that organics have to worry about I've found can be avoided - or in the least - alleviated with proper planning or attention. The second reason was because I didn't die instantly to an EMP when they happened, though I'm not going to really talk much on EMPs here at all. And the third reason, while less important to this discussion but equally as influential to me, was the ability to roll for more antags than what my IPC could (yea I like to be the bad guy a lot, sue me). Also some reason about "cyka blyat". EMPs, as awful as they can be sometimes, do make sense as a weakness, and shouldn't be removed any time soon. EMPs could certainly use a tweak, though until we can find a clean way to do that, are fine as they are for the time being (as much as they make me a grumpy man). IPCs severe weakness to brute and burn, however, is something that doesn't quite make much sense to me, and seems like the easiest issue to fix with IPCs. Now, a weakness to burn damage (the high temperature type, not freezing, though I think both still apply as it is currently), does make sense to me on an IPC, as computer bits don't do well with super high temperatures (it's why most computers come equipped with fans); but a high brute weakness (in the way that it is implemented at the moment) makes little sense to me, especially given the fact that a porous-boned space bird is more resilient than a man made of literal metal, yaya. If IPCs had a higher resistance to brute, but a stronger weakness to burn, I feel like that'd be a better version of their current damage modifiers. To touch on what Streaky mentioned in the beginning of his first post, and what others have also said... • [Immunity to Viruses]: Bad viruses that actually cause any sort of actual issue and aren't just cured away with one of the known wonder cures are few and far between. • [Immunity to Toxins]: A nice quality of life, though not something you'll get unless you get into a fight with a spider, someone is actively trying to poison you, or you drink something dumb. • [Immunity to Bleeding]: Actually really nice ever since the blood refactor. Though most stuff that causes bleeding just outright murks you because of your high brute weakness as an IPC. • [Immunity to Clone Damage]: IPCs can't get cloned (or prescanned for that matter), and the only enemies I know of that can inflict this are slimes and abductors with their gun. • [Immunity to Skeletal Damage]: I suppose this means "you don't have bones", though what do broken bones really do, anyway? They make you drop things in the case of your hands and arms, move slower if in the legs, and cause organ damage in the head and chest. IPCs escape the head and chest bits cos they have no bones to shift around there, but their legs and arms still operate in the same way as organics, though it only needs to be high brute/burn damage to cause the slowness or dropping of things. • [Immunity to Radiation]: Not a common thing that you encounter, though I've heard some people mentioning that IPCs should be susceptible to it, which I could agree with if they traded out rad immunity for being space proof (though we know that'll never happen given how space immunity is a huge balance issue all its own). The last things I'll say that bother me with IPCs is how easy their brains are to pop out by antags, that their brains come out with their speaker defaulted to off, and that every other race can recover from body destruction whether with prescanning or insertion into a surrogate body with the brain. That last one you can technically get around with some janky cheese mechanics, though I don't really count that, as I know it's hardly intended in the code. All in all, IPCs could use a balance adjustment of some kind.
    1 point
  10. I would suggest stop being a greytiding pile of shit.
    1 point
  11. So I got 4 screenshots 1. Round I joined as ERT borg, cult won, we saved like 8 people by transporting them to CC via ERT shuttle. admin came out "YOU ARE ALL PROMOTED" that's how it ended up((We wait for shuttle to kill EVERYONE)): 2. I dunno what happend, but it made me laugh 3. 4. Well I always thought E.L.O. was male :^)
    1 point
  12. There's also the meta aspect to consider here. A rounstart AI has a chance to be traitor. A built AI does not. We already have command and sec players who openly state "If the AI isn't doing as I ask, I watch it via cameras." It's not much of a stretch for a validhunt RD/Command to build second AIs "just in case"
    1 point
  13. Ahh, the things you hear in the bar.
    1 point
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