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  1. I decided to get fancy with my assassination attempt. While it didn't work, itw as still fun for all involved.
    4 points
  2. Some changelings discuss the whereabouts of the clowns brain
    2 points
  3. And that's why I dislike the way we treat code red. I want it to be easier to access, but make it less desirable. Going to code red right now cancels all the automated traffic anouncments in chat. Which means that there's probably a sort of SoP prohibiting space travel around a Code Red station. Expand that to Cargo, as TDS said. Forbid all EVA during code red, forbid miners and engineers to move to/from their outposts, have departments be put under curfew, any non-sec that's caught in the hallways gets in trouble. Enforce actual random searches, rather than pretending to randomly search people, while you just round up some suspect. Make Code Red an actually serious event, instead of "We saw an Emag, keep doing your stuff while those lights flash red, it doesn't actually mean anything" Make it hell for every department, so people only initiate it when it's actually neccesary. That's why I also think it should be harder to cancel. Because it just IS such a serious situation. It'd also make Central Command more likely to assemble an actually useful ERT if code red carries an actual weight besides brightly colored lights flashing up.
    2 points
  4. This may be controversial because IPCS are immune to toxins, viruses, bleed, clone and skeletal damage. However, IPCs as they are are tragically fragile for reasons that made sense when they were first introduce, but are no longer apply. For instance, IPCs used to be very easy to repair. They only required a welding tool and cable coil/nanopaste, had no internal organs besides their brain, so all you had to do was put them on a table, endure the failure chance and reassemble them on the spot. However, now, you are required to open up the affected IPC's chest and repair their internal organs. With the additional risk that comes with ghetto surgery of the attack proc'ing instead, or of regular surgery slippage, this makes IPC revival actually very hard. IPCs not having to fear from genetics, viruses and toxins is not quite as one-sided as it seems. Legitimately dangerous and disruptive viruses are few and far between, and often very quickly dealt with by medbay (most nasty viruses requiring gold, salt, or mannitol) to cure. In addition, IPCs can't benefit from healing viruses which are actually very effective and provide a tangible difference to one's survivability. In addition, IPCs can't benefit from any kind of genetic powers. The downsides there are obvious, in addition to ruling them out of the geneticist job without using a sentient test subject. IPCs not suffering from tox damage is quite a powerful aid, I grant you. However, toxins damage isn't that common. Toxins Damage is inflicted via green spiders, radiation, drinking something dumb or someone aggressively trying to poison you. However, anybody with access to efficient and effective poisons likely also has access to resources to produce EMPs. EMPS = Are area of effect and travel through walls. The majority of the time, unless you're at the very edges of the radius, it will scorch every single internal and external organ in the IPC's body, killing them instantly. Of the eight game-mode antagonists on our server, five of them have access to cheap and efficient EMPs. Traitors have EMP flashlights and EMP implants (the latter of which can be activated while stunned and cuffed), Changelings have the EMP screeh (which can be activated while stunned and cuffed), Cultists have the EMP talisman, Wizards... well, wizards are powerful against everything but it sucks to be EMP'd through a wall when you weren't even aware the Wizard was there, and Nuclear Operatives have access to traitor stuff and more. This brings me back to the misconception that IPCs are "easy to fix." All other races can be pushed into a fully upgraded sleeper and every inch of them healed within moments. IPCs have to manually repair every inch of their body. When insta-killed with an EMP, the IPC needs the following repaired: Both Hands, Both Arms, IPC charging implant, Head, Eyes, Upper Chest, Microbattery, Brain, lower both, both legs, both feet. Many Roboticists don't know how to repair IPCs, many don't realise the brain is in the head. Many don't know how IPC surgery works. Many forget to fix or replace your power charging implant that goes in your right arm. Given how commonplace EMPs are (it's easy to be killed by an EMP when you aren't even INVOLVED in the antag's business) and given how horrendously IPCs and EMPs are coded (as i've been told many times by the coding team) the terrible EMP weakness can't be modified or really removed. So why not remove the brute/burn weakness? I don't believe it makes sense anymore, given IPCs limbs propensity to pop off, and given how awkard they can be to repair. Yes, IPCs can repair themselves so long as they've got a functional arm AND hand, but that still uses up a healthy amount of welding fuel and if they DO lose a limb, they can't re-attach it themselves. It also makes them horrendously vulnerable to things like space and frost oil. Frost Oil and Syndi-Bee Toxin will keep an IPC down for the rest of the round, as nobody knows what the hell degreaser is or thinks to use it when an IPC is poisoned. Hell, the idea of IPCs beingpoisoned is so foreign to many people (IPCs included) that often they persistent dying upon revival is met with confusion and despair. Not to mention, removing their damage weaknesses should be easy enough, since these things are coded far more simply. All it would involve is deleting some numbers and then their brute and burn resistance would be the same as most other races. Other alternatives, that I can think of, are more complicated: A) Making IPC surgery easy as hell. Make roller beds and tables count as 100% success chance, make their surgeries quicker, etc. So they really can be reassembled in the field instead of laboured over by a labcoat that would much rather be dealing with a mech or cyborg. B) Making Nanopaste heal every single part of an IPC's body, in and out. The exact number it heals I'm not too fussy about, so long as it's not necessary to agonisingly heal every single organ after the inevitable EMP. C) Overhauling IPCs or EMPs or both completely. This is not a realistic option I know, but... eugh. Edit: Also this is very stream of consciousness, but IPCs get fucked p hard in Blob/Nuke Ops rounds. It's not uncommon to get one's arms shot off in one hit by Nuke Ops, and one shove from a blob will... also make your limbs pop off.
    1 point
  5. Guides exist on the wiki as well for IPC's, in multiple places in fact - both in the surgery guide, and the guide to robotics.
    1 point
  6. The correct answer is yes! What did I win?
    1 point
  7. Added a part of BEER's life that I forgot about! T̶̤̦͉͍̹͆͗́̇͒h̶͖̎̓̐ẻ̷͖ ̵̨͕̪̭̎S̸̗̼͎̣̖̅̓͆̌̽ḧ̴̦̟̗̗͎̈́͌͌̕a̴̢̟̫̓́t̷̨̹̞̪̣̺͝t̶̞̝̙̻̥̰̐͗̓e̴̢̘̻̥̣̝̓̀̊ṙ̷̰̆̈́ͅę̶̛͉͇͕̉͋d̵̝̋̇͝ ̶̧̭͕͛̍̉̓͘K̴̯͐̀į̶̮̹͚͔͒̄̏͜n̸͚̲̤͚̳̍͊͆g̸̼̔͑͗̓̀̄ ̴̢̗͓̹̌͛̑r̶̰̗̕͜e̶̬̞͈͂͂̎̎͆͒s̶͕͖̑̑̇̎̊͂ţ̵̦̝͈̗̓͛͌̎̀s̴̢͓̪̖͇͗ ̷͔͐̽î̸̤̦̣̘̪͗͛n̵̗͕̭̲̏ͅ ̵̟̥̗̆̀́̽͌͛t̴͖̞̕ḩ̵̠͍̃́̈͐̍ē̷͇̫͆̅̏̔̐ ̷̖̠͎̱̞̜͌F̶̖͇̙͂̃̃̐r̶̫̭̘̒̌͋ä̸̻̦̠͇́c̴̞̼͕̱̹̦̉t̶̻͈͊͂͛ǘ̸̠̰̎̄͠r̷̹͚̗̩̚ͅe̵͔̤͛͝d̷̯̠̦̆͌̒̾ ̷̞̩̿̊̎͠Ṯ̸̟́́́͋̂o̷͙̗͍̻̿͛̑͜m̷̱̏̽͑͒̉̄b̶̡̝̯̮̒,̸̤̩͍̟̈̂́̈́͝ ̸̹̼͍̦̉̿͋̄̆t̶̗̝̠̦̿̚͜͠o̴̭͙͝ ̶̖̗͕͖̠̍͛̋̕ͅn̸̫̻͠e̴͉͕̫̙̬̅͂ͅv̷͍̗̒͐̔ͅͅȩ̷̯͒͛r̴͍̯͖̊͛̈̌̂ ̷̢͈̺͓̻̞̊̍̆b̵͚̜̻̻̈́̎̒e̵̖̲̞͕͌͌̋̽̑ͅ ̵̙̪̪̝̃̂d̴̰̿̈́̾̈i̷̻̽̈́͒͋́͘s̴̲̦̾̒́͒̄t̴̞͙̙͚̓͋̍͘û̴̥̱̩̠̓͒͗͘͠ͅr̸̗̈́͒͝b̸͍͔̼̖̝̈́̈́̏̈e̷̜̻̙̔d̷̘̥̺̼̿̓̓̉̀̊.̴͇̪̫̯̞̏ͅ ̴̤̂̏͌̐̚͝Á̷̩l̵͚̝͔͂̊̐̌͝͝l̴͕̘̚ ̸̧̫͍̲͍͕̇̊̾̌́͝ȟ̸͔̪͔̲̜̹ạ̵̙̻̣̖̠̈́͂̔͑ì̵͈̮͇̣̲̰̇ḻ̶̙̃̇́̅̄ ̵̢̹̻̼̾t̷̟̲͝h̴̭̣͓̫̽̾̽̇͘é̷͙̈̍̾ ̵̢͎̥̤̟̅̀́̈B̷̤̗͖̳͉́̇͗r̴̛̼̼̝̣͌̇̾͆ơ̷͎͙̻̬̊̇̈́̂͘ḱ̸̪̟̰͔̗́̅̐e̶̻̺͇̻̅͑ņ̴̝̗͖̽̾͋̇͝ ̸̡̳̥̥͍͗̀̽͜S̷̛͕͎͐̉̚ͅp̴͇̜̼͖̅̅̕ą̸͔͎͍̏̆̏ç̷̳̖͌͐̓̾͐̚͜e̶̡̜̯͋͌.̴͖̘́̈́̽
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Yes please. Replace current code Red with a Code Amber and make a more serious code red that actually impacts the round in some way but make it only temporary.
    1 point
  10. Alrighty I thought this was pretty fun just because how long of a fight this was, I felt like I was literally fighting for my life. I was blueshield and mechanic had run off with the CE. CE had no death alarm so everyone assumed she had died. I went on the retrieval mission and grabbed a mime space suit and clown space helmet on the off chance that I'd run into the ling, but mostly I assumed I was doing corpse recovery and was not really anticipating a fight. I jetpack over to the west because that was the direction the mechanic took off from, and hit Z3, so I figure the body's probably dumped in the white ship. I walk through the white ship and lo and behold, there's two CEs, one tied to a chair, the other doing something or the other. I tase her and despite the armblade, I had the element of surprise and managed to harm baton her to death. At this point, I hadn't fought a ling post buff and hadn't realized just how fast a ling could revive from the dead. As I was trying to free the CE the ling pops back up like straight out of a horror movie and stunprods me. Somehow in between all the stunning and harmbatonning I manage to prime a flashbang, during which the CE managed to free herself, but sadly the flashbang went off underneath me as I didn't get a chance to throw it before being stunned. At this point all stun batons have been used up, so the ling uses his telescopic on the CE, giving me the chance to flash the ling. The ling drops the baton, and I manage to permastun/kill it. This was the second death. As I'm yelling for backup on comms, I also shout that we need something sharp to decap the ling with, since there was no way we were getting out of there with the ling coming back every 30 seconds. So I remember the scalpel and limp my way over to the northern white ship room, heal myself with a few patches, and grab the scalpel that's on the ground. By the time I get back, the CE already has the ling on the ground. We finish it off and I spend what seems like forever hacking its head until it finally pops off. We steal the pod and fly off into the sunset, finishing the shift having not lost any members of command!
    1 point
  11. I've been learning this game for a while, and might be set on sticking to playing Szlaa Kaallu, unathi. Mostly playing IAA (but as alt title Human Resources Agent). She likes to help people, can be naive at times, and has a mushy heart. It's sometimes difficult to roleplay though, getting distracted some shifts, but I'd want to work hard to keep her perceived as good and sweet. I tried in some earlier rounds to use her IAA access to change to custom role "Tour Guide" and show people around the station, or be available for questions, but the interest wasn't really there (though did get some people a couple rounds). Uhm. I don't really know what else to write, but would love it if any people would like to ask questions.
    1 point
  12. If people actually took it seriously, Code Red would essentially shut the station down into a full-on police state/martial law situation. Which would be effective if it somehow didn't cause half the server to riot since everyone has an inner graytider in 'em. But more importantly, Code Red is to be initiated when there is a certain threat to the station, which can range anywhere from nuclear operatives to a single traitor with a stetchkin hiding in maintenance. Both are equally valid threats in the eyes of SoP but the latter shouldn't enforce such an iron grip on the station and its going-ons. It would stifle the round for anyone who isn't Security, and personally I don't want to be forced to sit in my closet for an hour as janitor. Speaking of nuke ops, the suggested idea of affecting cargo would mean you can't have Code Red and order guns for the crew to defend itself at the same time. Just a thought. Personally, I would rearrange the alert levels some. Maybe add in a new Code Yellow to take the place of the current Code Red (there is a threat to the station), and bump Code Red up to this more extreme "martial law" state (there is a threat to the station forcing an immediate state of emergency)?
    1 point
  13. Yes he kind of was BUT he took my advice to learn a little more and was a nurse the next shift, also after that round you left and we got another shitty CMO. So yeah....that is the reason I am aiming for that position now.
    1 point
  14. Here's a sappy sketch, cause I like stupidly cute romance. And now for a silly comic.
    1 point
  15. Literally the first round I play after saying that. Some random CMO tries to implant someone welding shield. *Aim for the head and places hemostat in* *I take over the surgery cuz he screwed so much* *I want surgery access, cuz we don't have enough docs and surgeon* *CMO makes me medical doc even if I asked just for access* 10 minutes later, after doing shitton of surgery *Gerhard arrives and ask for position of chemist when we have JUST spaceallin ((however it is called)) *E.L.O. arrives* *I get back to paramedicing* *Someone screams on CMO cuz they are shitty surgeons* And I'm like "Shit this medbay just improved it's skills from level -100 to like +999999999" X minutes later *Cap gets angry "If I hear one more complainment about CMO beeing incompetent, I will make him clean the floor for the rest of his life"* And CMO WAS kinda shitty.
    1 point
  16. Code red should be harder to activate. I hate when we have a single EoC in perma and because of that we keep on red all day.
    1 point
  17. This is a topic that I've been known to go on about for longer than I should, given how strongly that I feel about it. As such I will legitimately try to keep what I've got to say brief as to avoid a giant wall of text the last time I went on about this sort of thing. Being a long time player of both IPCs and more recently humans, there are very drastic difference between the two (as there should be). Though I've found that in that time, I actually prefer to play my human more than my IPC, despite the vast amounts of immunity and quality of life that IPCs tend to have. The first reason for this being that I found out that the strengths that IPCs have in comparison to other races is not as special as they're made out to really be. A lot of things that organics have to worry about I've found can be avoided - or in the least - alleviated with proper planning or attention. The second reason was because I didn't die instantly to an EMP when they happened, though I'm not going to really talk much on EMPs here at all. And the third reason, while less important to this discussion but equally as influential to me, was the ability to roll for more antags than what my IPC could (yea I like to be the bad guy a lot, sue me). Also some reason about "cyka blyat". EMPs, as awful as they can be sometimes, do make sense as a weakness, and shouldn't be removed any time soon. EMPs could certainly use a tweak, though until we can find a clean way to do that, are fine as they are for the time being (as much as they make me a grumpy man). IPCs severe weakness to brute and burn, however, is something that doesn't quite make much sense to me, and seems like the easiest issue to fix with IPCs. Now, a weakness to burn damage (the high temperature type, not freezing, though I think both still apply as it is currently), does make sense to me on an IPC, as computer bits don't do well with super high temperatures (it's why most computers come equipped with fans); but a high brute weakness (in the way that it is implemented at the moment) makes little sense to me, especially given the fact that a porous-boned space bird is more resilient than a man made of literal metal, yaya. If IPCs had a higher resistance to brute, but a stronger weakness to burn, I feel like that'd be a better version of their current damage modifiers. To touch on what Streaky mentioned in the beginning of his first post, and what others have also said... • [Immunity to Viruses]: Bad viruses that actually cause any sort of actual issue and aren't just cured away with one of the known wonder cures are few and far between. • [Immunity to Toxins]: A nice quality of life, though not something you'll get unless you get into a fight with a spider, someone is actively trying to poison you, or you drink something dumb. • [Immunity to Bleeding]: Actually really nice ever since the blood refactor. Though most stuff that causes bleeding just outright murks you because of your high brute weakness as an IPC. • [Immunity to Clone Damage]: IPCs can't get cloned (or prescanned for that matter), and the only enemies I know of that can inflict this are slimes and abductors with their gun. • [Immunity to Skeletal Damage]: I suppose this means "you don't have bones", though what do broken bones really do, anyway? They make you drop things in the case of your hands and arms, move slower if in the legs, and cause organ damage in the head and chest. IPCs escape the head and chest bits cos they have no bones to shift around there, but their legs and arms still operate in the same way as organics, though it only needs to be high brute/burn damage to cause the slowness or dropping of things. • [Immunity to Radiation]: Not a common thing that you encounter, though I've heard some people mentioning that IPCs should be susceptible to it, which I could agree with if they traded out rad immunity for being space proof (though we know that'll never happen given how space immunity is a huge balance issue all its own). The last things I'll say that bother me with IPCs is how easy their brains are to pop out by antags, that their brains come out with their speaker defaulted to off, and that every other race can recover from body destruction whether with prescanning or insertion into a surrogate body with the brain. That last one you can technically get around with some janky cheese mechanics, though I don't really count that, as I know it's hardly intended in the code. All in all, IPCs could use a balance adjustment of some kind.
    1 point
  18. While I do agree that removing the damage at this point would be a long overdue buff to IPCs, I'd honestly prefer that it stayed. It's part of their thematic and removing it takes away part of the fun of IPCs, learning to live with being cardboard tubes held together with tinfoil. What I'd prefer instead would be for IPCs to get some other kind of buff to aid their survival. Specifically, the ability for IPCs to self surgery/reattach limbs and/or the removal/shortening of that gawd awful self repair timer, or making so limbs can't malfunction UNTIL it requires internal repairs. Alternatively, adding some mechanic so that if a limb gets overhealed, the remaining healing goes to another limb, allowing them to be repaired similiar to borgs without the frustration and time sink of manually targeting every body part. This isn't true. Once a limb has 20~ damage you can't repair it externally and you can't self heal until the surgery has been done. And since IPCs can't self surgery from some nonsensical reason you can disable their arms and legs before even putting them into soft crit. Compare this to any carbon mob who can break a limb but still heal themselves back to 100% health, an IPC has to walk around with that damage until they find someone they can trust to do the surgery. This isn't even factoring how robotic/prosthetic limbs malfunction at around 10 damage causing you to drop what ever you're holding at seemingly random intervals, it can be impossible for an IPC to repair themselves because the self heal timer is way to damn long.
    1 point
  19. Dr. Voxxy with some medical tips!
    1 point
  20. > Officer Ford on duty > Start with regular patrol > Come across a 10 mm clip in maint > tape off the area and call detective > patrol some more > CMO office broken into >tape off the area and call detective, detective is busy due to some monsters in cargonia > patrol some more > Sci chem broken into > at this point def EOC afoot, so I go to investigate science. > Check the server room because blood > Borg lets me in and tell's me that QM has been making some strange requests, like plasma canisters. > QM is suspect as fuck at this point > I Go to cargo to investigate, some technicians let me in and QM bolts for the cargo room. > QM says "NOTHING TO SEE HERE", and closes the door. > I demand he opens. > He opens, where I can fully see a shooting range. Full of flamethrowers and pneumatic cannons. > I ask for paperwork to approve this dangerous shooting range made on company time > QM runs to ATM and drops me 500 credits > We agree that paperwork checks out. > patrol some more > get gibbed by antag out of nowhere
    1 point
  21. Pain really does not cause a whole lot of stuff. Not really a buff that matters, but a very very small one, granted. Cloning. Just dump them in a machine and it does the work for you. Feed them a pill and they get up. Put a defib unit on their chest then toss them in cryo. Not a buff, a side-grade. Everyone needs to eat except Diona. IPCs eat at an APC, humans eat at a vending machine/Kitchen. A single IPC can knock an APC down to 50% capacity pretty easily too. This is not a buff, a side-grade. Can lose their head and not die from it. And be blind and much worse until a head is replaced, and it and other limbs also pops off like a Rock'em-Sock;Em Robot's. I'd rather have my head harder to detatch then die in 3 hits to the chest. Bleeding comes up so infrequently on paradise, I sometimes wonder if it really wouldn't just be better to ditch it altogether. But regardless, they're NOT immune to "Organ" problems as they HAVE organ equivalents in their chassis. Microbattery = Heart, etc. The only time bleeding ever comes up is Vampires or Internal bleeding, and vamps have bigger problems and internal bleeding is by far one of the rarest cases to come into medical bay. Immune to Toxin and Oxygen damage. You mean the things I mentioned in the very post you're quoting me where I said those WERE part of their upsides? Cloning damage has maybe three sources in the entire game, and it literally is fixed by putting someone in cryo, which ALSO fixes every other thing wrong with them, except bones. Having a Language is *NOT* a buff, and if we're going to try and make fucking Trinary out to be this huge advantage, I'm going to openly mock people who try it, because the IPC OP Salt meta will be complete at that point. Every single race has a language, save for Plasmamen, even humans. That no one else can understand So please just don't even. Welding immunity was also listed. A bunch of upsides that have to be balanced somehow. By EMP Vulnerability and taking fuck tons of extra damage. Again, you;re spinning things to make it sound like I and others are trying to Get EMP vulnerability removed entirely, so that you can people on your side, and in so doing misrepresent the facts and mislead people, and frankly this is an old schtick from a lot of people and it's getting real old. The salt mine needs to fucking stop so we can at least have a fuckin discussion about it, without people instinctively going bucking up or dishing out ultimatums.
    1 point
  22. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
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