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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2018 in all areas

  1. And let us continue on our slow journey.
    2 points
  2. During my time as an IPC, I have noticed that I tend to build little clubs. If anyone else here does, I would enjoy some images and ideas for hovels, pubs and more Here is the image of a bar that I had made recently
    1 point
  3. My changes were as follows: * EMPs stun them for roughly 10-15 seconds (I forget the exact number) first and foremost. It applies about 40 damage total, I think. 20% chance rolled on each limb to detach (you could lose none, you could lose all). I added a bunch of effects tied to the organs, as well: battery dumps their nutrition value, ears makes them deaf, jitter and dizzy. Voicebox stutters . THEY ALSO SCREAM WHEN EMP'D. Reasoning: traitors can kill IPCs just as easily, it's just louder and slower. (You can EMP them and then toolbox them to death before the stun wears off). However, it's not a death sentence if an EMP happens as a workplace hazard. It also gives you a very nice nonlethal control method when dealing with antag IPCs. Also all the emp effects for organs are tied to the organs themselves, so you would get these if you somehow put them in an organic. * No ultralube/meth equivalent Reason: it's super unnecessary. You can't have it both ways: Chems should be like viruses. No bad, no good. * Take huge burn damage in general. Very weak to temperature in general. Will die before they can roll themselves out of caught on fire. Reason: they're machines. Machines break very easily when overheating. Wires melt. Components pop. * Limbs are very easily severed by anything sharp with enough force. E-sword de-limbs on the first or second hit. Brute can knock them off as well, but it requires hitting the limbs damage cap Reason: it just makes sense as a trade-off for below. * Can reattach broken limbs by themselves without a table. Reason: i always found it arbitrary that an IPC can't plug it's own limbs in. If you wish to make a more self sufficient crew member (albeit one that has a different threshold for helplessness) this is how you do it. * Takes 50% more damage from electrocution Reason: again. Sensitive electronics and internal systems * They can inject plasma or stable plasma for nutrition Reason: putting an IPC in perma kills them slowly. This is mostly to fix that, but also allow IPCs a little less reliant on the power grid. Not that these are easily accessible chems, but still.
    1 point
  4. I don't even know how to comment this...when the whole crew has to get on....this shuttle. I guess NT had to cut our budget.
    1 point
  5. Thanks! Eeeee <3 I wasn't necessarily channeling foghorn leghorn but now that you mention it...
    1 point
  6. I quit playing IPC and stuck with organics (Sometimes slime, sometimes vox), because IPCs are simply terrible. Despite synthetics/robots being my go-to choice in any game that offers it. Literally all of them. Additionally, for another codebase, I have ported them and fixed them myself, because I am so convinced they will never be fixed here. IPC strengths, as outlined point by point in Streaky's original post, rarely shine in actual gameplay.
    1 point
  7. I tested it out and while you can't use chems as an IPC in the tradicional way drinking them from glasses works wonders. You can just drink Liquid Solder and you'r brain comes back.
    1 point
  8. Some changelings discuss the whereabouts of the clowns brain
    1 point
  9. Alrighty I thought this was pretty fun just because how long of a fight this was, I felt like I was literally fighting for my life. I was blueshield and mechanic had run off with the CE. CE had no death alarm so everyone assumed she had died. I went on the retrieval mission and grabbed a mime space suit and clown space helmet on the off chance that I'd run into the ling, but mostly I assumed I was doing corpse recovery and was not really anticipating a fight. I jetpack over to the west because that was the direction the mechanic took off from, and hit Z3, so I figure the body's probably dumped in the white ship. I walk through the white ship and lo and behold, there's two CEs, one tied to a chair, the other doing something or the other. I tase her and despite the armblade, I had the element of surprise and managed to harm baton her to death. At this point, I hadn't fought a ling post buff and hadn't realized just how fast a ling could revive from the dead. As I was trying to free the CE the ling pops back up like straight out of a horror movie and stunprods me. Somehow in between all the stunning and harmbatonning I manage to prime a flashbang, during which the CE managed to free herself, but sadly the flashbang went off underneath me as I didn't get a chance to throw it before being stunned. At this point all stun batons have been used up, so the ling uses his telescopic on the CE, giving me the chance to flash the ling. The ling drops the baton, and I manage to permastun/kill it. This was the second death. As I'm yelling for backup on comms, I also shout that we need something sharp to decap the ling with, since there was no way we were getting out of there with the ling coming back every 30 seconds. So I remember the scalpel and limp my way over to the northern white ship room, heal myself with a few patches, and grab the scalpel that's on the ground. By the time I get back, the CE already has the ling on the ground. We finish it off and I spend what seems like forever hacking its head until it finally pops off. We steal the pod and fly off into the sunset, finishing the shift having not lost any members of command!
    1 point
  10. I've been learning this game for a while, and might be set on sticking to playing Szlaa Kaallu, unathi. Mostly playing IAA (but as alt title Human Resources Agent). She likes to help people, can be naive at times, and has a mushy heart. It's sometimes difficult to roleplay though, getting distracted some shifts, but I'd want to work hard to keep her perceived as good and sweet. I tried in some earlier rounds to use her IAA access to change to custom role "Tour Guide" and show people around the station, or be available for questions, but the interest wasn't really there (though did get some people a couple rounds). Uhm. I don't really know what else to write, but would love it if any people would like to ask questions.
    1 point
  11. ((didn't know where else to put it so its going here, not based on the cyberiad for the most part)) “So Since you are new to the station this is probably going to be your most efficient route without getting lost.” The human hand held the purple tinged PDA with a map on its screen, the map itself had a flashing route line on it. “Don’t worry about rushing things, there is another Janitor on shift she will handle some of the major stuff while you get use to things. Just remember, put down signs. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, put down signs when you mop.” The PDA was passed to the waiting red furred paw of a Tajaran wearing a typical station Janitorial uniform. “IF they do slip with a sign down you have my blessing to point at the sign and keep mopping.” The human Head of Personnel laughed and slapped the feline on the shoulder, half startling her as he went toward the door to the Janitorial closet. “Don’t worry Sefra’neem! Your first job will be fine! PDA me if any one yells at you!” “R-right..She will do her best!” the door closed behind the human leaving Sefra to take a deep breath and gather her supplies and pull her cart out the closet. It was just cleaning, what could go wrong? “Besides the clown…” She arrived at her first stop on her route setting up her signs, “...or an angry slipped assistant..” Next her mop went in the bucket then to the floor, starting to clean the area of the hall. “Or..” THUD! Sefra turned around mop in hand, leading to a stare down between her an scientist on the floor, apparently quickly moving across wet ground. The stares lasted a long while before the Taj timidly pointed to the sign she set up causing a grunt from the scientist before he stood up and shuffled away, slowly. The shift was going uneventful as she made her way along with her cleaning, checking her PDA every so often to ensure she was on the right track, however as she passed one of the Aux storage doors she stopped, Sefras ears perking up. She listened before speaking into her headset, “She hears beeping.”, her earpiece was barraged with a chorus of voices screaming ‘where’, before Sefra could respond she was blasted into the opposite wall by twisted metal and part of the airlock door she was near. It must have been shock keeping Sefra’neem awake at that point. Her eyes were blurred and her hearing was muffled, and everything on one side felt SHARP and almost like it was burning off. When she was able to focus her eyes the area was bathed in red..not just from the alarm lights, there was blood..ALOT of blood. TOO MUCH BLOOD! Someone had to have been next to that explosion other than her but when her eyes went to try to examine herself there was too much blood there...and bits of fur...and..and was that a foot? It was then Sefra felt her grip on consciousness slipping off, she was also felt herself being dragged and muffled squeaking noises..she tried to focus, Was that the clown? What was left of her vision went black to the sound of clown shoes. A sharp gasp and Sefras eyes snapped open, she couldn’t help but test the fingers on her robotic hand. It was a bad dream of a memory but she was home on mars, in bed next to her mate. She couldn’t help but wrap herself around Jay whot let out a grunt, it was going to be one of those mornings he needed the crowbar to remove the clinging Sefra.
    1 point
  12. You did not survive the events of Space Station 13. RESTORE | RESTART | QUIT
    1 point
  13. It's fairly early in the shift. So far no major threats to contend with. I am the AI. I'm doing my normal scans of high risk areas and my camera view falls upon the Head of Security's office. His locker is open, with his recreated laser gun just sitting there. Now as a crewsimov AI I generally don't care about objects which are traitor objectives, but a lethal weapon is a bit different. It's capable of harming the crew and allowing it to be grossly unsecured would quality, in my mind, as allowing harm though inaction. A lot of AIs would have made a snarky announcement embarrassing the HoS, but this really isn't A.N.G.E.L's style. Besides, an announcement would let everyone know it's still there unsecured, which would be unsafe. So, I simply PDA the Head of Security requesting they secure their locker. About 10 minutes pass and I check on it and the locker is still open, gun still exposed. So, I jump to the HoS to see what he's up to. He's attempting to Brig the clown, only he neglected to take the clown's PDA. The clown slips him on his PDA while they are both in the cell. The HoS gets up, walks off the PDA and proceeds to stuff the clown into the brig cell's locker in response. He then walks back over the PDA, which is still on the ground, slipping himself a second time. Meanwhile, in a rare display of camaraderie with the clown, the mime has gotten involved and is trying to slip security in the sec hall with a bucket of water. A security officer decides the best course of action to subdue the mime is to take an entire box of flash bangs and try to flash bang the mime. He accomplishes only flashbanging himself, resulting in him dropping the box of flashbangs, which the mime promptly picks up and begins using to throw live flashbangs at everyone in the security lobby. So to recap the trainwreck in progress: The HoS's gun is sitting in his office, in an open locker. The HoS is in a cell being slipped repeatedly by the clown's PDA. The Mime is throwing flashbangs in the security lobby. The entire time the Brig Physican is watching this unfold with, what I imagine, is a mixture of horror and amusement as he tries to explain basic brigging procedure to the Head of Security. The mime escapes, allowing Officer Flash Bang and the Head of Security to focus their efforts on the clown, which mostly involve trying to pepper spray him through his mask before giving up and simply allowing him to walk out without serving any brig time. After this, I message the Head of Security again reminding him of his unsecured gun. He obligingly secures his locker. I then reported all of this to the Captain. Now, A.N.G.E.L very, very rarely would do something like this. Rating the performance of command really isn't the AI's job, but I calculated that this security was so inept that not warning the Captain may constitute harm by inaction. It doesn't really matter much as I am ignored anyway. The clown proceeds to annoy the Head of Personnel to the point where the HoP calls for his demotion. Afterward, the clown begins sending death threats to the HoP, and is ordered to be arrested. Since he's threatening to harm crew, I decide to get involved. The clown isn't on suit sensors and have removed their ID, so I check the unknowns. I find a female humanoid unknown, and the clown is a female human. This unknown is running around with a bandoleer and a double barrel shotgun, with no ID, face covered, on red alert. I call for security to arrest him, but they are somewhat slow to respond. I notice he is wandering the halls and once he spots the HoP he begins to follow. I alert the HoP immediately, who runs to the Brig. Security responds, and the person begins to flee. I lock down the corridor, bolting all the doors and dropping firelocks, trapping the suspect in with two security, who eventually manage to subdue him despite the person releasing many smoke bombs. After being arrested it turns out my theory was correct and this person was indeed the clown. Security demands a medal for apprehending the clown, and the captain agrees. I am not given a thank you. Around this time, Central Command calls for the Head of Security's demotion, and he becomes a normal officer. While this is a win, it's balanced out by the one competent security officer on the team cryoing out of sheer disgust and frustration. You would think this would end his tail, but there is more to tell. Former-HoS suddenly orders me to lock down the brig. I jump to him and request he provide a reason why, that's not really something I'm going to do without a good reason, as locking security officers into the Brig is potentially harmful. He states due to Xeno activity. I ask him if he means the Shaft miner in the Xeno costume standing next to him. He apologizes. A few minutes later however, he starts yelling about Xenos again, stating he has a face hugger. He runs into interrogation and orders me to seal it. Interrogation has a a vent in it and it was unwelded, for the record. As you might have guessed, it's a face hugger toy. Well, I'm on crewismov, and his order isn't harmful to crew, so I tell him okay, I'm locking down interrogation, just let me know when you'd like to be let out. He again states he has a face hugger and I let him know he can just take it off his face whenever he would like. Command has started to get wind of this and is naturally freaking out, so I let them know it's a toy. Ex-Hos takes it off his face and orders me to release the lockdown on interrogation. I happily comply. Crewsimov. And then I got subverted and abducted by aliens, but that doesn't really have much to do with security, so it is here the tale ends. Probably one of the most interesting rounds watching security as the AI.
    1 point
  14. Without names. Vampire round, the officer went to the Bridge to get help with their absent HoS - the HoS caught him there, cuffed him and brought him to his office for demotion for "mutiny". The rest is explained in the first sentence. Security Officer asks, "You DO realize that the HoS shouldn't go blind, deaf, and hulk just to chase down one man?" HoS hollers, "I'M GOING TO DEMOTE YOU FOR TRYING TO USURP MY POSITION, AFTER I EXECUTED THE VAMPIRE THAT KILLED YOU. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY IN YOUR DEFENCE?!!!" Security Officer says, "I just wanted to help make sure sec is fully operational" HoS hollers, "IT IS!!!" Security Officer says, "Since you were barely on the comms, and I assumed you couldn't hear at all" HoS yells, "YOU PERSUADED ME TO LET YOU KEEP YOUR POSITION!!!" HoS roars, "BUT NO MORE TALK OF MUTINY!!!" I karma'd this officer, though I doubt it revived his dead braincells
    1 point
  15. The HOS can be a real asshole sometimes.
    1 point
  16. the baby from eraserhead.
    1 point
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. speedpaint of a vox armalis. 30 minutes.
    1 point
  20. some sketches of an IPC: esword, sleeping carp. And then a unathi with a holoparasite.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Doctor Zombie What do I need? My heart won't beat; Still, I must feed
    1 point
  23. two Ninjas of the spider clan.
    1 point
  24. antagonist sketches, spent probably 6 minutes on each of them, just decided to loosely sketch out poses and ideas and fill em out.
    1 point
  25. been a while since I posted! here's some fresh new art. Sketched these while at a kid's birthday party.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
    1 point
    1 point
  29. Welcome to the station, crew. Enjoy your stay.
    1 point
  30. There's something about these soap-eaters that I enjoy
    1 point
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