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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2018 in all areas

  1. *sweats intensely* In other news, Here's some more pixel art... this one is of a Shadowling Ascendant (Nurn'Kal) A friend of mine who plays a character named Giorgi liked Vampire Zeke, so I thought I'd sketch this up for fun. And lastly some Asscendant banter.
    3 points
  2. $70 commission for someone off-site!
    2 points
  3. Here's a sappy sketch, cause I like stupidly cute romance. And now for a silly comic.
    2 points
  4. Reminds me of Cowboy Beebop. Also Dreamy is adorable...as usual. Possibly going to be inquiring about another drawing...or two...in the near future ?
    2 points
  5. I've been meaning to make a post like this for.... a while, but i'm so lazy ;_; Anyway yaya I draw sometimes, I need to draw more than I have been, but shh. ANYWAY, LET'S GET TO IT, with some stuff i doodled up to put in my chars' flavortexts recently (because having reference pictures is nice) here's seven! and STERLING! Aaaand Arsenic.exe! (they just get smaller and smaller for some reason...) aaand since i've noticed people seem to ask me about S.A.M. quite a bit, here's a gif of him i made a while back, 'cause it's sparkly and nice. and that's all i got for now. i really need to draw more ;_;
    1 point
  6. Amazing artwork! vampire zeke is cool
    1 point
  7. There is failure chance on IPCs surgery based on the surface you're doing the surgey on. There's no failure chance for being awake since they don't feel pain. That said, unlike organic surgery where failures can damage and even in some causes internal bleeding, failure on an IPC have no penalties beyond the wasted time. Despite the scary messages, failed IPC surgery steps never cause damage. As for roboticists being newbies, I've noticed the wiki considers roboticist as an "Easy" difficulty job. I'm not sure I agree with that, I'd put it at medium along with MD. Easy puts it on par with Janitors and cooks, which are roles that are far less likely to negatively impact someone's round by having the person doing it being incompetent.
    1 point
  8. And now time for something sad u_u7 this is why you don't go into maint alone
    1 point
  9. Ominous beeping beeps ominously! i've been playing mime again lately i just like goofing off while wearing a cute hat u.u
    1 point
  10. Hmms, I've always had a sort of general idea of who it'd feel... but no idea how to explain it. ^^' And being on the topic of Slimegirls, here's another picture!! I'm sure there was a complaint filed about skirt flipping. Here's a redraw of an older picture. The original one was done back in February of 2016
    1 point
  11. @ZN23X I took inspiration from Pretty Pretty Prisoner from One Punch Man
    1 point
  12. Made a cute Dragongirl, because dragons are cool, however I'm not good at drawing dragons. Here's Dreamy Rockwall in her nurse outfit, look at how cute she is. I drew a funny comic because I'm a funny man
    1 point
  13. a few doodles i thought i'd drop here since i haven't posted anything lately the top left is Epic_Charger's Jay Jay (doodled from memory with no reference, mind you) top right is a random voxxy bottom two are both S.A.M. (poor bot can't keep his hands on :3c)
    1 point
  14. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 2562! But on a different note, here's some other pictures that I haven't had a chance to post yet An "ID" picture for my DeviantArt account: and a slightly dramatic sketch with a cultist:
    1 point
  15. I tried some pixel art Not sure if I'm good with pixel art.... But at least I'm good with dramatic sketches
    1 point
  16. i drew STERLING again, because i like his hair and his weird arms sometimes........... you just gotta borrow 5 sheets of gold and let everyone know who's the king of the galaxy robotics lab yup maybe someday i'll draw something with a background *cry
    1 point
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