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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2018 in all areas

  1. Been trying to draw more of my spessman character, Guthen Charson. Aye. 1. Guthen with the improvised shotgun. Commonly be seen when he's around as greytide. 2. "Detective Charson." 3. Pickaxin' 4. Some doodle of Guthen rolled Vampire antag role. Wanted to make something of it but never really got full idea so I'd just finish the headshot. 5. More of Guthen's possible faces, possibly. Lel.
    4 points
  2. Was a vampire who spent most of the round in perma cuz I was caught early so I wrote a poem for my arresting officer. I made the round fun by chatting alot and not being a piece of shit, security wasn't a piece of shit in return. Even got paroled at the end. Original from Doki Doki: SPOILER ALERT
    3 points
  3. Remember kids, drinking blood is not cool, it's a crime. Report vampirism to your nearest NT officer today.
    3 points
  4. Nothing better than a sudden random maints party!
    1 point
  5. I disagree vehemently. A surgery for an IPC that has been EMP'd is six surgeries for just basic repairs, another one for posibrain damage, another to replace the arm charger implant, and two more to replace the microbattery/optics. You need access to a mech fabricator, nanopaste, chemistry, etc. That's 10 surgeries, every single time an IPC gets EMP'd. This is akin to giving people free access to a mobile emagged recycler for the cost of 2TC. It uberfucks IPCs, is untraceable, works through walls, and takes about 3 stacks of cable coil along with a competent roboticist to repair (a job that was never balanced to have room/time for repairing IPCs at that). If there's a revenant in the round, most IPC players I know of just stop playing altogether - there's just absolutely no point in being revived. For contrast even a severely shot-up organic requires at most 4-5 surgeries and an IV. Usually one for IB, and the organ manip surgery also fixes broken bones (which reduces the number of surgeries) which is typically done on the head/chest. Also, cloning is an option - it's never an option for an IPC. Organics can also be kept alive and in the round via the use of chems - if an IPC needs surgery, they're probably dead and out of the round, incapable of interacting with anyone ICly.
    1 point
  6. As it currently stands the AI can (and should) periodically check the robotics console to ensure all their borgs are still functional. This doesn't always happen, even with more experienced AIs because, well, playing AI is often a pretty busy job. I think I'd support this if there was some sort of delay, say, 60 seconds to 2 minutes or so after the Borg becomes non-operational before the signal goes out. This gives antags time to destroy a borg and get away if they need to without having the AI and security come down on them immediately.
    1 point
  7. *sweats intensely* In other news, Here's some more pixel art... this one is of a Shadowling Ascendant (Nurn'Kal) A friend of mine who plays a character named Giorgi liked Vampire Zeke, so I thought I'd sketch this up for fun. And lastly some Asscendant banter.
    1 point
  8. This kind of stuff is the reason i like to play.
    1 point
  9. I decided to get fancy with my assassination attempt. While it didn't work, itw as still fun for all involved.
    1 point
  10. Given that I've OD'd and killed a person using epipens, the meme of the box not having balance effecting items is utterly false. And don't forget back before goofchem, the injector had 10u of tricord in it, ~48 healing for all 4 categories. Theorycraft it could heal a person from near death to living (48 burn/tox/brute and hard crit suffocation) but in reality it could reverse 2 laser shots, 2 toolboxings or some nasty spider bites. An emergency welder and 5-10 lengths of cable coil wouldn't affect the balance much as at all, or just snowflake a special stack of Nanopaste to target the entire body and heal 10-20 units before being used. (I oppose the regular nanopaste option because it could be used to jumpstart RnD) Why bother making it safe? The O2 etanks in the kit certainly aren't.
    1 point
  11. IPCs are immune to memechems. EMP flashlight is like the IPC version of sleepypen. You can literally run to maint with 1 hp and heal yourself full with the shit you find everywhere. You are fully functioning until you are completely unable to function at all (ded) IPC surgery should be 100% success even on a dirty table in maint. They are robots, it's not like they wiggle from the immense pain or anything. They can't get infections so it would be pretty cool.
    1 point
  12. Hey! That's not me behind the counter!
    0 points
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