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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2018 in all areas

  1. There are certain individuals who accuse our server of just being another LRP server. This is where you can prove them wrong. Share a story of a time you or someone else broke off from the normal routine, slowed down a bit, and allowed something interesting to happen. Maybe your story will inspire someone else to try something different as well. I'll start with a story of my own. I begin my shift in the janitors closet. I hunger for blood. I am a vampire. I realize I must make some effort to conceal my presence. I gather my janitorial supplies. Pack up my cart. I still need more to aid my hunt. I make some cable cuffs and grab a roll of duct tape. I begin stalking maintenance. I come across a man near the turbine. We have a short conversation, then he walks over to me and attempts to glare me. I laugh and inform him I'm the same as him, glaring him as well. We wish each other luck and part ways. I scour all of maintenance with no luck. I'm absolutely starving. Perhaps a mouse will hold me over. I devour the defenseless creature. It doesn't quell my hunger in the least. I continue my hunt. As I approach the old kitchen in medical maint for the second time, I see a light approach from around the corner. It's a security officer. We greet each other. She is cautious about my presence. I see another mouse and take it as an opportunity to distract her. I hiss "Chakax lookss for tasty micess" Her look changes from puzzled to worried as I devour it. "Disgusting!" she says as she tries to turn her attention away from the grotesque act she just witnesses by focusing her attention on the old restaurant. I say "Yousss knowss..." She looks at me with yet another puzzled look. "Youss kinda of lookss tasties too" I glare her and she collapses to the ground. I first put duct tape over her mouth before she has a chance to scream for help. After, I attempt to put cuffs on her but she recovers too quickly. She quickly pulls out her stun baton and knocks me down. She begins to cuff me, but I glare her again before she finishes. I now have her stun baton, she wields her taser. We scuffle, stunning each other, even both managing to slip on the soap that fell out of my belt. I finally manage to overcome her. I pull her deeper into the kitchen. Finally I can feed! As I sink my teeth in she stands up and runs to the other side of the counter. What went wrong? As she rips the duct tape off her mouth I see the cable cuffs on the ground by her feet. In my haste I never finished putting them on her! She manages to stammer "HELP!" on comms before I stun her and duct tape her one more time. This time I make sure the cuffs are secure. I turn her sensors off and drag her deeper into maintenance. This poor girl is terrified. I have no plans to kill her, I just NEED to feed. I apologize to her and sink my teeth into her neck. As I get the first delicious rush of blood I hear the click clack or approaching jackboots. Her single sheik for help did the trick. I barely get to drink before I am overwhelmed by 3 other officers. I am detained. They accuse me of attempted murder. I tell them I had no intention of killing her, they I just needed a taste, but they've no reason to beleive me. I struggle, glaring them frequently on the way to the brig. I think I'm done for. One if the officers has had enough and says I'll be easier to handle if I'm unconscious. They begin to bash my skull in to the point where it almost kills me. Another officer says "Enough!" and they ease off before I expire. My head is throbbing, my skull is broken, I'm nearly blind. I inform them of my ailments but they care not. I'm just a horrible monster to them. They deliver me to the warden who begins to prep me for perma. I've stopped struggling at this point realizing it's not helping me. The officer who beat my skull in is saying I need to be killed, saying the law no longer applies to me because I'm not crew. The warden informs him otherwise and shoos him away. I feel faint due to blood loss. A medical borg shows up and attempts to fix me in my cell. No luck. He and the warden bring me to medbay for proper treatment. The medical borgs surgery module is malfunctioning, the warden attempts to assist with the surgery but is only a man of the law so cannot perform such complex procedures. They medicate me as best they can and send me back to perma. I'm still in really bad shape. The borg promises me further treatment that never comes. I can barely walk. I keep passing out. I attempt to call for help but they forgot to give me a headset! I attempt to summon the AI several times with no response. I am dying. In a last desperate attempt I reach out for help via newscaster. The darkness closes in. I take my last breath. Could this be the end? A FLASH OF LIGHT. I BREATHE AGAIN! "GRAHHH!!! CHAKAX LIVES!!!" The brig doctor greets and cuffs me. I'm confused and he informs me of my demise as he escorts me back to the warden. As they put me in perma I ask if I can make a special request due to my behavior. I want certain tools so I can remodel perma. They say I'm a good man and trust me, but I'm about to get a roommate who is far more dangerous, so they must decline. I nod and he carrys on. I decide I need to try to escape. I break all the lights. Make a hole in the basketball court. I'm not sure if I'll survive, but must try. As I wait for the pressure to stabilize, there is a meteor shower. BOOM!! Direct hit. A meteor destroys the floor directly below me. I am in agony as I'm exposed to the sun and my skin lights fire. Endless pain followed by a familiar darkness. Surely this is the end... ANOTHER BLINDING FLASH! I stumble from the cloner once more. But this time I am alone. How could this be possible? The computer must have duplicated my genetic data the last time I was cloned. I slip through the open door and run out through the lobby. Will anyone recognize me? Panicked and confused I run towards engineering. Along the way I pass a group of security officers dispatching an aggressive vampire in the halls. I manage to slip by unnoticed and reach the engineering hallway. A man limps towards me and stammer "H-help..." I have a dilemma. This man needs help, but would be such an easy victim. What to do. I shake off my hunger and decide to help him. I drag the man to Medbay, and on the way back pass the officers and now dead vampire. The officer who was my original victim notices me and pursues me into Medbay. Thier lasers burn my skin and I drop the engineer. As I writhe in pain I beg for mercy, trying to explain the cloning accident. They lower thier weapon and cuff me. As they attempt to make sense of the situation the chaplain, who also pursued, grabs me and starts dragging me towards the chapel. "We need to burn him!" I argue but its no use. I am terrified. All I can do now is pray. Seconds before the chaplain shoves me in the incinerator, he falls still. It's as if the gods themselves were speaking to him (kek). After a moment he gives me back to the officer. She is still confused about what to do with me and is attempting to get clarification from her superiors over comms. I appreciate her efforts but inform her that my skin is started to feel hot as I nervously glance around the chapel. Too late. I burst into flames. She drags me off in a panic screaming about the situation into her headset as the darkness takes me once again. My soul hangs over my lifeless body as I watch security debate about what to do with me next. One officer is delighted at the sight of my corpse, commenting that he loves cooked lizard. They shun me for feeding on them but joke about feeding on me? Disgusting. Who's the real monster here? A decision is made and my corpse is brought to Medbay. Yet again, the darkness is ended by a familiar flash of light. This time the former warden, now acting HOS greets me. "Here we go again" he says and we chuckle about my misfortunes. He escorts me back to the brig uncuffed. As my mind settles I again begin to hunger... He hands me to the new warden and tells them to put me in isolation. Perma is too damaged from the meteors. He grabs me and brings me into the prisoner lockers to dress me. This could be my last chance to feed... I apologize to him just before I glare him and sink my teeth into his neck. The sweet taste of blood yet again. He screams for help as he recovers from my gaze. As soon as he regains his footing I back off and put my hands up. Inform him that I just needed a taste to hold me over. Other officers have arrived to aid him. Disgruntled, he rubs the wound on his neck and cuffs me, seeking to blame whoever failed to cuff me in the first place. An outdated security borg beats me a few times, saying I need should be killed. I laugh and cough up blood as I inform them they need to update thier Space Law databanks. They beat me a bit more until they are reprimanded by the warden. I'm now in isolation. My original victim waits outside my cell and chats with me. I again apologize and they tell me that they now beleive I never planned to kill them. Her name is Natalya. I tell her that I'm going to write her a poem as a gift. As I put the final touches on my poem I hear that the shuttle has been called. Natalya and the HOS are outside my cell. The HOS informs me I'm being paroled. Could this be true? Orders straight from central command. Glorious! I give Natalya the poem and we walk to the shuttle together. As we walk I pause and say "Chakax nots wants to eats yoos, buts insteads..." and I give her a hug. To my surprise, she whispers to me that she also has a gift for me as well. A blood pack she stole from brigbay. I am delighted. We sit on the shuttle in the passenger section. I am free. As we reminisce about the shift, a mischievous vox steals her taser from her hand. The vox then points it at me and pulls the trigger. I am overcome with rage. I roar "CHAKAX WILLS EATS FILTHY BIRDS!" I lunge out of my seat and sink my fangs into his neck. It tastes foul but I do not care. They manage to push me off after a short while there is a scuffle and the vox is detained. I scream I'm going to kill him but Natalya gets me to focus on her and calms me. As I find comfort in her eyes, she collapses to the floor. I help her up as I turn away my head away. I apologize for the curse of my species when I gaze into someone's eyes for too long. She understands. We chuckle and chat a bit more. And that's where this story ends. All that due to me getting caught early, going with the flow, and thankfully dealing with a security crew who was willing to play along. And an admin who was able to stop the chaplain at the very last second before I was removed for good. I know its not always like this. Some rounds I'll get illegally executed and completly removed from the round or left in perma to rot. I've had literally dozens of rounds where I attempted to start a conversation with a potential antagonist only to have my round wordlessly and swiftly ended. I don't let it break my resolve. It's still worth it for the rounds that turn out like this one did. Those rounds are the reason I continue to play.
    4 points
  2. There was a blob round that was going badly. I was the AI (as A.N.G.E.L) At first I tried to help crew escape but then CentComm override me to enforce quarantine. The nuke was armed and everyone was going to die. The Vox Chief engineer (Yakikik-something I think?) came to my satellite and I thought they planned to card me so they could escape to the engineering shuttle. I explained I couldn't allow anyone to leave and they said they didn't plan to leave. I asked why they wanted access to my core, then, and they responded. "Is not want to dies alone." I let them in. We talked for a bit in the minute or before the nuke went off and A.N.G.E.L confessed that they were afraid to die. The CE admitted they were as well, but were glad they weren't doing it alone. We said goodbye to eachother as the nuke detonated.
    4 points
  3. It was a changeling round, I started of as a Life Support Specialist (and a changeling). I had the Chief Engineer as a target, and was unsure how to deal with them. Until my other partner, a Atmospheric Technician, mentions that he thinks that there is a changeling in the engineering department. At that point, I smile evilly internally, a plan hatching. About five to ten minutes after my partner mentions his fears, I approach him and have some small talk, before telling him that the CE is rather suspicious, wandering around maintenance and being rather quiet. Then I mention they may be a changeling, and the reaction of my partner is nervous and of being unsure about it. I tell him that, for our protection, we should investigate if the CE was actually a changeling. We hatch a plan (fake plan for me) on luring the CE to the turbine, stunning them, and cuffing them, in a attempt to provoke some sort of changeling behavior from them (I was evilly laughing internally how I had the Atmos Tech all tricked). I go get some cable cuffs and two stun prods. We go to the turbine, I set up two chairs, my partner oblivious or unconcerned with the presence of the second chair. We call in the CE, to "get a opinion on the turbine setup". They come in, I mute sting them and stun them, cuffing them to the chair. During that time, my partner exclaims at the CE to give up the act. Moments later, I mute sting and stun my partner, cuffing them to the second chair. I remove their headsets. I proceed to tell them that, yes, there was a changeling in the turbine, but it wasn't the CE, it was me the whole time. I tell them kindly that they both will be disposed of, and that I was hungry. As I start to absorb the Chief Engineer, I discover the Security team running towards the turbine (I had thermal eyes, and I was unsure to how I was discovered). Knowing how changelings are dealt with by Security, and that I didn't have much offense abilities ability, I split and jump into the turbine disposals (Security for some reason went after my cuffed partner, stunning him, giving me the chance to escape). I end up floating out into space. I quickly replace my coat and hat with a space suit set I found earlier, which I discover was fake. I end up "dying" and reviving, all the way to the derelict, where I stayed for the short duration of the round. I wasn't able to complete my goals, but I had some satisfaction on my evil plan and in tricking my partner.
    2 points
  4. First Name: Lucretia Last Name: Aletmagne Gender: Female Orientation: Omnisexual, Poly-exclusive Nicknames/Alias: Cree, Lucy Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 23, February 14th 2541 Place Of Birth: Unknown (WIP) Species: Vulpkanin Blood Type: A+ Alignment: Chaotic Good...emphasis on the chaotic Affiliation: NanoTrasen, Fluffyvulps.nt Religious Beliefs: Spiritual Childhood: Orphan Adulthood: Bitch Detailed Information Appearance: "A relatively tall Vulpkanin with a playful, coy smile. She has a thick, bushy cravat of grey fur around her collar. She walks with a certain determination in her stride. Her hair is neatly cropped and swept over one of her pale blue eyes. She holds her head high with confidence." Character Voice: Personality: Bitchy, aggressive and wary around strangers Playful, teasing and dirty minded around friends Medical Record: (WIP) Character Biography Background: "I grew up in a interspecies orphanage, no idea who my parents are. It was an orphanage with a very low Vulpkanin population so we got bullied a lot. I hated being there. I took the first opportunity I could to get out so at 16 I applied for some NanoTrasen sponsored courses; Forensics and Criminology with a minor in Mechanics. After college I worked a shitty internship in a security department - I learned a lot...mainly that I'd prefer to get paid. I went for the for the first paying job I could; working as a Cargo Tech on the Cyberiad..." Family: "I don't know who my family are; either they're dead or they didn't want me so why should I care?" History: (WIP) - Recently is off station having been scouted by Fluffyvulps.nt - Personal Relationships Shina Hoonkins (Bestie) "If anyone hurts my Shina sec are gonna be finding pieces of them in maint for weeks..." Klees Hoonkins (Close Friend) "You know, you're becoming my personal therapist after all these chats..." Kitchi Ikamura (Romantically Involved) "He may be a corny goof, but he's MY corny goof" Kaori Ianson (Longing) "I thought you were happy..." Argyro Lakkotrypis (Admire/Romantic interest/Close Friend) "If only you were single....." Isthel Eisenwald (Friend) "Girl I need to get you out more, and bring Ip!" Bikikarki (Admire) "Biki is best Sec voxxy yaya" Tetra Vega (Close Friend/Crush) "We need alcohol and we need it now..." E.L.O (Admire) "Babe, you're the best surgeon this stations ever had" Kato Terrance (Dislike) "And I quote "Tell those other guys to back off because you're mine". What was her name again? Telasaria?" *sounds of testicles being tased* Dan Rodney (Target Practice) "wonder if I can throw him into disposals from here...." Faction Relations NanoTrasen (Hate) "They've got hell to pay" Fluffyvulps.nt (Love) "I'd date her, her, her, her as well, definitely her, holy shit she's gorgeous!, her too..." *intense tail wagging* (Just jotting things down for now, I need sleep.)
    2 points
  5. So I was a traitor Geneticist and my original thoughts where "Wow nice, I'll get me some nice powers, order some syndicate equipment and try to complete my objectives" So there I was sitting in my lab testing out the powers on myself, well I only got one "power" before it happened...and that was "Incendiary Mitochondria" so it was of no use to me. You may ask what it where? Well a giant explosion right behind my wall which destroyed my entire workplace plus we had a big hole in the station. But the best part is that I got the deafness disability and wanted to cure it in the exact same moment the bomb has gone off. So there I was, deaf, my workplace gone and with that my clean SE and the chemist haven't made any Mutadone at the moment . What happened after that? I have just a slight idea because my deafness was never cured. There was an outbreak of GBS, Brainrot and something else and because of that I never got any Mutadone. I ended up locking myself in the janitorial closet but that wasn't a problem since I had an emag and wanted to emag my way out into the maints and here is the point where it gets interesting. As I emag the door to the maints I see the CE right behind it, panicking I run past him and take the first door on the left....dead end....there is no point in running anymore so I just wait until he comes closer. Explaining to him that I am deaf I hand him I piece of paper so he can write down his words. "Well he will call Security now and I will enjoy a nice cell in perma" is what I am thinking at the time. He finishes writing and gives me back the paper it reads: Am just a tiny bit hungry. You look delicios. Hope you don't mind. "Oh....shit...." are the only words I stammer before he glares at me, cuffs me, and draggs me deeper into the maintenance. I eventually convince him to spare me and he agrees, since he has allready killed today and even brings me to medbay after he calmed his hunger. We give each other a meaningfull look and go apart not mentioning what happened back there. I must say it's certainly interesting beeing deaf and not knowing what happens untill you find out the hard way....
    1 point
  6. Alright. New story of shitcurity. It's code green, and sec is raiding scichem, searching everything that moves. I get searched and they confiscate a bottle of smoke powder, a bottle of chocolate, potassium, and phosphorus labeled SmokeSpew, and a boxed space suit and helmet which, by the way, I found in maint, and is listed under non-contraband syndicate items. A friend, who I'm pretty sure knows space law and the contraband page better than I do, convinces sec to return the space suit, but they can't get them to return the bottles of chems that were going to remain in a chemlab. By this time, I know another scientist is a traitor, so I tell him I know hes a traitor and I submit myself to being murdered because I've given up on caring. Then, upon ghosting, I watch as sec arrest the corpse of a traitor miner, bring her to cloning, leave her there, and take about 20 minutes to realize that I'm dead on sensors in the chemlab. I could list more stuff they did that round, but by now you should know the full extent of sec's incompetence.
    1 point
  7. Remember kids, drinking blood is not cool, it's a crime. Report vampirism to your nearest NT officer today.
    1 point
  8. $70 commission for someone off-site!
    1 point
  9. My changes were as follows: * EMPs stun them for roughly 10-15 seconds (I forget the exact number) first and foremost. It applies about 40 damage total, I think. 20% chance rolled on each limb to detach (you could lose none, you could lose all). I added a bunch of effects tied to the organs, as well: battery dumps their nutrition value, ears makes them deaf, jitter and dizzy. Voicebox stutters . THEY ALSO SCREAM WHEN EMP'D. Reasoning: traitors can kill IPCs just as easily, it's just louder and slower. (You can EMP them and then toolbox them to death before the stun wears off). However, it's not a death sentence if an EMP happens as a workplace hazard. It also gives you a very nice nonlethal control method when dealing with antag IPCs. Also all the emp effects for organs are tied to the organs themselves, so you would get these if you somehow put them in an organic. * No ultralube/meth equivalent Reason: it's super unnecessary. You can't have it both ways: Chems should be like viruses. No bad, no good. * Take huge burn damage in general. Very weak to temperature in general. Will die before they can roll themselves out of caught on fire. Reason: they're machines. Machines break very easily when overheating. Wires melt. Components pop. * Limbs are very easily severed by anything sharp with enough force. E-sword de-limbs on the first or second hit. Brute can knock them off as well, but it requires hitting the limbs damage cap Reason: it just makes sense as a trade-off for below. * Can reattach broken limbs by themselves without a table. Reason: i always found it arbitrary that an IPC can't plug it's own limbs in. If you wish to make a more self sufficient crew member (albeit one that has a different threshold for helplessness) this is how you do it. * Takes 50% more damage from electrocution Reason: again. Sensitive electronics and internal systems * They can inject plasma or stable plasma for nutrition Reason: putting an IPC in perma kills them slowly. This is mostly to fix that, but also allow IPCs a little less reliant on the power grid. Not that these are easily accessible chems, but still.
    1 point
  10. Alrighty I thought this was pretty fun just because how long of a fight this was, I felt like I was literally fighting for my life. I was blueshield and mechanic had run off with the CE. CE had no death alarm so everyone assumed she had died. I went on the retrieval mission and grabbed a mime space suit and clown space helmet on the off chance that I'd run into the ling, but mostly I assumed I was doing corpse recovery and was not really anticipating a fight. I jetpack over to the west because that was the direction the mechanic took off from, and hit Z3, so I figure the body's probably dumped in the white ship. I walk through the white ship and lo and behold, there's two CEs, one tied to a chair, the other doing something or the other. I tase her and despite the armblade, I had the element of surprise and managed to harm baton her to death. At this point, I hadn't fought a ling post buff and hadn't realized just how fast a ling could revive from the dead. As I was trying to free the CE the ling pops back up like straight out of a horror movie and stunprods me. Somehow in between all the stunning and harmbatonning I manage to prime a flashbang, during which the CE managed to free herself, but sadly the flashbang went off underneath me as I didn't get a chance to throw it before being stunned. At this point all stun batons have been used up, so the ling uses his telescopic on the CE, giving me the chance to flash the ling. The ling drops the baton, and I manage to permastun/kill it. This was the second death. As I'm yelling for backup on comms, I also shout that we need something sharp to decap the ling with, since there was no way we were getting out of there with the ling coming back every 30 seconds. So I remember the scalpel and limp my way over to the northern white ship room, heal myself with a few patches, and grab the scalpel that's on the ground. By the time I get back, the CE already has the ling on the ground. We finish it off and I spend what seems like forever hacking its head until it finally pops off. We steal the pod and fly off into the sunset, finishing the shift having not lost any members of command!
    1 point
  11. So my husband drew me a picture of SCUTTLES last night and wanted me to share it with you all.
    1 point
  12. just cause.. @PhantasmicDream
    1 point
  13. Black and white illustration of SCUTTLES, for @CPTCoffee!
    1 point
  14. It's fairly early in the shift. So far no major threats to contend with. I am the AI. I'm doing my normal scans of high risk areas and my camera view falls upon the Head of Security's office. His locker is open, with his recreated laser gun just sitting there. Now as a crewsimov AI I generally don't care about objects which are traitor objectives, but a lethal weapon is a bit different. It's capable of harming the crew and allowing it to be grossly unsecured would quality, in my mind, as allowing harm though inaction. A lot of AIs would have made a snarky announcement embarrassing the HoS, but this really isn't A.N.G.E.L's style. Besides, an announcement would let everyone know it's still there unsecured, which would be unsafe. So, I simply PDA the Head of Security requesting they secure their locker. About 10 minutes pass and I check on it and the locker is still open, gun still exposed. So, I jump to the HoS to see what he's up to. He's attempting to Brig the clown, only he neglected to take the clown's PDA. The clown slips him on his PDA while they are both in the cell. The HoS gets up, walks off the PDA and proceeds to stuff the clown into the brig cell's locker in response. He then walks back over the PDA, which is still on the ground, slipping himself a second time. Meanwhile, in a rare display of camaraderie with the clown, the mime has gotten involved and is trying to slip security in the sec hall with a bucket of water. A security officer decides the best course of action to subdue the mime is to take an entire box of flash bangs and try to flash bang the mime. He accomplishes only flashbanging himself, resulting in him dropping the box of flashbangs, which the mime promptly picks up and begins using to throw live flashbangs at everyone in the security lobby. So to recap the trainwreck in progress: The HoS's gun is sitting in his office, in an open locker. The HoS is in a cell being slipped repeatedly by the clown's PDA. The Mime is throwing flashbangs in the security lobby. The entire time the Brig Physican is watching this unfold with, what I imagine, is a mixture of horror and amusement as he tries to explain basic brigging procedure to the Head of Security. The mime escapes, allowing Officer Flash Bang and the Head of Security to focus their efforts on the clown, which mostly involve trying to pepper spray him through his mask before giving up and simply allowing him to walk out without serving any brig time. After this, I message the Head of Security again reminding him of his unsecured gun. He obligingly secures his locker. I then reported all of this to the Captain. Now, A.N.G.E.L very, very rarely would do something like this. Rating the performance of command really isn't the AI's job, but I calculated that this security was so inept that not warning the Captain may constitute harm by inaction. It doesn't really matter much as I am ignored anyway. The clown proceeds to annoy the Head of Personnel to the point where the HoP calls for his demotion. Afterward, the clown begins sending death threats to the HoP, and is ordered to be arrested. Since he's threatening to harm crew, I decide to get involved. The clown isn't on suit sensors and have removed their ID, so I check the unknowns. I find a female humanoid unknown, and the clown is a female human. This unknown is running around with a bandoleer and a double barrel shotgun, with no ID, face covered, on red alert. I call for security to arrest him, but they are somewhat slow to respond. I notice he is wandering the halls and once he spots the HoP he begins to follow. I alert the HoP immediately, who runs to the Brig. Security responds, and the person begins to flee. I lock down the corridor, bolting all the doors and dropping firelocks, trapping the suspect in with two security, who eventually manage to subdue him despite the person releasing many smoke bombs. After being arrested it turns out my theory was correct and this person was indeed the clown. Security demands a medal for apprehending the clown, and the captain agrees. I am not given a thank you. Around this time, Central Command calls for the Head of Security's demotion, and he becomes a normal officer. While this is a win, it's balanced out by the one competent security officer on the team cryoing out of sheer disgust and frustration. You would think this would end his tail, but there is more to tell. Former-HoS suddenly orders me to lock down the brig. I jump to him and request he provide a reason why, that's not really something I'm going to do without a good reason, as locking security officers into the Brig is potentially harmful. He states due to Xeno activity. I ask him if he means the Shaft miner in the Xeno costume standing next to him. He apologizes. A few minutes later however, he starts yelling about Xenos again, stating he has a face hugger. He runs into interrogation and orders me to seal it. Interrogation has a a vent in it and it was unwelded, for the record. As you might have guessed, it's a face hugger toy. Well, I'm on crewismov, and his order isn't harmful to crew, so I tell him okay, I'm locking down interrogation, just let me know when you'd like to be let out. He again states he has a face hugger and I let him know he can just take it off his face whenever he would like. Command has started to get wind of this and is naturally freaking out, so I let them know it's a toy. Ex-Hos takes it off his face and orders me to release the lockdown on interrogation. I happily comply. Crewsimov. And then I got subverted and abducted by aliens, but that doesn't really have much to do with security, so it is here the tale ends. Probably one of the most interesting rounds watching security as the AI.
    1 point
  15. Without names. Vampire round, the officer went to the Bridge to get help with their absent HoS - the HoS caught him there, cuffed him and brought him to his office for demotion for "mutiny". The rest is explained in the first sentence. Security Officer asks, "You DO realize that the HoS shouldn't go blind, deaf, and hulk just to chase down one man?" HoS hollers, "I'M GOING TO DEMOTE YOU FOR TRYING TO USURP MY POSITION, AFTER I EXECUTED THE VAMPIRE THAT KILLED YOU. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY IN YOUR DEFENCE?!!!" Security Officer says, "I just wanted to help make sure sec is fully operational" HoS hollers, "IT IS!!!" Security Officer says, "Since you were barely on the comms, and I assumed you couldn't hear at all" HoS yells, "YOU PERSUADED ME TO LET YOU KEEP YOUR POSITION!!!" HoS roars, "BUT NO MORE TALK OF MUTINY!!!" I karma'd this officer, though I doubt it revived his dead braincells
    1 point
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