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  1. At any given moment, roughly half of the server population have their antag preference turned off. With 50-60 people connected, you can expect around 40 actual crew members. The rest are ghosts, players in lobby, etc. With 40 crew members, of which 20 are eligible to be antags, and maybe 8 antags are selected per round... that gives each player with the preference enabled a roughly 40% chance to be antag. The numbers don't always work out this favorably, but this should give you some idea. Overall, the chance for people who have the preference enabled to be antags is surprisingly high. We can't put a cooldown on being an antag, because if we did, there would not be enough antags. The better solution is for more people to turn their 'be antag' preferences on, so we're choosing from a broader pool.
    2 points
  2. First Name: Kitchi Last Name: Ikamura Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Cottonmouth, The Shadowbroker Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 24, 27/06/2537 Place Of Birth: Sol System, ADV (Assembly Diplomatic Vessel) Lance Of Altam (Derelicted) Species: Vulpkanin Blood Type: O- (Or Gourmet Blood to vampires) Alignment: True Neutral Affiliation: Shellguard Munitions, Marsilona Crime Family Religious Beliefs: Athiest Childhood: Sole Survivor Adulthood: Bounty Hunter Traits: Iron Willed- Kitchi's Will is a shield, He keeps going through thick and thin, where others broke down long before. Nimble - Kitchi has remarkable kinesthetic intelligence. They seem to dance around danger with preternatural grace. Chemical Interest - Kitchi has an unusual interest in chemical sources of enjoyment. He will consume more of them, and is more likely to go on binges. (Traits From Rimworld) Detailed Information Appearance: 6'2'' Tall Vulpkanin with Light redish coat, sporting a Short brown sideswept hair, A Athletic body build, not so muscular but Fit. His eyes are a dark purple. Has a Tattoo on his Right arm depicting a Revolver surrounded in roses Character Voice: A Somewhat western accent. (Revolver Ocelot) Personality: Normally Bold and Outgoing Medical Record: Large slash scar across the back (Permanent) PTSD (Survivor Syndrome) (Recovered) Gunshot Scar on chest (Permanent) Gunshot Scar To The Right Ear (Permanent, piece of ear missing) Ominous Red Markings (Right Arm) Criminal Record: Sector Based Crimes: Wanted In Vezzend for crimes against the State for the attempted kidnapping of Councilor Takas Einlich Wanted In Most sectors for Involvement in the Snake Eye Bounty Gang Anti-Honk Number one on Clown Planet and Clown Space General Crimes: (Not Related to SolGov/Nanotrasen Records) Multiple Counts of Armed Robbery Multiple Counts of Abduction Multiple Counts of Grievous Bodily Harm Multiple counts of Piloting under the influence Many Counts of Assault Character Biography Background: Kitchi is a former bounty hunter from the Snake Eye Bounty Gang Kitchi was born on a Vessel known as the ADV Lance Of Altam, a Diplomatic Class Cruiser used for Diplomancy between SolGov and The Assembly that was stationed in the Sol System Spending his first eleven years on the Lance Of Altam, he was in general good care and had a high standard education. this was cut short when Spider Clan ninja's boarded the Lance Of Altam, killing all the known crew onboard leaving Kitchi as the known sole survivor... After a week scrounging for food and water on board the Derelict Lance of Altam, He was eventually found by a human Bounty Hunter known as Richard Cain , his mentor and eventually foster father. Eventually reaching his teens, he was taught of the harsh reality of the life he is now in, learning how to survive, handle weapons and explosives at his young age. Reaching the age of Eighteen He completed his first contract successfully, many bounties and contracts that followed was the same until.. At the age of twenty one, He accepted a contract to protect a Automated Nanotrasen mining station in a unknown sector, the outcome was catastrophic as a stray round hit a fuel tank, causing a chain reaction that destroyed the whole station entirely.. With no option to pay the Billions of credits worth of damages he caused, he was forced into a Contract with nanotrasen.. Spending three years in a crappy cargo technician job, until the day he was relocated to the Epsilon Eridani sector.. Family: Gecbaram Einlich (Father) - Deceased Sarah Ikamura (Mother) - Alive Astral Ikamura (Half-Brother) - Alive Richard Cain - (Foster Father/Guardian) - Deceased Takas Einlich (Uncle) - Alive Emerson Hawker/Ikamura (Former Husband) - Unknown Attala Watson (Ex Girlfriend) - Alive Baram Watson (Son) - Alive (More will possibly be added as the story goes on!) History: 27/06/2537 - Kitchi Was Born 12/09/2548 - Spider Clan attacks ADV Lance Of Altam, all entire known crew killed, leaving Kitchi the Sole Survivor 19/09/2548 - Richard Cain finds Kitchi onboard the derelict ADV Lance Of Altam 30/06/2555 - Kitchi Completes his first Contract, protecting a Skrellian Emissary 14/11/2558 - Kitchi Accidentally destroys a Automated Mining Station belonging to Nanotrasen, Forcing him to repay damages via signing a contract with Nanotrasen. 13/10/2561 (Present times) - Kitchi is Relocated to the Epsilon Eridani Sector. 2/1/2562 - Kitchi Sneaks into a private residence owned by Takas Einlich, stealing a letter regarding a firearms deal. 5/1/2562 - Kitchi recovers encrypted messages regarding the firearms deal sent to multiple outer reach Vulpkanin colonies. 6/1/2562 - Kitchi files for divorce. 10/1/2562 - Kitchi And several unknowns raid a cybersun industries lab producing unknown clones, Kidnapping facility Director Elin Frambaram. 19/1/2562 - Kitchi Attempts to capture his uncle Takas Einlich with the snake eye bounty association, Resulting conflict caused Kitchi to have a piece of his right ear shot off, Takas Escapes to a unknown location. majority of casualties was snake eye bounty association's own. 22/1/2562 - Kitchi boards the derelicted Lance Of Altam, recovering family belongings and Gecbaram Einlich's body, Kitchi buries his fathers body on Mars. 24/1/2562 - Kitchi finds The Grand Temple of The Children Of The Stars, Greeted warmly and welcomed by the religions grand monk, a Diona named Walks On The Event Horizon 25/1/2562 - Kitchi discovers he has a son while visiting the IAA Josephus Mulhane. 26/1/2562 - Kitchi discovers a strange pin in his scarf after a accident that ripped his scarf open, related to the trurl's laundry rooms cactus 27/1/2562 - Kitchi Encounters Oswald Hunt on the cyberiad and manages to evade security forces. 28/1/2562 - Kitchi Visits cain and shows him the pin, Cain reveals he was friends with his mother, whom both was part of a Group known as the UCSA (United Coalition Systems Alliance) 28/1/2562 - Kitchi Wins Jackpot, money oddly goes missing after shift. . . Kitchi moves into a new home 29/1/2562 - Kitchi nearly manages to catch Takas Einlich, Takas is splashed with acid in the face, scarring his face permanently, Kitchi blows up Takas' flagship that was in construction. 2/2/2562 - Kitchi tries to save Orphans being abducted by ENTROPY, in the resulting attempt Kitchi is sucked into a Mixed Space vortex of ENTROPY's doing, going missing.. "̢̻͉̘͖̝̥ͅḒ̴̗͞ơ͔͈͟͡ḛ̩͈̀͡s͇͇̫̲͞ͅ ͏̹t̻̯̜͕̜h̛̝̲̗͇̦̥̫̺i̸̴̺̳͠s̩͖̖̖͉͉͈͟ ̢͖͉̦͢D̟͚̺͙̣͇͝ą̷̦͇͉̯̭ͅŕ̶̗̝͓k̛̞͙̝̬̲͜n͔͖͙͈̣̦̺͟ͅȩ̢͙̠̭͙͡s̨͘҉̱͖͕̠͇ͅṣ̮͕̪̘̜̫͟ͅ ̖̳͜͜h͚͍̤́a̷̴̜͉͍̮̪͞ͅv̷̨̡͙̣̜è̶̤͙̼̞͇̬͔ ̵̶̦̹̖̗̤̦́a̙̗̙̯̩̠͓̕ͅ ͙̻̮̗̣͈̦̝̤n̸̼̥͙a̵̰̜͘͞m̷̡҉̣̮̠̬͉͚͎̩ͅe̥̖̠͓̮̝?͏̼̦͕̜̰̪̘̙"̠̠̘̙̟̖̳̯ ̥̠̲̩-̷̩̞̟̫̻͉̹͖͝T̴̛̺͓̲̱̕h̩̖̩̻̲͍e͍̭̱̬̼̬͕̖͙ ̸̤̬̲͓̟̰̪͖͟ͅM̖̮͡a̷̡̲̦̦͔̥̹̥̤n̦̺̻̘͟ ̡̖̫͡Ẃ̨͓̠͔̝͈̫͉̲͞i͕͉͙̲̞t͉̠͖̠̻̼́ͅh̀͏͙̙͇ ̠̳̤̠̙̱̠̤͢N҉̡̻̰̞͝o͖̠͝ ҉̨̼͔͎͜N͟҉̤͇̩̦a̮̙̤̠͈̦̮̠͓͡m̧̡̢͎̜͎͎̪͉̳é̬͚̳̩͓̺͈ 6/2/2562 - Reappears out of the blue In the Vezzend System piloting a Anvil Class Heavy Fighter, Branded "The Seer", Heading towards the apparent location of The Rusty Spigot 21/2/2562 - Kitchi follows a Lead regarding his mothers whereabouts, confirming she is still alive. whilst searching he is ambushed by a Unknown vulp in a white combat hard suit and knocked out with a tranquiliser. strangely waking up untouched... 25/2/2562 - Strange Markings begin to appear on Kitchi's Right arm... cause is unknown. 5/3/2562 - Kitchi is seen on the NSS Cyberiad Talking to Kennard Rose and Slade, then disappear and is sighted on the NAS Trurl 19/3/2562 - Kitchi is seen taking his son Baram to some sort of amusement park on Mars. 11/4/2562 - Kitchi goes missing, presumed KIA by NT officials. 25/05/2562 - Kit'Chi has risen! 27/05/2562 - Kitchi returns to the Cyberiad. "Its good to be back... lets see what hell I can stir up." 23/7/2562 - Kitchi is reported to have robbed wealth from a high ranking Assembly councilor, further increasing his current bounty within Assembly controlled colony spaces. 22/8/2562 - Kitchi falls from grace, becoming Neutral Evil. rumours of him massacring his former gang begin to spread. Richard Cain perishes and is found laying to rest. "I tried.. I have tried, I tried to be better but I cannot help myself. people cause me so much pain.. so much hate... to me they will always see the dark side of me.. well I have stopped trying now.. im letting the beast out of its cage.. I love my friends. family.. but anyone else? I share little care for what pain I will cause them.. if they choose to get in my way. fate has shown no mercy, so no mercy I shall give in return... Vida La Syndicates" 11/10/2562 - Kitchi wins 1 million credits again on the cyberiad, the money oddly goes missing when Nanotrasen officials attempt to audit the credits from his account, rumours of Kitchi accessing the black market echo in the underworld. He also on the road to recovering his Morality. True neutral for now.. 12/10/2562 - Kitchi is reunited with his Mother, Sarah Ikamura. Meets his Younger Half Brother "Finally.. the pain is going away.." 5/11/2562 - Kitchi forms The Dead Howl gang. composed of Notorious Vulpkanin criminals from across the universe. reports of them robbing a bank begins to spread alongside the news of a large sum of money being donated to a Vulpkanin majority orphanage 22/1/2563 - Ikamura founds and funds the black market in his local area of residence. causing a increase of crime within the area Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Takas Einlich (Despise) - "A Evil Man, The Wolf In Sheep's clothing..." Emerson Ikamura (Neutral/Unsure) - "A Shame about my former husband..." Isthel Eisenwald (Close Friend/Admired) - "Someone I can trust, She helped me quit smoking after all" Ipsum Bellus Crinitis (Friend) - "I Mainly know them through Isthel, I know him a bit but I'd like to know more." Kennard Rose (Friend/Admired) - "I think I made a friend, This man is determined if anything." Shina And Klees Hoonkins (Good Friends) - "The two never cease to amaze" John Shick (Dislike) - "I don't know what he is playing at, your average xenophobe." Ryan Xovr (Acquaintance/Unsure/Fear) - I know him a bit, I know he is a frequent Fluffyvulps viewer.. but the way he looks at me.. unsettles me.." Lucretia Aletmagne (Romantically Involved/Admire) - "I Cherish every waking moment with her.. She makes me happy.. Im going to buy her so many things. maybe a new necklace!" Kerri Mendy (Good Friend) - "We have our occasional chat, a warm and friendly face amongst the cold void of space" Dan Rodney (Death Wish) - "So... when can I fire him? Out of a airlock into a school of space megacarp?" Kaori Ianson (Unsure) - "I'm unsure now... I'm hearing cree is upset..." Attala Watson (Neutral) - "My Ex... But we have come to terms.. I can see my son now.." Josephus Mulhane (Aquintaince/Respected) - "The guy who does my paperwork, and the only paper pusher I actually respect" Kask (Unsure) - "I am not so sure nowadays.. his behavior has changed.. I best watch out.. just in case." Oswald Hunt (Deathwish) - "Each day. I scheme and plot, soon I will make you a example you overly glorified paper pushing aristocrat." E.N.T.R.O.P.Y. (Fear/Deathwish) - "You may be the devil herself.. but I will be the one to decommission and haul you to the scrapyard" The Man With No Name (Unsure) - "What Is He.. how does he know my name..? He looks like.. me.. but.. not me.." B.E.E.R. (Good Friend) - "I work to keep his bar ship safe with The Seer, place is my favourite drinking place" Slade (Acquaintance/Respected) - "A Redspace Entity, sure. But a good one, station would be BORING if they didn't show up from time to time, must ask them about the strange markings on my arm." Fox McCloud (Friend) - "A pretty chill dude indeed" Gerhard Van Lutz (Friend) - "Hmmmm.. He once was formerly human. maybe I can help him through his pain. he is a good guy after all." Merciatta Haliber-Lauge (Friend/Romantic Interest?) - "The adopted daughter of the boss, and a pretty one for sure.. trying to keep ourselves out of trouble is like trying to shave oswalds monobrow off with wirecutters" Kit'Chi (Winning Battle) - "You. Do. Not. OWN. ME!! Sarah Ikamura (Unbreaking Bond) - "Mother.. there is so much I need to tell you.. so much.. but your finally here.... my search has come to its conclusion.." Astral Ikamura (Acquaintance) - "Huh, I seem to have a brother.. Howdy!" Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen - Hate "They give more reasons to dislike them, not the whole company is bad but I am beginning to see its true face..." The Syndicate - Like "They pay me better then Nanotrasen, and they know business well. its good to have sources within the network." Cybersun Industries - Hate "How about you leave me alone before I actively blow up another of your facilities." Shellguard Munitions - Love "My main syndicate employers. damn I love their shit!" Changeling Hivemind - Hate "These fuckers are disgusting and freaky, I will give them no chance in hell at touching me." Wizards Federation - Dislike "Space.. Wizards?.. more like crazy old people who play dress up and wave a big stick around." Spider Clan - Enemy " . . . . . " The Assembly - Like "They are people like me, and My father was a diplomat for them." The Elysium Project - Enemy "Space Nazi's, why would I even like them? I'd spit on them" Snake Eye Bounty Gang - Enemy "They tried to take my son.. I felt betrayed from this! after all the years! I WILL KILL THEM ALL! " Children Of The Stars - Like "A Group of peace loving folk. Oddly welcome me despite being atheist." Cult Of Nar'sie - Hate "I know people get brainwashed into this, My beef is with the redspace entity calling themselves Nar'Sie" Abductors - Dislike "Oh! Free stuff! comes with a risk of spewing up plasma!" Clown Planet - Enemy "I never thought punching bags comes in many variants, also work as target practice, lets see you honk after I swirlie you lot for half the shift!" United Coalition Systems Alliance - Like "Cain told me he and my mother was in this group.. Why didn't he tell me sooner..?" Theme (In Regards to Kit'Chi) Other Information Residence Ikamura's home seems to have changed to a lavish looking penthouse in a unknown location Kitchi's Heavy Fighter: "The Seer" Fighter Class: Anvil Class Fighter Make: F8 Lightning Heavy Fighter Ship Tier Grade: Military Engine: Einstein Engines Plasma TR4 Mk2 Engine Thruster: x2 TR4 Thrusters Shield: Shellguard Munitions Mk3 Shield generator Weapon systems x4 Shellguard Munitions Mass Driver Cannons 2x Shellguard Munitions Gatling Cannons 1 Shellguard Munitions Swarmer Missile System 1 Shellguard Munitions Plasma Torpedo System 1 Shellguard Munitions Automated Point Defence System. It seems to be painted Black with purple highlights, when scanned it has no registration marking. Quotes "Nothing Personal, don't get me wrong but business is business.. and the business is good to me"
    1 point
  3. There are certain individuals who accuse our server of just being another LRP server. This is where you can prove them wrong. Share a story of a time you or someone else broke off from the normal routine, slowed down a bit, and allowed something interesting to happen. Maybe your story will inspire someone else to try something different as well. I'll start with a story of my own. I begin my shift in the janitors closet. I hunger for blood. I am a vampire. I realize I must make some effort to conceal my presence. I gather my janitorial supplies. Pack up my cart. I still need more to aid my hunt. I make some cable cuffs and grab a roll of duct tape. I begin stalking maintenance. I come across a man near the turbine. We have a short conversation, then he walks over to me and attempts to glare me. I laugh and inform him I'm the same as him, glaring him as well. We wish each other luck and part ways. I scour all of maintenance with no luck. I'm absolutely starving. Perhaps a mouse will hold me over. I devour the defenseless creature. It doesn't quell my hunger in the least. I continue my hunt. As I approach the old kitchen in medical maint for the second time, I see a light approach from around the corner. It's a security officer. We greet each other. She is cautious about my presence. I see another mouse and take it as an opportunity to distract her. I hiss "Chakax lookss for tasty micess" Her look changes from puzzled to worried as I devour it. "Disgusting!" she says as she tries to turn her attention away from the grotesque act she just witnesses by focusing her attention on the old restaurant. I say "Yousss knowss..." She looks at me with yet another puzzled look. "Youss kinda of lookss tasties too" I glare her and she collapses to the ground. I first put duct tape over her mouth before she has a chance to scream for help. After, I attempt to put cuffs on her but she recovers too quickly. She quickly pulls out her stun baton and knocks me down. She begins to cuff me, but I glare her again before she finishes. I now have her stun baton, she wields her taser. We scuffle, stunning each other, even both managing to slip on the soap that fell out of my belt. I finally manage to overcome her. I pull her deeper into the kitchen. Finally I can feed! As I sink my teeth in she stands up and runs to the other side of the counter. What went wrong? As she rips the duct tape off her mouth I see the cable cuffs on the ground by her feet. In my haste I never finished putting them on her! She manages to stammer "HELP!" on comms before I stun her and duct tape her one more time. This time I make sure the cuffs are secure. I turn her sensors off and drag her deeper into maintenance. This poor girl is terrified. I have no plans to kill her, I just NEED to feed. I apologize to her and sink my teeth into her neck. As I get the first delicious rush of blood I hear the click clack or approaching jackboots. Her single sheik for help did the trick. I barely get to drink before I am overwhelmed by 3 other officers. I am detained. They accuse me of attempted murder. I tell them I had no intention of killing her, they I just needed a taste, but they've no reason to beleive me. I struggle, glaring them frequently on the way to the brig. I think I'm done for. One if the officers has had enough and says I'll be easier to handle if I'm unconscious. They begin to bash my skull in to the point where it almost kills me. Another officer says "Enough!" and they ease off before I expire. My head is throbbing, my skull is broken, I'm nearly blind. I inform them of my ailments but they care not. I'm just a horrible monster to them. They deliver me to the warden who begins to prep me for perma. I've stopped struggling at this point realizing it's not helping me. The officer who beat my skull in is saying I need to be killed, saying the law no longer applies to me because I'm not crew. The warden informs him otherwise and shoos him away. I feel faint due to blood loss. A medical borg shows up and attempts to fix me in my cell. No luck. He and the warden bring me to medbay for proper treatment. The medical borgs surgery module is malfunctioning, the warden attempts to assist with the surgery but is only a man of the law so cannot perform such complex procedures. They medicate me as best they can and send me back to perma. I'm still in really bad shape. The borg promises me further treatment that never comes. I can barely walk. I keep passing out. I attempt to call for help but they forgot to give me a headset! I attempt to summon the AI several times with no response. I am dying. In a last desperate attempt I reach out for help via newscaster. The darkness closes in. I take my last breath. Could this be the end? A FLASH OF LIGHT. I BREATHE AGAIN! "GRAHHH!!! CHAKAX LIVES!!!" The brig doctor greets and cuffs me. I'm confused and he informs me of my demise as he escorts me back to the warden. As they put me in perma I ask if I can make a special request due to my behavior. I want certain tools so I can remodel perma. They say I'm a good man and trust me, but I'm about to get a roommate who is far more dangerous, so they must decline. I nod and he carrys on. I decide I need to try to escape. I break all the lights. Make a hole in the basketball court. I'm not sure if I'll survive, but must try. As I wait for the pressure to stabilize, there is a meteor shower. BOOM!! Direct hit. A meteor destroys the floor directly below me. I am in agony as I'm exposed to the sun and my skin lights fire. Endless pain followed by a familiar darkness. Surely this is the end... ANOTHER BLINDING FLASH! I stumble from the cloner once more. But this time I am alone. How could this be possible? The computer must have duplicated my genetic data the last time I was cloned. I slip through the open door and run out through the lobby. Will anyone recognize me? Panicked and confused I run towards engineering. Along the way I pass a group of security officers dispatching an aggressive vampire in the halls. I manage to slip by unnoticed and reach the engineering hallway. A man limps towards me and stammer "H-help..." I have a dilemma. This man needs help, but would be such an easy victim. What to do. I shake off my hunger and decide to help him. I drag the man to Medbay, and on the way back pass the officers and now dead vampire. The officer who was my original victim notices me and pursues me into Medbay. Thier lasers burn my skin and I drop the engineer. As I writhe in pain I beg for mercy, trying to explain the cloning accident. They lower thier weapon and cuff me. As they attempt to make sense of the situation the chaplain, who also pursued, grabs me and starts dragging me towards the chapel. "We need to burn him!" I argue but its no use. I am terrified. All I can do now is pray. Seconds before the chaplain shoves me in the incinerator, he falls still. It's as if the gods themselves were speaking to him (kek). After a moment he gives me back to the officer. She is still confused about what to do with me and is attempting to get clarification from her superiors over comms. I appreciate her efforts but inform her that my skin is started to feel hot as I nervously glance around the chapel. Too late. I burst into flames. She drags me off in a panic screaming about the situation into her headset as the darkness takes me once again. My soul hangs over my lifeless body as I watch security debate about what to do with me next. One officer is delighted at the sight of my corpse, commenting that he loves cooked lizard. They shun me for feeding on them but joke about feeding on me? Disgusting. Who's the real monster here? A decision is made and my corpse is brought to Medbay. Yet again, the darkness is ended by a familiar flash of light. This time the former warden, now acting HOS greets me. "Here we go again" he says and we chuckle about my misfortunes. He escorts me back to the brig uncuffed. As my mind settles I again begin to hunger... He hands me to the new warden and tells them to put me in isolation. Perma is too damaged from the meteors. He grabs me and brings me into the prisoner lockers to dress me. This could be my last chance to feed... I apologize to him just before I glare him and sink my teeth into his neck. The sweet taste of blood yet again. He screams for help as he recovers from my gaze. As soon as he regains his footing I back off and put my hands up. Inform him that I just needed a taste to hold me over. Other officers have arrived to aid him. Disgruntled, he rubs the wound on his neck and cuffs me, seeking to blame whoever failed to cuff me in the first place. An outdated security borg beats me a few times, saying I need should be killed. I laugh and cough up blood as I inform them they need to update thier Space Law databanks. They beat me a bit more until they are reprimanded by the warden. I'm now in isolation. My original victim waits outside my cell and chats with me. I again apologize and they tell me that they now beleive I never planned to kill them. Her name is Natalya. I tell her that I'm going to write her a poem as a gift. As I put the final touches on my poem I hear that the shuttle has been called. Natalya and the HOS are outside my cell. The HOS informs me I'm being paroled. Could this be true? Orders straight from central command. Glorious! I give Natalya the poem and we walk to the shuttle together. As we walk I pause and say "Chakax nots wants to eats yoos, buts insteads..." and I give her a hug. To my surprise, she whispers to me that she also has a gift for me as well. A blood pack she stole from brigbay. I am delighted. We sit on the shuttle in the passenger section. I am free. As we reminisce about the shift, a mischievous vox steals her taser from her hand. The vox then points it at me and pulls the trigger. I am overcome with rage. I roar "CHAKAX WILLS EATS FILTHY BIRDS!" I lunge out of my seat and sink my fangs into his neck. It tastes foul but I do not care. They manage to push me off after a short while there is a scuffle and the vox is detained. I scream I'm going to kill him but Natalya gets me to focus on her and calms me. As I find comfort in her eyes, she collapses to the floor. I help her up as I turn away my head away. I apologize for the curse of my species when I gaze into someone's eyes for too long. She understands. We chuckle and chat a bit more. And that's where this story ends. All that due to me getting caught early, going with the flow, and thankfully dealing with a security crew who was willing to play along. And an admin who was able to stop the chaplain at the very last second before I was removed for good. I know its not always like this. Some rounds I'll get illegally executed and completly removed from the round or left in perma to rot. I've had literally dozens of rounds where I attempted to start a conversation with a potential antagonist only to have my round wordlessly and swiftly ended. I don't let it break my resolve. It's still worth it for the rounds that turn out like this one did. Those rounds are the reason I continue to play.
    1 point
  4. First Name: Ruum-Ovv-Oumn Gender: Male Orientation: Doesn't matter Nicknames/Alias: Mr. Rumbly. Dread Captain Ruum Picture Age/D.O.B: 103 (83) 9/28/24(7)58 Place Of Birth: Hoorlm Species: Drask Blood Type: B+ Alignment: Neutral Evil Affiliation: Nanotrasen. Shellguard Munitions. Phobos Privateers Religious Beliefs: Animism Childhood: Student Adulthood: Overqualified Worker Detailed Information Appearance: Ruum stands at 6'5 with light Cyan skin, around the digits of each hand, as well as the end of his trunk, the skin has buffed out forming what look like calluses in small patches. He also has noticeably bad posture, always with his shoulders slouched and a slight lean either forward or backwards. His waistline is littered in odd looking scripture, and what seems to be numbering next to it. His eyes are a deep pink, with the left one looking a shade paler then the other two. The spikes that run along his arm are ping as well and end with a tip. Character Voice: Very deep, has a slight speech impediment not uncommon along Drask where he has trouble pronouncing O's and U's in common speak. Personality: Most of the time Ruum goes with the ebb and flow of the station, dealing with things as they come up and trying to react accordingly. But at times he can be the ebb and the flow. Medical Record: Drask Physiology. Especially sensitive to heat. Frequent treatment for Laser burns Character Biography Background: Ruum was born and raised in Hoorlm, a child of two caring parents he eventually ended leaving them, and pursuing his academic career. Ruum learned most of what he could from the elders and teachers of Hoorlm, and when their planet came in contact with the other species he saw it as an opportunity to learn even more, the universe was a crueler mistress then Ruum had first thought. After failing out of standard school, Ruum had little in ways of proper credentials as he journeyed through NT space, and through tough times Ruum became a bouncer for some seeder establishments then he wanted to talk about. With gusto and patience, Ruum landed a job maintaining robots on mining ship, thankfully the Miners had a miniature library at their disposal, and Ruum was more then happy to take full advantage of it. Ruum currently resides in a refitted cargo ship. The hold is split between a living space and a dock meant for any miniature pods that want to visit. Family: Saar-Oorm-Hoorm, teacher and moral figurehead. Mnoo-Ovv-Oumn, Estranged child Personal Relationships Heimdall (Acquaintance) He thinks that Heimdall may be one of both the nicest and strangest Greys he's met, and while he doesn't mind the quasi-nudity of the grey, his mental infiltration does bother him. Isthel Straub (Respected) Ruum respects Isthel for all of her worth and he's always grateful that she'll patch him up no matter the circumstances. Ipsum Bellus Crinitis (Friend) Ruum thinks that Ipsum is horribly under qualified for the kind of work he does, but expects his fighting spirit, but also tries to protect the young vulp anyway. Kennard Rose (Admire) Rose is the only one that he would consider adult-like on the station, his demeanor and attitude speak volumes to Ruum. Zsi (Friend) Ruum see's an equal part friendship, and rivalry in Zsi and it could either end in great fun or horrible times. Naar-Dromn-Viisk (Acquaintance) He enjoys seeing another one of the Drask on board the Cyberaid, but more so enjoys Naars spirit and personality. Eeehirawk (Acquaintance) While Ruum doesn't see the Vox that frequently he's rather protective of her, especially since her and his daughter are roughly around the same age. Kaiikah (Friend) Ruum can rely (most of the time) on him and he'll try to keep him out of his antics most of the time. Faction Relations Nanotrasen: Like Syndicate: Like Wizard Federation: Dislike Changling Hivemind: Neutral Shellguard Munitions: Like, previous employee Council of Vampires: Like Privateers: Captain of the Match for None Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Theme
    1 point
  5. Usually, for a long time now, a certain amount of people usually end up rolling antag a lot in a row. This doesn't usually bring much diversity from the same players who keep rolling antag, especially if they are the kind that are notorious in killing all of security/command. My suggestion is to add a "cooldown" or less chances for a player to roll antag after being one. This would give a chance for other players to try also to be an antag.
    1 point
  6. One shift on the Cyberiad, B.E.E.R comes in, looks at his ID, and does a double take- Virologist?! The hell? And then the realization sets in, Nar'Sie is the true saviour, and I must bring about his return. [Medical] B.E.E.R says, "Hey uhh... I have no idea what I'm doing, could someone come give me a hand?" I quickly make a rune to attempt to lock him there, and fail in the end. B.E.E.R is caught, and sent to the brig, where he is deconverte- "What? Where am I? Why am I here?" "You were a cultist, you're deconverted now." "A... cultist? Oh god, did I hurt anyone? Please tell me nobody was hurt." "We don't know. You came in peacefully, so you're free to go." "A fucking cultist... I need to go." They let B.E.E.R leave, he strips off all of his virology stuff, and ends up in the holodeck, wasted and traumatized. He throws his headset across the room and sits there, hoping nobody got hurt. In walks L.I.L.Y, upset for unknown reasons. After a short, mildly awkward silence, they greet eachother, and lay in the snow, talking about various things. B.E.E.R cheers up some, and they start walking to the bar, when suddenly Space time anomalies detected aboard the station, there is no additional data. "No... No! Not again! No!" B.E.E.R runs, eventually ending up inside the security escape pod. "I couldn't save them... Nobody could... It's useless." L.I.L.Y walks in, asking "Who couldn't be saved?" "Those poor souls... Nobody could have..." The emergency shuttle has docked with the station. L.I.L.Y gives B.E.E.R a warm embrace, "It's okay, you're safe." B.E.E.R tells a story, as the pod undocks, and they fly off to central.
    1 point
  7. The fundamental problem here is the number of people who actually have their antag prefs enabled. I'll tell you right now, it's less than 50% of the online population at any given time. On a 100 person round, I would say maybe 15-30 people (at best) have their prefs for that antag type enabled. In a traitor round at 100+ pop you may have 10-12 traitors, this means, depending on how many people have their antag enabled, you're at times more likely to be selected for antag than not. I'm sure someone could actually pull up figures on this, I'm just basing my numbers off what I've seen firsthand when trying to manually replace traitors (I usually have to cycle through about 15-20 people who have their prefs disabled, before coming across someone who doesn't).
    1 point
  8. I really enjoy watching your works! So much of variety! Your pixel arts are amazing lad.
    1 point
  9. That system would be exploitable. People could simply split their play between multiple accounts. Since each account is played less often, its also gone longer without being antag, and thus more likely to get special treatment than the player would be if they only played on one account. That system would also have bad incentive for players. Effectively, you'd be programming the game to prefer giving antag status to the people who play less often, at the expense of the people who play more often. That would create a disincentive against playing regularly. Effectively, you'd be punishing the people who play here most. There is a way to solve both of these problems. You could make it check how many play hours a player has since they were last antag. That at least eliminates those two problems. It makes it so that the system doesn't change players' odds over the long haul. It simply spaces out a player's antag rounds more evenly amongst their normal rounds, so they're less likely to have several rounds in a row where they're always antag, or always not antag. The issue with doing this, though, is that it introduces an entirely new problem: metagaming. If its very unlikely that the people who were antags last round will be antags this round, everyone can use that information to metagame, and decide who to trust. Worse, if you know which players have the antag preference enabled, and you know which players of those were antags last round, your odds of guessing this round's antags increase dramatically. To use the 60/40/20 example again (60 players on server, 40 in-round, 20 with antag role enabled), if you can eliminate 8 of those 20 (because they were antags last round) you are left with 12/20 candidates for being antag this round. If we're again picking 8 candidates, that means if you just guessed that everyone on that list is an antag, you'd be right in 8/12, or 2/3, of the cases. That's a dangerous level of predictability. Yeah, it relies on knowing who has preferences set which way, assumes no churn/replacement of players between the rounds, etc. Still, if you play a lot you'll start to recognize who plays as antags (who has the preference on) and from there its a very simple cross-check against the list of antags shown at the end of the last round. You won't always be right but its potentially a powerful new metagaming technique, and we don't want to introduce new opportunities for metagaming. The current dice-roll method for determining who gets antag is fair. It may sometimes produce streaks of rounds where you're always antag, or always not antag, but randomness sometimes does that. We can't mess with it without introducing more problems than we solve.
    1 point
  10. Then how about people who haven't rolled antag to have a higher chance to roll it? If said people are not numerous/present, then it could then default to those who already rolled antag recently.
    1 point
  11. So I was a traitor Geneticist and my original thoughts where "Wow nice, I'll get me some nice powers, order some syndicate equipment and try to complete my objectives" So there I was sitting in my lab testing out the powers on myself, well I only got one "power" before it happened...and that was "Incendiary Mitochondria" so it was of no use to me. You may ask what it where? Well a giant explosion right behind my wall which destroyed my entire workplace plus we had a big hole in the station. But the best part is that I got the deafness disability and wanted to cure it in the exact same moment the bomb has gone off. So there I was, deaf, my workplace gone and with that my clean SE and the chemist haven't made any Mutadone at the moment . What happened after that? I have just a slight idea because my deafness was never cured. There was an outbreak of GBS, Brainrot and something else and because of that I never got any Mutadone. I ended up locking myself in the janitorial closet but that wasn't a problem since I had an emag and wanted to emag my way out into the maints and here is the point where it gets interesting. As I emag the door to the maints I see the CE right behind it, panicking I run past him and take the first door on the left....dead end....there is no point in running anymore so I just wait until he comes closer. Explaining to him that I am deaf I hand him I piece of paper so he can write down his words. "Well he will call Security now and I will enjoy a nice cell in perma" is what I am thinking at the time. He finishes writing and gives me back the paper it reads: Am just a tiny bit hungry. You look delicios. Hope you don't mind. "Oh....shit...." are the only words I stammer before he glares at me, cuffs me, and draggs me deeper into the maintenance. I eventually convince him to spare me and he agrees, since he has allready killed today and even brings me to medbay after he calmed his hunger. We give each other a meaningfull look and go apart not mentioning what happened back there. I must say it's certainly interesting beeing deaf and not knowing what happens untill you find out the hard way....
    1 point
  12. It was a changeling round, I started of as a Life Support Specialist (and a changeling). I had the Chief Engineer as a target, and was unsure how to deal with them. Until my other partner, a Atmospheric Technician, mentions that he thinks that there is a changeling in the engineering department. At that point, I smile evilly internally, a plan hatching. About five to ten minutes after my partner mentions his fears, I approach him and have some small talk, before telling him that the CE is rather suspicious, wandering around maintenance and being rather quiet. Then I mention they may be a changeling, and the reaction of my partner is nervous and of being unsure about it. I tell him that, for our protection, we should investigate if the CE was actually a changeling. We hatch a plan (fake plan for me) on luring the CE to the turbine, stunning them, and cuffing them, in a attempt to provoke some sort of changeling behavior from them (I was evilly laughing internally how I had the Atmos Tech all tricked). I go get some cable cuffs and two stun prods. We go to the turbine, I set up two chairs, my partner oblivious or unconcerned with the presence of the second chair. We call in the CE, to "get a opinion on the turbine setup". They come in, I mute sting them and stun them, cuffing them to the chair. During that time, my partner exclaims at the CE to give up the act. Moments later, I mute sting and stun my partner, cuffing them to the second chair. I remove their headsets. I proceed to tell them that, yes, there was a changeling in the turbine, but it wasn't the CE, it was me the whole time. I tell them kindly that they both will be disposed of, and that I was hungry. As I start to absorb the Chief Engineer, I discover the Security team running towards the turbine (I had thermal eyes, and I was unsure to how I was discovered). Knowing how changelings are dealt with by Security, and that I didn't have much offense abilities ability, I split and jump into the turbine disposals (Security for some reason went after my cuffed partner, stunning him, giving me the chance to escape). I end up floating out into space. I quickly replace my coat and hat with a space suit set I found earlier, which I discover was fake. I end up "dying" and reviving, all the way to the derelict, where I stayed for the short duration of the round. I wasn't able to complete my goals, but I had some satisfaction on my evil plan and in tricking my partner.
    1 point
  13. First Name: Lucretia Last Name: Aletmagne Gender: Female Orientation: Omnisexual, Poly-exclusive Nicknames/Alias: Cree, Lucy Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 23, February 14th 2541 Place Of Birth: Unknown (WIP) Species: Vulpkanin Blood Type: A+ Alignment: Chaotic Good...emphasis on the chaotic Affiliation: NanoTrasen, Fluffyvulps.nt Religious Beliefs: Spiritual Childhood: Orphan Adulthood: Bitch Detailed Information Appearance: "A relatively tall Vulpkanin with a playful, coy smile. She has a thick, bushy cravat of grey fur around her collar. She walks with a certain determination in her stride. Her hair is neatly cropped and swept over one of her pale blue eyes. She holds her head high with confidence." Character Voice: Personality: Bitchy, aggressive and wary around strangers Playful, teasing and dirty minded around friends Medical Record: (WIP) Character Biography Background: "I grew up in a interspecies orphanage, no idea who my parents are. It was an orphanage with a very low Vulpkanin population so we got bullied a lot. I hated being there. I took the first opportunity I could to get out so at 16 I applied for some NanoTrasen sponsored courses; Forensics and Criminology with a minor in Mechanics. After college I worked a shitty internship in a security department - I learned a lot...mainly that I'd prefer to get paid. I went for the for the first paying job I could; working as a Cargo Tech on the Cyberiad..." Family: "I don't know who my family are; either they're dead or they didn't want me so why should I care?" History: (WIP) - Recently is off station having been scouted by Fluffyvulps.nt - Personal Relationships Shina Hoonkins (Bestie) "If anyone hurts my Shina sec are gonna be finding pieces of them in maint for weeks..." Klees Hoonkins (Close Friend) "You know, you're becoming my personal therapist after all these chats..." Kitchi Ikamura (Romantically Involved) "He may be a corny goof, but he's MY corny goof" Kaori Ianson (Longing) "I thought you were happy..." Argyro Lakkotrypis (Admire/Romantic interest/Close Friend) "If only you were single....." Isthel Eisenwald (Friend) "Girl I need to get you out more, and bring Ip!" Bikikarki (Admire) "Biki is best Sec voxxy yaya" Tetra Vega (Close Friend/Crush) "We need alcohol and we need it now..." E.L.O (Admire) "Babe, you're the best surgeon this stations ever had" Kato Terrance (Dislike) "And I quote "Tell those other guys to back off because you're mine". What was her name again? Telasaria?" *sounds of testicles being tased* Dan Rodney (Target Practice) "wonder if I can throw him into disposals from here...." Faction Relations NanoTrasen (Hate) "They've got hell to pay" Fluffyvulps.nt (Love) "I'd date her, her, her, her as well, definitely her, holy shit she's gorgeous!, her too..." *intense tail wagging* (Just jotting things down for now, I need sleep.)
    1 point
  14. There was a blob round that was going badly. I was the AI (as A.N.G.E.L) At first I tried to help crew escape but then CentComm override me to enforce quarantine. The nuke was armed and everyone was going to die. The Vox Chief engineer (Yakikik-something I think?) came to my satellite and I thought they planned to card me so they could escape to the engineering shuttle. I explained I couldn't allow anyone to leave and they said they didn't plan to leave. I asked why they wanted access to my core, then, and they responded. "Is not want to dies alone." I let them in. We talked for a bit in the minute or before the nuke went off and A.N.G.E.L confessed that they were afraid to die. The CE admitted they were as well, but were glad they weren't doing it alone. We said goodbye to eachother as the nuke detonated.
    1 point
  15. *sweats intensely* In other news, Here's some more pixel art... this one is of a Shadowling Ascendant (Nurn'Kal) A friend of mine who plays a character named Giorgi liked Vampire Zeke, so I thought I'd sketch this up for fun. And lastly some Asscendant banter.
    1 point
  16. Adding 3 more images with a different pixel style. A Detective, 2 Security + HoS, and a crime scene near arrivals.
    1 point
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