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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. First Name: Ezekiel Last Name: Varloss Gender: Male Orientation: Homosexual Nicknames/Alias: Zeke, Zayna (super duper rare occasions) Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 25 Place Of Birth: Skrellian science vessel called The Spirit's Endeavor Species: Skrell Blood Type: O - Alignment: Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen, Alcoholics Anonymous(?)) Religious Beliefs: Chargargothicon the beast with no name (An excuse to drink) The Chantry Childhood: Unadopted Orphan Adulthood: Charming Bartender Detailed Information Appearance: A feminine looking Skrell with three tendrils that end to his hips. He has freckles scattered on his face, yellow eyes with black sclera, a little bump of a 'nose', and some gills on the side of his head and neck. Character Voice: A young male voice with a sort of echo-y/waver-y sound to it, think of the Drell from Mass Effect Personality: Zeke tends to be more on the friendly sometimes flirty side of conversations. However sometimes being witty and sassy/sarcastic can get him into some trouble with people that he can't charm himself out of. Overall he may be a bit too dramatic during some situations. Medical Record: Potential psychological issues stem from abandonment as a child, leading to clingy behavior. Also has a chronic fear of slimes. He has recently been showing random acts of fainting, the cause of this is currently unknown. Character Biography Background: Zeke was born on a Skrellian science vessel in space called The Spirit's Endeavor. When he was 7 his parents went off to study the local fauna of Xarxis 5 with a large crew of Nanotrasen scientists. Unfortunately, after a few months of not returning, news arrived that his parents had been lost in the expedition upon encountering hostile slimes. Zeke was sent to a Nanotrasen funded orphanage station on Tau Ceti. During his time there he met a lot of other people who would come and go, to pass time in the orphanage he took up learning the piano as well as learning the different cultures of other species. By the age of 16, Zeke was sent to take an aptitude test to see what kind of work he'd be best suited for. After some more time passed he was set off to study forensics and medical. During his time in school he was able to score a job at a bar to do some cleaning and assisting then eventually became one of the working bartenders, during his time working he learned to have better people skill. When he finished up his schooling he left his job and was placed on the NSV Luna as a rookie detective, working under various detectives. Three years later the NSV Luna was decommissioned and Zeke was placed on many different ships and stations before he was put on the NSS Cyberiad. Family: Mr. [unavailable] and Mrs. [unavailable] Varloss - Parents [Deceased] Jacques Varloss - Cousin Personal Relationships Churchy - Good Friend [Roommate] Jonah Bright - Romantically Involved Garoon Garuda - Close Friend Slade - Good Friend Alex and Dreamy Rockwall - Friends [Probably more to come] Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Nanotrasen - ALLIED, always had a sort of good(?) influence going on, but things can change. The Syndicate - DISLIKE, never liked having to be "persuaded" (putting it in lighter terms) to do something. Wizard's Federation - NEUTRAL, there was that one time, and it was pretty cool Changeling Hivemind - HATE, no. Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information •He's Ambidextrous •Has a pet corgi named (Detective) Sax •Sax was a bluespace corgi •Lives in a pretty nice house on space station created for housing •Is a vegetarian •An Alcoholic •He's "supah" stylish, you know it don't lie Theme Songs(?): •I'll add more if I ever think of it•
    1 point
  3. You see white notebook laying in Sci-chems desk marked "Property of ENTROPY", you take the book and begin to read Intently... Project Name: Mixed Space Project Importance: Red Notes Entry 1 "I recently, while doing my usual experiments on monkies that when Bluespace energy comes into contact with redspace energy, the resulting reaction is seemingly violent, causing a explosion, the more concentrated the energy beams are the more powerful the reaction. applications for this I am still looking into seems to suggest this can be potentially weaponised, if its possible to contain bluespace and redspace energy into a form of battery in the first place" "It is also apparent when both energies converge results in a sickly purplish glow, maybe the result of the reaction" Entry 2 "Studying the reaction closely proved successful, the reaction seems to occur due the redspace energies and bluespace energies violently attempting to destroy eachother at the atomic scale, subjecting the energies to supercooled plasma gas prevents the reaction from occurring, making it possible to store these energies, also subjecting the energies to a diamond focuses the energy into a beam. more testing will be needed. need to secure funding to make a mock scale of what I have planned" "Maybe mister Einlich will give me more funding if I complete his needed project. need to secure more, in his term, "desirable" Vulpkanin DNA samples, the hairs will do, for now." Entry 3 "I successfully made a small scale variant of what I wanted, concentrated bursts within the Mixed Space Vortex Apparatus (MSVA for short) cause the Energies to mix without violently exploding, allowing me to create a Mixed Space vortex, I don't know what happens to anything sucked into the vortex but it certainly tears through its surroundings, made a nasty hull breach on the IMMV Gatecrasher, Regardless, impressive. "The perfect test came when that Ikamura Pest tried to stop me getting more test subjects for my other projects, I am sure he wont come back now he is stuck wherever I sent him, vile fleabag lapdog, as for the Orphans Test subjects, they will be put to good use"
    1 point
  4. Them times when you get arrested for doing wireart that the CE and Captain are both aware of.
    1 point
  5. I have more style, black is a good colour with my purple scarf!
    1 point
    1 point
  7. Oh! Thank you for noting that! Didn't know it'd be like that haha, must've been a pain trying to read all that in default color. At the another hand though, I'll try to rework with the backstory making it easier with wording.
    1 point
  8. you'll have to prove to me how zeke is supah stylish. '^'
    1 point
  9. Oh boy here we go! It's SCUTTLES! FULL NAME: SCUTTLES AGE: 20 HEIGHT: 5’11 WEIGHT: 200 lbs EYE COLOR: N/A HAIR COLOR: N/A RACE/ETHNICITY: IPC (Yellow base) SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Sol Common, Trinary, Clownish PREFERRED LANGUAGE: Sol Common ON OFFICIAL WATCH: No GENERAL OCCUPATIONAL ROLES: NT Representative, Head of Personnel, Engineering (Space Jesus help us all if SCUTTLES is Captain) BIOGRAPHY: SCUTTLES is a very special IPC. He has a speaking affliction where he refers to himself in third person. Robotocists aren't sure where the defect comes from since they've basically replaced SCUTTLES's parts twice over. He was created solely for Central Command as an impartial representative, but time and time again they have found SCUTTLES to be neutral, yet...dumb in his decision making. It's only his upbeat personality and the lack of volunteers that keeps SCUTTLES employed at Nanotrasen. PICTURE: SECURITY RECORDS: SCUTTLES has no record MEDICAL RECORDS: COMMENDATIONS [FOR ADMINS]: REPRIMANDS [FOR ADMINS]:
    1 point
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