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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Got a new one.... So doing my usual maint looting run. It's 30s into the shift and I'm not expecting much, actually I'm just trying to find some damn tools. See an electrical locker that by rights should be empty by now. "Huh, a used storage implant..." I say to myself as I search through the untouched T-RAY scanners and other assorted junk. I grab it an immediately head to sec to turn it in. Get to the brig, HoS is right there infront of me. I drop it at his feet and say where I found it in maint. He thanks me and tells a fellow officer to fetch the detective, good deed done for the shift. I leave the brig and meet up with my friends we chat and catch up until 10 minutes later the HoS complete with an entourage of 3 other officers show up. "Miss, you're under arrest for possession of contraband and being an EoC" the HoS says.... A YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I get cuffed, dragged to brig like I'm public enemy No. 1 and sat in processing for another 5 minutes. The officer and HoS wander off, leaving Kennard the Detective standing across from wondering why the hell I'm here. As I'm being dragged I call for the IAA and state my case to them in processing. As soon as Kennard realises that I brought the implant to sec and thus it had my prints on it he fetches the officer that put out the arrest (The same one who saw me drop it infront of the HoS) and yells at them for their incompetence. He immediately uncuffs and escorts me out. Apparently towards the back end of that round the HoS threw Kennard under the bus and got him demoted. Why we don't issue job bans for gross incompetence I don't know...
    4 points
  2. Take a look at this, tell me if there are any obvious spriting issues or fuckups or if a sprite is unbearably poorly shaded or ugly. These items in-game has no grey sprites, so they currently show up as naked if you put them on. I'm working down a big list, so my attitude is very much "get these done, make them majestic when I have the skill later on, if I survive". https://imgur.com/a/VSTos If you hate the shape of the uniforms, that's not a priority right now. That's the shape of the grey body, and all the grey uniform sprites right now are shaped like this. I cannot stress enough that right now my sole concern is whether they are obviously broken or unbearably hideous. Also bearing in mind many of these uniforms will have armour, labcoats, backpacks etc over them.
    3 points
  3. PHRASING! aaand digging the hole deeper with the attempted correction
    2 points
  4. Why yes, teleporting out of the experimentor chamber at random is totally normal. The HOS's reaction to this made me laugh.
    1 point
  5. Everytime I was arrested as an antag sec was great to me. Once I got arrested like 20 min into the round with the blueprints and an emag in my satchel. I was very polite to sec but insisted I had found it in maint, and was on my way to deliver them to sec, when I was interrupted by a breach in the vault windows, so I decided to fix the breach first (I was engi). My story was a little bit hard to believe, but Tetra Vega as HoS tracker implanted me and let me go. I left wondering if I would have the guts to kill her (my other objective) after that. Luckily (or unluckily) I did not have to find out as the RD teleport gunned her to her demise soon after. But once I was an atmos and a guy in a gas mask with sec uniform identified as the other atmos tech, enters atmos and starts gearing up in fire fighter gear. I'm in eng lobby with another eng, we ask him about the sec gear. He remains silent. He's tries walking out through eng lobby but we block him. We start to fight, but we overcome him, wirecuff him, and take out the mask. He was obviously not the other atmos tech. He tries to speak to us, but only in space Latin, so I have no idea what he was saying. I start to drag him to the brig but a sec borg tase me in the way. Fair enough, I was dragging a cuffed guy. Me and the other eng explain the situation, get the atmos id and borg leaves with the guy. The atmos tech was ok, the guy had just stolen his ID. Few minutes later the same guy comes pulling the same shit with an eng id. We wirecuff him again. I check him out at the crew manifest, the fucker is sec. That’s why he was out so soon. I decide to take matters in my own had, strip him and wall him in eng construction site. Soon enough there are 4 sec officers there. I tell them what happened, and that they had their chance to deal with it. They say it was a bit too much. In the middle of the conversation one of them stun cuffs me out of nowhere. They bring us both to processing. Chaplain fills me with holy water for no fucking reason (It was a cult round). The officer put me in for kidnapping, and let the fucker go cuz he's sec, he got a mindshield. I ask him if a mindshield is license to break into places and steal ids, but get no answer. The guy whose ID the fucker was wearing second time was also in prison, on made up charges according to him.
    1 point
  6. Ah, I was the changeling you're referring to. I wanted to take over security, but there were a lot of people running into maints and my cover got blown pretty quickly. Because of the backup you called for, I panicked and ended up leaving my atmos ID behind; dooming me for starting my first assault unprepared. I was honestly just trying to scare you off with the stuns, trying to avoid being too murderboney, but you wouldn't STOP COMING BACK! In the end I got robusted by a random janitor in maint before the Sec officer I kindly let go unhusked came back to finish the job. You REALLY did me in that round.
    1 point
  7. I got medal only once ((for a real reson)). Basicly I was paramedic, I saw someone dead in genetics maint "Oh shit gotta go". CMO: "DUD YOU GONNA DIE" ME: "NAh I will be fine" The first seconds I walk in I see some strange person taking stuff from dead husk M.A.N.T.I.S. [common] exclaims, "SECURITY TO MED MAINT NOW!" me and the misterious person stay in the maint for like 30 seconds looking on each other doing nothing, saying nothing. *Someone is comming, the guy escapes* Me:" Oh hello officer! There is dead body, someone just looted that body, you have rogue officer on the loose, he also escaped like 10 seconds ago." *Guy comes back, taser hit officer, guy is dragging officer while hitting him with HARMbaton and tries to escape* *CTRL+CLICK SPAM MODE ACTIVATED* *I managed to pull officer out of murdurer grasp when he has like 170 demage* *SAVED, I took him to medbay, into cryo* Some time later, I see dying drask officer. I rush into maint to save his ass. *Oh look familiar ((or not)) face with the taser* *Taser missed* M.A.N.T.I.S. [common] exclaims, "SECURITY TO MED MAINT NOW, some asshole is killing Ruum-Ovv-Oumn!" *I go back deeper into maints just to make sure I don't die like little arse I am, 30 sec passed, no officer came, so I rush in to try and save him* *Cannot find anybody, except one suspicious locker in maint, welded door to that locker, came out there was Ruum in that locker ((Sorry))* *Oh shit, It's Officer Ipsum! GREAT, time to hunt!* *We find the EoC, he hit Ipsum with taser, SHIT* *I helped him stand up, we stunned the shit out of the changeline* *EMP YA ARSE* *Dead* *Got fixed in robotics, Ipsum was clonned, Ruum was cloned (( like 10 minutes after someone recovered his body)), changelings body has been destroyed* MISSION SUCCESS! Basicly I got that brown medal from Captain Zsi for risking my life for another people. ((Rest of the shift I spent bringing some lightly wounded people to medbay, getting shit like experimental welding tools for my fellow IPCs (E.L.O. and P.E.W.) and my boss (Gerhard), that was calm after that. That medbay crew was good medbay crew.))
    1 point
  8. Colours! I like my pinky purply HUD, even though it makes a few things ever so slightly harder to see.
    1 point
  9. TullyBBurnalot has retired from his position as Head Of Staff, and will be put out to pasture in a field of paperwork. DarkLordPyro has been voted in as his replacement. All hail the new DarkLord.
    1 point
  10. Alrighty I thought this was pretty fun just because how long of a fight this was, I felt like I was literally fighting for my life. I was blueshield and mechanic had run off with the CE. CE had no death alarm so everyone assumed she had died. I went on the retrieval mission and grabbed a mime space suit and clown space helmet on the off chance that I'd run into the ling, but mostly I assumed I was doing corpse recovery and was not really anticipating a fight. I jetpack over to the west because that was the direction the mechanic took off from, and hit Z3, so I figure the body's probably dumped in the white ship. I walk through the white ship and lo and behold, there's two CEs, one tied to a chair, the other doing something or the other. I tase her and despite the armblade, I had the element of surprise and managed to harm baton her to death. At this point, I hadn't fought a ling post buff and hadn't realized just how fast a ling could revive from the dead. As I was trying to free the CE the ling pops back up like straight out of a horror movie and stunprods me. Somehow in between all the stunning and harmbatonning I manage to prime a flashbang, during which the CE managed to free herself, but sadly the flashbang went off underneath me as I didn't get a chance to throw it before being stunned. At this point all stun batons have been used up, so the ling uses his telescopic on the CE, giving me the chance to flash the ling. The ling drops the baton, and I manage to permastun/kill it. This was the second death. As I'm yelling for backup on comms, I also shout that we need something sharp to decap the ling with, since there was no way we were getting out of there with the ling coming back every 30 seconds. So I remember the scalpel and limp my way over to the northern white ship room, heal myself with a few patches, and grab the scalpel that's on the ground. By the time I get back, the CE already has the ling on the ground. We finish it off and I spend what seems like forever hacking its head until it finally pops off. We steal the pod and fly off into the sunset, finishing the shift having not lost any members of command!
    1 point
  11. It's fairly early in the shift. So far no major threats to contend with. I am the AI. I'm doing my normal scans of high risk areas and my camera view falls upon the Head of Security's office. His locker is open, with his recreated laser gun just sitting there. Now as a crewsimov AI I generally don't care about objects which are traitor objectives, but a lethal weapon is a bit different. It's capable of harming the crew and allowing it to be grossly unsecured would quality, in my mind, as allowing harm though inaction. A lot of AIs would have made a snarky announcement embarrassing the HoS, but this really isn't A.N.G.E.L's style. Besides, an announcement would let everyone know it's still there unsecured, which would be unsafe. So, I simply PDA the Head of Security requesting they secure their locker. About 10 minutes pass and I check on it and the locker is still open, gun still exposed. So, I jump to the HoS to see what he's up to. He's attempting to Brig the clown, only he neglected to take the clown's PDA. The clown slips him on his PDA while they are both in the cell. The HoS gets up, walks off the PDA and proceeds to stuff the clown into the brig cell's locker in response. He then walks back over the PDA, which is still on the ground, slipping himself a second time. Meanwhile, in a rare display of camaraderie with the clown, the mime has gotten involved and is trying to slip security in the sec hall with a bucket of water. A security officer decides the best course of action to subdue the mime is to take an entire box of flash bangs and try to flash bang the mime. He accomplishes only flashbanging himself, resulting in him dropping the box of flashbangs, which the mime promptly picks up and begins using to throw live flashbangs at everyone in the security lobby. So to recap the trainwreck in progress: The HoS's gun is sitting in his office, in an open locker. The HoS is in a cell being slipped repeatedly by the clown's PDA. The Mime is throwing flashbangs in the security lobby. The entire time the Brig Physican is watching this unfold with, what I imagine, is a mixture of horror and amusement as he tries to explain basic brigging procedure to the Head of Security. The mime escapes, allowing Officer Flash Bang and the Head of Security to focus their efforts on the clown, which mostly involve trying to pepper spray him through his mask before giving up and simply allowing him to walk out without serving any brig time. After this, I message the Head of Security again reminding him of his unsecured gun. He obligingly secures his locker. I then reported all of this to the Captain. Now, A.N.G.E.L very, very rarely would do something like this. Rating the performance of command really isn't the AI's job, but I calculated that this security was so inept that not warning the Captain may constitute harm by inaction. It doesn't really matter much as I am ignored anyway. The clown proceeds to annoy the Head of Personnel to the point where the HoP calls for his demotion. Afterward, the clown begins sending death threats to the HoP, and is ordered to be arrested. Since he's threatening to harm crew, I decide to get involved. The clown isn't on suit sensors and have removed their ID, so I check the unknowns. I find a female humanoid unknown, and the clown is a female human. This unknown is running around with a bandoleer and a double barrel shotgun, with no ID, face covered, on red alert. I call for security to arrest him, but they are somewhat slow to respond. I notice he is wandering the halls and once he spots the HoP he begins to follow. I alert the HoP immediately, who runs to the Brig. Security responds, and the person begins to flee. I lock down the corridor, bolting all the doors and dropping firelocks, trapping the suspect in with two security, who eventually manage to subdue him despite the person releasing many smoke bombs. After being arrested it turns out my theory was correct and this person was indeed the clown. Security demands a medal for apprehending the clown, and the captain agrees. I am not given a thank you. Around this time, Central Command calls for the Head of Security's demotion, and he becomes a normal officer. While this is a win, it's balanced out by the one competent security officer on the team cryoing out of sheer disgust and frustration. You would think this would end his tail, but there is more to tell. Former-HoS suddenly orders me to lock down the brig. I jump to him and request he provide a reason why, that's not really something I'm going to do without a good reason, as locking security officers into the Brig is potentially harmful. He states due to Xeno activity. I ask him if he means the Shaft miner in the Xeno costume standing next to him. He apologizes. A few minutes later however, he starts yelling about Xenos again, stating he has a face hugger. He runs into interrogation and orders me to seal it. Interrogation has a a vent in it and it was unwelded, for the record. As you might have guessed, it's a face hugger toy. Well, I'm on crewismov, and his order isn't harmful to crew, so I tell him okay, I'm locking down interrogation, just let me know when you'd like to be let out. He again states he has a face hugger and I let him know he can just take it off his face whenever he would like. Command has started to get wind of this and is naturally freaking out, so I let them know it's a toy. Ex-Hos takes it off his face and orders me to release the lockdown on interrogation. I happily comply. Crewsimov. And then I got subverted and abducted by aliens, but that doesn't really have much to do with security, so it is here the tale ends. Probably one of the most interesting rounds watching security as the AI.
    1 point
  12. I think my only tale of massive incompetence was when I was tased, cuffed and dragged infront of the HOS with the officer who tased me screaming "THEY HAVE A WEAPON" ...I was the Detective...
    1 point
  13. > Officer Ford on duty > Start with regular patrol > Come across a 10 mm clip in maint > tape off the area and call detective > patrol some more > CMO office broken into >tape off the area and call detective, detective is busy due to some monsters in cargonia > patrol some more > Sci chem broken into > at this point def EOC afoot, so I go to investigate science. > Check the server room because blood > Borg lets me in and tell's me that QM has been making some strange requests, like plasma canisters. > QM is suspect as fuck at this point > I Go to cargo to investigate, some technicians let me in and QM bolts for the cargo room. > QM says "NOTHING TO SEE HERE", and closes the door. > I demand he opens. > He opens, where I can fully see a shooting range. Full of flamethrowers and pneumatic cannons. > I ask for paperwork to approve this dangerous shooting range made on company time > QM runs to ATM and drops me 500 credits > We agree that paperwork checks out. > patrol some more > get gibbed by antag out of nowhere
    1 point
  14. This one happened about 2-3 months ago but it's worthy of being told n I completely forgot to. I'll name this "Where's my office?" I spawn as Warden. No HOS. That's fine. Nothing unusual to start. Things are slow. About 15 min in a HOS shows up. His name is John Blennon -.- IC he says "Can I have a taser? Sry I didn't spawn with 1" Oh Lord I'm like "Why don't you take YOUR laser from your office?" Him "Where is my office?" Me (dead inside) "Let me show you..." I escort him to his office, he says "Thk u" I drag my feet back to my quarters. The captain is there. I salute "Greetings captain, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Captain "Hi...is my office around here?" IRL I'm like ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Me "Not here...let me show you..." I escort him to the bridge. Inform sec what just happened on sec comms n they are like "Ohhh shit...one of these shifts..." Blueshield greets us at the bridge. While the captain inspecting thier office with the fascination of a young child, I pull the Blueshield aside. Blueshield "You look mighty fine in that skirt and sandals" I whisper "Wanted to give you a heads up, this captain and HOS literally did not know where thier offices were. We've got our work cut out for us...PLEASE keep a close eye on the captain and show them what's what" Blueshield leans in "You. Me. Bar. 12:35." I'm like "I'm busy, tend to the captain!" and stomp back to the brig. I'm dazed. Maya Stewart is there as magistrate. I inform her of the situation. She is like "Oh lord...let me see what I can do" and walks off. I'm starving, go to the sec lobby to grab a cup of chicken soup from the vending and while I'm standing there a nukie walks by in the hallways towards the bridge. I inform sec on comms, open the armory, grab a shotgun, and run towards the bridge. The captain and Blueshield have no idea what happening. I give the captain the disk, the pinpointer to the Blueshield and I'm like "NUKIES!". Blueshield is in the middle of the bridge and is like "Hey there doll, take it easy. You reconsider that date?" immediately after saying that a nukie with dual esword comes up behind him and decaps him. Clueless. I fire off a few shots before my agony is finally ended by the sweet release of death. Don't really remember what happened after that aside from the nukies successfully blowing the station up. I was probably furious and salting in deadchat. Maybe that's why I forgot to post the story. I may have blocked it from my mind until now.
    1 point
  15. "The t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶E̶R̶P̶ Victory Shower" Excuse me if I miss the exact wording of the parties involved, let's say my quotes are paraphrasing. I join a round an hour deep as pod pilot. Vampires. 2 powerful vampires as far as we know. Within 20 min the vox vampire is dead. With about 15 to go the other is dead. On sec comms: Vince Piper: "Stingray, up for that shower now?" Steven Stingray: "We don't have showers anymore" (Someone had converted the bathroom by cryos into a fully functional medbay; Surgery, Sleeper, Body Scanner, Cryotube, even a chemistry station and DAMNIT I forgot to get a screenshot. It was marvelous) I say: "We have our own showers above the locker room in sec" Vince: "Yup" Stingray: "Really?!" I run to the bathroom in sec to see Stingray's reaction, figuring I'll get there first. I walk in. Vince and Stingray are already naked in a shower together. Vince: "Tetra! Join us for our victory shower!" Stingray: "DON'T LOOK AT ME!!" I scream and run off. I have an idea. Run to the public locker room then back to sec. I go back in the bathroom where the victory shower is still happening. Vince: "So you finally decided to join us?" I say: "Not quite...say CHEESE!" I start snapping a bunch of photos with the camera I just grabbed. They proceed to try to capture me. Chasing me around the brig naked with tasers. I manage to escape. Shuttle is on its way. There is an announcement about some sort of mech battle between one of NTs mechs and a Syndicate mech at the holodeck. I head there to check it out. Mike Murdock and Solessa Storm are there before me. I say: "Mike, I have something awful to show you..." Mike: "What is it?" I hand him a photo. ... ... Mike: "WHAT" "THE FUCK" "IS THIS?!" I say: "Vince and Stingray taking a victory shower" Mike: Crowd has gathered for the mech fight. Vince and Stingray show up. There is a bit of a scuffle. They taze and cuff me with fuzzy pink handcuffs. As they rip the cigarette from my mouth and stuff the ballgag into it I manage to tell Mike to escape with the photo. I spend the shuttle ride cuffed and gagged, Stingray and Vince are celebrating thier victory of capturing me. They are kind enough to remove the gag and give me a cig. Shuttle docks at Central. They drag me to the showers, strip all 3 of us and throw us all in the same shower for a final victory shower. 2 sec borgs show up, I inform them I'm being held against my will. They disabled beam us till we pass out. GAME OVER EYEAAAAAAH!!!! I attempted to take screenshots of the photos but apparently windows pulled up in the UI like that don't register on screenshots, so I have no evidence but this story. @Vargh @bigfatbananacyclops I'd tag Vince but I don't know his forum name. *FLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP
    1 point
  16. I've had a few good stories from playing Security. (BRAG)Like the several times I've discovered cultists super early on by checking for falsewalls in maint.(/BRAG) But my absolute favorite story from playing Security, the one that I share even with friends who aren't familiar with SS13, is from a round where I was playing Detective. Playing as my character, Maxwell Edison, I decided to hit the bar and try to outdrink my "sober" gene. As I downed more and more alcohol I noticed that the drunk speech effect, where it randomly capitalizes and misspells words in your speech, is coming and going with everything I say. Eventually I get called to the brig for something and on my way over I get that hazy screen overlay that happens when you're super drunk. The Captain, HoS, and Warden are all there, and they take note of my strange speech patterns. The HoS asks, "Detective Edison, are you drunk?" To which I reply, "No," and then immediately pass out drunk. For reals, it couldn't have been timed more perfectly if I had planned it.
    1 point
  17. Need to add another verse to this because @Birdtalon a la Khakiri deserves recognition for his performance and that story itself is a long one. So as said before. I started the shift as Warden. Early into the shift there is a breach in the armory and an e-gun missing. Reports of a vox on a purple coat seen in space around that time. A bit later as I walk by the lobby, Khakiri is standing there in a purple coat. I pause and raise an eyebrow. He says "Hihi" I say "What's up" "Nothings" I'm thinking how many vox can be in purple coats? Did a cling steal his identity? He's not doing anything wrong right now, we don't even know it was actually him who broke in. Whatever, I'm busy. I move on. A bit later Khakiri gets dragged into processing for something, honestly can't remember what. Search his bag. E-Gun. While processing him I had a short RL issue I had to deal with, informed him in LOOC and I didn't go SSD for the few minutes I was away so he technically have pulled something if he wanted n didn't. I appreciate this. He's been pleasant through this whole process so I tell him I'm giving him the minimum, 10 for weapons posession, 10 for breaking into the armory. As prisoners tend to do, as soon as I put him in his cell and remove his cuffs, he starts causing a ruckus. Bit of a scuffle. Officer assists me. We get him in his cell. Apparently he didn't want the minimum. I bump him up to 30 min and tell him why. Now again this shift I've been dealing with coordinating sec as we have absentee super commando for a HOS. While dealing with comms and whatever else he's trying to break out of his cell. I go tell him if he keeps trying to break out I need to reset his timer every time he does, first and last warning. He does repeatedly try to break out, I need to keep resetting his timer to the point where he is in there so long his original sentence would have been long over. Straight jacket time to give me a break. He's requesting perma but I told him he hasn't done anything worthy of it yet. Something he worked to correct shortly after. After breaking out of his straight jacket he gets through the inner glass of his cell. Repeatedly tosses his nitrogen tank at the electrified grill sending out tesla arcs that manage to kill the brig doc, the magistrate, and nearly me. I survive because I managed to hide behind a wall and hit myself up with the first aid kit I carry around. He breaks into the lobby. My taser and baton are toast from previous encounters. A stunning display ensues as what appears to be all of Security swarms the lobby and fires disabled beams from all directions. He is hard to keep down but we manage. Up till this point I just assumed he had the combat virus virology developed that was helping assist him in getting up quicker, now I'm beginning to suspect there is a bit more in him. As the entire security force dispersed from the lobby one officer comments "Damn, if we could respond to all threats like this..." and we all laugh. Now Khakiri in isolation awaiting approval for an execution. Because of his display in the lobby I decide to weld the vents in his cell, just in case. Execution approval comes in. All of Security is excited for this one due to the trouble he's caused so I invite them to come watch. Get outside his cell. "Its your lucky day! Execution approved!" Open his cell. OH SHIT. AN ARMBLADE! Begins assaulting me, causing severe damage to my chest before the rest of sec kills him. I'm in bad shape, coughing up blood, clearly broken ribs, but refuse medical treatment till his head is removed in brigbay. Brig doc says in LOOC that he is having UI problems with the surgery so I say I'll handle it in LOOC, IC I say "Doc I can see your hands are shaking because you are nervous, let me handle this" Cut the head off. Done deal. Doctor begins to try to fix me, but it was too late. I succumb to my wounds. In deadchat "Welp...that ling did a number in me lol" Birdtalon "Oh good Tetra, you died, that makes me somewhat happy" I compliment him for his display and for hiding his abilities for so long, we chat about the whole encounter n have a laugh. I'm revived. Give him karma. I rarely give antags karma but the whole experience was just too entertaining. Wasn't the first time a prisoner broke thier cell n zapped be but I've never seen it done so efficiently and do so much damage. Well done.
    1 point
  18. Got a new one! So lately there's been a particular HOS who is rather absent on comms. I've grown accustomed to working with him when I'm Warden, doing my part as Warden while directing sec through comms. This shift particularly I had the NT rep pull me into thier office to record a conversation about this. Asking me about the HOS performance and such. Apparently several officers complained about his absence saying he was too busy playing super commando, abusing his gear and access, to bother leading us. He also allowed the first ling we encountered to get away due to his super commando shenanigans. From my view, I noticed his absence but didn't care because I enjoy coordinating sec. Either way I was under the impression he was being demoted mostly due to the fact that he wasn't really leading security. Not sure who's fault it was, but it took over an hour and a half to get him demoted and me promoted to the new HOS. During this time, Security managed to kill and dispose of 4-changelings. Some we burned, some we cut thier heads off. The only one that ever revived and got away was the one the original HOS allowed to get away. As I am finally being promoted to HOS, another cling killed in chapel maint. I wasn't sure where it was killed myself but I ordered officers to have it's head cut off, which they did before it revived. During this process the captain ordered it be burned, I informed the captain it's been dealt with as cutting the head off has the same effect, but the captain and AI spent the rest of the shift blasting me and security for failing to follow orders, on comms, via station wide, even in OOC after. 5 dead changelings, the only one that got away was the one the first HOS ramboed. Captain and AI are freaking out because they think we are dragging around changeling bodies that are reviving, when we've decapitated them. Threatening to fire me and officers because we didn't burn them like they asked, despite the fact that we did ensure they won't revive. Good luck demoting me considering how long it took them to demote the first HOS. Shift ended with the captain and AI blasting me and my sec crew over comms and station wide. When I did the same to defend sec they accused me of being unprofessional. Got nothing done the last 15 min of the shift because the captain was too busy power tripping about us not disposing of the ling the specific way they requested. The captain "fired" me over comms without faxing CC. Redefine comdom. Code green shuttle on a changeling round. Given nothing but shit for it. No love for sec.
    1 point
  19. I was in a low pop round as a non antag engineer. Someone had been disabling cameras around the halls so i decided to be a good worker and fix them. Nek minut an officer charges in tazes me and radios in that ive been wrecking all the cameras. I get dragged off to the brig screaming at him the whole way. Get interrogated as they think im a traitor. Despite my constant denials I'm considered a risk and thrown in perma with the other 2 "traitors" for doing my job. Turns out one of them was a ling and and had already eaten the other guy. After pleading with him not to eat me i realised that the half assed officer only took my hardsuit,pda,radio and backpack but not my insulated gloves or toolbelt. Decided to bargain i let the ling out in exchange for not eating me and was promptly lasered to death on site by the same officer who arrested me for now being "a fucking ling". ?
    1 point
  20. Alright another story from me about one of my own flukes that led to a memorable shift. This is actually the longer version of the Major Crime part of Tetra's security record. I go to join an early low population shift that is about 10 minutes in...depleted security force...I decide that having SOMEONE as HOS is better than nobody, so I take the job. This was my first time as HOS aside from 1 or 2 shifts where I was Acting HOS for a short while. I'm very inexperienced and inform command of this but they (which was literally just a captain and HOP) are glad to have me. Mostly had only dealt with cultists and traitors at this point. There are vampires on the station. Okay I've got this. Call the chaplain, get a tank blessed, 2 fire extinguishers in processing, we are good to go. My officers bring in our first vamp. Due to my experience with cultists I proceed to force feed this vamp enough holy water to de-convert a cultists. Despite emptying both extinguishers on the vampire they continue to burn. After we clean up that mess the magistrate bring me aside and informs me that I'm being demoted and arrested for manslaughter. I'm unhappy with this but accept my punishment without much resistance. Served the rest of the shift in perma. My officers did a good job making me comfortable, didn't put me in prison gear, giving me cigs and a botany bag. Kept me company and even still consulted with me about things. Eventually got a few vampire roommates that attempted to eat me and led to a lock down, one of them being executed, and the other agreeing to be a civil roommate with me. Appealed to central after working with IAA. Denied. I was super salty about this at the time but looking back now, just yet another unique experience given to me by SS13.
    1 point
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