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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2018 in all areas

  1. The following "comic strip" is in reference to this thread by @Vargh "...Yes, well, there was this weird guy. Me and a friend had been looking at him for some time. He was wearing a white lab coat and wouldn’t stop running around from one store to another like if he was looking for something. We noticed he was holding a really fat backpack – that usually meant drugs or money, and both things were a good target for a nice old fashion mugging. We managed to corner him in a dark alleyway, to get his backpack quick and run away, but it was the first time I ran into someone so crazy that he just… took out a gun and shot at us… I can still remember the sound of the bullets passing by me, looking at my friend falling to the ground, the feel of the metal getting lodged in my left arm and a rush of… I don’t know how to call it mate, but fuck, the asshole shot at us before we could even say or do anything. I was fast enough to take out a pocket knife and put it inside his throat… that was when I realized the scenario…"
    6 points
  2. Not sure what it means, but oh me oh my, this club is featured!
    3 points
  3. No fucking way, you must be fucking kidding, are you really making a comic about my Stingray Biography? @Pawneax you... I have no words... You really have no idea how much this means for me, i'm totally in tears now. I feel so happy. Also, topic in question is this one, i don't know about others but i can never see what thread people share when they just paste the link https://nanotrasen.se/forum/topic/10654-steven-stingray/
    3 points
  4. Poor Jonah getting into a fight while on a case. And here's two of my robutts, NECROMANCER and R.A.B.B.I.T And here's some Zeke sketches.
    3 points
  5. So as of recent i've been KIND OF slow with my art but i drew some new things here at the top.
    2 points
  6. Second, remember that by ancient law of Adrkiller when he was headmin, I will always be a player in this thread.
    2 points
  7. A List of Moderators in the club to keep things in check Club Founder/Owner: Kitchi Moderators: DarkPyrolord (Will be updated if changes are made)
    1 point
  8. Just remembered another one. I was a vamp with a kill objective. I hacked a med-vendi, got a crew monitor and started tracking my target. Met him wondering about maint twice, but Blaire, the CMO was always there too. Meeting the CMO randomly in maint is pretty unlikely and I realized Blaire was following me, probably wanting to kill me. I convince my target to come with me to show him something, bring him to the slot machine room in chappel maint, stuncuff him, take out the radio, and started eating. A sec came right them. My target ran, I lost the struggle and was arrested. I was trying to bullshit my way out, but my target said I bit his neck before running. It's really difficult to explain biting a cuffed guys neck. The only other explanation besides being a vamp is kinda ERP. Anyway, while I'm talking with sec Blaire barges is: "This man is sick", and injects me. Soon after my body explodes and a borg comes out of it. The three guys in the room were impressed: "Wow, CMO was really right, this guy was really sick.". No one got what happened. Anyway I was happy to be able to continue in the round outside perma as a borg.
    1 point
  9. Love the pixel art style. Feels retro. I love it.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. @ZN23X We could do this all day...
    1 point
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