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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Decided to draw a character I'm playing in a pathfinder game. Meet my shadow-walker rogue, Arsene. Still working on trying to get my characters to be less flat, for a better word. When I have peace and quiet, probably will try to see if there's any resource for that.
    2 points
  2. Head of Personnels 90% of the time. Two Cardinal Sins: First being paperwork for paperwork's sake. The purposes of stamps and forms is retain and communicate information over long periods of time. For regular job transfers no stamps are needed, no signatures needed, you just need to ask over the command radio: "Hey is X good for Y". Then you'll get an answer or no response. You break out the stamps and signatures when the relevant head of staff isn't responding over radios (Basically: Look pal, you want your job, you're gonna have to track down your soon-to-be-boss for me) or when someone's getting additional accesses you want to make sure are properly recorded and remembers for later. Like, when someone asks "WHY THE FUCK DOES THE CLOWN HAVE SEC ACCESS" and you don't quite remember, you go to your file cabinet, open the draw and see the transfer letter with the clown and cryo'd HoS stamp and you say: "Ah, yes, the HoS thought sec's morale was low." and then you hear "BUT I'M THE HOS" and then you say. "You're the NEW HoS. The Old HoS cryo'd." People who do paperwork for paperwork's sake slow things the fuck down. There's one HoP who I won't name who is so anal about pointless, fruitless bureaucracy that i've seen four separate riots outside their line and when they aren't rioting it's never empty. You should want your line empty for as much of the round as possible because: Sin Number two: Not managing your departments. Head of Personnel is seen as an easy logistics job well let me tell you otherwise, Sonny Jim, the Head of Personnel has the second most crucial job on the station. Whilst the Captain manages the Heads of Staff, the Head of Personnel manages the crew. He was the OG, man. The original Internal Affairs; and actually acts as Human Resources. He checks that the clown isn't dead and is actually trying to be funny, he makes sure the mime isn't speaking, he makes sure the janitor isn't SSD or dead in a closet somewhere and he makes sure that Hydroponics and Cargo are supplying science, the kitchen, engineering, security. Heads come to him going "weehhh i have no chemist" or "wehhhhh my detective got gibbed" and for about 70% of these issues, the Head of Personnel's solution is simple gratifying and that is: Throw more People and more Resources at the problem. The Head of Personnel should be hiring and supplying new/extra janitors and detectives. He should be helping Medical get their blood bags and spray bottles.The Head of Personnel is able, if given permission from relevant heads, to logistically macromanage the shit out of the manifest. Do you realise how powerful extra detectives are? In a community where I get ahelps from furious antags who are certain of meta but never take basic forensic precautions, extra detectives are POWERFUL. The ability to hire replacements for turbo-dead or just plain perma-missing personnel is a godsend to a stressed department. Not to mention, the Head of Personnel is uniquely placed in having hydroponics, mining AND cargo access. If the QM is tearing his hair about points, he is uniquely placed to just SHOWER cargo in extra points. Just... just DRENCH those short-wearing nerdos in points. A Good HoP never had to valid-hunt (first because it's against the rules) because if he's doing everything well, the station should be a well-oiled production MACHINE. Yet 90% of the HoPs I see just sit there doing fuck-all and making sure job transfers are as agonising as possible and then whine "but i have nothing to doooohoohoohooooooooo" until they eventually get promoted to Captain.
    2 points
  3. Maybe i'll regret it but someone will probably ask me eventually.
    1 point
  4. Well, I didn't know this sort of thing existed until recently, so I figured I could make a 'formal' hello I guess. I've been playing on this server for a while now, almost a year. Pretty much just as long as I've been playing SS13; a bit late but, here it is. I have too many characters for my own good, but I have a few who have stuck I enjoy the most. Used to mainly play as Agnes Kiraly and Clementine Walsh ages ago, for those that remember. Nowadays I mainly play as Serac, which makes this introduction either flattering or damning depending on who is reading I guess. I've tried a little bit of everything, but I guess you could say my strengths are in Medbay and Engineering. Sometimes I play security as Reishi or Adrianna Tucker, but I'm not very good at it by any stretch. I also thoroughly enjoy Xenobiology, though I rarely play science. I enjoy this server quite a bit, it's had its ups and downs but I always end up coming back. The community is pretty friendly and my experiences with the admins have been overall quite positive. I try my best at whatever job I do, most of my learning has come from screwing up or watching others. Anyway, yeah. Hi there.
    1 point
  5. I was the Warden! I strongly suspected Blaire had done something only because I saw her putting her hypo into her backpack, but when the brig phys came over and said "I dunno what this guy's got, but the cure is copper" I didn't put the pieces together until you exploded into a borg. At that point I was like: "Welp. There's no way I can prove my suspicions, best to just move on." IT was code green at the time, so I couldn't just tell someone to nab and examine the CMO's hypo.
    1 point
  6. Ahh the times when you are CMO and get the chanse to demote someone that is causing problems on purpose...starts daydreaming
    1 point
  7. When your a vulp and hear a howl, followed by several other howls that makes you hav the urge to howl HOWLING INTENSIFIES!
    1 point
  8. Just a doodle dump for all my bad comics
    1 point
  9. Please marvel at the new and impoved Command only shuttle. You can't get more expensive than this, that is a fact! Admire it while the Captain, NT Rep, CMO, Runtime, Renault, two medal earners and our Bridge Assistant are on their way to relax after a hard and challenging shift.
    1 point
  10. Just remembered another one. I was a vamp with a kill objective. I hacked a med-vendi, got a crew monitor and started tracking my target. Met him wondering about maint twice, but Blaire, the CMO was always there too. Meeting the CMO randomly in maint is pretty unlikely and I realized Blaire was following me, probably wanting to kill me. I convince my target to come with me to show him something, bring him to the slot machine room in chappel maint, stuncuff him, take out the radio, and started eating. A sec came right them. My target ran, I lost the struggle and was arrested. I was trying to bullshit my way out, but my target said I bit his neck before running. It's really difficult to explain biting a cuffed guys neck. The only other explanation besides being a vamp is kinda ERP. Anyway, while I'm talking with sec Blaire barges is: "This man is sick", and injects me. Soon after my body explodes and a borg comes out of it. The three guys in the room were impressed: "Wow, CMO was really right, this guy was really sick.". No one got what happened. Anyway I was happy to be able to continue in the round outside perma as a borg.
    1 point
  11. The following "comic strip" is in reference to this thread by @Vargh "...Yes, well, there was this weird guy. Me and a friend had been looking at him for some time. He was wearing a white lab coat and wouldn’t stop running around from one store to another like if he was looking for something. We noticed he was holding a really fat backpack – that usually meant drugs or money, and both things were a good target for a nice old fashion mugging. We managed to corner him in a dark alleyway, to get his backpack quick and run away, but it was the first time I ran into someone so crazy that he just… took out a gun and shot at us… I can still remember the sound of the bullets passing by me, looking at my friend falling to the ground, the feel of the metal getting lodged in my left arm and a rush of… I don’t know how to call it mate, but fuck, the asshole shot at us before we could even say or do anything. I was fast enough to take out a pocket knife and put it inside his throat… that was when I realized the scenario…"
    1 point
  12. This is the song that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends...
    1 point
  13. take the dirty soap challenge...
    1 point
  14. Don't break the law? Battery is 5 minutes. Battery, plus resisting, plus being uncooperative should be 12.5 minutes but some people will round up or down to the nearest 5. Judging by the tone in your original post I imagine you aren't being cooperative and calm while being brigged. They can even add more time if you try to push them over or punch them after they take the cuffs off in the cell. Plenty of people play on the station all day every day n enjoy themselves without being brigged. Maybe find a form of entertainment that doesn't break laws. If you are only entertained by doing things that breaks laws (which tend to be things that are disruptive to other players) then accept the consequences when you are punished for it. Also, if you are cooperative and not screaming your head off like an angry child being punished by thier parents, some security crews will give you reduced sentences or even just let you off with a warning. If you make security miserable, they will return the favor. In space law, at the discretion of the warden or HOS, a warning may be issued for minor and medium offenses. I'll frequently let people off with a warning if they aren't being a peice of shit. And after all that if you really truly cannot be entertained without breaking laws, and you cannot bring yourself to being calm n cooperative, and dont want to be brigged, maybe go find a LRP server that is looser about such behavior.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
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