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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2018 in all areas

  1. Bartender Captain taking his rightful seat at the helm Upon arrival, the kraken was waiting for them
    4 points
  2. Voxxy died twice that shift. Voxxy was successfully defibbed... the first time. (E.L.O worked her magic the second time around, when SR was required)
    3 points
  3. Commission for Normalyman!
    3 points
  4. If I had a nickel for every apiary crate I ordered that didn't include the Queen, I could probably buy a candy bar.
    1 point
  5. Psychologist's Report B.E.E.R ---------------click--------------- Recording starts: "B.E.E.R? Good lord, sit down, sit down. What happened to you?!" "Iit'sch ah lU#ong scCHtory, doO@c." "Are- are you drunk? (you hear him muttering something about not being paid enough) Please, go on. I am supposed to listen to these stories." "WeLl, I wah$ch un the Cybe!riaahd, and it wasch ah normal& shift, y*uU knuow? Abu#ut 15 MINutesc$h in, there were RUUmorsch of ah Cult." "A cult? Like th-" "Yesch. ANYwahy, I kep%t DRInki#ng, scho I Did nuut notice tHE al$ert, until it waahs tuu' late." "Too late? Oh my..." "The Schuttl#e docked, I $Guo to tHE poD, and JuUSt ash% I get THE%re, it Leahves. Scho many weRE stiil un THE SCHTation... Ahhs tha pod leavesch, th$ere WAS a schou'nd, as if the faAHbr&&ic of the uni?verse was @torn." Dr. Kingston gasps, "How many made it out?" "Nine." PAUSE "In my whole career, I have never seen somebody as much of a wreck as B.E.E.R was last week. That poor man has seen so much, I fear for him, but I believe that he has seen something like this before, heard that... sound before. I hope to find out next time. Until then, I will pray for those that died. END REPORT
    1 point
  6. Yeah, QM opening everything could lead to some balance issues, that's why I came up with the idea of just a magic item to check crate contents.
    1 point
  7. EDIT: I'm an idiot. The post already addressed the balance concerns and is about an item that allows them to read what is in crates. Proceed without me.
    1 point
  8. Level 7 biohazard detected on Discord.
    1 point
  9. It's so good to see this. I had made three drafts of that paper all getting worse as I made them. I miss you Luigi do come back!
    1 point
  10. Me with my catatonic copy of David Flufferton Definitely not creepy to do such thing as a Mad Science IPC
    1 point
  11. $70 commission for someone off-site!
    1 point
  12. "I can't allow executions under my lawset" when the AI obviously wants a law change and is willing to be an obstructive asshole about it. By preventing an execution of a highly dangerous individual, you're putting the crew in harm through the possibility of him escaping and continuing his rampage. the moment you try to pull this shit on me I'm going to consider carding you instead of changing your lawset. odds are you're a shit AI anyway if you have to resort to begging and strongarming a law change. On the other side of the coin: "AI open this door or I'll harm myself!" do it. I'll laugh when you get dragged off to medbay.
    1 point
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