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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Tried using fastmos to deal with Pingsky. As I "safely" drifted away from the ejection point, Pingsky, to my surprise, demonstrated the ability to maneuver in open space. I was helpless so I figured I'd pray to the gods. "Dear space Jesus, please save me from dying to this stupid shit" Admins gave me what I deserved for that prayer. I also find it amazing I've been a pod pilot for SO LONG yet haven't tried learning to deal with Pingsky yet, hence my failed attempt. Super. Robust.
    5 points
  2. My idea: Being able to cuff both the normal briefcase and Locked briefcase to your wrist, to prevent theft and dropping it. While preventing you from using the hand as anything other then the case. Coding Difficulty: I don't know the code whatsoever. I'd assume medium, but on the other hand a lot of sprite work. 38 in total if I did my math right. 1. In hand: Normal briefcase cuffed to hand. 2. In hand: Locked briefcase locked in hand. 3. In hand: Locked briefcase unlocked in hand. 4-11. Player view: Briefcase cuffed to wrist up, down, left, and right. (Both left and right hand.) 12-19. Player view: Locked briefcase cuffed to wrist up, down, left, and right. (Both left and right hand.) 20-38. All prior but covered in blood. Scope: Now that I type it all out it seems like something that may take some time. I'd assume that both the existing briefcase and Locked briefcase sprite can be used to make it a bit easier. Balance: I don't see how it in anyway would cause balancing issues. When being cuffed it can fall off. I guess it can be used an a melee weapon you can't drop?
    2 points
  3. You say it like it's a bad thing :) Wait he used the word happy! OH GODS NOW I'M... I'm embarrassed
    2 points
  4. The result of me being the mad scientist the station doesn't deserve but what they need
    2 points
  5. You Spot a book on a counter table in a unknown home, next to it is a sleeping Vulpkanin holding a sleeping child, you open up the book quietly and begin to read... 29/2/2562 "I Finally can see my son now I made a agreement with Attala, Little Baram certainly was happy to see Daddy for the first time, which makes me happier. meanwhile thinking of checking out rumours about that ENTROPY IPC, they where said to be heading towards Cree's orphanage where she spent a fair amount of her life. I already have a gut feeling this is going to be bad shit" "Need to buy cree some magazines, maybe get her some flowers. I love her dearly and would do anything for her. even kill if I had to. someone to keep me company in this lonely place known as space." "Gotta buy some more gear from Salem, The cat seems to have everything in stock, maybe buy a M90-GL, tube nades, magazines, combat vest.. combat stimulant, combat gloves and maybe some other stuff, I'd love to get hold of a revolver though.." 2/2/2562 *The journal entry seems to be written in something red... that is definitely not ink..* "So, It turns out ENTROPY is a psychopathic monster, kidnapping orphans for terrible shit I'd rather not think of... I tried to stop her but she shot me with some sort of weird gun, I'm in this... weird place.. I see myself floating in this weird space.. a Blue borealis, feeling so peaceful and calm... I thought I died right there and then but I know I'm alive, I am still questioning this place is real or not until something came up to me.. "A black figure seemingly walking on nothing walked up to me, blue flames for eyes as it took shape of.. me specifically, saying "Does this Darkness have a name? Kitchi Ikamura?" I was and still am confused on why it approached me to say that, but I asked it what it was.. It replied "I am you, but with no name" before disappearing into the blue.." "I still cant believe I'm writing this in my own blood.. Maybe for a chance to be remembered by and keep me sane as I drift for what seems to be a millennia in this calm place. Lucretia.. darling.. please wait for me." 10/2/2562 "Been a bit since I got out of that weird space, back home to my family. I am not feeling the same as I used to before though." "Recently got hired by BEER to keep his ship safe considering I have a fighter craft now, more credits to spend and such, while protecting my new drinking place. lets see if anyone wants to try to tango with me now." "Recently the Syndicate have been targeting me by threatening to kill my son.. need to take extra caution now, Like hell I will give these bastards a chance in whatever hell exists to get near my son without me ripping their spine out. time to pay a visit to Salams Black Market emporium of wonders" 14/2/2562 *This journal entry seems to have heart stamped into it* "What a day indeed, it was Lucretia's birthday today, ontop of that Valentines day" "Bought Lucretia some more of those magazines, chocolates, have some flowers set in the bedroom, also a new TV was set up, Salem also brought in some Illegal foodstuffs for me to cook, sucks to have a Shellfish allergy though, the lobster in the fish tank looks delicious, despite the menacing look I get from it" "Lucky I get some alone time with Cree, Baram is with his mother for the time being, her turn to look after him" 25/2/2562 "So, woke up in intense pain in my right arm, wasn't pleasant at all. felt like that vox one time getting run over by that traders ship, Twice" "Looked at my Arm to find theres some sort of red markings on it, sometimes moving or contorting in some sort of tribal pattern. Whatever it is Its making me feel Odd, asked Salem about it and he has no clue.. but I believe I can find answers, maybe ask one of those redspace beings that comes aboard the Cyberiad from time to time, I think this markings are related to redspace. maybe." "Meanwhile some actual good news, Turns out my Mother is alive. somewhere in the galaxy but Alive. found a recording of her talking about her in hiding. It puts me at ease I have not lost everyone I love, and I don't intend to let anything happen to her. when I eventually find her of course..." "Uncle is up to no good again, best go investigate a report about him trying to build up a fleet, again"
    1 point
  6. Something for Sanpd Two for Someonewithapen
    1 point
  7. Vampire meets Fastmos in nutshell. All spaced.
    1 point
    1 point
  9. From this point onward, these meetings will be in proper sync with events onboard the station.
    1 point
  10. Already happy to imagine peoples cutting each others hand for a briefcase.
    1 point
  11. Bartender Captain taking his rightful seat at the helm Upon arrival, the kraken was waiting for them
    1 point
  12. Me with my catatonic copy of David Flufferton Definitely not creepy to do such thing as a Mad Science IPC
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I'm back, and I'm making art again :D
    1 point
  15. > Officer Ford on duty > Start with regular patrol > Come across a 10 mm clip in maint > tape off the area and call detective > patrol some more > CMO office broken into >tape off the area and call detective, detective is busy due to some monsters in cargonia > patrol some more > Sci chem broken into > at this point def EOC afoot, so I go to investigate science. > Check the server room because blood > Borg lets me in and tell's me that QM has been making some strange requests, like plasma canisters. > QM is suspect as fuck at this point > I Go to cargo to investigate, some technicians let me in and QM bolts for the cargo room. > QM says "NOTHING TO SEE HERE", and closes the door. > I demand he opens. > He opens, where I can fully see a shooting range. Full of flamethrowers and pneumatic cannons. > I ask for paperwork to approve this dangerous shooting range made on company time > QM runs to ATM and drops me 500 credits > We agree that paperwork checks out. > patrol some more > get gibbed by antag out of nowhere
    1 point
  16. Any kind of pictures? Here's one from one of my favourite artist
    1 point
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