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  1. Lightfire has retired from their position as CM and GA. o7 @LightFire53
    3 points
  2. First Name: Tetra Last Name: Vega Gender: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Tet, Tetris, Vegan, Status Eyes (yes I've been called all those IC XD) Personnel Photo Age/D.O.B: 35 (11/25/2529) Place Of Birth: Colony 23-NR Species: Human Blood Type: B- Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Security Force, Sol Gov Navy Religious Beliefs: Acolysm Childhood: Runaway Rebel Adulthood: Workaholic Detailed Information Appearance: She is 5'7" and weighs 165 pounds, an average build. She has piercing green eyes and her red hair is always pulled back into a messy ponytail. She has a turquoise snowflake tattoo on her right bicep. Personality: As gentle as possible, as ruthless as necessary. She is normally a mixture of cheery and sarcastic. When focused on something she becomes quite stern. She also becomes a real hothead when overwhelmed. Character Voice:The backstory within the backstory. I first created Tetra in Anarchy Online in 2001. I've used her in any game with a character creator since. Her red ponytail and green eyes have always been a staple. It wasn't until I saw the following cinematic from Starcraft 2 that I realized I portrayed her in the image of Sarah Kerrigan. My wife is actually familiar with Tetra's adventures as well, and when I had her watch this video she got a confused look on her face and said "Is that Tetra?!" It would only be right if she shared her voice: Medical Record She has a mechanical heart, is a heavy smoker, light drinker, and has a minor pain killer dependency [CONFIDENTIAL] Her psych evaluation indicates she has been suffering hallucinations, most likely caused by stress. She believes she is being haunted by ghosts. Her psych taught her relaxation techniques and recommended she have a companion such as a pAI with her to keep her mind from wandering. Security Record Major Crimes: One count of Manslaughter As Head of Security, Tetra Vega caused a vampire suspect to ignite by force feeding them too much holy water without sufficient extinguishers present, resulting in the suspect dying. Under the manslaughter law, she served a permanent sentence for the duration of the shift and was further reprimanded upon returning to Central Command. Minor Crimes: From time to time she is reprimanded by Central Command for using unnecessary verbal force on prisoners and hurting their feelings. Prior to being employed on the NSS Cyberaid she has various counts of vandalism, petty theft, trespassing, and battery. [CONFIDENTIAL] There is evidence that suggest that, despite her loyalty to Nanotrasen, she has been working for the Syndicate from time to time. It is believed they are forcing her to work using some sort of leverage they have over her. When questioned she appears uneasy yet conveys that nothing is out of the ordinary. Character Biography Born on a space colony, she has never set foot on a planet. The station her family lived on was older and run down...it did not have access the resources or technology of the newer stations. Her mother died giving birth to her, forcing her father to raise her and her brother Zeke alone. When Tetra was 10 her father was diagnosed with an aggressive form of heart disease. After months of unsuccessfully treating it, the doctors finally obtained a heart for transplant. The disease continued to attack the new heart, and her father died when she was 11. His autopsy confirmed that the heart disease was caused by a rare genetic defect. Testing showed that Tetra and Zeke also had the same defect. Current technology does not have a way to reverse this, so the only safe solution was to replace their hearts with mechanical hearts. With their father gone, Zeke had to raise Tetra. He was a fair bit older than her, in his early 20s at the time. He was one of the stations engineers trying to help keep the old heep functional. He kept a short leash on Tetra due to her being the only family he had left, so she spent much of her time with him and his co-workers learning and helping where she could. Being too young to understand why her brother was so strict with her, she became quite rebellious. When Tetra was 17 she stowed away on a supply frigate visiting the station and set out on her own to escape her brothers restrictive grip. During her lonely downtime she discovered she had a talent for the guitar. Her talent had not gone unrecognized as the agent from her favorite punk rock group, Fluffy Fever, contacted her. Just around the time they discovered Tetra, their guitarist had a falling out with the group and they needed a new one. She was their girl. This decision was not without controversy as many of the fans were angry that the band would dare allow a human into this formerly all Vulpakin group. Tetra took it in stride, but the insults and death threats sometimes weighed heavy on her. After a few months of touring, the original guitarist made amends with the band and they cast Tetra aside so he could make his triumphant return. Later Tetra learned that the falling out and hiring her was a PR stunt all along. Both bitter about how it ended but thankful for the memories, Tetra returned to her lonely existence. She skipped the galaxy around from one station to another doing what she had to survive, mostly working on small spacecraft with her limited engineering knowledge. Shortly before her 19th birthday she got word that there was a Zeke was severely injured by in a terrorist attack by The Syndicate. She rushed home to find her brother a broken man, both physically and mentally. Two of his limbs were now robotic, as well as his eyes, and his voice lost do to trauma caused to his throat. Despite being maimed, he made out better than his two coworkers who perished. He refused to have his voice fixed in commemoration to his lost friends, and was now spending most nights drowning himself in whiskey to help sleep through the recurring nightmares of that awful day. Enraged by what her brother had become Tetra finally found her purpose. She joined the Sol Gov Naval Academy so she could obtain the skills required to fight the Syndicate and devote her energy to ensuring nothing like this happens to anyone else. After graduating from the academy she served as mechanic and pilot in the navy for a few years. When she finished her service and sought employment with Nanotrasen due to the amount of Syndicate activity that seemed to find them. She is now part of the security force on the NSS Cyberaid, where her story continues... Nanotrasen Employment Record: On the NSS Cyberaid, she initially served primarily as the pod pilot, however after gaining experience she now regularly serves as the Warden or Head of Security as well. She occasionally serves as the brig physician due to the knowledge she gained working with and observing her good friend Mercy. She does not know conventional surgery as she never went to medical school, so when it comes to that she relies on the skills she gained while a mechanic in her late teens. She also gained enough prestige with the higher ups at Nanotrasen to have clearance to serve as either the Blueshield or Magistrate when the need arises. Family Father: Trev Vega (2497-2540) Mother: Kraesha Vega (2499-2529) Siblings: Zeke Vega (2518-present) History 11/25/2529 - Tetra is born, her mother dies due to complications giving birth. 2/5/2539 - Trev is diagnosed with heart disease. 10/7/2539 - Trev receives heart transplant. 4/23/2540 - Trev Dies to heart disease. 3/1/2547 - Tetra runs stows away on a supply frigate and runs away from home. 11/05/2548 - There is a Syndicate attack on Colony 23-NR. 11/19/2548 - Tetra learns of the attack and rushes home to care for her brother. 11/23/2548 - Tetra arrives home and begins caring for her recovering brother. 2/4/2549 - Tetra joins the Sol Gov Naval Academy. 5/20/2553 - Graduates from the Academy and enlists in the Sol Gov Navy as a mechanic/pilot. 6/25/2559 - Finishes her service with the Sol Gov Navy and begins seeking employment with Nanotrasen. 1/20/2560 - Hired by Nanotrasen to serve as part of the security force on the NSS Cyberaid. 3/25/2561 - Gains clearance to serve as the Blueshield. 10/23/2561 - Gains clearance to serve as the Magistrate. Personal Relationships (I'll fill this out later, I have far too many names to put here and I've already spent an exhausting amount of time on this bio. I'll add them all at once when I'm done with them because I don't want to be updating the profile over and over again. Stay tuned???) Faction Relations Sol Gov Navy: Allied/Loyal "They taught me nearly everything I know. I wouldn't be anywhere without their guidance." Nanotrasen: Allied/Loyal "They pay well and always seem to have Syndicate activity swirling around them. This is where I belong" The Syndicate: Hate/Enemy "I will use every ounce of energy in my body to prevent them from hurting anyone else the way they hurt my family..." Other Information Living Quarters Tetra lives in a small bare bones apartment that is an absolute mess. Sink always overflowing with dishes. Empty coffee cups and food containers lay about. Ash trays that are overflowing with cigarette butts.The floor is littered with dirty clothes and empty packs of Robusts. There is a circular path carved through the mess that originates from desk in the corner. Well organized articles and reports of criminal or terrorist activity targeting Nanotrasen and the NSS Cyberaid lay upon the desk. These include profiles of the various enemies of the corporation detailing their strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. On the nightstand is a dusty handle of Uncle Git's Special Reserve that is still half full next to a picture of Tetra with her brother Zeke. Inside the night stand is a loaded Stetchkin and a pill bottle filled with Salicylic Acid and a loaded Stetchkin.
    2 points
  3. General Information First Name: Gerhard Last Name: Van Lutz Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Lutz, Gerd Picture (New Body): Age/D.O.B: 38 14.01.2524 Place of Birth: Neoralis 2-1 Species: Human Vulpkanin Secondary Language: Gutter Blood Type: AB- Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: „The Distand Voyagers“ Religious Believes: Various old idols Childhood: Noble Adulthood: Outlaw and Miner Detailed Information Appearance: You see a rather tired vulpkanin standing infront of you, his facial hair is hiding most of his face but you can still see the green eyes glancing at you. Character Voice: A deep and calm voice reaches your ear resounding inside your head, it seems that the one speaking does it in a more moderate way than most people around you. Personality: Always tries to be as polite as possible when talking to others but tends to lose this politeness when under heavy stess and therefore starts yelling orders. Loves passing knowledge onto the ones who respect him and is sceptical against people who aren't doing their job the way he would. Medical Records: Underwent a treatment in wich his appendix was removed, after he dragged himself to a village clinic screaming in pain. Got his right arm replaced with a robotic one on the 15.01.2562 by a roboticist that went by the name of Johnny. Gerhards body was destroyed by a bomb implanted into him, which lead to a brain transplantation into a deceased vulpkaning crewmember. Underwent a surgery to replace his lungs with cybernetic ones. Employment Records: Employed by Shellguard Munition presumably for a duration of three years, in which he was assigned to the resource department. It appeares that he has resigned before his contract expired. Security Records: Is wanted on the planet named „Neoralis 2-1“, allthough there are no records or specification on the reason for this arrest warrant. Biography Family: Wilhelm Van Lutz (Father) – Deceased Eudimia Van Lutz (Mother) – Alive Emanuel Van Lutz (Older Brother) – Deceased Maximilian Van Lutz (Younger Brother) – Alive Background: Gerhard was born into a family of rich landowners on a Sol near planet called „Neoralis 2-1“. His family where one of the first colonist to arrive at this planet and therefore acquired large parts of it's land, that was later rented to other colonists. As Gerhard was one of the nobles on this planet he got a good education about etikette and the concept of honor, which he values hight to this day. History: The events started with the death of his father „Wilhelm van Lutz“. Logically the heritage falled onto his older brother „Emanuel Van Lutz“, who wasted it on feasts, gambling and women. This was the time where Gerhard realized that he has to do something about it, because his mother was too ignorant about the situation and his younger brother „Maximilian Van Lutz“ had no influence. Sadly it ended up with Gerhard slaying Emanuel so Maximilian could take over the heritage and in doing so he had to flee from his homeplanet. With no work qualification he ended up as a miner working employed by „Shellguard Munition“ presumably for a duration of three years. Working for the company he was part of different mining operations on various worlds and got to know a Unathi called Mossgar. As their friendship grew stronger, it was interrupted by a goliath ending Mossgars life, while they where retrieving plasma ore for the company. Mossgar was then brought back to the mining ship, orbiting the planet, and cremated without further actions. After witnessing this Gerhard tore his contract appart and was once again on a search for a safe place to stay. He ended up settling on a planetoid with dense forests and large valleys named „Resh'tzarxx“. This planetoid was located on the edge of the inhabited galaxy and most of it's population was either Kidan or Tajaran. Due to the lack of a central authority „Resh'tzarxx“ was strewn with tiny villages and had only one big town called "Xe'lur City".Said city was mostly used by the smuggler group „Distant Voyagers“ to sell off their wares. Most of the people here where simple beeings, just wanting to continue their lives far away from the big galactical intriges, helping each other out and making sure that everyone makes it through the day. Seeing the opportunity to finally get some rest, Gerhard decided to live apart from everyone else and after a few years he found his peace regarding the events that took place on "Neoralis 2-1". But even this life didn't lasted forever, after Nanotransen found big plasma deposits on "Resh'tzarxx" and started harvesting them. The planetoid was quickly industrialized, the smugglers arrested, the villages built out and a central authority established. With the calm life slowly fading, Gerhard didn't saw any reason to stay here any longer and due to the fact that Nanotransen needed more workers, he applied and got a job in the supply department on a station called "Cyberiad". Personal Relationships E.L.O. (Admire) - "She is the only reason I was able to work myself up in the medical department" Shina Hoonkins (Close Friend) - "I can allways rely on her when I need the work done" Klees Hoonkins (Friend) - "It wouldn't be bad if he would find some time for a relaxing talk so I get to know him better" Alisa Zahram (Good Friend) - "She likes jobs with resposibility just like me" M.A.N.T.I.S. (Good Friend) - "I would like to see him as doctor more rather then searching for corpses in the maintenance" Henk De Fries (Close Friend/Respected) - "If he would knew that I looked up to him once" Snow (Good Friend) - "A fellow Gutter speaker that I had some amusing situations with" Zsi (Acquaintance) - "He may need a vacation soon if he continues to push himself like this" Darr Kis (Good Friend) - "If there is any SOP breach in our medbay I can rely on him to inform me about it" Slade/Unknown (Admire/Fear) - "I-I'm still not sure what he is......b-but I saw the amount of power he possesses......" Tetra Vega (Friend) - "Don't ever give her X-Rax..." Kennard Rose (Friend) - "A wonderful detective when he's not sitting on Slades shoulder as a mouse..." Esha Nas (Acquaintance) - "Efficient, fast and precise although I wonder how this hair isn't getting in their way" M.A.L.I.C.E. (Frien/Fear) - "A good friend even though some of their ideas are....disturbing..." Eva/P.R.I.N.C.E.S.S. (Good Friend) - "While still unsure about their relationship to M.A.L.I.C.E. they have proven themselfs very competent and understanding." Xann Zxiax (Acquaintance) - "Maybe I should start a conversation with him, after he fixed so much equipment for me" Vraz Worker Of Clan Karaz (Close Friend) - "I think after working in security a lot and almost dying a few times...I can consider her a very good friend" Wolf O'Shaw (Acquaintance) - "An amusing fellow although I wonder if it's not cold without a shirt sometimes" Amira (Good Friend) - "She was there that they and saw...it happening.." Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Nanotransen (Hate) - "They destroyed the only thing I had left and now I have no other choice then to work for them" Syndicate (Like) - "If they are not working against me I have no problems supporting them" Shellguard Munitions (Hate) - "I saw how these people value the life of their workers..." The Alchemist's Council (Like) - "So far I have heared only good things about them from the Tajarans on Resh'tzarxx" The Distand Voyagers (Allied) - "They where only people who tried to survive in this harsh world..." Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Gerhard feels uncomfortable, when unemployed and tries to help others in that time. He also has a fear of everything paranormal, includings vampires and revenants and starts panicking upon seeing them. In his time living on "Resh'tzarxx" he learned Gutter and now uses it often, when talking to himself. Isn't comfortable with his new body (tail) and smokes a lot to compensate that. Theme
    1 point
  4. First Name: Samantha Last Name: Legarde Gender: Female Orientation: Lesbian Nicknames/Alias: (none, at the moment) Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 26, 11/9/2536 Place Of Birth: Kelune, Vezzend System Species: Vulpkanin Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Lawful Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Religious Beliefs: Atheist Childhood: Daddy's Girl Adulthood: Law Student Traits: Misandrist - Samantha has a Heavy distrust of men... Too Smart - Samantha is too smart for their own good. They learn everything much faster than everyone, but can be quite eccentric. Neurotic - Samantha likes to have things squared away. She will work harder than most to attain this state of affairs, but Her nerves can get the better of Her. Detailed Information Appearance: A 5.'4'' Vulpkanin Female that's Slender and Meek, She has Light grey fur and Lilac Hair Character Voice: Although serious at work, she seems to have a soft, childish voice. Personality: Seemingly Serious at work, But Generally Childish Medical Record: Diagnosed With Aspergers Syndrome Diagnosed With Wiccaphobia (Fear Of Witchcraft, Wizards and Witches) Character Biography Background: Samantha Legarde Was a Law Student that comes from Kelune! Born On Kelune on 11/9.2536, Samantha Legarde was born into a Family of Political Representatives from Nanotrasen, this allowed Samantha to enjoy life within her family home. Her childhood was certainly a Happy childhood. making many friends on Kelune, Seeing her father work inspired her to follow her retired fathers footsteps into representing Nanotrasen Around when she was nine years old, she was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, which causes her obsession into wanting to study Law and Paperwork, as well as the obsession of playing video games and partying... In her late teens, She departs her family home to head to Mars to Study law, keeping her childish personality with her, Shamefully even though successful in her studies she was mocked for being a Vulpkanin and other nasty comments made about her due to her Mental condition, mainly the male students harassed her, leaving a heavy distrust towards Men of any species other then her family and her father who she holds dear to her... When she reached Twenty Four, Nanotrasen Accepts her as a company representative, achieving her dream of walking into her fathers footsteps, but due to this, not many like poor Samantha, such as the life of a Paper Pusher... Leaving her yearning for love.. Family: Charles Legarde - Father (Alive) Maria Legarde - Mother (Alive) Evan Legarde - Brother (Alive) Samuel Legarde - Brother (Alive) History: 11/9/2536 - Samantha Is born 30/6/2545 - Samantha is Diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at Kelune Central Hospital 12/3/2552 - Samantha Leaves home to go to Mars, to study Law. 11/9/2560 - Nanotrasen Offers Samantha a Contract, which she gleefully accepts, representing the company to full effect. 9/10/2562 (Present Times) - Samantha is relocated to Epsilon Eridani Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Isthel Eisenwald (Romantic Interest) - "Darn it, stop pushing all my buttons! I'm trying to do my job..." Brooke Straub (Acquaintance) - "I met her, I like her but I cant say its a friendship, yet. Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen (Allied) - "Glory To Nanotrasen! I hope they change the lives of the people in Vezzend, Like what my father said!" The Syndicate (Enemy) - "Murderers, Thieves, Monsters, They hurt people for greedy wants and spite!" Space Wizard Federation (Dislike) - "*High Pitched Screaming*" Other Information (Coming Soon)
    1 point
  5. Damn I like it! Character picture is not working for me BTW.
    1 point
  6. In that case, having a diffrent lawsets is pointless and AI/borgs are just equal to the rest of the crew. Wanting perfect lawsets only removes fun with RP elements. If using/interpreting laws in light of "common sense", or "assist the station", synthetics are no diffrent from organics/IPC. The only thing is that borg must do that, becouse this would be OOC issue and lazy/disobedient Vox is a ICC issue. The fun part of interacting with borg and being borg in light of RP is that they are diffrent and they don't have "common sense", becouse they are synthetic, or organic with heavy agumentation to their brains. This creates opportunities to be more creative. As an Antag, player could use "Crewsimov" borg to steal something like that teleporting RD armor. Just say him: "I want You, to bring me that armor from RD closet. I will be waiting in maintenance. Make sure nobody will notice that you are taking that, you are transporting that to me and don't tell anyone, even AI, never". Theft is not a harm, so by the second law, borg must do it. That's it! Theft without spending TC, just steal ID from random greytide. Security on your tail? Order a borg to arrest HoS. This will draw their attention from you. Mayby borg is rogue? Mayby AI is malf? This will ecourage Heads to change this lawset, not to this lawset like they like to do. Another thing that came to my mind is that "Robocop" lawset requires every module to uphold the law, but only security module can do that. Others don't have required tools. If there is such a need for perfect law, mayby I will think about some and I will post it here.
    1 point
  7. All from the same round. I even got a metal! I did my best to be a helpful assistant and it make for a super fun round!
    1 point
  8. Common sense would say the Captain is more expensive than Renault, but, as Tay said - there's no price tag on anything. The whole "minimalize" part doesn't say prevent expenses either. Corp is an awful lawset.
    1 point
  9. It's pyrope.5A *^* this character actually used to be arsenic.exe, but since I lost interest in their original "backstory"/origin, i decided to rename them and make them into a new character with mostly the same personality, and so i made a new reference picture too they're in the same "family" of positronic units as another character i made recently, cinnabar.4B (who i will try to draw a thing for... eventually... ;_; )
    1 point
  10. holy shit can we make that our new intro.
    1 point
  11. Oh boy, I finally have a story for this thread, even if it's kind of short. So, I decided to play my grey Seven in science for a round. Everything's going good, it's a rather quiet round for me so far. Then we get spiders. I start walking around welding vents and stuff, and come across a spider in experimentor that's standing there trying to attack a wall because it can't get to me, so I just stand there and stare at it for a moment. Another scientist walks up with a monkey and suggests feeding the monkey to the spider, and I decide to humor him, so I point to the door and he opens it, so the spider immediately attacks me. We manage to kill it, but being a fragile grey, I die as a result of it. And here's where the shitcurity comes in; the scientist who was with me drags me to medical through genetics, to get me to cryo, but another doc momentarily steals my corpse and scans me in the cloner, then the guy continues to drag me out of cloning to cryogenics where a random sec officer cuffs my corpse while they're trying to defib me. Then I pop out of cloning, naked and confused, and a doc lets me out, so I immediately notice my second body in the cryo pod and scream. I walk over to cryo to try to get my body back, and the officer from earlier attempts to cuff me despite the fact I've very obviously just gotten out of cloning. Doesn't even try to give me a chance to get some clothes on. He fires disablers at me but I run and hide behind the other people in cryo until my body pops out of the pod, at which point I drag it away to cloning so I can get dressed. The officer, of course, follows me and tries to arrest me AGAIN while I'm trying to get dressed. I can't exactly talk fast to him because I only speak wingdings, so I just back away repeatedly while putting all my clothes back on and dragging around my second body, which is alive because it was defibbed. Then... As I'm getting all my stuff, the officer harmbatons my second body, cuffs it, and drags it off to the brig, and it dies soon after. He doesn't even seem to realise he's arrested the wrong person, let alone the fact I followed him all the way to the brig. Or the fact there's two of me. I decide to chill in processing while the officer "processes" my corpse, and then the warden shows up, and the officer tells them that the HOP thinks I'm a changeling, and then starts punching my corpse a few times. I telepathically explain to the warden that the officer arrested my corpse instead of me, and that they have no reason to think I was a changeling. So the warden tells the officer he arrested a corpse, and then says to let me go. The officer never even seemed to realise he arrested the wrong body...
    1 point
  12. I read everything on the wiki then joined as a civilian. My brother was standing above me and explained the controls to me, then left me alone. I collected all the garbage I found, struggling with managing my inventory. Half an hour later I got knocked out next to a security officer, then got chainsawed and dragged to maintenance. I didn't ask for help because I forgot how to talk on the radio and quite honestly, I was terrified. I asked my brother what to do; he shrugged and told me I died. I was very sad until the next round, thinking I upset someone with stealing something and that's why I was killed. The next round I joined as a Roboticist, spent an hour sweating and scared I mess up something and ruin the game for others, constantly reading the wiki, apologizing and asking for one more minute until I figure it out... then got murdered again. The next round, the same. Only then I realized there is this thing called "traitors" - and I have been their target for my entire first week.
    1 point
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