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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2018 in all areas

  1. As of right now there are currently 538 reported issues, and 86 pull requests. For those not in the coding world, that means that there are 86 fixes, tweaks, features, etc. that have already been coded by somebody in our community and are in limbo. My suggestion is that Paradise brings on a couple more maintainers/changes their practices on approving PRs/has a work day. Looking at some of our PRs, many of them are very simple fixes or bugchanges that should have to wait 3-4 months in order to be processed. I propose that a couple more maintainers that have regularly been proposing PRS are added to the maintainers team. In addition, I think the team should take a look at their policy and practice and re-evaluate practices regarding how long things can take. Finally, I propose the maintainers find a day where they can take a couple hours to get on voice chat of discord, and hammer things out together. Looking at the PRs proposed, I think the team could get through quite a few of them in a few hours. Finally, because I work in a full-time director position, I understand the frustration of people suggesting things but not actually doing anything to be a part of the solution. Therefore, I would volunteer to help maintain in any way the crew would need me. I'm a novice coder, but learning. If the crew doesn't need me, that's also fine, but I wanted to at least volunteer to be a part of the solution. Thanks.
    2 points
  2. Sent it to the person who's requested it and - guess what!??!??!! He put it as his Twitter display picture! Greatest demo of satisfaction, prolly. Do those look like extra fat, on his chest? Wasn't supposed to look like boobs or something. Fancying some bigger pieces, one day I'll get the bravery for it! More drawings soon!
    2 points
  3. Hello! I have been playing the game for a little time now as a good fellow named Larry Yodrik but i decided that it was finally time to introduce myself I love the server and i'm usually paranoid about picking a new job because i feel like reading all the guides possible to not mess things up, and even though i have good experience in some fields i fell in love with working at cargo... there is just something special about that place that i love so much Anyway, i hope to meet you all in game and die painfully trying to do my job
    1 point
  4. Don't hand out tokens for grammar fixes then. I see no problem with this. I don't think having 5 fixes for the same issue is that much of a problem. Give the antag token to the first/best fix, then embrace the salt which affects no-one. You just told me not everyone likes playing antag, thus this is not really a punishment to anyone. And no-one says we need that PR, nor that PR will ever get merged you showed.
    1 point
  5. Some spooder sprites for actual use. or at least the design process towards them. I'll be updating this as I hit some milestones in the creative process. Currently I'm working on making unique sprites for the queen and mother as they are considered a "boss" class by tzo and should have appearances to reflect that. Queen sprite VU: The initial linework and color palette was based on the real world wolf and spitting spiders. Shown here next to the red. After some discussion, the palette was darkened and desaturated, then some purple was introduced to the shading layer to make it less greyscale. The eyes were brightened and more prominently highlighted and the spots on its back made more prominent. The next version is slated to have a bit more blue in it, depending on if it can be worked in reasonably well. I'll be posting that up in the next batch.
    1 point
  6. Me being Brig physician is that combined with ZN's way of describing it.
    1 point
  7. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
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