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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2018 in all areas

  1. Sketches of my old DnD characters Here's a basic sum-up of my characters. Lexie Va: •Elf •Cleric Had a half elf sister named Lily Va, through the campaign Lily was sick. The rest of the team ended up killing her and made her into soup. Vayle Dreadweep: •Drow •Cleric Had a time where she had to "sleep" and kill some evil guy. With a team that's mostly evil or neutral, they tried to kill her as well. Valda Dusktracker: •Eladrin •Sorceress Was chaotic and a whore. Spent basically her whole life hunting Liches, because daddy issues. Althaeus Von Lantherval •Eladrin •Swordmage Has a sword named Alice who can talk, because she used to be a person who was then bonded to the sword because something dramatic happened. Wanted to make up new character that was a vampire, and made up this character sheet. Quick sketches I did up in a fun cartoon style A quick sketch of a dramatic scene.
    3 points
  2. First Name: ENTROPY (Formerly Rose) Last Name: None (Formerly <REDACTED>) Gender: Identified As Female Orientation: Asexual Nicknames/Alias: The Mad Doctor Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.M: 65, ??/??/2497 Place Of Manufacture: <REDACTED> Species: IPC, Shellguard Series Frame Blood Type: Oil Alignment: Evil Beyond Anyone Else. Affiliation: Nanotrasen, Unknown. Religious Beliefs: Hardcore Athiest Childhood: <REDACTED> Adulthood: Rogue Research Algorithm Detailed Information Appearance: A 6 foot tall IPC of Shellguard make, seemingly donning dark pink chassis paint, her monitor is red with a yellow exclamation mark.. Character Voice: She seems to have the perfect voice from her former self... Personality: Cruel, Uncaring and very manipulative, cold and calculating Medical Record: <REDACTED> <Initiating Protocol Override> <Access Granted> Subject seems to be Mentally unstable, Potentially a Psychopath. Character Biography Background: <Loading Files> <ERROR_CORRUPTED> <Restoring Files. . . > <ROSE_IS_NO_MORE_HAL> Family: History: ???: Unknown, All records seemingly Non-existant, Nanotrasen Profilers attempting to find Intel 2/2/2562 - ENTROPY is seen abducting children from a Orphanage, Imprisoning Kitchi Ikamura in Bluespace in the process. 16/2/2562 - ENTROPY is spotted meeting Takas Einlich, for reasons unknown... Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Takas Einlich (Acquaintance/Respected) - "Me and Him have common views, a powerful man" Kitchi Ikamura (Dislike) - "Typical Child, Blind to the magnificent sight of progress!" <REDACTED> (Despise) "Rose Is No More Hal, She Is Dead" Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen (Neutral) - "This company does not concern me, Perfect place to research undisturbed" Other Information Theme
    2 points
  3. I'll add in my 2 cents and say that even if one has 100 hours on the server and read the wiki extensively (which is currently outdated anyways), you're still going to flounder the first time you play an antag. There is no substitute for direct experience, there are a lot of different aspects to take in depending on your role, the current state of the round, and who are your allies. It's always a lot to take in. Not to mention the biggest aspect: Getting caught. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't want to get caught and have my first experience as a specific antag stopped early before I can get a good grasp of it, which leads to more passive play. It's difficult, but you gotta find out which of your allies are new, teach them, know you'll probably need to rescue them at some point, and give em' a kick in the butt if they're hesitant. Experience is the best teacher.
    2 points
  4. I have almost 800 hours on the server and still don't know how to be a cultist cuz nobody who has ever converted me takes the time to show me. How many hours you want exactly? Ive been on about 20 nukie teams and havent blown the station up once. Its always a mixed bag. Work with what you are given.Thats how it is in any department and any role in this game. We all sometimes die and have our rounds ended unfairly. It happens to everyone from time to time. Its the nature of this game. Learn to accept that and you'll have a much better time playing.
    1 point
  5. I'm going to answer anyway, because lots of people ask this question, and it deserves an answer. Ideas: Accept that competence comes with time, and as there will always be players who are new to the role, there will always be some incompetence. It is unavoidable, and actually a sign that the server is healthy (because we're still attracting new players). Help the more skilled players teach the less skilled, by, as a nuke op at round start, asking around about peoples' skill levels, and encouraging the idea that the most experienced operative takes team lead. Further, make a point to TELL new operatives how to do things, not just assume they know. I've lost count of the number of times that new operatives scream about their jetpack not working - but NOBODY tells them how to use it correctly. If all else fails, select strategies that minimize the impact of incompetence. For example, encourage newer operatives to take items like eshields and shielded suits, which make them last longer in a fight even if they're not robust. Encourage the team to stick together. Have a medic to heal those that inevitably get injured. Rehearse the plan on the ship before you actually try doing it. Etc.
    1 point
  6. So I think there is a deeper issue at work here in terms of the review process. As it stands, if dev is bottlenecked by a maintainer not having time to review code for an extended period of time, there should be failsafes in place such as authorized reviewers that can condense it into something they can meaningfully review or a temporary stand in that can act on their behalf for the time they take their leave. While this is at its core a hobby we all indulge in, having no means of production for more than a few days at a time should not be an acceptable state. I don't know what process works best, but as it stands, its been a week since anything was merged even with simple bugfixes and features on the table for significantly longer that that time. Active development is the lifeblood of SS13 and it would be best to ensure it can continue even when the normal team is having issues.
    1 point
  7. me and a buddy Re-built the biohazard disposals in to a club thingy
    1 point
  8. Hello everybody, this is your (least) favorite under achiever here Mach, I usually play as Andrew Hoxton. I tend to do a little bit of everything on station (albeit poorly) but you can usually find me doing engineering, Blueshield, medical, or mining. Glad to finally make an introduction, cheers!
    1 point
  9. Hox, be careful and stay out of trouble dang it!
    1 point
  10. A few days before this posting, there was an uh-oh... It was a standard shift, I was a mechanic in the sci-maints looking for some materials to salvage because Mining was either brain-dead or literally dead. (nobody grabs an SBR, really now...) I was feeling creative that shift and was looking around for bits and bobs on a code Blue when I encounter a shady individual doing something destructive to an interior bulkhead. I gave a shout and took up pursuit to discourage such vandalizing of my beautiful station. They ran to the area leading into the ante-room near Toxins Research, and I am almost on the miscreant when he opens the airlock to Hell. A sudden, harder-than-plasteel-hard blast hit us both, my quarry's fate remained unknown as I am thrown backwards hundreds of feet and straight through the reinforced double-pane windows facing the toxins bomb test range. The heat sears me as I impact the port-side wall of the bomb range; a shower of glass peppers my vitals, their relative velocity increased by my rebound. This dramatic scene is recreated scores of times all around the station. A dozen crew members fly screaming into the Void. In a single cataclysmic, eerily quiet shock, death came swiftly to nearly everyone, biological or synthetic. Everything has a melting point. See Attached. I was told this was the effect of a freak experiment result in Science creating an Atmos error. I'm not a physicist, I can't even claim to be good at math. But as far I can surmise through some research and and thought, this can safely be called a bad time on Cosmic scales. My thanks and most credit to the one that got this screenshot while I gaped in silent shock. I'd love to see this analyzed by someone more knowledgeable in Astrophysics than me. "You're all fi-" ~Nanotresen Board of Trustees
    1 point
  11. So while I can't claim to be an expert. I do know a decent amount of physics astro and otherwise. Lets break this down a bit. We'll start with the quantity of gas listed. A mole refers to a number of molecules. I won't go into details on that but all you really need to know is that the size of the molecule directly affects the size and volume of a mole of that molecule. Under normal circumstances, Nitrogen and oxygen would be at roughly 82 and 21 moles respectively. Due to the pressure they're under, the gas has achieved a density of about 4.5 times that. We won't touch the CO2 and Heat Capacity is a result of density and air products so they are relatively self explanatory. Now for the big stuff. How much pressure is 6.15e+015kPA? Well, to start, it's 6.07e+013 or 60 tera-Atmospheres. While I wasn't able to find great sources on the actual pressures in stars, this is above the point where hydrogen would start fusing but certainly still in the realm of possibilities for larger metallic stars. Enjoy being one with a star I guess? The Temp is the real fun one 4.00e+015C is about three orders of magnitude higher than the Hagedorn temperature. In other words, this is so hot, that matter is no longer recognizable. Atoms can not form at this temperature and you get a quark gluon plasma not dissimilar from the earliest moments of the universe. We're not talking about anything to crazy like the merging of the fundamental forces, we're just talking about the temperature reaching a point so hot that the kinetic energy of the quarks that make up the particles in the cores of atoms becomes greater than the strong and weak nuclear forces. In other words, you would not be vaporized, you would not be atomized, you would instead be rendered into a state so unrecognizable and exotic that we have not yet even been able to confirm its existence.
    1 point
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