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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, I’m GenSec! Aka General Security. At least that’s what I came up with for my forum name. I also go by Weezer and Zachary. I like lots of music stuff, roleplaying games and text, fantasy fiction and science fiction, my cat, and all sorts of stuff! I hope to make some real good friends in this community!
    4 points
  2. Name: Guy Mallory Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human, Caucasian Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): General Security Biography: An advance scout of the United Terran Alliance, Guy has been sent alone from Dimension-01 to secure Alliance friendly relations and to make sure the right ideals are in place so their eventual arrival is well received. Qualifications: Eight years of peacekeeping. Employment Records: United Terran Alliance, combat pilot, five years. United Terran Alliance, combat trooper, three years. Security Records: Clean as a whistle. Medical Records: Cybernetic arms, mechanical heart, impaired eyesight. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Nothing yet!
    2 points
  3. I keep thinking about postal 2 when I see him.
    2 points
  4. My full folder of ss13 screenshots
    2 points
  5. I decided to build a mini bar in the maint nook above the HOP office, I didn't get a screencap of the original mini bar, but a nice engineer (zack glover, i think?) decided to help me out by expanding it into the command meeting room above it (as the request of a golem and a xeno queen who said i was Very Important) then the round ended, so, in regular ss13 fashion we blew it up! :D
    2 points
  6. I love this so much for some reason.
    2 points
  7. If you want something of similar or lower quality do ask.
    1 point
  8. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Tea is Tea! Additional Tea Doodles Additional Tea Doodle-Animations
    1 point
  9. Moving forward it has been decided that we will be more proactive in the awarding of the "Wiki Contributor" tag both on the forum and Discord in recognition of the tremendous support given by wiki editors for the Paradise Community Wiki Project. The criteria are pretty straightforward: * You must have at least 20 valid wiki commits that are not considered minor edits (Correcting grammar of one word, etc) across at least five pages (not including file uploads). * Alternatively (if you are a more holistic editor), a total contribution character difference of 3,000 across five edits. * You must be a currently active contributor to the wiki, and your contributions should be within the past six months (exceptions will be made for anyone who was a member of the original Wiki team). The criteria listed are a bare minimum. It's always encouraged that users endeavor to continue editing articles for the betterment of the community even after receiving the tags. While I will personally make an effort to proactively check for new user contributions, if you have met the contribution threshold please ping either a Wiki Curator or Regen a discord message in the wiki-development channel. Wiki Contributors will be awarded access to the private Wiki Curator channel on the Paradise Discord where they can ask for assistance with formatting, help with MediaWiki elements, speak with wiki editors directly in a more controlled setting, or simply to communicate outstanding issues/recommendations with/for articles on the Wiki itself. Going forward, we still have every intention of making use of the public Wiki-Development channel; the Wiki-Curator channel simply serves as a more focused channel for wiki development. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With that out of the way, I would like to take a moment to address our community at large. As an open-source community project we (the Paradise community) value the time and effort put in by individuals into our wiki. While there is still a lot of work to do--and always more work to be done thanks to the generous contributions of our coders--we are constantly striving to make the wiki an accurate, pertinent, and concise resource to assist our players as well as the broader SS13 community. We heartily encourage anyone who has a keen interest in wiki-editing to involve themselves in this community project; our wiki deserves the same care and attention to detail given to it that so many players have given to this server. While we owe the initial foundation of our wiki to the generosity of Baystation12, our ultimate goal is to strive to be a novel, informative, and original repository for the server and the SS13 community at large. We would be absolutely nowhere without the generous contributions of both our community and the SS13 community to this project, and as such I would like to personally thank some of our largest contributors to the wiki project since its inception. While many of the people are no longer members of our community, they deserve our thanks all the same. * @Crazypilot * @Artorp * @Tigercat2000 * @Froststahr * @Regen * @Jovaniph * @Kuroneko1337 * @Flattestguitar * @Monster860 * @Paranoid Sofa * @W3bster * @Fox McCloud * @Keroman * @Tyler * @Nahiyan8 * @Spacemanspark * @Block1 * @Scrubmcnoob * @Snailmail * @Sphere * @Verdeae * @Tullybburnalot * @Diabloshadow * @Necaladun * @Teyren (Kurgis) * @Twinmold * @Professor Cupcake * @Tinfoiltophat * @Novacro * @Grey * @Fathuran * @Liran424 * @Azywng * @Orelbon * @Adamkad1 * @Someguy9283 * @Jamania * @Theflagbearer * @Davetheheadcrab * @Mark9013100 * @Badkarm83 * @Owenowen101 * @Qinetix * @LightFire53 * @Streaky Haddock * @Robotonic * @CrazyLemon * @SigholtStarsong * @Miraneitan * @anibalviana * @Coldflame * @Cotux * @Vesocia * @Chopchop1614 And so many others who put in their time to work on this community project. While the depth and extent of your contributions to our community has often gone unnoticed beyond the lines in a user contributions page, the positive impact you've had on the community through your volunteering hasn't. To all of you, and so many others, who have worked tirelessly on the behalf of both this community and the SS13 community at large, thank you.
    1 point
  10. Eh can't seem to edit the post but I got a picture now. The booze fed maniac has produced something. No need to ask, he likes anime.
    1 point
  11. Unlike IPCs who are hit in the chest by a hulk punch; i'm not willing to let this bloody issue die for the sixth time.
    1 point
  12. tea doodles, why? idk. *chirp
    1 point
  13. Three people on one account? That's not confusing at all! See you folks onstation!
    1 point
  14. We've got spooder butts from multiple angles this time around. This is the first full draft of the queen. Might need a couple tweaks, but the form is pretty much there at this point. I'll be moving on to the mother now so I have fresh eyes when I come back to do final touches.
    1 point
  15. Congratulations to the latest batch of people to receive wiki contributor status: * KingPhillipIII * Miraviel/Adri * Probably other people I'm forgetting!
    1 point
  16. Thamuel Thamthonite 5’11” with red eyes, caucasian skin tone, blonde messy hair about 3 inches long. Usually wears a brown trench coat and a flat cap with jeans and a white shirt underneath. Usually seen smoking a cigarette. Doesn’t need to be that detailed or anything.
    1 point
  17. Congratulations to the latest batch of people to receive wiki contributor status: * Jovaniph * Chopchop1614 * Birdtalon * Xslayer300 * Kurgis/Teyren * Tzo (Kyet)
    1 point
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