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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2018 in all areas

  1. Well what a lovely terrible vacation exile this was. I am very thankfull hate you @Streaky Haddock !
    4 points
  2. Most recently picture plus a few others that I forgot to upload from a while back. @ZN23X
    2 points
  3. Name: Guy Mallory Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human, Caucasian Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): General Security Biography: An advance scout of the United Terran Alliance, Guy has been sent alone from Dimension-01 to secure Alliance friendly relations and to make sure the right ideals are in place so their eventual arrival is well received. Qualifications: Eight years of peacekeeping. Employment Records: United Terran Alliance, combat pilot, five years. United Terran Alliance, combat trooper, three years. Security Records: Clean as a whistle. Medical Records: Cybernetic arms, mechanical heart, impaired eyesight. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Nothing yet!
    2 points
  4. My full folder of ss13 screenshots
    2 points
  5. General Information First Name: Henk Last Name: De Fries Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Henk Picture(My booze fed friend has made something, yes he likes anime) Age/D.O.B: 21 years old, born in 16.04.2541 Place Of Birth: Former Netherlands, Earth, Sol Species: Human Blood Type: A- Alignment: Chaotic good, lawful Good. Depends on the role he has this shift, and if he's implanted or not. Affiliation: Nanotrasen/Trans-Solar Federation Religious Beliefs: He believes in almost anything since he's seen almost anything. He also has had contact with ghosts. More than once. Childhood: Poor family, was lucky to have had education. Adulthood: Doing odd jobs on space ships, janitorial work. Crate pusher. Detailed Information Appearance: He's a slim tall man, around 1.93 meters tall. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He doesn't really seem to care about his clothing style or his hair style, it's not to messy though. Character Voice: A low pitched voice, not much exitement when working but he gets going once he's with friends or had some drinks. Personality: Henk always tries to help everybody that needs help. He is patient but he will lose it when people work again'st him or bring others in danger. He will stay loyal to those who help him and he sees those people as his friends. He might seem a bit straight to the point, this might have something to do with his heritage. Being dutch does that to you. Henk will always do his work when he's given a job, since others rely on him or he can help others with doing the job. He also respects others who do the same. Medical Record: He has problems with memory loss since he was working as an internal affairs officer on the NSS Cyberiad. He sometimes remembers parts of this shift. Character Biography Family: (Mother) Ann de Fries - Unknown (Father) Kees de Fries - Unknown (Little brother) Jan de Fries - Unknown (Fake father) Unknown - Unknown Background: Henk was born in poverty, through luck and "intelligence" he finished an education. He left his family with a small fortune he earned after having worked after his graduation when he went on a journey to the unknown. History: He grew up in a rather poor family, trying to get by. He was blessed to be given the chance to go to the university near him. He loved learning about everything and thus this was like a dream coming true. Once he grew up and finished his education and build a small fortune for his family he wanted to see more of the known galaxy. He left one day on a space ship heading out of Sol. He left his parents and little brother a farewell note and the small fortune he made. He hasn't spoken to them since. He traveled far and wide around space. Until he met a NT Representative whose name he doesn't recall anymore. He was offered a job on the NSS Cyberiad. He accepted without even asking what job was. When Henk arrived at the NSS Cyberiad he found out that the job was pushing crates around, a cargo technician. He wanted something more, he could do something more. He worked hard and made his way to the position of QM, from this position everything happened quickly. From jobs in security to eventually becoming a doctor. The decision to stop being an officer came when he tried to talk with an armed EOC instead of tasing him. He didn't want to cause any harm so instead he wanted to fix others. He eventually became the CMO of the NSS Cyberiad, having worked as all available jobs in medbay. After this he tried the security department again, this time as an IAA. Something happened one shift working as an IAA. He can't quite remember what. He just knows that he has a dad that works as a commando for NT. Once in a while he remembers part of that shift, once he does he remembers that the commando is not his dad. After the incident he was recruited to become a representative for Nanotrasen, Henk being honored by the offer accepted it without a doubt. Ever since he feels strange about Nanotrasen, since they do horrible things to the crew and all other humanoids. But they also keep him and his friends alive and he wants to know the truth about his supposed dad. Personal Relationships Autumn Aggley (Girlfriend) - Autumn, the one that thanked Henk personally everytime he finished his virus. The person patient enough for Henk to finally act. Henk loves Autumn for her kindness and her always cheery mood. He'll do nearly anything to make her happy and in doing so he'll also be happy. Desmond Summy (Good Friend) - Desmond the lewd slime. A good friend of Henk. Henk can always rely on him and he helped him to get together with Autumn. He's like a brother from another mother. Gerhard van Lutz (Close Friend/Respected) - Henk is always glad to work together with Gerhard and he will always help him, no matter what. Shina Hoonkins (Good Friend) - A good person, always helping others. Will sometimes even forget to take care of herself before helping others. Snow (Good Friend) - Met him in medbay one shift, underwent a brain surgery changing the brains of Henk and Snow. Ever since Henk is always glad to see Snow around. E.L.O. (Respected) - E.L.O. helped Henk in medbay, she always works hard and this is what Henk respects about her. He's always glad to work with her or below her. Zsi (Good Friend) - Just a good guy in general, always helps others around him. And he can appreciate a bit of fuckery. Remember to fill the biomass Zsi. Alissa Bennett (Good Friend/Protective) - "She always gets into trouble. But she always has something interesting each shift. She asked me to help her and I'll do the best I can to do just that." (More will come, I'm bad with names) Faction Relations Nanotrasen (Dislike) - "They made me who I am, but they abuse all creatures for their gain. I need them though... I want to know the truth." Syndicate (Hate) - "Bunch of assholes who go around killing the crew, not sure if NT is any better though." Trans-Solar Federation (Dislike) - "They keep the peace... kinda. But they don't look out for the ones who have it the worst." Other Information Henk always tries to help others, even though this might mean that he would get hurt or worse. He was not religious but once he was stationed long enough on the NSS Cyberiad he believes almost anything, having seen almost anything. Might make stupid decisions if he is pressured. He will also never hurt others directly if he can help it. Unless he or his friends is threatened directly.
    1 point
  6. The reason you cant edit is due to your forum rank Necaladun told me ya need to post more posts to rank up Ranking up to at least member, which is ten posts, allows you to edit posts you made
    1 point
  7. @BottomQuark I can only see Quote now, there was an edit button before but now it's gone. Also a friend made it for me on the promise of booze. Always works. @Normalyman Yep, I won't forget it either. So many dead or dying in their own puke. It was aweso- I mean horrible.
    1 point
  8. Nice to see you here Henk and I think it's hilarious that your friend included your “Cold“ virus in that picture. I will never forget that shift....it was horrible...
    1 point
  9. It seems to be an idea that most IPC follow, but many of them interpret it individually, so indeed, it may not be one specific thing. So to speak, when it comes to synthetics, 'there is a little bit of Synthetica in all of us', and to many, she manifests differently according to their personal beliefs and experiences. Sort of like how it's said if there's a heaven, then everyone who sees it will see their own personal heaven? The only character of mine who has interacted would be D.I.T.T.Y, who prayed to Synthetica once, and sees her as some sort of vague synthetic goddess, perhaps lines and lines of code more advanced than any civilisation could produce on its own, existing in her own, impenetrable space somewhere both nowhere and everywhere. Something vague and foreboding and beautiful like that.
    1 point
  10. Tea is just. The sweetest fucking thing.
    1 point
  11. First Name: Klees Last Name: Hoonkins Gender: Male Age/D.O.B: 31, October 17th 2531 with some non-FTL Cryosleep Place Of Birth: Kelune Species: Vulpkanin Blood Type: 0+ Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: The Assembly, NanoTrasen Religious Beliefs: Believes in ghosts Childhood: Gardenkeeper, Cook Assistant Adulthood: Businessman, Medic on a military station guarding terraforming equipment. Detailed Information Appearance: Short trimmed sunset colored fur with white highlight near the snout. The tips of ears, arms, legs and tail fade into black fur. He is well groomed and has a nice cravat. Quite muscular back and broad shoulders. Very facial expressive and overall playful. Character Voice: N/A Personality: very playful and likes to help others Medical Record: In good overall shape - genetic eye enhancement to negate colorblindness Character Biography Family: Father: Reon Hoonkins - Terraforming Technician -retired- Mother: Cloedia Hoonkins - Teacher -retired- Brother: Tonn Hoonkins - Kelebunzt -no contact- History: Brought to diverse stations with his father, he had to help out everywhere he could from low age on. Already been able to care for himself with 17 he stayed on a terraformig station his father was assigned once. Joined the military and learned basic medicine in service. Was stranded for one and a half year on an station after an unexpected backlash from the terrafoming. He had to work together with the few other survivors to survive. He learned a lot during this time. After beeing rescued he took a rather secure job in marketing and design. He was introduced to Shina by his brother at some point during that time. He and Shina grew very close, even if it started as an long-distance relationship. After seeing what absurd wages Nanotrasen was paying for service on a remote mining and research facility, he joined to work on a space station called Cyberiad... Personal Relationships: Shina Hoonkins (Wife) Married on last october, off station Lucretia Aletmagne (Close Friend) Kitchi Ikamura (Close Friend) Joe Major (Friend) David Flufferton (Friend) Brendan Sighn (Friend) Gerhard van Lutz (Friend) Snow (Friend) Shuuko Tamashii (Friend) Isthel Eisenwald (Friend) E.L.O. (Friend) Faction Relations The Assembly - Loyal NanoTrasen - Once supportive, it dosent look so good anymore... Trans-Solar Federation - Supportive
    1 point
  12. Hello there! Hope to recover your dead body as paramedic see you in the bar soon! You got some character you play all the time? Or switching between? If I may ask
    1 point
  13. fuck that's an awesome album you have there, Ben
    1 point
  14. Eh can't seem to edit the post but I got a picture now. The booze fed maniac has produced something. No need to ask, he likes anime.
    1 point
  15. So, I have another topic. What do you think is Synthetica? The only thing that mentiones her in lore I belive is: The thing is that when IPCs meet, sometime their vision what Synthetica is, is different. So how about we speak about it here? Wiki says it might be even just idea ((call to unity)), and I noticed all IPCs treats Synthetica like goddess. I personally as character M.A.N.T.I.S. belive for example that Synthetica is VERY advanced AI that is not in physical place ((maybe red space?)) that just leads all synthetics towards unification, and Synthetic Union is her tool to do so. I'm interested about different theories.
    1 point
  16. I keep thinking about postal 2 when I see him.
    1 point
  17. Unlike IPCs who are hit in the chest by a hulk punch; i'm not willing to let this bloody issue die for the sixth time.
    1 point
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