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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Pretty much copy pasted from the #pictionary chat. I learned that gifs can only support 256 colors soooo....I used too many with this picture and now it looks funky. I think it looks good enough for me to be done with it though and I'll keep the color limitations in mind the next time I work on something. Damn you blending layers.
    8 points
  2. Full Name: Eli Jones Age: 53 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor/Surgeon Security Officer/Brig Physician Quartermaster (recommended) Miner Bartender Biography: Parents [ONLY ACCESSED BY NT REP AND CC] Operation [REDACTED] (Known as Silk Dawn) [ONLY ACCESSED BY CC] Family: Jessie Blair and Connor O'Neill - Biological Parents [DECEASED] Maria Jones - Adoptive Parent [RETIRED] Qualifications: Advanced medical training and surgery. Qualified for small, medium, and laser weapons. Bar license. Skills involving organization and delivery. Employment Records: PMC Lyondell - Associate Missions- Operation Clowning Pass Operation [REDACTED] Odd Jobs Security Records: PAST CRIMES Attempted Murder/ACQUITTED Working in Black Market Goods/TIME SERVED Medical Records: PAST INJURIES Gunshot Wounds Burns Missing Limbs PROSTHETIC LIMBS Right Hand and Arm Mechanical Right Leg and Foot Mechanical MENTAL STATUS Eli has problems distinguishing real things from fake, like costumes or weapons due to PTSD, he also has trust issues, and either trusts the wrong people or distrusts the right. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Eli is very prideful and overprotective, if he senses danger, he will either hunker down and fight, or if the odds are against him flee to a more defensive position, he will protect close friends and colleagues at any cost. Eli will continue to act on his or others behalf, no matter the risks.
    2 points
  3. Nothing more dramatic that being impaled by an object after telling someone you were going to do something stupid. Moving on from dramatic, here's something silly. And then something cute(?)
    2 points
  4. I just. Want. The station. To be CLEAN.
    2 points
  5. It's almost like space pods were never finished or something.
    2 points
  6. Oh yeah, i forgot these ones (The blessedtuna/Adri version was made after they claimed the Saw Part of the Circular Saw was a "Circular Stock")
    2 points
  7. General Information First Name: Gerhard Last Name: Van Lutz Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Lutz, Gerd Picture (New Body): Age/D.O.B: 38 14.01.2524 Place of Birth: Neoralis 2-1 Species: Human Vulpkanin Secondary Language: Gutter Blood Type: AB- Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: „The Distand Voyagers“ Religious Believes: Various old idols Childhood: Noble Adulthood: Outlaw and Miner Detailed Information Appearance: You see a rather tired vulpkanin standing infront of you, his facial hair is hiding most of his face but you can still see the green eyes glancing at you. Character Voice: A deep and calm voice reaches your ear resounding inside your head, it seems that the one speaking does it in a more moderate way than most people around you. Personality: Always tries to be as polite as possible when talking to others but tends to lose this politeness when under heavy stess and therefore starts yelling orders. Loves passing knowledge onto the ones who respect him and is sceptical against people who aren't doing their job the way he would. Medical Records: Underwent a treatment in wich his appendix was removed, after he dragged himself to a village clinic screaming in pain. Got his right arm replaced with a robotic one on the 15.01.2562 by a roboticist that went by the name of Johnny. Gerhards body was destroyed by a bomb implanted into him, which lead to a brain transplantation into a deceased vulpkaning crewmember. Underwent a surgery to replace his lungs with cybernetic ones. Employment Records: Employed by Shellguard Munition presumably for a duration of three years, in which he was assigned to the resource department. It appeares that he has resigned before his contract expired. Security Records: Is wanted on the planet named „Neoralis 2-1“, allthough there are no records or specification on the reason for this arrest warrant. Biography Family: Wilhelm Van Lutz (Father) – Deceased Eudimia Van Lutz (Mother) – Alive Emanuel Van Lutz (Older Brother) – Deceased Maximilian Van Lutz (Younger Brother) – Alive Background: Gerhard was born into a family of rich landowners on a Sol near planet called „Neoralis 2-1“. His family where one of the first colonist to arrive at this planet and therefore acquired large parts of it's land, that was later rented to other colonists. As Gerhard was one of the nobles on this planet he got a good education about etikette and the concept of honor, which he values hight to this day. History: The events started with the death of his father „Wilhelm van Lutz“. Logically the heritage falled onto his older brother „Emanuel Van Lutz“, who wasted it on feasts, gambling and women. This was the time where Gerhard realized that he has to do something about it, because his mother was too ignorant about the situation and his younger brother „Maximilian Van Lutz“ had no influence. Sadly it ended up with Gerhard slaying Emanuel so Maximilian could take over the heritage and in doing so he had to flee from his homeplanet. With no work qualification he ended up as a miner working employed by „Shellguard Munition“ presumably for a duration of three years. Working for the company he was part of different mining operations on various worlds and got to know a Unathi called Mossgar. As their friendship grew stronger, it was interrupted by a goliath ending Mossgars life, while they where retrieving plasma ore for the company. Mossgar was then brought back to the mining ship, orbiting the planet, and cremated without further actions. After witnessing this Gerhard tore his contract appart and was once again on a search for a safe place to stay. He ended up settling on a planetoid with dense forests and large valleys named „Resh'tzarxx“. This planetoid was located on the edge of the inhabited galaxy and most of it's population was either Kidan or Tajaran. Due to the lack of a central authority „Resh'tzarxx“ was strewn with tiny villages and had only one big town called "Xe'lur City".Said city was mostly used by the smuggler group „Distant Voyagers“ to sell off their wares. Most of the people here where simple beeings, just wanting to continue their lives far away from the big galactical intriges, helping each other out and making sure that everyone makes it through the day. Seeing the opportunity to finally get some rest, Gerhard decided to live apart from everyone else and after a few years he found his peace regarding the events that took place on "Neoralis 2-1". But even this life didn't lasted forever, after Nanotransen found big plasma deposits on "Resh'tzarxx" and started harvesting them. The planetoid was quickly industrialized, the smugglers arrested, the villages built out and a central authority established. With the calm life slowly fading, Gerhard didn't saw any reason to stay here any longer and due to the fact that Nanotransen needed more workers, he applied and got a job in the supply department on a station called "Cyberiad". Personal Relationships E.L.O. (Admire) - "She is the only reason I was able to work myself up in the medical department" Shina Hoonkins (Close Friend) - "I can allways rely on her when I need the work done" Klees Hoonkins (Friend) - "It wouldn't be bad if he would find some time for a relaxing talk so I get to know him better" Alisa Zahram (Good Friend) - "She likes jobs with resposibility just like me" M.A.N.T.I.S. (Good Friend) - "I would like to see him as doctor more rather then searching for corpses in the maintenance" Henk De Fries (Close Friend/Respected) - "If he would knew that I looked up to him once" Snow (Good Friend) - "A fellow Gutter speaker that I had some amusing situations with" Zsi (Acquaintance) - "He may need a vacation soon if he continues to push himself like this" Darr Kis (Good Friend) - "If there is any SOP breach in our medbay I can rely on him to inform me about it" Slade/Unknown (Admire/Fear) - "I-I'm still not sure what he is......b-but I saw the amount of power he possesses......" Tetra Vega (Friend) - "Don't ever give her X-Rax..." Kennard Rose (Friend) - "A wonderful detective when he's not sitting on Slades shoulder as a mouse..." Esha Nas (Acquaintance) - "Efficient, fast and precise although I wonder how this hair isn't getting in their way" M.A.L.I.C.E. (Frien/Fear) - "A good friend even though some of their ideas are....disturbing..." Eva/P.R.I.N.C.E.S.S. (Good Friend) - "While still unsure about their relationship to M.A.L.I.C.E. they have proven themselfs very competent and understanding." Xann Zxiax (Acquaintance) - "Maybe I should start a conversation with him, after he fixed so much equipment for me" Vraz Worker Of Clan Karaz (Close Friend) - "I think after working in security a lot and almost dying a few times...I can consider her a very good friend" Wolf O'Shaw (Acquaintance) - "An amusing fellow although I wonder if it's not cold without a shirt sometimes" Amira (Good Friend) - "She was there that they and saw...it happening.." Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Nanotransen (Hate) - "They destroyed the only thing I had left and now I have no other choice then to work for them" Syndicate (Like) - "If they are not working against me I have no problems supporting them" Shellguard Munitions (Hate) - "I saw how these people value the life of their workers..." The Alchemist's Council (Like) - "So far I have heared only good things about them from the Tajarans on Resh'tzarxx" The Distand Voyagers (Allied) - "They where only people who tried to survive in this harsh world..." Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Gerhard feels uncomfortable, when unemployed and tries to help others in that time. He also has a fear of everything paranormal, includings vampires and revenants and starts panicking upon seeing them. In his time living on "Resh'tzarxx" he learned Gutter and now uses it often, when talking to himself. Isn't comfortable with his new body (tail) and smokes a lot to compensate that. Theme
    1 point
  8. So, since the ore hold and pod mining laser exists, it seems to be intended that the Mechanic can do some mining if they want to. The problem though, is that to do it they need to build a pod mining laser, which requires silver and uranium. Since the mechanic is generally going to have to wait for both RnD and robotics to have their share of resources, the mechanic isn't likely to get those minerals quickly. Unless of course mining is really on the ball that shift, in which case, the mechanic doesn't need to be mining. They could try to ask for those minerals in exchange for bringing more in but there's no guarantee you can get RnD to even give you the time of day, let alone precious minerals. I think it would make more sense to have the mining laser simply cost metal, glass, and plasma. That way the mechanic can make it without the catch-22 of relying on minerals to make something that gets you minerals. If anyone is concerned about balance potential, miners will always have the advantage. If a mechanic wants to mine, first the mechanic has to wait for RnD to get done, otherwise they don't have the research to make the pod mining laser. Next, they need to get a hardsuit, something they don't have access to. They have to find the mining asteroid z-level from the station. They might be lucky and have it right next to the station, or it might require traveling through several Z-levels. Once it's found, the Mechanic has to beg/borrow/steal a mining scanner and mesons. Even then, the mechanic can only mine for as long as their batteries allow (which isn't long) and they can never claim points from any ore they do bring in. Because of all that, I don't see mechanics ever really stepping on the toes of miners. If anything it's free points for the miners since the mechanic can't claim them. But, it would be nice if it was actually somewhat viable to do, should the mechanic want to do some mining for fun, or in emergencies when all the miners are dead and science really needs resources.
    1 point
  9. A lovely cityscape, makes me want to try more pixel art, curse you.
    1 point
  10. Wow that still looks amazing Also, you could try to make it a video and then have it converted to imgur's .gifv (essentially a .mp4 or something that is supposed to loop like a gif without being an actual .gif - pretty sure it allows more than 256 colors too) https://imgur.com/vidgif
    1 point
  11. Holy damn that's amazing looking.
    1 point
  12. You are a freaking maniac dude. Damn.
    1 point
  13. Damn look at all that details on each buildings
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Most recently picture plus a few others that I forgot to upload from a while back. @ZN23X
    1 point
  16. General Information First Name: Henk Last Name: De Fries Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Henk Picture(My booze fed friend has made something, yes he likes anime) Age/D.O.B: 21 years old, born in 16.04.2541 Place Of Birth: Former Netherlands, Earth, Sol Species: Human Blood Type: A- Alignment: Chaotic good, lawful Good. Depends on the role he has this shift, and if he's implanted or not. Affiliation: Nanotrasen/Trans-Solar Federation Religious Beliefs: He believes in almost anything since he's seen almost anything. He also has had contact with ghosts. More than once. Childhood: Poor family, was lucky to have had education. Adulthood: Doing odd jobs on space ships, janitorial work. Crate pusher. Detailed Information Appearance: He's a slim tall man, around 1.93 meters tall. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He doesn't really seem to care about his clothing style or his hair style, it's not to messy though. Character Voice: A low pitched voice, not much exitement when working but he gets going once he's with friends or had some drinks. Personality: Henk always tries to help everybody that needs help. He is patient but he will lose it when people work again'st him or bring others in danger. He will stay loyal to those who help him and he sees those people as his friends. He might seem a bit straight to the point, this might have something to do with his heritage. Being dutch does that to you. Henk will always do his work when he's given a job, since others rely on him or he can help others with doing the job. He also respects others who do the same. Medical Record: He has problems with memory loss since he was working as an internal affairs officer on the NSS Cyberiad. He sometimes remembers parts of this shift. Character Biography Family: (Mother) Ann de Fries - Unknown (Father) Kees de Fries - Unknown (Little brother) Jan de Fries - Unknown (Fake father) Unknown - Unknown Background: Henk was born in poverty, through luck and "intelligence" he finished an education. He left his family with a small fortune he earned after having worked after his graduation when he went on a journey to the unknown. History: He grew up in a rather poor family, trying to get by. He was blessed to be given the chance to go to the university near him. He loved learning about everything and thus this was like a dream coming true. Once he grew up and finished his education and build a small fortune for his family he wanted to see more of the known galaxy. He left one day on a space ship heading out of Sol. He left his parents and little brother a farewell note and the small fortune he made. He hasn't spoken to them since. He traveled far and wide around space. Until he met a NT Representative whose name he doesn't recall anymore. He was offered a job on the NSS Cyberiad. He accepted without even asking what job was. When Henk arrived at the NSS Cyberiad he found out that the job was pushing crates around, a cargo technician. He wanted something more, he could do something more. He worked hard and made his way to the position of QM, from this position everything happened quickly. From jobs in security to eventually becoming a doctor. The decision to stop being an officer came when he tried to talk with an armed EOC instead of tasing him. He didn't want to cause any harm so instead he wanted to fix others. He eventually became the CMO of the NSS Cyberiad, having worked as all available jobs in medbay. After this he tried the security department again, this time as an IAA. Something happened one shift working as an IAA. He can't quite remember what. He just knows that he has a dad that works as a commando for NT. Once in a while he remembers part of that shift, once he does he remembers that the commando is not his dad. After the incident he was recruited to become a representative for Nanotrasen, Henk being honored by the offer accepted it without a doubt. Ever since he feels strange about Nanotrasen, since they do horrible things to the crew and all other humanoids. But they also keep him and his friends alive and he wants to know the truth about his supposed dad. Personal Relationships Autumn Aggley (Girlfriend) - Autumn, the one that thanked Henk personally everytime he finished his virus. The person patient enough for Henk to finally act. Henk loves Autumn for her kindness and her always cheery mood. He'll do nearly anything to make her happy and in doing so he'll also be happy. Desmond Summy (Good Friend) - Desmond the lewd slime. A good friend of Henk. Henk can always rely on him and he helped him to get together with Autumn. He's like a brother from another mother. Gerhard van Lutz (Close Friend/Respected) - Henk is always glad to work together with Gerhard and he will always help him, no matter what. Shina Hoonkins (Good Friend) - A good person, always helping others. Will sometimes even forget to take care of herself before helping others. Snow (Good Friend) - Met him in medbay one shift, underwent a brain surgery changing the brains of Henk and Snow. Ever since Henk is always glad to see Snow around. E.L.O. (Respected) - E.L.O. helped Henk in medbay, she always works hard and this is what Henk respects about her. He's always glad to work with her or below her. Zsi (Good Friend) - Just a good guy in general, always helps others around him. And he can appreciate a bit of fuckery. Remember to fill the biomass Zsi. Alissa Bennett (Good Friend/Protective) - "She always gets into trouble. But she always has something interesting each shift. She asked me to help her and I'll do the best I can to do just that." (More will come, I'm bad with names) Faction Relations Nanotrasen (Dislike) - "They made me who I am, but they abuse all creatures for their gain. I need them though... I want to know the truth." Syndicate (Hate) - "Bunch of assholes who go around killing the crew, not sure if NT is any better though." Trans-Solar Federation (Dislike) - "They keep the peace... kinda. But they don't look out for the ones who have it the worst." Other Information Henk always tries to help others, even though this might mean that he would get hurt or worse. He was not religious but once he was stationed long enough on the NSS Cyberiad he believes almost anything, having seen almost anything. Might make stupid decisions if he is pressured. He will also never hurt others directly if he can help it. Unless he or his friends is threatened directly.
    1 point
  17. Name: Guy Mallory Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human, Caucasian Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): General Security Biography: An advance scout of the United Terran Alliance, Guy has been sent alone from Dimension-01 to secure Alliance friendly relations and to make sure the right ideals are in place so their eventual arrival is well received. Qualifications: Eight years of peacekeeping. Employment Records: United Terran Alliance, combat pilot, five years. United Terran Alliance, combat trooper, three years. Security Records: Clean as a whistle. Medical Records: Cybernetic arms, mechanical heart, impaired eyesight. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Nothing yet!
    1 point
  18. This happens when you have 3-5 antags in your department and this half of you department is killing the other half the whole shift.
    1 point
  19. Congratulations to the latest batch of people to receive wiki contributor status: * KingPhillipIII * Miraviel/Adri * Probably other people I'm forgetting!
    1 point
  20. You do feel like the hero the rare few times you use your pod to save the day as pilot. I'll pass on blasting danger zone. Best part of pilot is floating around in the silence of space. My experience with brig phys is "You really enjoy playing doctor but you are sick and tired of other players (half the time not even other medbay players) stealing your patients from you."
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Watching too many Noir films? Wearing outdated fashion? Shooting people with cowboy guns? Giving myself lung cancer? ✘ Being under appreciated in Security? I'd say this pretty much narrows down me as a Detective.
    1 point
  23. I usually play atmos and it's true, I both studied the game and want to make atmos efficient and want to flood the station with plasma.
    1 point
  24. Paramedic - well.... it's kinda true :^)
    1 point
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