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  1. First Name: [EXPUNGED] Last Name: Williams Gender: M Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Slade Picture(If Available): Age/D.O.B: [EXPUNGED] Place Of Birth: Eastham, Massachusetts, Earth Species: Human/IPC Blood Type: A/B+ Alignment: Neutral Good / Bacon Necktie (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlueAndOrangeMorality) Affiliation: Solar Government, Redspace Religious Beliefs: Protestant Christianity Childhood: Student, Child, Grocery Bagger Adulthood: Psychologist, Graphic Design Student Detailed Information Appearance: As a human, 6'6" with scraggly, near completely unkempt, brown hair and a continual five o' clock shadow. Plain, pretty uninteresting face. As an IPC, a 6'6" amalgamation of scrap metal and unprotected wires stretching the length of a bootleg chassis practically battered into NT Regulation formats. His clothes, over time, will continually be stained by an oil leak somewhere around the torso. His screen is almost always covered in a film of hardened dirt as though it had been salvaged from something else, and displays a set of two, rectangular eyes. Occasionally the screen will gain eyebrows and/or a mouth in order to express certain emotions or further complement body-language when speaking. Character Voice: Slade has the voice of a stereotypical comic book henchman, with a slightly deeper tone and Boston accent. (The voice is most similar to that of the character "Watch" from the Venture Bros. TV Series.) Ex. Personality: In Action In Conversation Medical Record: [PRESUMED DECEASED] Character Biography Background: Slade grew up as a lower middle-class Massachusetts resident and aspiring psychologist who dabbled in graphic design as part of his humanities degree. He was often seen as introverted and generally antisocial by his peers. As a child he would often stay inside and read fantasy novels or build tree-houses in the woods nearby his family home. Eventually he would graduate from high school with a 3.7 GPA and be accepted to a local community college, though he died months before completing his first degree program. Family: Bonnie Williams - Mother (Deceased) Donald Williams - Father (Deceased) Morgan Swanson-Williams - Wife (Deceased) Joseph Williams - Brother (Deceased) ??? Williams - Unmet Child (Presumed Deceased) Alive | Deceased | Presumed Deceased History: Human IPC Personal Relationships Sam Aria (Close Friend , Admire , Respected) - "I don't know which of us is better for the other, though frankly I don't know that she knows either. In any case, she deserves my sympathy more than anyone else I've ever met, and one of the best friends I've ever made while working here. Regardless of what she goes through, she can still stand up and go to work in the morning, even when she's scrawling notes on the station walls in blood or deaf and blind and cripple. Better than I could do, honestly. Where she goes, I'll follow... literally, kind of stuck inside of her head, it's physically impossible not to follow them, even if I happen to not want to. It's a long story." Alissa Bennett (Good Friend , Respected , Admire)- "I'd never known how bad the situation really was out here before seeing what they did to her. If she has to take this shit, I'll at least try to make it a little bit lighter on her if I can." Rynnt Oethene (Good Friend , Respected) - "The husband of my best friend, and generally a stand-up human being. Works a lot of security detail on-station, but at home he may or may not be a goddamn fuzzball. Don't tell him I said that or he'll punch me for it." Gloria Leois (Good Friend , Respected) - "Somebody who can put up with my bullshit, still thinks I'm a decent human being, and somebody I can talk with for hours at a time without getting bored. Works as a blueshield or a botanist and always seems to find some way to keep things at least a little bit stable on the job, which is more than I can say for some others." Brooke Straub (Close Friend , Admire) - "Another person who puts up with life's bullshit and keeps on trucking. She currently lives in my guestroom with her wife, Isthel, at the time of writing, and always seems to be on the ball when at work. She helps out everybody else while I'm gone and, though maybe not as crazy as me, handles things with a level of finesse that I've not exactly got down." Isthel Eichenwalde/Straub (Friend) - "We haven't spoken much, aside from a few words here and there, but she's Brooke's wife, Ipsum's ex, and a hell of a medic. We've had a few good stories together, mostly ending in her saving my ass, but we don't exactly know eachother too well just yet." Kennard Rose (Close Friend , Admire) - "You know how kids want to become a detective when they grow up? You know how Noire films make ever single private dick look like the God of investigation and coolest bastard out there with some kind of heart of gold shtick? If they need any example for how that can become some kind of reality, look no further than this jackass. If there were a comic book written about this guy, I think I might have to start a fanclub. By the way, is it bad to run fanclubs for people who live in your house?" Gerhard von Lutz (Acquaintance) - "Reminds me of myself if I were a little bit more serious. Jesus Christ is he in for a ride. Think I might have pressed the crazy pedal a bit too fast the last few times I saw him though, think he might need a little more harassment to understand what I'm about." Hawke Boetirson (Close Friend) - "The prettiest princess on the Cyberiad, escorted a blue, wire mustached potato onto a pod thinking it was a princess, held posters hostage in his office as a psychiatrist, and got really, really high, lubed up his office, and bred bees for half an hour in swim shorts as a representative. He also rode a space bear without a saddle and is the craziest bastard I have ever met. I pay my debts to him in cardboard boxes." Spark 5.5 (Acquaintance) - "Kind of a dick, but he's not evil or anything. Likes to pull pranks on people and fuck with traumatized people. More of a clown, now that I think about it..." Thali Brassheart (Acquaintance) - "Chose to work for the Speaker for... some reason. Not exactly sure why, but she's still a human being, and considering I know the guy, she won't get into too much trouble serving under him. Shame about the Shadowlings though. Valthorne Haliber (Good Friend) - "A fine drinking buddy and generally good guy. We don't get to see eachother too much, but we're a lot alike and have a hell of a lot of fun with eachother when together!" The Speaker (Good Friend) - "Knowing who he is, I honestly just feel bad for this guy! He's always so grouchy even though he comes from something so good that I honestly think just getting him to chill out for once and have a good time will make a hell of a difference." Alyssa Miras (Acquaintance) - "Quite the chaplain and Nanotrasen Representative, thinks I'm a bit of a weird God thingy, but as long as she doesn't make another Chruch about me we'll be fine!" Slith Skaar (Good Friend) - "Another maint dweller and a frequent victim of my voice being in his head. We've done a lot together and I honestly can't think of any bad memories we've had together." Ide Taro (Friend) - "A human being turned unathi that's seven feet tall and BREATHES FIRE! I may be making some shit up, but he's cool, don't know him much though." Zeke Varloss (Friend) - "A drunken, pretty flamboyant, and slightly insane fishman with a boyfriend. Pretty good to talk to, and I put Garoon into his head once or twice." Garoon Garuda (Friend) - "The scarf godking and only Unathi I knew too well before Slith. We don't talk much anymore, but he's still a good guy!" Nova Somethinorotherthispartchanges (Friend) - "Either excessively tightlaced or running around naked protesting the existence of pants. Hilarious to be around, though she does complain a lot about security and being arrested for public exposure, usually for long periods of time." Boris Lemons (Good Friend) - "If there was any captain I could hang out with absolutely all the friggin' time, drink till I explode with, and then somehow suddenly save a bunch of people, Boris would both participate and make it happen. When life gives you lemons, ask for Boris." Nat Adams (Friend) - "Been a long time since I've seen this bastard, but he started a church after me for some reason and is also the creator of a shapechanging rendition of truth or dare I've played. I have been turned into a Vox several times, and a few of my other friends into teacups, deer, and cats." Cole Laurenzi (Good Friend) - "He's barely remembered these days, but he used to be here all the time. Can't say I don't miss the bastard. Taught me how to be a proper engineer while guzzling vodka and whiskey about half the time. Hell, he's the reason we even have that liquor cabinet on the engineering satellite, or at least, that's what I've been told." Hannah Snow (Good Friend) - "The best botanist this side of the galaxy and the wife or... girlfriend or... complicated of Cole Laurenzi. Her gibs were once taken on a date by an incredibly depressed Cole in a locker. She also got him to stop drinking, and unfortunately, shave that really wicked beard. Other than that though, she was good to have around. Definitely one of those "Heart of Gold" types." Xann Zxiax (Acquaintance) - "I scared the everliving shit out of him at first, but he also has a phobia of demons. Actually... who doesn't have a phobia of demons, aren't they like giant, super concentrated bits of evil that look like somebody combined a Lovecraftian horror with the elf on the shelf." Bulma Briefs (Good Friend , Respected) - "Gone now, possibly for good, but she's still one of the people I talked to almost all the time. Similar to Nova except without the protest, pretty much just walked around naked, insulted security sometimes, and could be a pretty decent command member when she had to put on the pants. We've also saved eachother on several occasions and had a pretty good time talking for hours on end." Janette Green (Good Friend , Admire ) - "Helped me take care of Alissa when she was still stuck as... something I probably shouldn't write down. In any case, she's there for people who get fucked up and honestly one of the best I've known. Still remember them after all these years, so she must be important, I guess." Tetra Vega (Good Friend) - "Redheaded space cop who puts up with my bullshit and seems to enjoy it. Spoken with her as a headvoice several times and had a wonderful time, and I suppose she might have my back if I need her to like I would have hers... if I had any hands usually, that is." Quinton Sommer (Good Friend , Respected) - "Incredible NT loyalist, sure, but the guy's a softie and has a Syndicate affiliate as a good friend of his. Deserves my respect for putting up with my bullshit and proving to me that not all the bureaucratic assholes in NanoTrasen are actually just bureaucratic assholes, and might actually have some personality behind them." Dar'Konr (Good Friend) - "Now aside from wanting a reality TV series called Keeping up with the Konr's, this guy is actually a decent officer, long-time friend of mine, and just a nice guy to be around. Don't know a ton about him, but still, figured he deserves a place here." Si'Makra Hadar (Friend) - "An NT Representative who actually speaks with people, does his job well, and doesn't give people bullshit excuses for why they can't report or do something. He even does visits where he just talks to people and has a good time." Cy Roberts (Acquaintance) - "Another NT Rep who I hung out with a bit while he was around. Don't know him as well as I do Makra, but he's still a good guy to talk about, I suppose." Descant (Friend) - "Completely boned in terms of a past, but that's pretty much just an explanation for what they are. They seem to be pretty much stuck with me and Sam for now, so I suppose the only thing to do is make them feel more like a person and less like an unholy spirit of vampiric revenge who just so happens to enjoy talking while not even actually in control of things. Reminds me of a pretty evil, but also differently traumatized version of myself!" Paper (Neutral/Unsure , Fear) - "A changeling that specifically stalks, kills, and absorbs my best friend and doesn't actually seem... malignant, just totally removed from the fact that killing people is both bad and incredibly destructive when it comes to their mental state. I can't blame them, it's their race and capacity for empathy, and from speaking with them they've been less and less eager to kill outright lately. Might be hope for them, though I worry." Kitchi Ikamura (Acquaintance) - "Why is he outside my window floating, what is he doing there, why does he want to be put on the list. I can probably write something, I just don't know him too well, but here goes. He's a nice fluffy dude who does things on a space rock and talks words. Will have to talk to him more with those words." Athena Castile (Respected , Friend) - "Funny, Kennard's investigation style reminds me of her. Used to be good friends, but she got a little bit distant. Married somebody then kinda cheated on her, which hurt them so badly that they left for a long, long time. Still, I can respect her security methods, friendly, somewhat more open. Just hope she eases up on the bitterness with age." LIST TO BE MODIFIED LATER WITH MORE NERDS AND DUMB EVALUATIONS LATER Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations The Syndicate (Neutral) - "I work with them as a means to an end, and so I can actually get on the station for work. They have a bunch of crazed, murderous douchebags, but the nonviolent guys are pretty alright since they actually value human life. Also, their aesthetic is way cooler than the dumb blue and gold shit NT does." Nanotrasen (Dislike) - "Shit taste in aesthetics, way too megacorp, and honestly, these guys run so much bullshit and perform so much human testing that I'm surprised anyone actually works for them. Still, there are some good people in here, I can't absolutely despise or vow against individuals, the company is just bad news." The Wizard's Federation (Love , Allied) - "Magic is real, oh my God magic is real, people can be goddamn wizards. I'm friends with a wizard blacksmith, I shot a shotgun that fired bullet sized corgis at something once, I have a corgi shotgun. Sweet Jesus this is the only thing the world needs." Changeling Hivemind (Dislike) - "Murderous, human emulating but not really human feeling asshole monsters from space. If there weren't some that are actually a bit more aware of themselves I'd be against these guys entirely, but... well, there are those few that make me question whether or not these guys are pure evil or just a misunderstood race." Are Vampires like a Coven or Some Shit, Can I Generalize? (Dislike) - "Well, one of them shares a head with a friend of mine and they subsist off of human blood and thrall people. I don't exactly like the thought of my friend having their head possessed by a dead dude and forced to bit their friends and turn them into servant zombie things, but there's also some pretty shitty ways to get turned into one of these, and they aren't all bad." The Cult of Nar'Sie (Dislike) - "Mind controlling assholes who are themselves mind controlled assholes in service to an even bigger, even more mind-control-y asshole. I don't hate the cult exactly, mostly just the victims and sacrifices they force into their way of life." Shadowling Nerds (Hate) - "Think about the cult, now think about something that extinguishes light, freezes your muscles for half an eternity, can absolutely get you anywhere if they get enough people under their wing, and are the corrupted, still somewhat empathetic, but wholly corrupted walking corpses of your best friends, who like to mind control your friends with space cancer. I don't want them dead, but I do want to shine a high intensity flare on the source of these bastards and pump his lair full of glow-stick fluid." Solgov (Love , Allied) - "The new government of my home planet and surrounding systems. As a human being I still feel like I owe my allegiances here, even if my humanity's been gone for quite some time. I'll serve as an ambassador to Nanotrasen and double as a health inspector to make sure the places they run are at least a little more ethical." Redspace (Allied , Neutral) - "There's gods, demons, dead people, magic, bullshit that I can use to make excuses for why things, myself, and everything else exist. Also I kinda started working here for some reason or another. Fun!" Xenomorph... Hivemind? (Hate) - "A race of sentient, super-murderous insectoid-like things that infest people with their children, strip them of dignity, tie them down on a mat of plasma laced vines, and watch them scream as a bloody snake-demon thing literally explodes out of their body. Considering the chances I've given them to be peaceful, unless one of the crew has been turned into one of these or xenobiology has 'tamed' these. Then any sighting of these things that doesn't start with "Hello" or "Please would you mind not shooting me?" should end in buckshot." LIST TO BE MODIFIED LATER WITH MORE GROUPS AND DUMB EVALUATIONS LATER Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Themes Non-Serious Serious Nonsense I never really thought about writing a character bio before, but I thought it'd be fun to list things out and I liked your formatting here.
    6 points
  2. First Name: Tetra Last Name: Vega Gender: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Alias: Tet, Tetris, Vegan, Status Eyes (yes I've been called all those IC XD) Personnel Photo Age/D.O.B: 35 (11/25/2529) Place Of Birth: Colony 23-NR Species: Human Blood Type: B- Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Security Force, Sol Gov Navy Religious Beliefs: Acolysm Childhood: Runaway Rebel Adulthood: Workaholic Detailed Information Appearance: She is 5'7" and weighs 165 pounds, an average build. She has piercing green eyes and her red hair is always pulled back into a messy ponytail. She has a turquoise snowflake tattoo on her right bicep. Personality: As gentle as possible, as ruthless as necessary. She is normally a mixture of cheery and sarcastic. When focused on something she becomes quite stern. She also becomes a real hothead when overwhelmed. Character Voice:The backstory within the backstory. I first created Tetra in Anarchy Online in 2001. I've used her in any game with a character creator since. Her red ponytail and green eyes have always been a staple. It wasn't until I saw the following cinematic from Starcraft 2 that I realized I portrayed her in the image of Sarah Kerrigan. My wife is actually familiar with Tetra's adventures as well, and when I had her watch this video she got a confused look on her face and said "Is that Tetra?!" It would only be right if she shared her voice: Medical Record She has a mechanical heart, is a heavy smoker, light drinker, and has a minor pain killer dependency [CONFIDENTIAL] Her psych evaluation indicates she has been suffering hallucinations, most likely caused by stress. She believes she is being haunted by ghosts. Her psych taught her relaxation techniques and recommended she have a companion such as a pAI with her to keep her mind from wandering. Security Record Major Crimes: One count of Manslaughter As Head of Security, Tetra Vega caused a vampire suspect to ignite by force feeding them too much holy water without sufficient extinguishers present, resulting in the suspect dying. Under the manslaughter law, she served a permanent sentence for the duration of the shift and was further reprimanded upon returning to Central Command. Minor Crimes: From time to time she is reprimanded by Central Command for using unnecessary verbal force on prisoners and hurting their feelings. Prior to being employed on the NSS Cyberaid she has various counts of vandalism, petty theft, trespassing, and battery. [CONFIDENTIAL] There is evidence that suggest that, despite her loyalty to Nanotrasen, she has been working for the Syndicate from time to time. It is believed they are forcing her to work using some sort of leverage they have over her. When questioned she appears uneasy yet conveys that nothing is out of the ordinary. Character Biography Born on a space colony, she has never set foot on a planet. The station her family lived on was older and run down...it did not have access the resources or technology of the newer stations. Her mother died giving birth to her, forcing her father to raise her and her brother Zeke alone. When Tetra was 10 her father was diagnosed with an aggressive form of heart disease. After months of unsuccessfully treating it, the doctors finally obtained a heart for transplant. The disease continued to attack the new heart, and her father died when she was 11. His autopsy confirmed that the heart disease was caused by a rare genetic defect. Testing showed that Tetra and Zeke also had the same defect. Current technology does not have a way to reverse this, so the only safe solution was to replace their hearts with mechanical hearts. With their father gone, Zeke had to raise Tetra. He was a fair bit older than her, in his early 20s at the time. He was one of the stations engineers trying to help keep the old heep functional. He kept a short leash on Tetra due to her being the only family he had left, so she spent much of her time with him and his co-workers learning and helping where she could. Being too young to understand why her brother was so strict with her, she became quite rebellious. When Tetra was 17 she stowed away on a supply frigate visiting the station and set out on her own to escape her brothers restrictive grip. During her lonely downtime she discovered she had a talent for the guitar. Her talent had not gone unrecognized as the agent from her favorite punk rock group, Fluffy Fever, contacted her. Just around the time they discovered Tetra, their guitarist had a falling out with the group and they needed a new one. She was their girl. This decision was not without controversy as many of the fans were angry that the band would dare allow a human into this formerly all Vulpakin group. Tetra took it in stride, but the insults and death threats sometimes weighed heavy on her. After a few months of touring, the original guitarist made amends with the band and they cast Tetra aside so he could make his triumphant return. Later Tetra learned that the falling out and hiring her was a PR stunt all along. Both bitter about how it ended but thankful for the memories, Tetra returned to her lonely existence. She skipped the galaxy around from one station to another doing what she had to survive, mostly working on small spacecraft with her limited engineering knowledge. Shortly before her 19th birthday she got word that there was a Zeke was severely injured by in a terrorist attack by The Syndicate. She rushed home to find her brother a broken man, both physically and mentally. Two of his limbs were now robotic, as well as his eyes, and his voice lost do to trauma caused to his throat. Despite being maimed, he made out better than his two coworkers who perished. He refused to have his voice fixed in commemoration to his lost friends, and was now spending most nights drowning himself in whiskey to help sleep through the recurring nightmares of that awful day. Enraged by what her brother had become Tetra finally found her purpose. She joined the Sol Gov Naval Academy so she could obtain the skills required to fight the Syndicate and devote her energy to ensuring nothing like this happens to anyone else. After graduating from the academy she served as mechanic and pilot in the navy for a few years. When she finished her service and sought employment with Nanotrasen due to the amount of Syndicate activity that seemed to find them. She is now part of the security force on the NSS Cyberaid, where her story continues... Nanotrasen Employment Record: On the NSS Cyberaid, she initially served primarily as the pod pilot, however after gaining experience she now regularly serves as the Warden or Head of Security as well. She occasionally serves as the brig physician due to the knowledge she gained working with and observing her good friend Mercy. She does not know conventional surgery as she never went to medical school, so when it comes to that she relies on the skills she gained while a mechanic in her late teens. She also gained enough prestige with the higher ups at Nanotrasen to have clearance to serve as either the Blueshield or Magistrate when the need arises. Family Father: Trev Vega (2497-2540) Mother: Kraesha Vega (2499-2529) Siblings: Zeke Vega (2518-present) History 11/25/2529 - Tetra is born, her mother dies due to complications giving birth. 2/5/2539 - Trev is diagnosed with heart disease. 10/7/2539 - Trev receives heart transplant. 4/23/2540 - Trev Dies to heart disease. 3/1/2547 - Tetra runs stows away on a supply frigate and runs away from home. 11/05/2548 - There is a Syndicate attack on Colony 23-NR. 11/19/2548 - Tetra learns of the attack and rushes home to care for her brother. 11/23/2548 - Tetra arrives home and begins caring for her recovering brother. 2/4/2549 - Tetra joins the Sol Gov Naval Academy. 5/20/2553 - Graduates from the Academy and enlists in the Sol Gov Navy as a mechanic/pilot. 6/25/2559 - Finishes her service with the Sol Gov Navy and begins seeking employment with Nanotrasen. 1/20/2560 - Hired by Nanotrasen to serve as part of the security force on the NSS Cyberaid. 3/25/2561 - Gains clearance to serve as the Blueshield. 10/23/2561 - Gains clearance to serve as the Magistrate. Personal Relationships (I'll fill this out later, I have far too many names to put here and I've already spent an exhausting amount of time on this bio. I'll add them all at once when I'm done with them because I don't want to be updating the profile over and over again. Stay tuned???) Faction Relations Sol Gov Navy: Allied/Loyal "They taught me nearly everything I know. I wouldn't be anywhere without their guidance." Nanotrasen: Allied/Loyal "They pay well and always seem to have Syndicate activity swirling around them. This is where I belong" The Syndicate: Hate/Enemy "I will use every ounce of energy in my body to prevent them from hurting anyone else the way they hurt my family..." Other Information Living Quarters Tetra lives in a small bare bones apartment that is an absolute mess. Sink always overflowing with dishes. Empty coffee cups and food containers lay about. Ash trays that are overflowing with cigarette butts.The floor is littered with dirty clothes and empty packs of Robusts. There is a circular path carved through the mess that originates from desk in the corner. Well organized articles and reports of criminal or terrorist activity targeting Nanotrasen and the NSS Cyberaid lay upon the desk. These include profiles of the various enemies of the corporation detailing their strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. On the nightstand is a dusty handle of Uncle Git's Special Reserve that is still half full next to a picture of Tetra with her brother Zeke. Inside the night stand is a loaded Stetchkin and a pill bottle filled with Salicylic Acid and a loaded Stetchkin.
    4 points
  3. Best redspace anomaly. Made a wedding dress for Mercy out of fucking magic bullshit. 10/10 would invite to all of the parties. "On an exclusive list of 'People I can actually hold a conversation with while in a dark maintenance tunnel', so that's a plus. Also, seriously, that dress was lovely."
    3 points
  4. Redhead security girls 4 lyfe
    2 points
  5. i guess, at 21, his fate was sealed
    2 points
  6. Tariq and his boyfriend, Tarkus.
    2 points
  7. You find a piece of paper lying on the floor, it seems whoever wrote on it was in a hurry... we are trapped, always moving, but it feels still. what is this place? is it home? is it deepdeep underwater are we sailing through the bigwide sky are we in space so cold, so dark, so empty. Maybe ill look outside
    1 point
  8. Currently the camera bug traitor item is quite difficult to use and navigate. When you use the item you are presented with a small screen with the name of every single camera on the station in a scrollable list, this means you need to know the exact name of the camera you want to access and then find it in the list every time you use the bug. I would suggest that upon using the camera bug you are instead presented with a map of the station with clickable cameras, the same sort of layout that is used for the crew monitor or the atmospherics computer. This would mean the bug is a lot more user friendly an doesn't require meta-knowledge to use to it's full effect. Another improvement, although less important, would be to give an indication as to what the camera bug can be upgraded with. Currently it is just listed as being upgradable but there are no hints given as to the ways the bug can be upgraded. Thank you for reading and I hope these suggestions are considered as the camera bug could be a very useful tool but it is, at the moment, held back by it's design.
    1 point
  9. Red hairs is good. Especially if the rest is black :eyes:
    1 point
  10. My tales of incompetence and failed role play. 1. Being arrested for assaulting an officer. By this I mean walking into one with an intent that makes me push him. 2. Being arrested for assaulting an officer. By that I mean running up to one and yelling "STOP! RANDO SERCHO!" Then accusing them of being a enemy of the corporation when they start to ask me what the hell I'm doing. 3. Getting harmed with the stun baton as a mute for taking off my cuffs to point at paper. Not running or even moving, just sitting... pointing at paper. 4. Going to up the Brig to turn myself in just to be attacked when trying to say "I'm here to turn myself in." I kinda get this one, but it was green and I think standard operating procedures say something about using words. 5. NO ONE IN SECURITY EVER TALKING. Please just take the time to hear me out. I get it! I just turned the mime into meat and ate him, but I still have my side of the story after all! 6. Being put in prison for hitting a dead animal with a baseball bat. 7. Myself any and all times I try to work in the security department. 8. Being forced off a meat spike when I'm in crit, begging for them to stop. 9. "SPIDER IN HEAD OF SECURITY'S OFFICE!" I like to hear this since I did the exact thing my first time in the Brig. ON THE OTHER HAND SOME GOOD SECURITY THINGS I HAVE SEEN ARE. 1. Letting me shower when covered in blood. 2. Respectfully waking up to me in red and asking for me to come to the Brig with them. No cuffs or anything. I get that this one can be a good way to die as a security officer but it made my day when it happened. 3. Getting me smokes, Food, and drinks when asking for them. Karma for you good sir. 4. I once asked for 26 hugs and I got all 26.
    1 point
  11. You can be a crabbo if you would like. I do that sometimes.
    1 point
  12. *Very loud internal screaming*
    1 point
  13. Double its TC cost and make it used the interface that the advanced camera console uses. This is, for reference, the same "camera interface" that abductors/the AI gets.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, there should be. If they're not uncapped, people will ultimately pick a job they don't actually want, then immediately request demotion---and that's at best. They could also just pick the job and faff about doing what they really want to do until they're fired, or, at worst, be a total nuisance. Forcing someone to play a job doesn't make them happier for doing so; it just makes them resentful. Not all assistants are murderous greytiding jerks; some people just want to interact with other people how they may without responsibility--others are not inclined to the rigid structure that a traditional job imposes and would prefer to work more chaotically where they're needed at a given time. Others still have played for such length that they find the specific job of assistant to be appealing in and of itself, rather than other jobs. There's also the fact that I don't think someone should be locked out of the game once all job slots are exhausted. Due to the breadth and many criterion that pull people towards assistant (I'd argue more than most other jobs), I strongly believe that it should be uncapped; security officers should scale with total assistants, not the other way around.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. There was a blob round that was going badly. I was the AI (as A.N.G.E.L) At first I tried to help crew escape but then CentComm override me to enforce quarantine. The nuke was armed and everyone was going to die. The Vox Chief engineer (Yakikik-something I think?) came to my satellite and I thought they planned to card me so they could escape to the engineering shuttle. I explained I couldn't allow anyone to leave and they said they didn't plan to leave. I asked why they wanted access to my core, then, and they responded. "Is not want to dies alone." I let them in. We talked for a bit in the minute or before the nuke went off and A.N.G.E.L confessed that they were afraid to die. The CE admitted they were as well, but were glad they weren't doing it alone. We said goodbye to eachother as the nuke detonated.
    1 point
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