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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2018 in all areas

  1. So i can't port everything or somethings are kinda byond my skill, plus i am having irl stress If anyone feels like coding or porting one of the following please feel free, i offer hugs in return: Planemaster system (i think polaris and/or tg uses it so look there) Icon code updates(our icon code sucks and is old, it could be more robus espically in character icon and limb generation, i think TG is also a good example of this) ...Thats it..Thanks! (help me...icon code is voodoo)
    2 points
  2. Name: Zsi Gender: Male Orientation: Undisclosed Nicknames/Alias: None Recorded Picture: Kindly drawn by Fei Hazelwood (FeiH). Age/D.O.B: Unclear, Physically Mature. Place Of Birth: Arkship IIb Species: Grey Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Religious Beliefs: Complicated. Seen too much redspace shit to be an atheist, but doesn't trust enties from outside of realspace. Childhood: Born on Schedule. No Genetic Deviancies. Xenobiology Researcher. Adulthood: Logistics and Human Resources Fanatic. Applies his Xenosociological theories to Security, Human Resources and Medical work. Absorbs as much SOP and Space Law as possible to become the ultimate administrator and bureaucrat. Detailed Information Appearance: Very little genetic deviation is present in the face of this Grey. Large black eyes, an almost identical face to many other Greys that come and go from the Cyberiad. In this picture he is wearing an alien face shirt. His neck slouches forward a little, giving him a laboured and nervous bearing, though this is just a trait of his species. Long fingers and thin-sinewed arms hand down by his sides as he stands in front of a measurement wall which seems to show him to be about 5'11 in height. Zsi moves and shifts about with a nervous, almost restless energy. He's prone to small tics like snapping his fingers, spinning and pacing and flipping a full 360 degrees. When he tries to smile, or frown or snarl he often produces a gurning rictus. Facial expressions not being instinctual to Greys, it's likely his uncanny-valley triggering attempt to ingratiate himself with multicultural society. Character Voice: A flat, monotone drone occasionally punctuated with awkward pauses and jarring, stilted emphasis of words when he makes puns. When angry or stressed to the point where he elevates his voice, his voice emits a nasal, reedy screeching. Personality: Zsi is at ease with deindividualisation and has no issues becoming part of a greater organisation. He throws himself fully into whatever work he is assigned and accomplishes it as effectively and humanely as he can manage. He's easy going and enjoys friendly relationships with a variety of coworkers and civilians. However, he does struggle noticeably to form meaningful connections and he has admitted to some fears that his relationships with his fellow Cyberiad colleagues are superficial in nature. He enjoys coffee, creating dumb personas out of costumes he wears and music and dance of all types. Zsi does, however, have an addictive personality. He is easily hooked on caffeine, and tends not to reach for the healthy sleeper treatment to addiction than falls into the denial and fix-seeking tendencies once afflicted. Morphine, Various types of Coffee and Space Drugs have all hit him at some point or another. To this point he refuses to smoke or consume alcohol or drugs if he can help it. He's a compulsive neat freak and hates mess and disorder. He's also not brave, and though he has too much professional pride to outright cave into cowardice, he's far more likely to fire and flee from a threat than he is to fire and pursue. Medical Record: August 28th 2561 - Detox for Caffeine Addiction September 1st 2561 - Detox for Caffeine Addiction September 12th 2561 Detox for Caffeine Addiction September 26th 2561 - Hospitalised for extreme water burns over 80% of his body. Was brought in next to a charred plasma-man body. September 29th 2561 - Retrieved from an unauthorised quantum pad expedition on board the cyberiad, deceased on arrival. Corpse quarantined as a highly virulent strain of brainrot was found in his cells and the body destroyed. He was then cloned from backup. Security Record: November 2nd 2561 - Convicted of Manslaughter of a Command Officer. Due to extenuating circumstances, he was demoted to Officer, sentenced to a spell in the brig. Compliant and contrite throughout the process. Character Biography Background: Raised in the Xenobiology Commune of Arkship IIb. He claims to have many happy memories studying inter-species diplomatic tapes, filing medical and biochemical data and analysing stool samples from an early age. Zsi remembers how quiet the arkship was. The silence wasn't something his colleagues noticed, as all communication was stored in psi-computers or through the ship's psionic expression link. Yet even from this early age he was aurally conscious. As he matured he found himself more interested in the societal structures and anthropology of alien species than their biology and chemistry. Why did the Vox refuse to leave even their corpses behind? Why was humanity so comfortable with death yet so uncomfortable with their own reproduction? Why were the Kidan so terrified of their own females? Though the strict, militaristic and authoritarian nature of Arkship science didn't stifle him (in fact he was rather comfortable with the routine and clear expectations, as many ship-bound greys are) he knew he wasn't going to get any closer to other species where he was. Social mobility isn't much of a thing on the Arkships as they are on Mauna-b. So he signed up with Nanotrasen, the sole rights-holder of the Grey's diplomatic channels to the Human-Skrellian alliance, after obtaining a letter of endorsement from his Department Head. He can't go back. Not because leaving is taboo, but because re-entry is impractical. The moment he applied to leave, his replacement was being inseminated in a test tube. It was at Nanotrasen that he discovered music. Family: Arkship IIb Xenobiology Commune. Standard Genetic Template. Personal Relationships [Friend] Kennard Rose - "The only person I have regular non-work related conversations with. I wouldn't say we're close though. I'm too busy and I fear I lack the capacity for deep bonds. He'd told fragments of his personal life but I haven't given back. He's also as busy as I am, but his line of work has jaded him. I don't think he has the capacity to fully trust anyone any more than I have the capacity to meaningfully connect with people." [Respected] Gerhard van Lutz - "His diction isn't the best, and i'm certain he hears voices in his head. Regardless, he's one of the more competant medical administrators i've witnessed, and understands that managing his department is as much about keeping it supplied and trained as it is about being personally proficient." [Dislike] Ipsum Bellus Critinus - "At this stage I'm reasonably sure he is a cosmic mistake that reality is continuously trying to fix that we keep un-fixing, squandering resources and whatever equipment was on his lost corpse in the process. It's only a matter of time until his continued existance, in some form or another, contributes to the decay of our reality." [Fear] Dimethyl - "I used to see a goofy, robust greytider and little more. Then one day I pressed him to open up, and I saw the monster within the suit. It's a monster that views me as it's friend. If i'm lucky, it'll stay that way." [Neutral] Isthel Straub - "And here I thought Brooke had good judgement! [Neutral] Ruum-Ovv-Oumn - "I'm reasonably sure he's the type of guy to hear voices in his head. His sole interests appear to be soap, and how to recklessly endanger our lives, risking creating a stage 4 singularity, by fitting bluespace containers inside bluespace containers to carry as much soap as he possibly can." [Acquaintance] KALKI - "Who is this fucker and why is he giving me dead rats?" Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations [Allied] Nanotrasen - "I don't care for the salary, and though I like the work I'm not so sure about the goals that work leads to. What is the Cyberiad? Why is it rebuilt again and again? Why can't I remember things others do? What are we even doing here? Research? Really?" [Dislike] Syndicate - "They kill us, they bomb us, they brainwash us into turning on our friends and colleagues. Yet there are some that seem to have morals. Sometimes their arguments give me a flicker of doubt in my duties and commitments. One day, maybe one day I'll just go postal with an energy sword and a holoparasite only to be replaced the next shift with a blissfully ignorant, loyal clone. Perhaps this has already happened." [Enemy] Abductors - "Their butchery and hostile method of study are reprehensible and can't possibly obtain good test results. They don't even use control subjects! They just rip out organs and put in new ones, ones that aren't even catalogued. It's a disgrace that we were shaped by the same masters." Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Knows too much space law.
    2 points
  3. Maybe i'll regret it but someone will probably ask me eventually.
    1 point
  4. First Name: Xann Last Name: Zxiax Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Nicknames/Allas: Bug, Antman Picture (If Avaible): Made by my IRL friend Hatter10|6 Age/D.O.B.: 29/2532-04-06 Place Of Birth: Kidan Colony of Xzszax Species: Kidan (Plural: Kida) Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Neutral Lawful Affiliation: Zxiax Clan, Order of Lord Singuloth Religious Beliefs: Spiritualist Childhood: Noble, oldest son of the Zxiax Clan. Adulthood: Worker on some PMC ship. Detailed Information Appearance: Neon green eyes, brown skin with black body markings. Moves his antenae all the time. Character Voice: ((No idea yet)) Personality: Reserved and calm. Respects skills more than titles and listens to people he respects without question. He keeps his friends close, and is ready to sacrifice a lot for them. REALLY likes diona nymphs ((not as food)), and enjoys sound of piano and violin. He's workaholic. Medical Record: Green eyes seem to be family mutation. Character Biography Background: Family: Zix Zxiax(younger brother)-twin brother of Zax Zax Zxiax(younger brother)-twin brother of Zix Naxx Zxiax(twin sister)- I'll do anything for her. Ravva Izzissic (cousin)- Works with me on the station! History: 2532-04-06: Naxx and Xann are born. 2532-2542: Naxx and Xann are learning from their parents. 2542-06-19: Zix and Zax are born. 2548-11-01: The New Treaty, Clan Zxiax loose their nobility. 2548-2558: Xann and his father works on colony fleet as engineers. 2558-07-07: Unknown entity boards ship Xann and his father were working on. Most of the crew dies. 2558-2560: Xann spends his time on the colony. 2560: HSA takes intrest in Colony Private Fleet. 2560-2562: Xann joins HSA. 2562-01-05: Xann joins NSS Cyberaid 2462:((2018)) 2562-03-05: Xann goes on vacation to his homeworld. 2562-05-20: Xann goes on vacation to his homeworld. 2562-06-01: Xann returns to the station. 2562-06-02: Xann buys small "Vault" as he calls it, small, old forgotten station orbiting some moon near Kida space territory. 2562-08-12: Xann becomes Squire of Sir Faraday-Knight of the Lord Singuloth Order 2562-09-15: Xann receives "Zxiax Garnet" from his Clan, sign of trust and faith ((fluff item)) Personal Relationships B.E.E.R.(Good Friend)- He is good man. I'm sorry for what happend. Gerhard Van Lutz(Good Friend)- I still have no idea how it is possible. Rissa Taro(Good Friend)- She did save my life once, besides that, I just like her. BT-7274(Friend)- Hey I like him. I wish him luck with Emily. Shuuko Tamashii (Friend)- She seems very intelligent, I like her. P.E.W.(Friend/Respected)- I belive together with Kali, we make really good team in engineerig. Naar-Dromn-Viisk(Friend)- I have to say, I do miss her. Trav Noble(Friend)-I'd consider him a friend. N.A.T.H.A.N.(Acquaintance)- He's friendly. Terry Watson(Acquaintance/Respected)- I like him, he's good detective. Drikikitaki(Acquaintance/Respected)- I met him in engineering, seems reasonable. I like him. Princess(Acquaintance)- New face in engineering! Good, good! Gloria(Acquaintance)- I taught her how to hack doors, great student. I'd like to know her more. Slade(Acquaintance/Unsure)- Actually he is preety nice, I guess? E.L.O.(Acquaintance/Respected)- She is good surgeon. Maybe the best there is. C.A.S.(Acquaintance)- She learns fast, I taught her some basics of engineering. Kali(Acquaintance/Respected)- I don't know Kali that well, but I know that I can leave atmospherics to her and station will not blow up in next 10 seconds! Ide Taro(Acquaintance)- Except mocking my clicking, he seems cool. Slith Skaar(Respected)- Very good scientist. Vraz Worker of clan Karaz(Acquaintance)- It's good to meet another kidan. Kennard Rose (Unsure)-??? Wilson Mounsion(Acquaintance)- Haven't talked to him that much Szlaa Kaallu(Acquaintance)-That would be nice if she could stop mocking me. Sir Faraday(Admire/Respected)- Noble knight! I'm his squire. Sir Ohm(Admire/Respected)- Another noble knight! Zhan Zhan(Respected)-I respect her as CE Torque(Respected)-Surprisingly he's a good engineer, I didn't expect to see someone for the first time that is this much competent! There are more that I just don't remember . Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Clan Zxiax (Allied)- Maybe I am in space, but I'm still the oldest son of the clan. Order of the Lord Singuloth (Allied)- I'm Sir Faraday's squire! Nanotrasen (Neutral)- Who cares about them? Corporation as every other. Syndicate (Neutral)- Their ways are maybe extreme, but who knows what NT sends them in return? Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Quote: There ain't no rest for the wicked Theme: Home: Xann does not have any place he would call "home", he sleeps on the station he is assigned to. Only place Xann owns is his "Vault" located in Scutum-Centaurus Arm. NOTES: Feel free to remind me if I missed you in relationships :^). PS: I also hope you enjoy formatting/coloring I made PPS: LOOK AT THAT FLUFF made by Traveling Merchant
    1 point
  5. I apologize, this notification completely went under my radar! You are right, I totally forgot about level 7. I added it! I wanted to make this into a series but I won't do it and just write department/job specific guides instead... I think.
    1 point
  6. Don't be like that streaky, I know you love me. <3.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I stiiill cannot believe you didn't eat the diona nymphs I grew for you. *squint
    1 point
  9. First Name: Ezekiel Last Name: Varloss Gender: Male Orientation: Homosexual Nicknames/Alias: Zeke, Zayna (super duper rare occasions) Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 25 Place Of Birth: Skrellian science vessel called The Spirit's Endeavor Species: Skrell Blood Type: O - Alignment: Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen, Alcoholics Anonymous(?)) Religious Beliefs: Chargargothicon the beast with no name (An excuse to drink) The Chantry Childhood: Unadopted Orphan Adulthood: Charming Bartender Detailed Information Appearance: A feminine looking Skrell with three tendrils that end to his hips. He has freckles scattered on his face, yellow eyes with black sclera, a little bump of a 'nose', and some gills on the side of his head and neck. Character Voice: A young male voice with a sort of echo-y/waver-y sound to it, think of the Drell from Mass Effect Personality: Zeke tends to be more on the friendly sometimes flirty side of conversations. However sometimes being witty and sassy/sarcastic can get him into some trouble with people that he can't charm himself out of. Overall he may be a bit too dramatic during some situations. Medical Record: Potential psychological issues stem from abandonment as a child, leading to clingy behavior. Also has a chronic fear of slimes. He has recently been showing random acts of fainting, the cause of this is currently unknown. Character Biography Background: Zeke was born on a Skrellian science vessel in space called The Spirit's Endeavor. When he was 7 his parents went off to study the local fauna of Xarxis 5 with a large crew of Nanotrasen scientists. Unfortunately, after a few months of not returning, news arrived that his parents had been lost in the expedition upon encountering hostile slimes. Zeke was sent to a Nanotrasen funded orphanage station on Tau Ceti. During his time there he met a lot of other people who would come and go, to pass time in the orphanage he took up learning the piano as well as learning the different cultures of other species. By the age of 16, Zeke was sent to take an aptitude test to see what kind of work he'd be best suited for. After some more time passed he was set off to study forensics and medical. During his time in school he was able to score a job at a bar to do some cleaning and assisting then eventually became one of the working bartenders, during his time working he learned to have better people skill. When he finished up his schooling he left his job and was placed on the NSV Luna as a rookie detective, working under various detectives. Three years later the NSV Luna was decommissioned and Zeke was placed on many different ships and stations before he was put on the NSS Cyberiad. Family: Mr. [unavailable] and Mrs. [unavailable] Varloss - Parents [Deceased] Jacques Varloss - Cousin Personal Relationships Churchy - Good Friend [Roommate] Jonah Bright - Romantically Involved Garoon Garuda - Close Friend Slade - Good Friend Alex and Dreamy Rockwall - Friends [Probably more to come] Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Nanotrasen - ALLIED, always had a sort of good(?) influence going on, but things can change. The Syndicate - DISLIKE, never liked having to be "persuaded" (putting it in lighter terms) to do something. Wizard's Federation - NEUTRAL, there was that one time, and it was pretty cool Changeling Hivemind - HATE, no. Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information •He's Ambidextrous •Has a pet corgi named (Detective) Sax •Sax was a bluespace corgi •Lives in a pretty nice house on space station created for housing •Is a vegetarian •An Alcoholic •He's "supah" stylish, you know it don't lie Theme Songs(?): •I'll add more if I ever think of it•
    1 point
  10. I added another Kerri but wearing a beret instead of the usual coat hood.
    1 point
  11. 1. The station shouldn't be going to Red alert very often to begin with. But when it does... 2. It should have what it needs to not require an additional ERT team. But when it does... 3. The armoury should be appropriately fitted for -at least- half the security staff in any given scenario. Increased hardsuits, lazers, etc. Maybe 5 or so of each item. That should be sufficient for the security force to do what they need to, not including the additional ERT forces. But when it isn't... 4. Gamma gets called because of the lack of actual lethal weapons (no, the same person I always see shooting spiders with an ion rifle, that doesn't do what I think you think it does. Tazers don't do anything, either. Nope, a disabler is not a laser that just happens to be blue. A lazer, you want a lazer. No, not a bean bag shotgun. No, a stun baton won't work. Good lord, put down the flash.) AND WHEN GAMMA ISN'T ENOUGH...? Well? I mean, at least try smoothing out the red alert armoury, first. Gamma -should- most certainly be enough to handle a dire situation of xenos or a blob, a revolution, or what have you. Gamma shouldn't be called because red alert is the new blue alert. Gamma is the new red. Delta or epsilon or whatever becomes the new gamma. It shouldn't be that way. If the armoury is properly outfitted, maybe gamma and ERTs won't be called as much. If red means reasonable lethal threats are brought to antags; maybe antags will learn to not go balls to the wall at round start, because they know they can get away with it, because security can't fight back. Maybe red alert will actually mean something, again. Right now, it is a functional blue alert that no one takes seriously. Red alert is raised 15 minutes into a round, and it stays like that until the end. Hell; this even ties into the shuttle call being reduced to 5 minutes; that's not fair to antags, just because red is the new blue alert. Seriously, when gamma, a moderate security force, and an ERT team isn't enough, something is wrong.
    1 point
  12. The list is available here (click!) - pastebin.com Around 750 items in Paradise's code have a Tech Origin, which means they can be analyzed in the Destructive Analyzer at Research and Development for research levels. These are not RnD levels required to produce an item, only what the given item yields when analyzed. An (almost) complete list of levels required for production is available here (click)
    1 point
  13. Noice guide. But I would add "Confirmed outbreak of level 7 major viral biohazard aboard NSS Cyberiad. All personnel must contain the outbreak.". It always pisses medbay off when new players ignore docs, and soon whole station has some weird gravity-virus. It's not maybe end-game-crisis, but still worth mentioning ((maybe in next guide? Since "New Player Guide #1" looks like you wanna make more))
    1 point
  14. Knackered to shit doing stuff so I'l dump some artwork here. First week of Still life in NC Photography/Printmaking, Braught in this Philosopher for work. Portraiture stuff.
    1 point
  15. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
  16. CLARKE, in my shitty hand-drawn style
    1 point
  17. I dunno, like people in WW2 used to hide stuff up their bums? Yeah it sounds gross having an anal slot or something, but it'd make the game so much more fun. And yeah, I know about surgical cavities, but with those, you need two people to get it in/out.
    1 point
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