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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2018 in all areas

  1. @ZN23X took a pic of them while they were busy answering ahelps one round.
    3 points
  2. Krav Maga actually hurts people. Dont neck chop people to mute them if they keep screaming, despite how supicious they might look.
    3 points
  3. It's not dead yet...
    3 points
  4. Time to infiltrate the humans
    2 points
  5. People who know literally every antag power/item/etc and use that knowledge to basically ruin a round as quickly as possible. The same people who then whine that the round is boring and the crew is greytiding because they are so bored since antags got destroyed asap. People who abuse antag item knowledge but then pretend like they don't know those same traitor items can be found in maint, on the asteroid, in the gateway etc. How much of the crew consists of vigilantes who screech about anything and everything. Crew who blindly trust command/sec/the ai/borgs because " x cant be an antag, lol" Officers who assume the first one to scream over comms/report something is the victim. Officers taking one persons word as evidence even when conflicting actual evidence is apparent. Officers who forget that tresspassing doesn't apply if the person was let in or given access. (example: Bob is let into science by Science Nerd George who has access. Science Nerd Urist doesnt like it and calls sec and sec arrests Bob despite him doing nothing wrong and George verifying this) Players who do these sorts of things: "Bob is a vampire he glared at me! Only vamps can glare!" "I HEAR LIGHTS SMASHING IN MAINT, SLINGS!" - random doctor. "Bob murdered me in maintenance with an esword, he had an emag too, he was wearing black, his favorite color is purple and he likes long walks on the beach" - some person right after being cloned
    2 points
  6. LPSpartan has passed their trial and has been promoted to Game Administrator
    2 points
  7. woah, art things. Here's one for PandaCG of Ooka Did I get the name right? Here's a sort of comic for Spartain
    2 points
  8. In response to above, Dinarzad. specifically about 4 of the 'medium suggestions' is that station bounced radios can already be set to other comms frequencies by the user as long as they have (I think) a headset with the encryption keys, so maybe what can be done is the ability to 'copy' a encryption key to stick into the pAI or just straight up have the holder decide what channels the pAI will be able to access of the channels the holder can, though that gives a smallish exploit of syndicate allies helping each other out by using pAIs to 'lend a ear' to other department radios and such, maybe a bit roundabout but they could trade pAIs a moment and give the access or whatever. At least how I imagine it. pAIs can already ask the AI to open doors and usually the AI is nice enough to do so, basic access would be nice but not needed, possible syndi upgrade or something to make them more useful for syndicate, who are also generally the ones that use em. Lets make a note that mid-round antags are played by players, why not give some more 'minor protag' role abilities? I get that the goal is to widdle down the station's crew. But the fact is that anybody can become a diona nymph and become a big impact on the station with just a few minutes and a dire situation pressuring command, those of us that do pAI don't care for becoming a big role, we just want close interactions and more people picking up pAIs, maybe this is actually the wrong way to go about it (giving more useful abilities, those people looking for things to help them out, so forth) but right about now it also seems like the best way with OOC muted during rounds.
    1 point
  9. @Miraviel b-but then any old honker could take muh shiny new speed mobile!
    1 point
  10. 1,2, and 3 are often the same person, in the same round. 5 we occasionally play with. 4 is about to get played with.......
    1 point
  11. I need to play the role more myself but here are some tips that I've seen from observing the brig a lot. Learn your prisoner types and how to identify them. You'll have those that scream and fuss no matter what you do. For them you're best off with just getting things over with quickly. Telltale signs are screaming over the radio, and attempting to break out with a 5-10 minute sentence. The calmer or at least more collected prisoners can fall into those with a plan, and those shifting from gameplay mode to roleplay mode. The first are waiting for you to slip up or for their plan to come together. It can be tricky but not impossible to catch these people in the act but really don't take it as a huge loss if these people get away. The last group realises their round is over and wants to get some decent roleplay out of the situation. It can be really busy in the brig, especially on highpop, but if there's a quiet moment they can really appreciate some talking to. If you indulge them they might just repay the favor either by making themselves helpful or at least causing less damage. Pepper spray is your friend. If you're correctly stripping eyewear and masks when you're brigging its a safer option than anything else. If they disarm your baton, you're suddenly on near equal footing. If they disarm your pepper spray they're still stuck in there with a now angry warden. This even works on masked voxes, though they won't stay down as long. I'd use pepper spray over any other tool whenever possible. Heck. Carry two of them. If you're real tough you can use it as a condiment. You'll actually gain a tiny bit of fullness from it.
    1 point
  12. This is an extremely good tip. Security records are deleted more often than one would think and then names are quickly forgotten. Not with neat paperwork though - they can save the round.
    1 point
  13. Leave out the box of Holobadges at round start. They're an underestimated tool that is a good second Identification in case of officer compromise. Paper trails are your friends. Fill out that form completely when you brig someone and keep all of your papers in line. Bored? Do some quality of life things for officers. Slap seclights onto E-Guns for later, slip into Perma Brig (provided it isn't occupied) and make some holsters for the team, ask the HoS/Captain if you can make some cargo orders to bolster to armory, and then cry with Central Command sends an auditor to ask why. Know your Brig Physician, Love your Brig Physician. Call me biased, but the BP is the only other offer who will be in the brig 80% of the time. Your Brig Phys is your best friend, you give her a taser when she asks treat her right, she'll treat you right.
    1 point
  14. People who go about thier normal business when there is a dangerous threat on the station because "thats what always happens" or "its normal" then cry endlessly when they become collateral damage for getting in the way because whatever they were doing was interrupted. Also both sec and antags (hell even other players) who play as hard as possible constantly and then cry that rounds are boring while failing to realize that thier inability take it easy for the sake of the round led to the it being boring.
    1 point
  15. And let us continue on our slow journey.
    1 point
  16. RIP, it's been a while since I've work on this... Introducing the Head of Security Gloria Church An out of date crew record of her can be found here
    1 point
  17. A quiet start to a shift. Nothing wrong with that of course. You can read Jonah's Crew Record here.
    1 point
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