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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey, man, this is about missingness, we're almost missing someone! It's still a dream but, hey, we both know we can do it. LUCPIX, my Sim medium, looks rather blue, has the burger gotten cold?
    1 point
  2. As you prolly guessed, someone named Steve (ok it's not LITERALLY that but let us call him Joey then) asked for a chibi... not inspired by his amazing Habbo image, but as a tiny version of his equally-amazing RL version of himself, can you believe that? This is a first for me... Hope he likes it!
    1 point
  3. 10 new mentors... YOU ARE ALL DOOMED
    1 point
  4. Haven't had alor of free time due to school and work.
    1 point
  5. Make slipped clowns do a somersault and be floored as though they just hit some space lube. Because no failure is better than a spectacular failure of a clown eating their own banana slip. Edit: Incase it was unclear, no I do not approve of giving clowns free noslips that would only encourage the dickish behavior of spreading lube/water throughout common hallways and baiting people into chasing them through it.
    1 point
  6. make the clown shoes slip HARDER because THAT shit is funny
    1 point
  7. And that's why I dislike the way we treat code red. I want it to be easier to access, but make it less desirable. Going to code red right now cancels all the automated traffic anouncments in chat. Which means that there's probably a sort of SoP prohibiting space travel around a Code Red station. Expand that to Cargo, as TDS said. Forbid all EVA during code red, forbid miners and engineers to move to/from their outposts, have departments be put under curfew, any non-sec that's caught in the hallways gets in trouble. Enforce actual random searches, rather than pretending to randomly search people, while you just round up some suspect. Make Code Red an actually serious event, instead of "We saw an Emag, keep doing your stuff while those lights flash red, it doesn't actually mean anything" Make it hell for every department, so people only initiate it when it's actually neccesary. That's why I also think it should be harder to cancel. Because it just IS such a serious situation. It'd also make Central Command more likely to assemble an actually useful ERT if code red carries an actual weight besides brightly colored lights flashing up.
    1 point
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