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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2018 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. Woah, a big commission here We have BEER, S.A.M, Jerkio, S.Y.R.E.N, Slade, LUMI, JRO, Aurora, Spark 5.5 and Spark 5.5m, P.A.T.C.H, and E.L.O
    6 points
  3. Synthetics who don't bother to take the two minutes to come up with a good backronym for their acronymic name. Be prepared to be questioned on this! And don't use a massive word for your name if you're not willing to explain it. Like once an AI named A.L.L.I.T.E.R.A.T.I.O.N. got mad at me for pointing out that its name wasn't an alliteration. Like wouldn't it make more sense for its name to be A.A.A. for Artificial Alliteration Automaton or something? If you don't want to be bothered with this process, nobody is forcing you to make your name an acronym! Just name your synthetic the word itself instead of capitalizing it and putting periods in between for no reason.
    5 points
  4. Most Annoying NanoTrasen Intelligence System
    3 points
  5. Add a Stephen hawking drink to mark his death. maybe a special singlo variant.
    3 points
  6. *coughs* M.A.N.T.I.S. *coughs* ((Yeah I was thinking about that, I picked up wrong name :^), at least now I have motivation to finally make something with it ))
    2 points
  7. A Picture taken before cultists got rainbow six sieged by Tactical Operations Team
    2 points
  8. Hey, man, this is about missingness, we're almost missing someone! It's still a dream but, hey, we both know we can do it. LUCPIX, my Sim medium, looks rather blue, has the burger gotten cold?
    2 points
  9. Medbay can be harsh, so don't worry if you do something wrong, it happens! If you want ,check out guides section on forum, there are guides for medical.
    2 points
  10. Another day at your menial job pushing complaints and getting ignored, as suddenly, your Fax Machine whirrs alive, and prints a Centcom stamped paper. On it, you read: "A Motivational Song for all the Hardworking Internal Affairs Agent keeping our station afloat." Complaints, Faxes, Command! We call upon our ERT, in this our darkest hour, Our station is what we're fighting for, The Trurl that flies above us, inspires us each day, To give our bare minimum, in every way! It's a good day to die, When you reported the reasons why a dozen times, IAAs, we fight for what is right, A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For Nanotrasen I will give my life! Well all is fair in love and Internal Affairs Reports, That's what my magistrate says: You're not alive unless you're dyin inside, These are the words I march by: Complaints, Faxes, Command, And every single day I'm out there reportin'! It's a good day to die, When you reported the reasons why a dozen times, IAAs, we fight for what is right, A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For Nanotrasen I will give my life! (Complaints, Faxes, Command!) The Centcomm, they flies high above us, The Centcomm, they make our job a chore, They do nothing to help us at all, To fight, and win this war! It's a good day to die, When you reported the reasons why a couple dozen times, IAAs , we fight for what is right, (Complaints, Faxes, Command!) A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For Nanotrasen I will give my life! (Complaints, Faxes, Command!) It's a bad day to die, When you know the reasons why, IAAs, we tried to do what's right, A noble sacrifice, Duty Called, and we paid the price, For Nanotrasen we will give our lives! (Complaints, Faxes, Command!) For Nanotrasen we will give our lives!
    1 point
  11. A older screenshot I found today....sometimes the names are difficult to interpret okay...
    1 point
  12. What you guys did that round was sweet. Thank you.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I have been wanting to put slips of paper into people when I put them under. Have things like "Jessica was here" written on them.
    1 point
  15. Name: Yachikitikiskre Use Name: Cunning Golden-Eye PO Formal Name: [ERROR - TECHNICIAN THREW HANDS UP IN AIR AND DECLARED "FUCK THAT"] Gender: Male Orientation: Voxxie Nicknames/Alias: Goldie, Yachi, The Prince of Crows. Picture: #Soon Age/D.O.B: 44, 05/26/2517 Place Of Birth: Arkship Platinum Goliath, Uncharted Space Species: Vox Blood Type: B+ Alignment: Lawful Neutral Affiliation: Nanotrasen Engineering Corps, Stacked Deck Shipping Co. Religious Beliefs: Vox Inviolate Childhood: Hopeful Child Prodigy Adulthood: Disgraced and Reformed Raider Detailed Information Appearance: Gray Scales with gold rings around tail. Three foot, seven inches. Inked pair of black wings into upper back. Inked playing card club above right shoulder. Character Voice: SKREEE Personality: Yachi is a friend and comrade first and foremost. He'll put his friends over anything else, even his own wellbeing if need be. Likewise he is headstrong in most matters, and takes pride in his own handiwork, even to his own detriment. Medical Record: Clean bill of health. No smoking, no drinking, healthy eater. Character Biography Background Hailing from the Arkship Platinum Goliath, Yachi was originally raised and trained as a ship engineer and showed great promise of being a grand shipwright, however, being young and impressionable, Yachi fell into a life of crime, first with a group of Vox Raiders, then getting in with "The Murder", a then up and coming biker crew. With them, Yachi found his second calling, high-speed violence. Yachi excelled in most forms of "roughing up" people, be it bar brawls or raids on rival crews, Yachi was second to none. However, feeling challenged by the young upstart, the leader of The Murder at the time led Yachi into a trap, baiting him into raiding his own former home, and leaving him at the mercy of both his former family and local authorities. Betrayed by those he thought were his comrades and left to atone for his violation of the Inviolate, Yachi ended up breaking out of prison, only to reappear several years later, bringing flagship of his traitorous leader to the SolGov authorities, along with the leader himself and several figured from other crews wanted at the time, all bound to chairs and left relatively unharmed. Instead of escaping to lead The Murder from there, or even negotiating for a plea deal, Yachi was found on the flagship, cuffed to the captain's chair himself, determined to serve the remainder of his time.. However, after some time, Yachi was approached by Tony Marsilona and Officer James Walsh with an offer. Live a free Vox under a NanoTrasen contract, and atone for his sins as a station engineer. Yachi accepted gratefully, and is currently working a parole contract as an on station engineer, with Chief Engineer qualifications if need be. Family: Clan Golden-Eye of Arkship Platinum Goliath History 05/26/2517: Yachi is born. 03/15/2537: Yachi leaves the Arkship, joining up with a raider group 06/03/2551: Yachi joins The Murder. 09/25/2557: Yachi is formally banished from the Arkship Platinum Goliath and arrested. 04/15/2559: Yachi escapes from prison. 03/20/2561: Yachi appears with the flagship Raven, surrenders himself and fifteen others to SolGov authorities 05/25/2561: Yachi is offered and accepts NanoTrasen parole contract. Personal Relationships #SOON Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations NanoTrasen - Like "Voxxy will not wastes this oppertunities." The Syndicate - Dislike "Voxxy does not care for the wanton wastes of life.." Stacked Deck Shipping Co. - Neutral "Sometimes, Voxxy likes some works off the fronts." Changeling Hivemind - Neutral "Has met one or two befores. They aren't all terribles." Shadowling Hivemind - Dislike "Voxxy is not a fan of shadows takings over." Cult of Nar'Sie - Hate "Voxxy has experienceds their work second hands. It leaves nothings to be desireds." Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information Yachi does attempt to use Galactic Common euphimisms, with varied success.
    1 point
  16. Update: Formatting and spellcheck. And it's not my first.
    1 point
  17. From Bonnie, putting it here cuz they didn't actually post it: Bonnie-Today at 12:51 AM Let's see. Drink: Hawking Radiation Description: The result of dividing the square root of a singularity by Zero. Taste: You can taste a brief history of time. Ingredients: 10 parts Singulo, 5 parts Manhattan Project, 5 parts Brown Star It'd look like the Singulo, but possibly with the green sheen the radioactive drinks have (like the atomic bomb, or the Manhatten project) Maybe it could give the Spacedrugs effect, the way Nukacola does. I dunno how ridiculous that is, it's 6am, I'm just trying to think of something cool people would actually care to drink at the bar.
    1 point
  18. exactly, it's just a title change- yet most surgeons act like they're superior to medical doctors and nurses.
    1 point
  19. Name: Raw Water Description: A drink that brings you back to simpler times. Gritty, irregular particles float along the surface and sink when disturbed. Taste: you taste water and human waste. ingredients: one part water, one part toilet water
    1 point
  20. The A-Team A unique mix of mostly drinks that start with the letter "A" Tastes like bad television 1u Acid Spit 1u Allies Cocktail 1u Aloe 1u Amasec 1u Andalusia 1u Anti-freeze 1u Applejack 1u Atomic Bomb 1u B-52 1u Bahama Mama The B-List Why did anyone make this? Tastes like Nick Cage 1u Barefoot 1u Beepsky Smash 1u Bilk 1u Black Russian 1u Bloody Mary 1u Booger 1u Brave Bull 1u Changeling Sting 1u Classic Martini 1u Cuba Libre The Charlie Classic Who the hell is Charlie, anyway? Tastes like your worst nightmare 1u Demon's Blood 1u Devil's Kiss' 1u Driest Martini 1u Drunken Blumpkin 1u Eggnog 1u Erika Surprise 1u Flaming Moe 1u Gin Fizz 1u Gin and Sonic 1u Gin and Tonic Delta Force The holy drink of the Church of Norris Tastes like a roundhouse to the face 1u Goldschlager 1u Grog 1u Hippie's Delight 1u Iced Beer 1u Irish Car Bomb 1u Irish Coffee 1u Irish Cream 1u Jackrose 1u Long Island Iced Tea 1u Manhattan Echo the Dolphin Has a little geletin dolphin floating inside Tastes like jumping the shark 1u Manhattan Project 1u Margarita 1u Mead 1u Mojito 1u Neuro-Toxin 1u Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster 1u Patron 1u Red Mead 1u Sbiten 1u Screwdriver The Foxtrot Why does this exist? Tastes like benday dots. 1u Singulo 1u Snow White 1u Suicider 1u Syndicate Bomb 1u Tequila Sunrise 1u The Many Dorf 1u Three Mile Island Iced Tea 1u Toxins Special 1u Vodka Martini 1u Vodka and Tonic Golf Please stop Tastes like bad decisions 1u Whiskey Cola 1u Whisky Soda 1u White Russian 1u Robot Tears 1u Servo 1u Synthignon 1u Synth 'n soda 1u Trinary 1u Uplink 1u Strange Reagent The MindScrew A thick black sludge that smells like liquid death Tastes like the apocalypse 3u Golf 1u Foxtrot Jezebelle Juice The pretty pink color stares into your soul. Tastes like the false prophet 1u A-team 1u B-list 1u Charlie Classic 1u Delta Force 1u Echo the Dolphin 1u Slime Toxin God Juice It glows with the power of the heavens Tastes like the prophecy 1u Jezebelle Juice 1u Mindscrew 1u Colorful Reagent 1u Nitroglycerin 1u Bath Salts 10u Holy Water The Less Perfect Cocktail The closest mere mortals can get to Nectar. Tastes like the prophecy beginning 1u God Juice 1u Lemon Juice 1u Phlogiston The Perfect Cocktail Nectar, the drink of the Gods Tastes like the Prophecy Fulfilled 10u God Juice 10u Lemon Juice 1u Dragon's Breath Powers of magic cocktails(eh, not sure about this. Would be something fun to add, but makes the project a lot more complicated!): Mindscrew Randomizes your UI+UE, race, and name (like a more powerful DNA Scrambler) Jezebelle Juice Restores you to your original UI+UE, race, and name (undoes Mindscrew, DNA scrambler, or Transformation sting) God Juice Instantly deconverts cultists, dusts vampires, and turns changelings into monkeys. Gives loyal crewmembers chaplain powers (the ability to bless stuff, etc.) The Less Perfect Cocktail Gives you 3 random superpowers without genetic instability. Heals you entirely. Regrows limbs. Ressurects the dead similar to SR The Perfect Cocktail Gives you all superpowers without genetic instability. Heals you entirely. Regrows limbs. Ressurects the dead to full health.
    1 point
  21. *flashbacks of everytime I accidentally clawed a person instead of shaking, hugging or patting them*
    1 point
  22. I think I got everything in medical down but not genetics. I hope I can have enough time to play as a geneticist as well.
    1 point
  23. Haven't had alor of free time due to school and work.
    1 point
  24. Glad to hear it!! We always lack experienced medical personnel so if you really like it, stick to it! It's very rewarding once you get comfortable with your role.
    1 point
  25. Welcome! Paradise is the first station I played on as well. I hope you have fun here. I normally play in the evenings.
    1 point
  26. Hello! I think we haven't met ingame yet. Feel free to ask questions IC from any of my characters if you're lost (see my signature). What is your favourite department so far?
    1 point
  27. Welcome my dude. Hope to see you on-board. I mainly play as Jones E. Marshall. I agree on having a good and working relationship. See ya around
    1 point
  28. Here's a more mechanical reason this can't fly. The grilles between the lobby and cells is shocked. When someone's attempting to break out it can sometimes go unnoticed when the brig is busy.The repeated sound of shocks once you get to the grille help let security know when you are breaking out. Plus can kill you if you aren't an antag with self healing abilities. With this new setup you are one windoor away from freedom. People who are both antags and non antags try to break out frequently, far more frequently than people accidentally get left in the brig for an extra few minutes after thier sentence is up. If you want to argue sec needs to do a better job watching prisoners, work sec for a few hundred hours and you'll see that sometimes its just too busy. Or too much of sec is dead. Especially when you frequently have non antags pushing the limits of nearly self antagging added on top of the actual antags chaos, and criminals who will literally kill themself because they can't wait the 5 minutes for thier sentence to be up.
    1 point
  29. And that's why I dislike the way we treat code red. I want it to be easier to access, but make it less desirable. Going to code red right now cancels all the automated traffic anouncments in chat. Which means that there's probably a sort of SoP prohibiting space travel around a Code Red station. Expand that to Cargo, as TDS said. Forbid all EVA during code red, forbid miners and engineers to move to/from their outposts, have departments be put under curfew, any non-sec that's caught in the hallways gets in trouble. Enforce actual random searches, rather than pretending to randomly search people, while you just round up some suspect. Make Code Red an actually serious event, instead of "We saw an Emag, keep doing your stuff while those lights flash red, it doesn't actually mean anything" Make it hell for every department, so people only initiate it when it's actually neccesary. That's why I also think it should be harder to cancel. Because it just IS such a serious situation. It'd also make Central Command more likely to assemble an actually useful ERT if code red carries an actual weight besides brightly colored lights flashing up.
    1 point
  30. OMFG I love this so much. PATCH riding Cheeseburger, shotgun wielded, dragging Slith away from a shadowling while he points a freaking flashlight at it. It's. So. Perfect. This is just making me laugh and smile so much. It's excellent!
    1 point
  31. I have a ton of peeves of people, and am not going to cover all of them: - People who want to have better role-play, then don't role-play * Refuse to do paperwork for jobs that are supposed to do paperwork * Generally, doing something just because it's 'faster' (not doing paperwork, Tesla every shift, most powerful chems, no anesthetic, breaking into places, not role-playing, etc) * Refuse to use self-preservation when a threat risks their safety just to 'try to be the hero' as most every role excluding war declaration by Nuclear Ops (though should still act untrained if they don't have the actual records to support them being trained with weapons) * Refuse to act out pain when not taking anesthesia (as a carbon-based life-form) * Yell at everyone for really stupid reasons (especially towards those who are new to the game, aren't very good yet, and are trying to learn in-game by role-playing it) * Inversely, not helping people in-game who are trying to learn in-game (usually the same people yelling at these people; show some human decency and teach them using role-play) * Those who act outside their role, such as doing surgery when a surgeon is right there (especially when they have no record they can do said thing in their employment record) - People who feel they are entitled to everything going their way * Break into places you don't give them access to (gateway) * Generally, those who break into anywhere to try to steal (you could properly give a reason you need something and someone might give it to you) * Inversely, those who refuse to give something reasonable to someone just because they might be an antagonist with a good reason/wants to do something fun for people * Those who act like absolute brats to security all the time and demand release/lawyer (if you know you are innocent, act calm, not freak the fuck out; they'll be more likely to actually listen to you) * Demanding Head of Personnel assistance immediate at round start because you didn't give the job you wanted/don't like the people you are working with - Those who try to always interact with the Captain rather than the appropriate department, such as reporting threats to security * Those who call out for Captain for really any reason other than survivor situations or Head of Personnel needs without a Head of Personnel
    1 point
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