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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2018 in all areas

  1. BUT...DAT WINDOW THO... Its...its expensive to replace... WTF is this corporate lawset? I agree with this to a degree, and on the counter side I hate when anyone on the station just fucks around and is disruptive regardless of the dangers on the station. The "Who cares that we all might die...it happens all the time" meta attitude. There was a wiz round one time where I was warden and had a greytide who eventually escalated to self antagging brigged the whole round. He was being disruptive to sec and was like "There is a wizard on station, why are you even bothering with me?" to which I countered "Why are you actively disrupting us if there is a wizard on station? Just because there is an emergency doesn't give you a free pass to break laws."
    3 points
  2. It would be cool if we could change up the map. What I was thinking was have a second story up down on the asteriod and put some stuff on it. Think of servers like aurora or bay or even vore(PURLEY FOR THEIR MAP DONT GO THERE AND EAT PEOPLE)
    2 points
  3. Woah, a big commission here We have BEER, S.A.M, Jerkio, S.Y.R.E.N, Slade, LUMI, JRO, Aurora, Spark 5.5 and Spark 5.5m, P.A.T.C.H, and E.L.O
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Another day at your menial job pushing complaints and getting ignored, as suddenly, your Fax Machine whirrs alive, and prints a Centcom stamped paper. On it, you read: "A Motivational Song for all the Hardworking Internal Affairs Agent keeping our station afloat." Complaints, Faxes, Command! We call upon our ERT, in this our darkest hour, Our station is what we're fighting for, The Trurl that flies above us, inspires us each day, To give our bare minimum, in every way! It's a good day to die, When you reported the reasons why a dozen times, IAAs, we fight for what is right, A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For Nanotrasen I will give my life! Well all is fair in love and Internal Affairs Reports, That's what my magistrate says: You're not alive unless you're dyin inside, These are the words I march by: Complaints, Faxes, Command, And every single day I'm out there reportin'! It's a good day to die, When you reported the reasons why a dozen times, IAAs, we fight for what is right, A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For Nanotrasen I will give my life! (Complaints, Faxes, Command!) The Centcomm, they flies high above us, The Centcomm, they make our job a chore, They do nothing to help us at all, To fight, and win this war! It's a good day to die, When you reported the reasons why a couple dozen times, IAAs , we fight for what is right, (Complaints, Faxes, Command!) A noble sacrifice, When duty calls, you pay the price, For Nanotrasen I will give my life! (Complaints, Faxes, Command!) It's a bad day to die, When you know the reasons why, IAAs, we tried to do what's right, A noble sacrifice, Duty Called, and we paid the price, For Nanotrasen we will give our lives! (Complaints, Faxes, Command!) For Nanotrasen we will give our lives!
    1 point
  6. One night I was sitting watching the Entertainment Monitor, when I heard a voice saying "Come here, my child, follow my voice". I did what the voice said and followed it into the HoP's office. I was surprised to see a giant stack of paperwork sitting in the middle of my office. I stood there in amazement, wondering what would happen next. Then, he broke the silence, and asked: "Why haven't you been doing your paperwork, my child?" I said I didn't like doing paperwork anymore. He said I was lying and told me to climb inside of him. I said no. Then he pulled out a gun and said "Get inside of me or I will kill you." I said "OK" and climbed inside of him. The paperwork is like quicksand, the more you struggle, the quicker you sink. After a while, it consumed me, and I fell into a paperwork void. I fell for what seemed like hours, and then a white light consumed me and I woke up in the middle of the HoP's Office. I was reborn, I was a new man. I stood up and said "Thank you paperwork." He smiled, and floated onto the floor. From that night, I've been doing paperwork every hour of every day. My friends don't like me anymore because all I talk about is paperwork. But that didn't matter. I don't need them, for I will always have my paperwork.
    1 point
  7. Sooo, Here goes the wedding: ((Emily+BT)) And that's my gift for them, sadly never used: ((Only Emily had access there, It was preety safe?))
    1 point
  8. I've been getting back into mining the last few rounds and as I've been getting better and better the haul has been getting more and more obscene. If I get on a good roll and forget to come back to station I can have upwards of 2000 ore easily and recently probably closer to 5000. Dumping out this satchel to get it into the ORM causes... issues, even at the lower levels. I suggest a way to just dump your satchel into the ORM like you can dump it into a crate. That way there isn't anymore dropping of thousands of items. This wouldn't fix the same potential issue with crates but usually when you're at that level of mining you usually have a satchel of holding instead of a crate.
    1 point
  9. If someone is calling on the radio that there's a WIZNERD IN DORMS and you're dragging some guy who was hacking the eva doors to brig, cut them loose and get to the dorms if you're equipped to handle the threat. If we know there's a wizard but he's vanished and nobody has a clue where they are, it's security's job to arrest the other criminals and you absolutely cannot fault them for doing their job just because you feel you should get a free pass into a restricted area while there's an ostensibly larger fish to fry. Do your job, sort your priorities. Security can't do shit if the threat is nebulous and not actively harming the crew, they're not clairvoyant. You're just as much of a shithead and worthy of brig for breaking into places during a severe threat to the crew as security is busting you for it with a big threat around. Now, if there's an active wizard and the crew is calling for help, and some sec dude ignores it to bring in the clown for slipping him, that's shitty security work.
    1 point
  10. I don't see why bigger threat present on station immediately "turn off" lesser crimes from Space Law and I hate Warden/HoS who will let thef, or vandal go, becouse NukeOps declared war, or Wizard is around. If threat is not present in brig at the moment, why Sec should let criminals go? Especially Sec Borgs that almost always lack any means to fight: "Why are you arresting me, when there is a wizard on the station?". What I should do? Shoot disabler untill battery runs dry and get EMP'ed?
    1 point
  11. "If the gateway is safe." aka if the gateway is boring, people can enter? But when it's interesting and challenging you're going to lock it away to only let regulars that have been on the server for months join in on the fun?
    1 point
  12. - Paperwork - Fastmos. Even 1 bar to vacuum doesnt sen you flying. - Sec officers arresting for menial things despite real threats being out there (You vandalized that one window while there are ops inbound) - NT Reps that think they can fire anyone they don't like. - Powertripping NT Reps. - Blueshields not getting more weapons because "Revolver is enough". Then get emped or disarmed and lack a backup weapon.
    1 point
  13. Lack of communication and coordination between security officers. People who get mad for overstepping their bounds and getting punished for it - sec included. Lack of communication between players. One accidental hit or awkward scenario becomes round-long (or even longer) drama. Fastmos. 1 psi pressure doesn't do that, not with our small spaces! Gateway explorers that don't hand in contraband. I really think this should become an official job. We need more jobs in general, because civilian/assistants/traders/businessmen swarm the station and the HoP doesn't manage 'em. They just become a big mass of uncontrollables fighting each other for the last screwdriver that's available.
    1 point
  14. Comic book cover mockup. It's not actually going to be a thing.
    1 point
  15. I know that too well @Normalyman. Esha sounds feminin. But is actually a guy. And I was thinking of him being female the entire time I was playing sec vox.
    1 point
  16. Most Annoying NanoTrasen Intelligence System
    1 point
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